Page 41 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 41
The Gold Bug. Weatem Maryland College, Wutminster, Md.. Thursday, April 6, 1944 PAGE THREB A Day-Hop Say. Faculty Corn er ----- Campus P.r;onality Buck ... Hello Forever Poems By Lee Wallenstein By Ser .. Jane Rice ---- By Dr. Thomas Marshall Perhaps some of you who have We hesitate to let too many issues been reading this column of mine After spending nearly a year in Harvey remembers, as one of the go by- without some attention being lately 'are wondering just precisely the ar-my, Harvey Buck has returned most interesting highlights of his paid to our faculty, for there, we can what it is that keeps the race of to Western Maryland to complete his college career, portraying Romeo be- often find words of wisdom and of day-hops in existence. Yesterday, I studies. Harvey originally came to for a capacity audience for an after pleasure, and we can perhaps appre- began to wonder about this, myself. W.M.C. in 1940, from Lonaconing, dinner fraternity initiation. Dressed ciate them more when they come to Now I shall endeavor to discuss for Maryland. in long underwear and tights, he us outside of the classroom. you the incentives which prevent the His high school education began claims that Juliet (Bill Richardson) This week's contribution comes day-hop race from pulling up stakes at the Chestnut Hill Academy in was a lovely leading lady, and the from Dr. Thomas Marshall, one of and following the Dodo into his land Philadelphia, where his father entire love scene was quite touching. the most recent additions to the of promise. taught. It was completed at the An only child, Harvey admits be- teaching staff, and one of the best First of all, day students at Wes- Tome School at Port Deposit, which collects records as a hobby-sings in known members of that group. tern Maryland possess a feeling of is now the site of the Bainbridge the choir. Other interests include .1!a (J1.aJ4e adventure similar to that which dom- training station. In high school, he baseball, writing, and steaks.-Per- inated our American pioneers. In played football, baseball, basketball, haps this should be classified under True worship is in nature, the days of OUf pioneers, news trav- and wrote for the school paper. dreams-not hobbies. He is a mem- And not found elled like fire on a prairie. The day- ber of the French Club, and oh yes- In books and churches; hop may live, as I do, within a boul- .English Major a charter member of the mythical But abounds der's bash of a college and still be Here at Western Maryland, he is Ward Hall "maladjusted circle". In shrubs and greens, ~naw~re of much that goes on until in the education department, major- Regarding the personal side of In trees and birds; It has gone on. You see, we develop ing in English, minoring in physical Harvey Buck, we might mention that All in outure, a talent for realizing that what we education. His main interests are in he is very considerate, and a lover of Where God's voice is heard. do and say perhaps may not be what journalism and radio; for a while he Harvey E. Buck animals, but he supplies one for the b...II~g""",g~ our classmates are doing. did part time announcing for station other side, by saying he is just a This is where the spirit of adven- WFMD. Not long after his arrival Aryan language, which proved to be trifle lazy. He has quite a bad mem- Reverberating prematurely ture comes in. For example, once I here he was made a member of the not only very interesting, but en- ory regarding dates, and even his re- With gargantuan giantism hadn't heard the news that one of Delta Pi Alpha, which goes by the lightening. • call of past events of his life seems Of humorous paradox- the faculty members was unable to nickname "The Preachers". In his After being given a medical dis- hazy, although we attribute this to his Surging like scintillating wave meet my class on that morning. So junior year, Harvey exchanged the charge, Harvey made a "non-stop modesty. Against a Marxian Gibraltar. I sat there in one room of Science life of a college student for one of a flight" back to Western Maryland. Hall and disagreed in my mind with soldier. He was in the first E.R.C.- .July Graduate R~(J .. ,q.1!~ all that was said for forty minutes a "one - Stripe general" [commonly .Plays Romeo Not willing to be satisfied with a @I MO«d before I realized that there was no known as private. Now, a senior, he is more than glad usual hum drum existence, Harvey class meeting there at all. If I had He took his basic training at Camp of his opportunity to be able to com- has chosen an unusual month in To live in peace beside the water had my glasses on that day, I would Wheeler, Georgia, where he met four plete his education. Still an English which to grnduate-c-July. His grad- there, probably have seen that the sign on of 1V.M.C.'s former students. His major, his future plang are rather un- uation day will mark more than the To drink the silence of the misty the door was not another "Ben loves next "trip" took him to the Univer- certain, but he is prepared to do culmination of a four year period of air, Alice" college mural. sity of Alabama and finally he joined work in the field of English, and has college work; it will be