Page 2 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bua. W'atem MuylaDd. College, WeatmiD.lter,MeL, October 21, 1943 , Freshman TellsSis Of Life At College Glorious A_nclUnglorious .' BY STUART MASSIE By Shlrloy Snyder Howard Gilkeson-Assistant We See The New And Old United \V.M.C. Already I've come to love everything Bright and early, six days a week, Johnnie Cadet is October 19, 1943, A.D. To Strengthen Our Alma Mater rudely awakened by the 6:15 bell. Does he get upj-c-nc ; Dear Sis, about this place-the campus, the Citizens of a nation at war, we are now citi- people, the general atmosphere. Johnnie's will-power is a minus quantity this early in the Do you know what day this is?'No, Did I tell you about that lovely ves- morning. Lazily, Johnnie rolls over for a few more min- it's not Washington's birthday that's zens of another community, one which is small utes beauty-sleep. Now, Johnnie is in the midst of a in April-c-or is it February! Oh, I per service S. C. A. held last Wed- but vital. We are again taking up duties on nesday on the hill overlooking Hoffa beautiful dream-a fluffy dream-but not for long. With don't know. r do know the importance Field! Just as the colors of the sun- Western Maryland College campus, and this year the blast of the warning bell; with five hectic minutes be- of today, though. It marks the com- set were fading away so that the as never before, we must be determined to make fore formation; and with a surprising burst of will- pletion of my first two weeks at W. stars could blink into prominence, we this the proving ground on which we can practice power, he fumbles into his clothes, dashes some water in- M. C. Gee, it seems that I've been gathered for a short service. I don't to his face, and stumbles out to his place in ranks. He here lots longer than that. It's not think T shall ever forget it. the kind of living which is goi"ng to win the goal sneers sleepily at the neat ranks of the "rookies"- that I'm homesick or unhappy; it's There have been dances, parties, that war alone can never win-e-ve world safe for (Basic 1 Boys, who'll catch on as he had to) and drags just that everyone has been so swell picnics, and a lot of things that make democracy" . his hands 0" of his pockets at the sound of the Adju- We look around the campus and instead of the and Jtlade us feel so tant's voice. "Bettalic-o-o-n, Tain-n-n-n-shutll" WeU, to us freshmen of the school-c-euea the college life so unforgettable. old familiar faces which have been there in the Of course, I've had a lot of study- much a part it's started; another long day lies ahead. sophomores have. ing to do, Sis. Never fear. It is kind And so he's off to the Mess Hall (hup, toop, thrip, faw) Yes, initiation started yesterday past, we find new faces and uniformed men who to stand for fifteen frigid minutes while 298 cadets file in with, "Yes, Miss Spry, yes, Miss of difficult getting adjusted to new are now an active part of our student body. At and studying classes and instructors ahead of him. He doesn't like eggs, hates cereal, can't Marsh." We are being properly put in a dorm. Here's hoping we 'can soon first, it seems strange and then, after contempla- stand stewed prunes; so he gulps half a cup of cold in our place. Jt's-('scuse me while I tion, we find that this change is just one of the coffee, jams a bottle of milk into his pocket, and with a pay homage to the two sophs who get fixed so that we can include sleep we alterations taking us closer to the war than we on our daily schedules. I think vision of an unmade bed and an unswept floor prodding just made an entrance.) will, so tell Mother not to worry about him on, hurries back to the dorm. The next few minutes Now where was 11 Oh yes, I was had expected to be drawn. are spent bumping into his roommates, and once more he saying how much fun "rat week" is. the circles under her daughter's eyes. This is no time to lose sight of all the tradi- Oh, if she could see me now! gives the bed a last minute tug just as the first minute Most of the girls like the rule that tions that have made Western Maryland College bell rings. prevents them from speaking to boys. Well, it's time I pulled out the plug. the beloved place that it is today-this is the time First there's physics class, wherein he covers sound, You think that's strange? Uh-uh. Besides, a gang just came in to learn to apply them, to make them agents at work for light, heat, mechanics, and fundamental calculus in one You see, now all the boys make it a the Alma Mater. That's one of the congenial 50 minutes; then to math, with six weeks of point to speak to all the girls, just to itcms on the "must do" list drawn up the unification of the old and the new personnel. It's not an unpleas- by our superiors. analytica crowded into the hour. The hour ends with his see one of those desperate, semi-mo- This is not the time to forget, for instance, that scrambling up and out of the building, falling in, walk- ronic expressions. ant task, though. I know one verse on the Hill, everyone should