Page 39 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 39 \7estern Maryland College J;Jestminster, Md. SERGEANT PERSONALITY "ROUTE.STEP" HARVEY BUCK I PAGE 2 PAGE 3 • Z286 Vol. 21, Nu. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E_, _W_E_ST_M_IN_S_T_ER-,,_M_D_. . A_,_pr_il_6.:_,_1_9_44 Dr. Harold Bosley Will Open Col. Dowling Remains Dramatic Art Recital To Be Commandant; Cadets Campus 'ReligiousEmphasis Return To Troops Given By Senior Students The 3308th AST Unit at Western Week At Easter Service Maryland College was dissolved last Of Miss Esther Smith week, when the 210 cadets on the hill Full Days Will Be Shared By Ceunselle}, reft for an undisclosed destination on Dorothy Thrush, Mary Studebaker, Anita Faculty And Students Between April 9-13 Rue, And Thomas Bush Will Appear For the first time in eight years, "Religious Emphasis Week" The second and last of this year's senior dramatic art recitals will be held on the campus from Easter Sunday evening, April 9, will be presented on Friday, April 14, in Alumni Hall at 8 P. M., to the following Thursday night, April 13. Dr. Harold Bosley, Miss Esther Smith has announced. pastor of the Baltimore Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church, ~ Participants in the program will include Dorothy Thrush, will act as special speaker and counsellor throughout the week, . Mary Studebaker, Anita Rue, and Thomas Bush. holding individual conferences, group meetings, and a series of Miss Thrush played the leading lectures and discussions each evening. Senior Piano Recital role of Ellen Creed in this year's The Student Christian Association Thanksgiving production, "Ladies In is sponsoring the program, with the .By Dorothy Clarke Retirement". She also appeared in assistance and guidance of Dr. and Men's Group ~ects twot of last year's perfor-mances, Mrs. Lloyd M. Bertholf. Buck As Prexy Set For April 28 "Tragic Christening" and "Stage • General Committee Door" . The gcneral committee in charge of At Meeting Dorothy Clarke will be featured in .Transfer Student the week consists of Paul Henry and first of three senior piano recitals Miss Studebaker, a transfer stu- Lillian Jackson, co-chairmen; Jane The men students of WMC met in to be presented in Levine Music dent, was seen as Mary in the Christ- Beall, Robert Harrison, Ruth Miles, Room 22 of Science Hall on Monday, Hall on Friday, April 28th, at 8:00 mas play~"Bethlehem". Miss Rue ep- Warren Roberts, Catherine Waring, March 27 to reelect representatives P. M. peared last year in "Dots and Sash- Harvey Buck, Harry Buckingham, for the Men's Student Ocvemment. Miss Clarke first appeared in a joint es" and "Stage Door"; she was stage and Fred Morgan. By unanimous vote, Harvey Buck recital with a voice student in the manager for "Ladies In Retirement", General chairman of the Publicity was elected president of the group. CoL P. J. Dowling spring of her sophomore year. Dur- and had a part in "A Rogue in Bed", Committee is Harvey Buck, with Jan The following 'men were selected by ing her junior year, she participated one of this year's junior plays. Riggs, Marie 'Wilson, and Tom Bush a majority vote: seniors-.Clyde Thursday morning, March 30, leaving in two formal recitals. Miss Joyce Mr. Bush, a student of dramatic doing art work and Virginia Schwarz Hauff, Walter Carr; juniors-Harry behind three commissioned officers, Barthelson is her instructor. art for the past thrce years, played in and Deana Du Vall in charge of dis- Buckingham, Bob Harrison; sopho- and Staff Sgt. "Route Step." These recitals are given annually "The Man 'Who Came to Dinner" in tributing the posters and personal mores-Harry Mattax, Fred Morgan; The advanced ROTC unit fourteen by seniors majoring in piano. The 1941. Last year, he portrayed Mi- cards. freshmen-c-Flcyd Cantrell and Frank former- 'Western Maryland upper- other recitals wiII be presented by chael Burnes, the young editor in the The general program committee Middleton. - classmen left earlier the same week, Miss Mary Rehmeyer and Miss Lu- Thanksgiving production, "The Male consists of Ruth Miles, chairman, traveling to the ROTC-OCS pool at cille Gischel later in the year. Animal". He also had a major part Robert Harrison, Jo Branford, Anna At the first meeting of this new Fort Benning, Georgia, for further Miss Clarke's program will be in "Dots and Sashes", and interpreted Avers, and John Vermilyea. Olive group which was held recently, the orders. composed of the following