Page 42 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Man-land ....College, Westminster, Md., Thursday, April 6, 1944 Route-Step Blue A Day-Hop Says •• Colonel Dowling As Cadet Pals By Sara Jane Rice Retains Office Leav~ Campus On Campus Elizabeth Mill.r Depicts Staff Of Five Militarists from page 3, column 1) (Continued Sorry Sight Of Mascot ror each morning. I confess I;m sur- From feasting in the even'. But there's no fountain there, far as Stay To Man The I know, King." Without Hi. Sponsor prised not to see a coon-skin hat be- Brightly shone the spoon that night, "Bring me logs and bring me wine, Hill ROTC Unit Though the feast was gruel, ginning to grow on the back of my Bring me WINE LOGS hither. (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) noisy head. When a woman came in sight You and I shall see her dine (Continued from page I, column 3) manently 'terminated, Route Step's In conclusion, I would like to show Looking tired and cruel. While I shall play my zither." ing emphasized in ROTC class and grief was touching, He followed the you some words I wrote in the li- drill periods at the present time. The marching units onto the train and brary last week when I couldn't find. "Hither page, and stand by me, Thus the day-hop had been seen, men were recently issued GI fatigue If you know it tell me; had to be forcibly removed after offi- the book I was looking for. With Seen, appreciated. clothes and overcoats for use during cial order. Since that time he has sincere apologies to Anonymous and Yonder creature ... what is she, They don't feel out of place. Honest these classes. mournfully haunted the places his Traditional Mclody who first told the Where, why, how, and what for her they don't! . eCotonet in 1942 friends have left vacant. story of the good King. dwelling ?":" "The good King was also a good Commanding officer of the AST on .Canine Personality Good King Wenceslas look'd out "Sire, she is a day-student, newspaper man, having worked on the campus since February, Col. Paul The reason for the mongrel's place Early in the even' Lives beneath the mountain the Gold Bug for a number of J. Dowling, former commanding offi- I in the hearts of the army boys is Watched the students rushing out Right against the campus fence, years, you sec. cer of the Valley Forge Military difficult to discover. It might have Academy, of Wayne, Pa., has bcen in been some magnetic spark of canine the army since 1911, when he enlisted personality. It might have been that ACP Reports News Harold Bosley Book Collection as a private. At the outbreak of he reminded them of their own dogs. World War One, Col. Dowling was Or it might have 'been that he helped From The Colleges In Process commissioned a Second Lieutenant, these youths far from home to form The Beloit (Wis.) College Round Will Arrive and was a Major by the time the a last tie with happier pre-war days. Table, which claims to be the second The Gold Bug wishes to cooperate Armistice was signed. He was pro- on the .Symbol of Past oldest college newspaper in the coun- April 9 with the faculty members in collect- moted to the rnnk of Lieutenant- a Colonel in 1939, and commissioned campus who are interested Regardless of the exact cause -of try, is sending copies to men and wo- ing books to he sent to prisoners of the relationship, Route Step was a men on the college service roll. Some Daily Schedules Include war in Europe, in connection with the full Colonel in 1942. symbol to the cadets-a symbol of additional copies are printed each All Members Of The World Student Service Fund, an • Varied Career more carefree days than they have week for this purpose, but most of agency which has assisted in world Col. Dowling has been active in known in the recent pasf or shall the papers come from collection boxes Campus Family student relief for seven years. several branches of the army, includ- know in the future. During this last placed in the dormitories. (Continued from page 1, column 1) In an attempt to alleviate some- ing the Engineers, Cavalry, and In- week since the ASTU's departure.jria When a student has read his copy m., Baker Chapel, Address: What what the book famine in battle- fantry. He replaced Lt. Col. Charles symbolism has not been dimmed. of the Round Table he places it in a Can A Man Believe About The scarred Europe, the World Student McGeehan as commanding officer of The loss which is poignantly appar- box and a member of the circulation Church? Dr. Bosley. Service Fund is appealing to all the 3308th ASTU at Western Mary- ent in his eyes is but a small part of staff picks up the returned copies. In Wednesday, April 12, 8:10-10:55 a. American nolleges and universities to land College. the feeling of so many students and addition, free copies are furnished m., lecture to general psychology, campaign for any books the students faculty members all over the campus. members of the army air force train- urban sociology, and philosophy class- and faculty members may wish to There is Httle doubt that as the ing detachment stationed on the cam- es. 1:00-2:00 p. m., 4:30-5:30 p. m., send to prisoners of war and internees Wa·ring Announces The lone sentinel looks out onto the scene pus personal conferences. 2: 25-3: 15 p. in Europe. of the military department, he still Richard R. Bennett, lecturer and m., meeting with Wesleyans. 3:15- URAC Bazaar Will sees his friends, the "Dear Departed." newspaperman, has been named di- 4:05, meeting with Women's Student Persons having books which they rector of public relations at Drexel Fcllowship. 