have a bright "Hello" ing (I beg your pardon-c-marching) back for a well de- Speaking of morons makes me already-it's my favorite- ready for the person coming toward him. West- served rest (in his opinion). The first few minutes of think what a good name that would "When our college days are over, ern Maryland students are still part of the pro- the period Johnnie works on some physics problems, but be for all of us freshmen. If I looked Round our hearts shall cling soon s~p overtakes him and he flops wearily on his bunk as lonely and forlorn and stupid as I Memories of our Alma Mater verbial "happy family" in spite of "the wearing for a few minutes snooze. Of course, Johnnie doesn't be- felt on that first day as I climbed the Every year shall bring." of the khaki". lieve in studyin' too long at one time, for this would con- hill to the registrar's office, I must Yep, we'll even be glad to remem- As we are drawn closer to the war, so we are fuse his mind (7). Z"'Z"'Z"'Z"'_ have been a sad specimen. ber all the boners we pulled as igno- drawn closer to our duties, and we are made more "Ah, lernme alone! quit before I kick you-Iemme sleep, Even though I may still look and minious freshmen. aware of them than ,~e have been in the past. will you? O-h, excuse me, Captain-l-uh-uh-,velJ I act like a biological impossibility, I Lots of love, We must be willing to answer the call of our thought--uh-YES SIR, I was just getting ready to don't feel like one. I feel wonderful! PEGGY. study! RING*G*G*! school motto-to come quickly "out of darkness, Off Johnnie goes to history, his last class before lunch into light": we must apply ourselves to becoming -slavery was an econom-ic-syst~-m. Three This Week's. ------------. masters of the art of living; we must choose now sentences and Johnnie has lapsed into a coma. Johnnie those paths which will lead to a building of slips gently to the floor (CRASH) amid the laughter of grandeur and beauty known as a democracy his classmates. Personality The next formation (mail call) is one that Johnnie which can prove to the world that it is possible to never misses. His luck on the uptake, Johnnie marches live in peace and good will; we must act as citi- off to chow, gulps down his food and rushes out in time zens, and not merely as inhabitants of our na- for the "Parade". These coeds certainly improve the tion; we must begin and follow through those campus. Physics lab, his first class after lunch, passes The man who started the Gold Bug, plays that will make western Marylanders cham- by while Johnnie is still in a haze of unknown formulas. the man who was president of two pions in the game of life! computations and apparatus. Blindly handing in his fraternities, !he man who made the writeup, Johnnie somehow gets back to the barracks, only co-eds blush, is now teaching the to find that his next and LAST class is P.T. (Physical army-that man is Professor Makos- Torture). ky. After exhausting all his energy trying to escape, John- Professor John D. Makosky is a We Speak For The Cadet Students nie struggles through the exercises, but then the obstacle Western Maryland man "from way course stares him in the face. With knees bending, eyes back." He started his career on one It goes without saying that we like Western blurred, back broken, Johnnie with never die courage!- side of the lectern as a typical West- Maryland. Most of us have been in attendance completes the endless COURSE-and flops to t.he ground ern Maryland student and ended up here for the past three months, and it has been exhausted and disgusted. on the other side as a pedagogue of quite obvious that we enjoy and appreciate our But that's not all-it's on to the track (will these guys distinction. relationship with the college. Even the newer never be satisfied1). Latcr-flopping on his bunk Johnnie .Wa]] Street Prospect is thoroughly convinced that this program is designed not When Professor Makosky was a men, who arrived just recently, are ready to voice to make, but to break !-AND WE AIN'T KIDDIN' student here, he and another young praises for their new Alma Mater. EITHER! man organized and earned money to Of course, our purpose here' is one of import- However, it's wonders what a hot shower performs on suppor-t our first college newspaper .. ance, since it is necessary that the Army receive Johnnie Cadet before supper formation, or perhaps 'tis The paper's only financial support us, as trained technicians, at the earliest possible the thought of the next "PARADE". All too soon the carne from "fie a copy sales," but the warning bell rings, and so it's back to the old grind for project was so successful that the date. It is for this reason that our program is so two long HOURS; broken occasionally by bull sessions, staff of the following year had enough Prof. l'tIakoeky intensive-etc accomplish in the shortest possible and letter writing. After the 2115 bell Johnnie occupies' money to continue the paper" with liked or more respected than this mau time the necessary and required courses. himself with