Page 37 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminater, Md.. March 16. 1944 PAGB lHREB Club Athletics ..• Cadet West Recalls From The Stands ... Kappa Pi Alpha Softball Team Past Days Here As Former Grid And Diamond Stars Pleasant Experiences I~ Process Of Organization (Cent, from page 2, col. 4) Share Spotlight With Tennis garden spot of Maryland; now I , By Fred G. Holloway With the coming of Spring, the From the upper elassmen come know you're all eager to go up .and Hospian's Kappa Pi Alpha Brother- stories of the "good old days" when The kaleidoscopic world of sports In comparison with its other sea- see the campus, but first let me out- hood is busy organizing a softball the big intercollegiate games were line the school's history briefly. It finds itself changing once more from sonal athletic competition, however, team to provide recreation for its played; but, due to the war, these was in 1637 that a Chickasaw medi- that of the cold weather activities of the Green and Gold are least promi- members. The question concerning games have been discontinued. They cine man named Sharp Apple started boxing, basketball, and ice hockey, to nent in these. The quality of oppon- the organization of a team was dis- tell us about the "Pep Rallies" which a day school for apprentice healers, baseball, tennis, track, golf, swim- ents are just about the same, but for cussed in the meeting on March 7, were held the night before the games overlooking Chesapeake Bay. After ming, and boating. some reason, the local teams don't and the proposed plan was readily ac- -the cheer songs to spur the play- two years Apple left when a preco- No announcement has as yet been seem to fare as well. cepted by the group. ers on to victory. cious student named Arthur Nine- forthcoming from athletic heads as to The exception, however, that proves Besides providing recreation for These "Pep Rallies" and jntercol- day-trembles Murray frightened him the spring sports program on the the rule, is the tennis team, which in the members, the Kappa Pi Alpha Iegiate games united the students in- out of ten years g.rowth with a novel Hill. In former years Terror athletes the last three or four years, has team intends to create a desire with- to a mighty bulwark out to win for dance routine. were found participating in baseball, sported the best won-and-lost per- in the students for competitive games the Alma Mater. The Kappa Pi Al- "Arthur's son, called Hopping' tennis, track, and golf. centage of any Terror aggregation, between various organizations. The pha Brotherhood, along with the oth- John, took over the school for aspir- and against good competition at that. value of a basketball team in devel- er clubs and teams, hopes to reestab- ing medicine men, and constructed Presenting •.• ---'--- Of course, this is not considered a oping student enthusiasm has been lish this feeling of unity among the the first indoor dance floor in Ameri- major sport on the Hill, and its pub- realized and the Hospians hope to ad- student body by its future servicea- ca. Curious passersby, inquiring It Says Here licity seems to be somewhat limited. Alumnus speaks of a'fa- When jm vance this idea on a wider scale. bility, athletic, and social events. about the weird sounds issuing from mous Western Maryland athlete, he Peck Bond, president Kappa Pi Al- the school, became so used to 'being pha, announced that the games will A Day-Hop ---- told, 'oh, that's John hopping', that ------ By Harvey Buck has most usually been outstanding on be played against the Robert Moton the place soon became known as Cold . . . While many of us have the gridiron or else on the basketball court. seem be the to top Those High School of Westminster. Sched- 'John's Hoppings', and still stands to- been "griping" about the cold, wind sports, and attract the most attention ules for the games have not yet been Reviews day, having achieved some small mea- and general bad weather, the veteran from loyal followers. No other pro- arranged, since the high school team sure of success as a medical school. occupants of Ward hall sit back grams attract as many fans as these. is uncertain of the dates on which it By Sara Jane Rice "The Chickasaws sold it in 1776 complacently and muse about the The local baseball setup has pro- will be able to play. Announcements Most of my ancestors are people for $24 and a box of aspergum. Ap- days when Old Man Winter really duced very few players who have ever of any game that is to be played will who lived in Virginia, but before ple, meanwhile, had pitched his tepee hit these environs with a vengeance. carried much prominence in the dia- be made before the designated date. reading Miss Lillian Smith's book, in the hills of Western Maryland, and In fact, they contend that the recent mond world. In recent years only two Strange Fruit, my sole knowledge soon married a local barmaid named snap was just like a prelude to spring have worked their way up to high- Carpe a confirmed "Dear Mom" Notes of negroes came more or less direct- idealist, Diem. Carpe, of sending her in contrast to cold spells .ot other class professional ball. Both of these advertise- ly ha-d dreams Aunt Jemima from years. have been outfielders, Stan Benjamin Traded For Letters ~:::~;~~ti~:~~:~or!:~;~::~~IO;:~:~i::~~::::n:O~:~~I,~~dO~':'i:v::; about the two roommates the (names on and Glenn McQuillen, also outstand- The story rounds has made To "Dear Son" request) who were determined to ing football players. Stan, the first of the two to push The war has brought much fame mammy who took care of him when dO"'!::d~~~~~':~:\::~~ a:~:e:e~~~:~ keep warm despite the icy blasts