selections: the role of Keith Burgess in the sen- Cook is in charge of arranging indi- student government began to revise e Contluue Trairung Serebande Mattheeon ior play, "Stage Door". This year, vidual conferences with Dr. Bosley. the constitution that was drawn up Eleven of the ASTP cadets are to Allegro Peecetti Mr. Bush held the only male role in by the former organization. They "Ladies In Retirement." • Informal Reeeptlon, intend to make the constitution an continue their train~ at other- uni- Fantasie : Handel . Monday evening's reception in 'Me- efficient system of Jaws upon which versities. Cadets Burrus, Small- Daniel Lounge has been arranged by to base their administration that will wood," and Sullivan were sent to the (hapel Regulations ... Jeanie Eckhardt, general chairman; also be agreeable to the men. Through Jehus Hopkins University in Balti- Sonata in F. Minor, Op. 2, No.1 Gloria Mathias, Lucy J. Stoner, and their cooperation with the Women's more for pre-medical training, while Beethoven Chapel Service will be held as Marjorie Little, entertainment; and Student Government, social affairs the other eight cadets are now at the usual on Easter Sunday, April 9 Virginia 'voorhees, Betty Blades, and for the students on the Hill will be University of Maryland, six taking Waltz in E Flat. ....... Chopin at 7:30 P. M. Attendance of all Natalee Pumphrey, invitations. promoted. Partial merging of these pre-medical training, and two study- Nocturne in B Chopin students is required. Any absence The Social Committee for wednee- two organizations will form a single ing pre-dentistry. Mazurka in B Flat Chopin from the service will be 'counted as day evening's open affair in McDaniel Western Maryland's present mili- Mazurka in G Chopin a regular Chapel cut, unless ex- Lounge consists of Mary Webb, host- government beneficial for all stu- tary department, commanded by Col. Ballade in A Flat Chopin cused. Three cuts per semester is ess, and Evelyn Royer, refreshment- dents. Paul J. Dowling, and including Lieuts. the maximum allowed. chairman, with Dorothy Clark in The students "Will express their de- Ward and Richards, and Sergeants Persons having more than three charge of entertainment. sires and offer suggestions towards Anderson, Junior, and Puryear, will Memories of Childhood Pinto absences during one semester will The program for Religious Empha- the improvement of the council at remain on the campus to instruct the Run, Run be suspended from college for one sis Week is as follows: each meeting. All suggestions will be 61 members of the school's ROTC Ring Around Rosey week. Sunday, April 9, 7:30 p. m., Alum- considered, and those which are ap- unit. March Little Soldier ni Hall. Address: Whail Can A 1I1an proved will be acted upon. All vio- .nOTC Unit Sleeping Time Believe Abou.t God? Dr. Bosley. lators of the laws of this government The teaching duties of the ROTC, Hobby Horse Monday, April 10, 4:05~4:55 p. m., will be given a trial by the represen- Recitals presented by members of Thirty Men Students Science Hall, Dr. Bosley will address tatives which will also be open to all previously handled by the advanced the music department are meant to over to the Faculty. 7:00~8:00 p. m., Baker the men. They must, however, re- ROTC men, has been turned and Ser- serve a twofold purpose: first, a dis- Report For Exams Lieuts. Ward and Richards, Chapel, Address: Wha.t Can A Man main silent during the procedure un- play of student talent and knowledge;· Local draft boards were recently Believl!! AbQUt ChristY Dr. Bosley. less called upon. Necessary penal- geant Puryear. second, a source of cultural entertain- directed by the Federal Selective Ser- 8:00-9:45 p. m., McDaniel Lounge, in- ties for violators will be decided by Rifle marksmanship, scouting and ment for students, faculty and town vice office to notify all men under formal reception, by invitation. patrolling, and infantry drill are be- folk. their respective jurisdictions who are Tuesday, April 11, 7:00-7:30 p. m., (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) (Coat on page 4. col. 5) Baker Chapel, Song Service directed classified as 2-A or 2-B to report for physical examina- their pre-induction by Dr. L. M. Bertholf. 