the end of a To read my book, to idle, write and Day students must be adventure an A.S.T.P. unit at Indiana Universi- an eye toward radio. careful preparation for the part tha t dream, loving also in the age-old feminine ty, remaining there for seven months. he has to play in the game of life. To sit in contemplation by that device, "what to wear". I live close While there he learned the German stream. to the Hill, but just because my back- W AA Campaign ... The slender, sinuous willows near yard is of the consistency to require URAC Bazaar Will the step galoshes with caterpillar treads for Original Compositions To A campaign for collection of dues Bend Eros arms around the one sudcessful conveyance, does that say is being conducted by the Women's B. Held April 22 who wept; that my galoshes will be in style that B. Played On April 22 Athletic Association during the month The annual URAC Bazaar will be And comfort comes borne on each day among the boarding students? of April. held in Blanche Ward Gym on Sat- breath of breeze, No. No more could one say that a A recital of original musical com- Mary Jo Davis, president of the or- urday, April 22, from 7 to 10 P. M., Blending in unison these obscure diving suit is necessary for pearl- positions prepared and presented by ganization announced that members Catharine Warlng, chairman of the trees. diving, even though the diver in ques- members of the seminar in musical who fai~ to pay will lose all points committee to make plans for the Ba- tion jumps from a battleship. Davey composition, together with beginning accumulated toward letters. zaar, has announced. The gathering clouds look like the Jones, that famous operator of and advanced music students, will be This is a provision of the WAA hand of God Shakespeare's immortal Mermaid presented at 4:15. P. M. on April 18 constitution. Catherine- Ann Waring, The money made from this Bazaar That opens soon to bless the awak- Tavern, will vouch for my above in the Levin Music Hall auditorium. treasurer of the organization is in will be turned over to the United ening sod; statement. A day-hop must stand Miss Joyce Barthelson, who has charge of the campaign. Religious Activities Committee, who The meadow larks that sing in yon- periscope-fashion upon his back supervised the young composers, an- will turn it over to the World Student der moor, porch, dress accordingly; "Prendre nounced that all of the selections for Service Fund. Will SOOIl take wing, and leave it now in the Good Friday une risque", as they say in any old the recital had not yet been chosen. Each organization on the hill will as before. country. Five promising musicians be represented at the Bazaar, with So you see, day-hops soon accus- seminar in Composition, who have each group having one booth in which How softly now the moonbeams tom themselves to being a bit queer. displayed unusual talent in their work Observed to display and sell items of interest pass along, They soon become content to hum in music, will have their original to the student body. And drop their elfin gleams on win- are Dorothy On Hill "The Merrygo round Broke Down" works introduced at this recital. Admission to the Bazaar will be dow sills; . at the same time their comrade Included in the group free, but charges will be made for They roll and play and dance to boarding students are singing that Clarke, who has composed a piano The Woman's Student Fellowship dancing, food, soft drinks, flowers, suit their wills, new serenade, "Bessie Mae Mooeho." duet to be played by Miss Barthelson for World Service assisted by the etc. Some of the features in pros- Beguile my wandering fancies with Through the years they have become and herself; Lucille Gischel, who has wesleyans will hold a continuous pect for the evening are silhouettes a song. so adventuresome, in fact, that I'm written a violin solo which will be three hour service from 12 noon to 3 cut by the art students, food made Then sweetly with them blending actually AFRAID to look in my mir- played by Mr. Philip Royer, director P.M., Good Friday, April 7, and will by the Home Economics Club, bowl-' comes the wind (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) use as their theme the seven last ing , an animal show by the Women's To wake me from the morbid Student Government, dreams words of Christ, interpreted through er items of amusement and many oth- At night, that come music echoes like faery and refresh- Opening Of Baseball Season music, poetry, scripture, prayer and ment. from meditation. Following a brief opening period A special contest to decide once and The drowsy instruments of spright- Affected By 'Spring Weather' which will last from 12:00 to 1.2:05 for all the Bing Crosby-Frank Sina- ly kind. the theme will be carried throughout tra feud on the campus will be held, These are my comrades of the quiet nights, Ballots Miss Waring has announced. By Fred G. Holloway, Jr. the three hours with devotions on will cost a penny each, with the one Who never fail me when 1feel Officialiy spring has been upon us spring. Of course, this is just a con- each word lasting twenty-five min- receiving the most votes to be ac- morose, utes. A five minute period summing for some two weeks, but on stepping tinuation