ahead, played in the Southern Asso- seeping through the cracks of their to "Dear Mom" letters, but little has ::id: : a ~o~~tl~h:;Ybeg~~W~ a:el~ ~~ mua Ward she built an open air class- ;outhern exposure windows in 9Jd ciation and then joined the Baltimore been said of a mother's answer to Ward. Before retiring for the night, Orioles, where· he had quite a suc- her son. Some of these answers are the rest, I want to take a long walk ;~~: ;;;~:c~u~~~ieb~:;~n:~~gn~:ec~~~~ they locked and stuffed the windows cessful stay, until he finally was pro- worth noting, and among them is the where there is a strong wind. moted to the major leagues with the the to retain one reprinted here. The ~tream .of conscience style. is . ~~ug:~~ ~~e,~h~o:e:~:y fil~S~dtj~:tUt:~ and drew the shades warmth. In flle Philadelphia Blue Jays (then the fa- rapidly retreating "Dear Son, used WIth meticulous taste-Reahsm 1 night. Welcome, fellas, and best of morning, having missed breakfast and mous "Phutile Phillies"). He was You said not to worry-that you there sometime and tben' sent to the would be all right. I'm sure you will. ~Sy:~~:~ep~:ste:t~~o~~ii~:u:m:~!:!~ty ~~ s!~oX:U~wla:.n::/~\~~:1 b::~m~~~ wanting a little sustenance before an American Association. the boys one class, o'clock of If I had any other thought this There's no rambling, or wasted de- and taken aback by it all, stood in 8 reached into the closet for a can of McQuillen was probably even a bit would be too much for me. But it's tail. Every incident is a deft stroke mute contemplation for several mo- more outstanding. In his first year of useless to say don't wosr-y. I've al- of portraiture, though our run-of-the ments, observed a moment of silent grapefruit juice. Yup, you guessed collegiate ball he batted the amazing it! Frozen solid! ways worried in a quite normal and Hill reader may not always be aware prayer, and clambered into the trucks mark of .526 and fielded perfectly. usual way-over all of you. Worried of that cleverness. For example, we which delivered us safely' at the Almost all those who a ttended the His sophomore year found him pok- about your healt-h, and you,' learning see the tragic Normie as a woman in cheery entrance to AN\VH, our new chapel service on the 5th agreed that ing the ball for a .429 average and and your behavior and your chances a white dress standing by a gate, home. they'd heard one of the most inspir- making but one error afield. The tal- in life. listening to the swamp sounds and Much has been left unsaid, and a ing and worth-while talks presented ent scouts had an eye on him now, Probably I should change the word waiting for Tracy Deen, a white man multitude of historically illustrative during that hour for some time. Per- and after turning down a contract "worried" and say "been deeply con- to come to her. She listens to the anecdotes remain unrevealed; they haps even some of us were lifted with the New York Giants, he signed up with the St. Louis Browns, and so cerned." So how can I, now that you swamp sounds not knowing for what, shall wait----or do I assume too much from the complacency so regrettably are all involved in such a fearful as she has done since she was a little -until a later issue. (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) left school after his second year. happening, do anything else but go girl; when Tracy comes she will sur- on feeling that same concern. And render herself as. simply as she it's a little worse now because there's "would give him a drink of water"; Special Studies. nothing I can do about it. When you Nonnie is a negro. were little, and on through the years She has a college education, but In Olive Drab till you were grown, I could take care that makes no difference. She is a of you when you were sick and I could negro, and the tragedy is that she The Cadet Council do something about all the other mat- never admits that fact ever. We see ters that affected your- life. in our minds " ... a slender tall girl Now all I can do is hope, and won- with skin the color of a rich eggshell, The third term of ASTP at Wes- basic engineering phases, Third Ser- of Sid Wise. One of his specialties der-with much perturbation-what's with features that made folks say, tern Maryland is drawing to a close vice Command permitting. Undoubt- is the rendition of "Rag-time Cow- going to be done with you and when "She's beautiful" - somebody who and as it does, we deem it necessary edly many readers of the Gold Bug boy Joe" and "Whistler's Mother-in- you can come home again to normal (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) to introduce readers to their humble have read of his life in the ASTP law" in the manner of the hill-billy. life. servants, the Cadet Editorial Council. through the Gold-Brick, to which he Sid Wise says that Wheeler's ambi- It seems such a vicious injustice, Freshman Team Wins- Martin Burrus needs no introduc- has often contributed. tion is to find Woolsey. that stupid, blundering older people tion to the cadets of Western Mary- Forrest Maddox, known to his e versaute Boy -motivated by greed and insane de- Basketball Laurels· land, who have known him for over friends as "Red", originally came to From New York comes another sire for power-should have the right I eight months. During a good part us from the picturesque Ozark region fellow to W.M.C.