7:00-8:00 p. m., Baker would like to contribute to the West- BOeHeld April 22 • ~Iiner's "Route Step" Institute ... Lorraine Nelson, '44, is Chapel, Address: What Can A Mwn ern Maryland College Book Collection The artist who drew the accom- the first woman ever elected editor of may do so by leaving them at the (Continued from page 3, column 4) panying picture is Miss Elizabeth the Crimson-white, University of Al- Believe Abou.t The Bible? Dr. Bosley. Gold Bug office, or by giving them to cure a well-known, professional for- 8:00-9:45 p. m., McDaniel Lounge, so- Miller, senior art student whose work abama newspaper. Only two women cial, all persons invited. any member of the Gold Bug staff. tune teller for the evening, if it is was recently featured in an exhibit. before her have hr-Id the position since possible to release this' performer She has here portrayed a scene which the paper was established in 1894, and Thursday, April 13, 2:25-3:20 p. from previous commitments. to confer- I Men Students - . . has been dear to both cadets and civ- beth were appointed to fill vacancies m., address p. m., Seminary students. Among those organizations on the personal 4:00-5:30 ilians; a spirit which shall remain a created by resignations. (Taken from hill which will be represented at the part of Western Maryland long after Associated Collegiate Press release). ences. 7:00-8:00 p. m., Alumni Hall, (Continued from page 1, column 2) Bazaar are the four sororities, Kappa One Man Address: Can Do? 1Vhat the sound of "Hut, two, three, Dr. ~Bosley. Special music by College Pi Alpha, 'I'ri-Bete, and many oth- rew-w-w-w!" has faded from our Choir, under Prof. Alfred de Long's the council. These trials will not bc ers. memory's ear. I't Says Here •<. • direction. necessary if the men cooperate with The other members of the Bazaar the student government. , (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) Accompanists for all of the Baker The Men's Student Government Committee arc Nina Mizell, Mary Webb, Ruth Miles, Pat Donovan, and Original Compositions To chctrs? Here in this alien land that Chapci services are Jean Smyrick, will convene fOl' business twice a Frances Molesworth. cannot know-s-the scent of strong and Marjorie Strickland. month. A complete description of thc en- Be Played By Students ~young cities after rain. . I watch Miss Grace Cordia Murray of the tertainment provided for the evening the shadows as they weave and flow- music department staff will be the In Levine Auditorium into a sea of darkness o'er the plain. organist for Alumni Hall programs. SUBSCRIBE TO THE will be given in future editions of . . . And just the moon knee-deep GOLD BUG the Gpld Bug . (Continued from page 3, column 2) where clouds break high--can see my of the college orchestra; ~tary Reh- smile as you pass softly by. Faculty Corner --- meyer, who has created a sonatina .B~ TELEGRAPH FLOWERS for plano:" Miriam Brickett, a gradu- ate of-Western Maryland and a mem- ~to Dean Free for the well-planned FOR GRIFFIN'S I ber of the seminar class, who has and well-executed farewell party for Dr. Thomas Marshall EASTER written two original songs which will the cadets ... to the S.C.A. which be sung by Prof. Alfred deLong, pro- has carried on for years in the face (Continued from page 3, column 5) Stewart N. Dutterer "Your Stop Downtown" of passive resistance on the part of a fessor of voice; Paul Maynard, who great majority of students .... to SODAS-SANDWICHES has written an original composition Bill Herson, ace radio comic and for- wrongs and rights. FLORIST for flute, violin) horn and piano. For mer Western Marylander, whose an- My faery people pass before me- Pennsylvania Ave. CANDIES gay; this piece, Mr. Maynard will play the tics delight early morning audiences Opposite State Theater And vanish always at the break of piano; Dr. James P. Earp will ,play of Washington's WRC, for his occa- • day. Phone 350 the horn; Prof. Royer, the violin; and sional plugs on behalf of his old Al~ Mr. Don Griffin, the flute .. rna Mater . • Musical Highlight "WhQ Says It?" Dept. Try your This recital, which has been an an- luck at supplying the names of the nual presentation of the music de- speakers of the following quotations: Meet Your Friends Carroll Theatre State Theatre partment, is classed as one of the 1) ". . just-a page ONE!" highlights of the music year on the 2) "What's the matter with the at WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Hill, and presents an opportunity to band? @x!%#$&@.;" Thursday, April 6- talented students to present their 3) "By golly now!" Ko-Ed Klub Thursday, April 6-- "THE STORY OF THE compositions before the public. Joan Davis ~john Hubbard VATICAN" "BEAUTIFUL BUT BROKE" Margaret & Earl's REFRESHMENTS CLOSED GOOD FRIDA Y Cootes' Barber Shop Students' Center PATENT MEDICINES Fri. and Sat., April 7 and 8--- Saturday, April 8- Two Barbers Phone 214~W, Judy Conove - Dennis Day "SLEEPY LAGOON" I "co~f~~~~~N;~EN" EAST MAIN STREET SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Sun., Mcn., 'I'ues., April 9, 10, 11 Sun., Mon., Tues., April 9, 10, 11 Humphrey Bogart John Everhart SMITH &. REIFSNIDER OPEN AN ACCOUNT Susan Peters - Robert Taylor "ACTION Raymond Massey Incorporated IN THE NORTH "SONG OF RUSSIA" WITH TIiE COLLEGE BARBER LUMBER-COAL ATLANTIC" AND BOBBER WESTMINSTER, MD. The Wed. and Thurs., April 12 and 13 Wednesday, April 12~ Anne Dovorak ~ T TIiE FORKS Mi'~~~D H~~~S;I!~~N~~iS "ESCAPE TO DANGER" Colonial Jewelry CO. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Theo. F. Shaeffer EXPERT JEWELRY Fri. and Sat., April 14 and 15-- Thurs. and Fri., April 13 and 14 Jean Parker - Richard Arlen Successor to Cassell's Evelyn Keys "MINE SWEEP~fR" Master Plumber AND "SOl\lETHING ABOUT A The Store ~f New Fashioned Plumbing, Heating, Tinning WATCH REPAIRING SOLDIER" Saturday, April 15~ Jewelry and Old Fashioned Contractor -- "RIDERS Eddie Dew PASS" OF SUNSET Honesty Sun., Mon. and Tues., 92 W. Main St. 34 W. Main St. April 16, 17, 18 Sun., Mon., Tues., Times Building Phone 359·J Westminster, Md. Paulette Goddard April Hi, 17, 18 East Main St. Fred :McMurray Mae West Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. Phone 303 "STANDING ROOM ONLY" "THE HEAT'S ON"
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