of the policy that has been up the thoughts presented during thc claimed the Champion Crooner of the Or never counsel, like my friends, to the outside one is liable to doubt carried out during the entire year, service through silent meditation Campus. who boast this fact very seriously. Major league and now, with the absence of the will close the Good Friday worship. Efforts are now being made to pro- In knowledge, Judgment over baseball clubs, training in the North ASTP boys, the athletic program for Students may feel free to come or go (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) for the second consecutive year, have men on the Hill will have reached its at the close of each twenty-five min- found it most difficult to get into con- lowest ebb for many years. ute period. dition because of damp, chilly weath- -0-0-0- with the first Fifteen ROTC Men Bid Hill Devotions er, Notice that Charlie Havens, former word will last concerned 12:05 to 12:30 from However, despite this handicap, and Athletic Director has been promoted P. M., with Grace Jemison and Olive also that of the lack of manpower to to the rank of Major. He is now sta- Second portion Adieu And Head For Camp carryon in the be,st shape, the opin- tioned in England .... Dick Hau- Cook participating. ion of most top baseball men is that sler, former Terror golfing star, and of the program, led by Mary Ellen They're gone. For the second time, was now a man in a man's army. Lanham and Wallen Beane will begin the season will be finished at the end also a veteran of the "cauliflower at 12:3p. Mildred Vanderbeek and they have said good-bye. That rainy The A.S.T.P. was formed-West- of the year with the same degree of punch", is now a Lieutenant in the Tuesday morning found fifteen for- ern Maryland College was a chosen popularity as that with which it Air Corps .... About the only form Earl Morey will be featured during mer R.O.T.C. students ready to go school. The fifteen soldiers returned opened the season. Though the calibre of spring athletics to be seen on the the third part of the service from again at their nation's call-ready to to their Alma Mater, again to be stu- of play will naturally be below that Hill this spring will be those of Lt. 12.55 to 1:20 P. III. leave peace and security so that one dents. of other years, millions of war-work- George Richards, ROTC, who was a Theme of the devotions from 1:20 day they may come back to it, and They found a changed school-in- ing persons will be able to find relax- former track star at the University to 1:40 P. M. will be "My God, My know better how to enjoy it. tensified studies under Army regula- ation for leisure time at the ball of California. He intends (if it ever God, why has Thou Forsaken me?" It hasn't been so long since these tlons-c-thing s weren't quite the same, parks. stops snowing) to work out down on Louisa Palmore and Dean Hess win fellows, and fellows like them all over but they made the best of it. Satur- Speaking of professional baseball, the track along with his daily prac- sing, and Vernelle Ports will lead the the country, were living and learning day nights at Margaret and Earl's, it was noted with interest that the tice in the gym, and to compete in the meditation. The fifth division of the -not dreaming that soon they must cokes at the Grill, talks with the pro- same Stan Benjamin, mentioned in Nationals come this June. program will be led by Robert Adams fight for these privileges. fessors, dates, and studies--these the column previous, is again playing One might easily guess just whose with William Smith as soloist. But it came, and they were prepar- things hadn't changed much, but the with the Baltimore Orioles, in the In- classes I have been exposed to.. the Ruth Miles and Jane Dudderar will ed for their job-prepared to sacri- atmosphere was different. It was an ternational League. According to way things have been "slung" in my conduct devotions from 2:05 to 2:30 fice the supreme for what they believe atmosphere of war-the inescapable. newspaper reports he is to be heavily various articles, but it's pretty tough P. M. The seventh word "Father, in. So now these fifteen youths are on counted upon to protect the- initial to write about something when there into Thy hands I commend my Spirit" Fifteen students left the Hill last their way into active service, to car- sack for the Birds. is nothing going on,-and the college will be considered from 2:30 to 3:00 year with self-assurance and inspira- ry along with the millions of other And cOll3esthe announcement from must plan now for its athletic future with Warren Roberts as leader. Eve- tion given them by their whole fellows just like them, the burden of the Athletic Department that the col- as well as for the future in every oth- lyn Benson and Barbara Dupuy will school. Basic training came with all their generation, taking with them lege will participate in no intercol- er field, in order to insure its pros- sing a duet during the last portion its down-to-earth Army life. Roman- the heartfelt good wishes and pray- legiate athletic activities for this perity after the war. of the service. tic ideas were smashed-the student ers of Western Maryland.
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