-William Weimer. to command young men who have Juniors Second of this time, we have known him as of Arkansas. Before Uncle Sam Before the army called, Welmer had every t;,ight to make a pattern for the man with the iron hand-our ca- "invited" him to make the army his a scholarship to Notre Dame. In- their own lives and say to them, The ending of the W.A.A. basket- det Batallion Commander. career, he was a bookkeeper. His stead, be studied to be an M.P., Jearn- "We've made a mess of the world. ball tourney found the freshman .Burris Excels pencil-pushing duties did not end, as ing the arts military. He left Fort We thought we'd clean up a lot of "A" team walking away with the col- As overseer of the Cadet Editorial he was assigned to the Quartermas- McPherson, Georgia, and came here money and grab off a lot of lege championship after an undefeat- Council, he has served as faithfully ter Corps at Camp Lee, 'Virginia, un- to study engineering. According to power put our plans were mis- ed season. The shooting positions on as he has in the ranks, and has prov- til the ASTP came along. His fIuiet, Sid Wise, he is able to work analyt- taken. Now you go in there and the squad were held by Louisa Pal- ed often that his "A" grades are far conscientious attitude makes him one ice, listen to the radio, and carry on fight to correct our mistakes. For more, Alice Hitchcock and Eloise from accident-the man has a brain. of the outstanding soldiers on the a three-way conversation simultan- it's nothing but stupidity and politi- Horsey, while Joanna Hauver, Phil Hill. eously. Robert Cadet presenting In cal blindness that puts us where we Burr, and Gerry Knight guarded the Lewis, we find it necessary to tell C. • A Future Medico Behind the quiet, serious eyes of basket. "Horsey" captured the shoot- are today. Our wise isolationists de- some things which have previously If caught when he is not retreat- Edmund U. Silva there is sly humor, cided we were never going to fight ing honors by chalking up thirty- ing behind his glasses, Harvey a constant smile. A native of Cleve- any more and we didn't need a three points in four games. been brought to our attention simply Smallwood is a likeable fellow. Roa- land, Ohio, Silva has been a jack-of- on the Hill. This able squad also distinguished Best by his presence league, and our battleships were de- itself in the only two outside tilts- known perhaps, is that the man spe- noke, Virginia, his home town, surely all-trades in his liie,-a worker in a stroyed and our army cut to almost against Westminster High three cializes in sketching, in spite of his didn't tend to make him so unassum- hospital, a member of the C.C.C., all nothing. weeks ago, and against Taneytown modest statement "it's just an ama- ing in appearance. Here at W.M.C. usher, an electrician apprentice, and All the while, we were being told last Friday night. teur's hobby." This accomplishment, he has been outstanding as a student a production clerk. He took infantry (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) and has contributed much to the Gold Juniors came in behind the victori- however, is not the only factor in training at Camp Atterbury, Ind., Bug in the way of humorous articles. ous freshmen, having lost only one favor of this Southern Illinois fel- He plans to go to medical school af- and dropped two stripes to enter the Larmore To Be Queen tilt; but the once favored sophomores low. Among interesting features ter the war. he came to S.U. 3308 he has married. at W.M.C. and study Since ASTP provided the upset of the season by Of May Day Court losing three out of four matches. In that have heightened his popularity The impish fellow in the first pla- After the war he plans to continue on the campus is his rendition of the the second division, the Soph "B" Russian song "Reginald Brown." All toon is 'Sidney Wise, formerly of in the electrical field. (Cant. frem page 1, col. 5) team came out on top, while the of these elements make him top man Lynn, Mass. He was studying at Harvard to don the Association, is in charge of plans for freshman "E" squad took the third among those who know him, and olive drab. before he left Clemson Col- e Answers to Stenius of movie greats From the land Through May Day. Following the crowning of division crown. At the last meeting of make people wish him well with his comes James Stenius Roberts, who the Queen, a fairy play "The Cobweb the W.A.A. Board, an honorary team future plans in civil engineering or lege, he came- to study engineering prefers the name of Stenius. Some- Kings", by Mary Caroline Davies, was chosen which consisted of five art. at W.M.C. Sid is well-known for his where-perhaps in Hollywood or at sense of humor and his big ambition, will be presented. freshmen and one sophomore. Those • Son of the South the University of Redlands-he be- Beverly Slacum will direct the pro- selected were Eloise Horsey, Alice which is to become a post-war prob- came an ardent believer in socialism duction and Olive Cook will act as Hitchcock, Doris Kemp, Joanna Hau- The ever-ready smile of Stuart lem. This should be possible with stage manager. Presentation of the ver, Phil Burr, and Gerry Knight. "Stu" Massie is only a part of a his vim, vigor, and vitality. and a "pretty good" tennis player. court and the play will take place in The alternative. positions were given Southern upbringing for he was rais- Ronald "Bert" Wheeler, a ruddy- He is It prolific reader and is well- the amphitheater unless rain makes to two Frosh "B" team members, ed in Richmond, Virginia. Here at faced and sandy-haired fellow from informed on many subjects. He was it necessary to use Alumni Hall for Sarah Martha Moore and Mary Lou Western Maryland, Stu is among N. Dakota, is another man of the a weather observer in the Air Corps (Cent, on page 4, col. 4) this purpose. Stevens. the Basic 3 group about to finish the first platoon and the boon companion
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