Page 43 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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ROSE CUP THE FRESHMEN CEREMONY PAGE 2 PAGE 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 27, 1944 Dean L. Forrest Free To Crown Queen In Harvey Stone Park, Saturday, May 6 Rebecca Larmore's crowning as men's Student Governments, and the ants, Mildred Vanderbeek and Eleanor Queen of the May Court, the presen- four sororities on the campus. Marsh. Freshman duchess, Shirley tation of the May Court, a play with Although many· activities on the Snyder; freshman attendants, Helen an all-girl cast, lind an informal campus have been curtailed as a re- Harris and Peggy Schulz. dance in the evening in Blanche sult of the enrollment drop caused by Ward Gym are the main features of the national emergency, the May .Fuiry Tale Play the eighteenth annual May Day fes- Queen and her Court remain as one The May Day play, "Cobweb Kings," tivities, which will be held at Harvey of the few links between the Western is a parody on the fairy tale of Sleep- Stone Park Amphitheater on Satur- Maryland of previous years and the ing Beauty and the Prince, being a day, May 6, at 3 P. 1[, Western l\Iarylltnd of today. fantasy on what might have happened Dean L. Forrest Free will have the to Sleeping Beauty if the Prince had honor of crowning Miss Larmore as .Court Members not awakened her. The time of the the start of the festivities, announc- Those in the Queen's court, arc: play is "three hours before the hun- ed Dorothy Rovecamp, who is in Senior duchess, Virginia Lee Hor- dred years she was supposed to sleep charge of plans for the day. ine; senior attendants, Doris Himler arc up." "The Cobweb Kings," a fairy play and Margaret Ann Smith. Junior The cast for the Play is as follows: by Mary Carolyn Davies, will follow duchess, Jean Eddy; junior attend- Princess, Barbara Richter; Goat- the presentation of the May Court. ants, Janice McKinley and Marion herd, Sara Jane Rice; Prince, Lucin- Beverly Slacum is director of the Whiteford. Sophomore duchess, Bev- da Hollowayj King, Frances Brown; play, with Olive Cook, stage mana- 'erly Mulholland; sophomore Attend- (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) ger, and Josephine Branford, costume mistress, assisting. Dr. Evelyn Mudge Named .Nine-piere Band from Baltimore will supply the music Dedicatee Of Annual Aloha nine-piece orchestra Bill 'Bichen's at the informal dance in Blanchc The 19'44 edition of the Aloha, close of school. Ward Gym, from 8 to 11:45 P. M. school yearbook, will go to press The books will be mailed postage that evening, Skeets Hauff and Wal- sometime today, but will not be avail- collect, to defr-ay mailing costs. This ter Carr, co-chairmen of the general able for general distribution until late will be the only additional charge ne- committee for the dance, have an- ill June. The dedicatee for the year- cessitated by the change in distribu- nounced. Admission prices will be book will be Dr. Evelyn Mudge, pro- tro». 70c per couple and 35c stag. A lib- ressor of education on the campus. Central theme of this year's edi- eral sprinkling of Paul Jonesas and Due to the critical labor shortage tion is the contrast between pre-war Leap Year Dances is guaranteed to and the increase in the required work Western Maryland and war-time afford everyone a good time. of photographers, printers, and en- Western Maryland. The book is The dance is sponsored by the Ac- gravers, it has been necessary to de- written in an informal style, with a _,.'tivit.iea Committee, the Men and Wo- lay the issuance of the Aloha until number of pictures to augment the after the close of the spring term. main theme. The difficulties encoun- WSG Chooses Hausmann home addresses of the students to the life and in taking pictures of campus tered The books wilf be mailed campus and have personalities For President; Stoner Is faculty, as listed in the roster in the been overcome by Andy Chi, who was registrar's office. Students and fac- recently added to the staff as photo- New Vice ·President ulty members wishing to have their graphic editor. copies of the yearbook sent to any A blue background with large, Ruth Hausmann was elected presi- other address than that listed in the white lettering wiII be the coloring of dent of the Women's Student Govern- roster should leave their mailing ad- the cover, _with an original design ment Association in the election held dress in the Aloha office before the also included. last Tuesday, April 25. She will suc- ceed Margaret Ann Smith who has filled the office during the past year. Helen Stoner was elected vice- president of the women's Rovecamp, Choir And Glee Club To Give organiza- tion in place of Dorothy Lee Wullenstein, '47 and Ruth Calla- who will graduate in May. Gail han, '46, next year. They will fill Lodge won the office honor chairman, Annual Concerts On Campus the position being vacated by Lucinda and Doris Kemp will take over the Holloway as she takes the duties of treasurer's office. Shirley Snyder will Both the Western Maryland Col- major performance this year, as Aloha editor. Miss Wallenstein is fill the secretary's position for the lege Choir and the