shaving, cleaning up (?) and mere bull ses- few monetary worries - Thanks to who can make 'football pleyers-c-and " Despite our highly regimented schedule and sions. Somehow this all too short hour is perhaps the Prof. Makosky. women in love study and like it (?) our limited free time, we have allowed room in cream of the day. His fraternity days were a little Tired, weary, and willing, Johnnie Cadet rolls into bed different from the ones that we know. His contagious grin, irresistible our minds for pleasures. We have recognized the at the end of this busy day to dream of: The clubs started as "feeds" and "bull chortles, subtle remarks, and kind marvelous advantages of an institution such as Oh! Aftcr this war is over, sessions" held in a student's room. ~:rci~= ~l!v~;:ie t~r::e::o~i~n~ha: Western Maryland College, and we have not en- And grandchildren sit on our knee, The boys decided to organize, and grand person-but he has more than tirely overlooked the lovely co-eds. We will blush when we have to tell them. elected Prof. Makcsky president of that-----he bas a sincere interest in his Our desire to participate in campus life as That we fought in the A.S:T.P. the "first frat!!-, ~n.!l: Beta Chi. students-and he understands them. members of the student body led to the organiza- • Precedent Breaker They in t.urn, seek his advice. It will tion of a representative committee on extra-cur- THE GOLD BUG When things didn't start up the be hard to get used to the English ricular activities. This committee will act in the night feasts, and he organized Official student newspa'Pel' of Western Mal'yland Col- next fall, our friend missed his mid- de~:~t:~:t h:i~~O;:v~~:~' ~sa~:~~_ capacity of liaison men between the cadet student a new lege, published semi-monthl~', on Thursday, during Oc- club, the Black and Whites. He was sional energies to teaching math to body and the civilian student body in our efforts tober, November, January, February, March, and April, the army boys. He likes doing this to correlate our activities and organize a joint and monthly during September, December, and May. En- elected president, and remains the tered as second class mattcr at Westminster Post office, "only Western Maryland man in cap- small part toward helping the war ef- social program. under the Aet.of March 3, 1879. tivity to be. the prexy of two college fort, but he admits that "there are The Gold Bug offers another medium of expres- fraternities." That's Prof. Makosky. surprisingly few opportunities for sian. We shall endeavor to utilize it to our ut- Subscript.ion Pri~e $2.00 a. Year As a hang-over from his seventh witticism in teaching mathematics." green days, he is still hiking and golf- There is one other thing that he does most, to further our harmonious relationships Editor-In-Chief ... .............. Lillian Jackson, '45 not deny missing-which is--well, with the civilian college students. It should make Mana.ging Editor ....................... Mary V. Webb, '45 ing. As a matter of fact, he saved all let's quote again "The front rows it possible for uniformed students and those in so he could points of his red ration News Editor ... .................... Bob Adams, '45 have butter and meat on his latest don't look like they used to." civilian 'dress to exchange ideas, opinions, and Asst. News Editor .Junc Vogel, '46 Fea.ture OOtO'r.. . ....Lucinda Holloway, '45 hiking trip. Tbat's one time when he 1~ .l!eJts.----, viewpoints . Sports Editor. ..Dorothy Rovecamp, '44 insists on comfort . To date, a large number of cadets have sub- Copy Editor .... ....Virginia Voorhees, '46 .l\Ian Of Moods scribed to the Aloha, insuring us of a lasting mo- Cadet Editorial Council: But our Professor does not use all Deal' P. M. S. & T. Martin Burrus Ernest Morgan David Strand of his spare time in the great out- mento of our days on campus. Many have ex- Stuart Massie Francis Snyder doors---He likes nothing better than Things are coming to a pret- pressed their anxiety to contribute to the pages Business Manager.... Dcnnis Blizzard, '45 ty pass when a man can't hold of the Annual, and are being welcomed by the CirCUlation Manager.... . Barbara Brower, '46 to go into Baltimore to a concert or the hand of his Q,wn daughter. Cont.rlbutors: Betty Waits, Janet Baugher, Maric Wilson, good play-We can't seem to find out Editorial staff. Marianna Murray, Jean Anderson, Shirley Jones, Mary whether 01' not he saw Gypsy Rose One s~ouldn't offcnd the little In summation, let us say that we are proud to Davis, Winifred Shauck, Frank Middleton, Margaret Lee's "Naked GIl:n.iuB"-after all be's ones; but., still, a rule's a rule. be Western Maryland Cadets; may she have rea- Fredrich, Catherine Ward, Erma Young, Nevin Lind- a broad-minded man of many moods. son to be proud of us. say, Thco. Jones, Jim Green, Audrey Studds, Naney As a professor of English be is 111.,..u.d ···fJ.-t.lJ...- s-,u. MelIor ...Fa.ithe Berger, Marg-eTYZink, Lee W& "tops". No prof. on the hill is b,etter ~
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