7:30-8:30 p. Madame Julia Marie Colbjornsen To Be tions. [Cent, on page 4, col. 3) This order will affect about 30 Five Chapel Programs Guest Speaker For WSG On May 11 men on the Hill who have been de- ferred by reason of their standing as pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-theolog- To Complete Year ical, pre-veterinary or pre-osteopath- Madame Julia Marie Colbjornsen, ington, made his escape from Nor- at Georgetown Hospital,' has toured ic students. Only five chapel services remain to recruiting officer of the Red Cross, way with the king earlier in 1941, the nation speaking on behalf of the Dean Samuel B. Schofield, campus complete the Sunday evening pro- will speak to the faculty and student taking with him the Norwegian gold Red Cross and recruiting nurses' I advisor on Selective Service matters, grams for the academic year of body of Western Maryland College reserves. Since their reunion in this aides and nurses for the armed ser- stated that each registrant who re- 1943-44. Thursday, May 11, at 7 P. M. in Mc- country, the Colbjornsens have resid- vices. ceives this official notice will report Dr. Harold Bosley will be the Daniel Lounge and will at that time ed at 3134 Dumbarton Street in In this capacity, her former ex- to his home draft board on the date speaker at the Easter service, April present a lecture on "Travel Tips." Washington, and have devoted most perience as a member of the profes- given. The government will pay 9. On April 16, President Holloway Madame Oolbicrnsen is well quali- of their time to Norwegian relief sional theatrical sets in Oslo and transportation charges from the will talk to the student body. fied to speak on travel because since work. Paris has served her jn good stead. • home board to the place of examina- "What Biology Teaches Concern- 1941 she has covered a great portion During the past year, Madame Cclb- Students may recall her visit here tion. Out-or-town students may ing God" will be the subject of Dean of the world, succeeding in her at- jornsen, in addition to her duties as last fall when she told the complete temporarily transfer their examina- Bertholf's annual lecture in theism tempt to escape from the Germans wife of a diplomat, member of the story of her escape to America. tion from their home board to the to be presented at the service on in occupied Norway. Alone on skis, Speakers' Bureau, and .nurses' aide "In order that all may hear Mad- Westminster board, who win send April 23. she made her way to Stockholm; Swe- ame Colbjornsen talk," said Dean them to Baltimore for the examina- Feature of the chapel service on den, from whence she journeyed by Cannichael, "Horne Nursing class tion. ; April 30 will be the annual concert plane to Moscow and Odessa. After Morey Honored ... scheduled for 7 P. M., Thursday, May All students on the Hill classified .. given by the College Choir under the this brief stop, she sailed on a Rus- Fame again came to Western 11, will not begin until 8 P. M., and as 2-A were recently approved by the direction of Professor Alfred de Long. sian steamer to Istanbul, going on to Maryland through a student when it wiII continue until 10." National Roster of Scientific and Reverend Lowell S. Ensor of the Baghdad and India. In Bombay, she Earl Morey received second place in This will be the fourth in a series Specialized Personnel, which entitled Westminster Methodist Church, will boarded a ship and traveled to New the John Paul Jones oratory contest of speakers invited to the campus by them to a temporary deferment until be the speaker at the final chapel York via Capetown and Trinidad. She of Friday, March 31. The intercol- the Women's Student Government about the month of August. Dean service, May 7. arrived in New York exactly three legiate contest was held in Baltimore and Dr. Katherine K. Carmichael, Schofield said that the taking of this Seminary Baccalaureate will be months after leaving her home. under the sponsorship of the Balti- dean of women. physical examination will not effect l. held on the evening of May 14 in the Her husband, Ole Colbjornsen, for- more News-Post. All of the speakers are women of registrants' classification, but win Westminster Methodist Church, and mer member of the Norwegian Parlia- In the final judging, Loyola placed prominence, and in their talks, they serve as an index to the available the administration has expressed a ment, and now financial counselor first, Western Maryland second and concern themselves with timely infor- manpower in the 2-A classification desire for student attendance. at the Norwegian Embassy in Wash- Johns Hopkins third. mation and advice. group.
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