Girls' Glee' Club transportation difficulties have made known to college students by her ae- ensuing months. are preparing- special programs to be the annual trip impossible. counts of campus personalities as The women also elected Jean Ed- presented on campus within the corn- well as for her own -per-sonality. Fea- dy to succeed Elaine On as president ing month. Miss Murray has announced that Other staff changes were nnnounc- ture stories have been written by of Blanche Ward Hall; Ruth Miles The choir prog ram, under the di- her group's program includes: ed at the same time by Miss Jackson. Miss Callahan during the past year. will take over the presidency of Me- rection of Professor Alfred DeLong, PART I The positions of news editors will be The new copy editors who have Daniel Hall from Beverly Slacum, will take place at the regular Sunday Christmas filled by Virginia Voorhees, '46 and been selected are Betty Waits, '46, who is now a senior. The McKinstry evening 'chapel service on April 30. Ding Dong Merrily French Carol Jeanne Riggs, '47. Miss. Voorhees Margaret Statler, '47, and Margery Hall president will be chosen next Jean Smyrk will be at the organ, with Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming was a frequent contributor to the Zink, '47. year by the residents of that dormi- Jane Dudderar- and Mary Ellen Lan- Praetor-ius Gold Bug in her freshman year and Dennis Blizzard, '46 will continue tory. ' ham as soloists. Good Christian Men, Rejoice as a sophomore has served as copy his duties as business manager, as- The first count in the elections re- The Glee Club, directed by Miss German Carol reader and assistant news editor. sisted by Margaret Frederick, adver- sulted in several ties, and necessi- Grace Cordia Murray, will present a Lent Contrary to usual procedure, the tising manager, and Floyd Cantrell, tated a second election in order to de- concert in McDaniel Lounge on Wed- Father Eternal Franck staff will include two feature editors, '47, circulation manager. termine the proper officers. nesday, May 10, at 8:00 P. M. Holy, Holy, Holy Tschaikowsky On the Choir program will be the Lift Thine Eye to the Mountains Mendelssohn selections: following "The Old Maid" Is To Be Produced Forever Worthy Is Thy Lamb Palm Sunday Rejoice in thc Lord Alway .... Purcell . P. 'I'achalkowskv As 1944 Senior Class Play, May 26 A Legend P. 'I'schaikowsky Easter Palestrina Glory to God Be Thou Exalted J. Haydn Jesus Christ is Risen Today Franz Litany Schubert The Omnipotence Franz Schubert Melody and words from the 'Lyra "The Old Maid", by Zoe Akins, will be taken by seniors. Five ju- Servant.... Mary Spaulding Evening Hymn R. Schumann Davidica' (1708) taken from the novel by Edith Whar- niors have been selected to portray Tina (at the age of Soloist: Jane Dudderar Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones ton, will be presented by The College various roles. five)... .........Lucy Tandy Sanctua from Mass in G , German Melody: 17th Century • Players as the senior play at Wes- The cast of "The Old Maid " fol- Carl Maria von Weber Miss Corkran, soloist tern Maryland College in Alumni lows: e Executlve Staff Love Divine _ Welsh Chorale PART II Hall at 8:00 P.M .. on Friday, May Delia Lovell... .. Beverly Slacum Working with the director, as an Going Home to Live with God All Creatures Now Are Merry ",26,1944. Charlotte Lovell ... Mary Studebaker executive staff, will be: Josephine J. W. Work Minded Bennet '.Pulitzer Prize wfnner Dr. Lanskell.. Edward Justice Branford, st.age manager; Margaret Dere's a Man Goin' 'Roun' Takin' Gay Minuet Bach This play is a reconstruction of a Mrs. l\t:ingott. ... Dorothy Thrush Ann Smith, costume mistress; Paul Names Negro Spiritual Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be picturesque by-gone epoch of New Clementina Dorothy Clarke Henry, electrician; and Don Griffin, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray Box York society. In 1934-35 "The Old James Ralston.. Robert Harrison assistant stage manager. Negro Spiritual Comin' Thru' the Rye Kingsford Maid" enjoyed a very successful sea- Joseph Ralston William Cook Miss Lucy Tandy, who is listed in Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Misf Donaldson son, receiving the Pulitzer Prize as Lanning Halsey Thomas Bush the cast as "Tina at the age of five" Negro Spiritual The Feathered Messenger the best play of that year. John Halsey . John Vermilyea is the young daughter of Dr. and Praise Be Thine H. A. Matthews German Folk Song ... Miss Esther Smith has announced Delia Halsey Anita Rue 1\-Irs. W. Lou Tandy. This will be The Lord Bless You and Keep You Ho_la_1i Bavarian Folk Song the cast for the dl'amatization, and Nora ._ Lillian Jackson her first dramatic appearance on cam- C. F. Mueller This concert will be the last public although this will be the annual se- 'Ml:'s.Jennie Meade. Josephine Branf(lrd pus, but she is well known for musi- Soloist: Mary Ellen Lanham appearance of the Girls' Glee Club nior clas"Splay, not all the characters Bridget.... .....Dorothy Al'nlacost cal prowess and exceptional chann. This p:rOfram will be the Choir's this year.
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