Page 36 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 36
PAGE TWO The Gold BUll We.terD Maryland College, Watminater, Md., March 16, 1944 even when overseas tasks end. The un- American Red Cross ... Cross. "We have not much to give," is tiring effort of Red Cross workers is the Hill last year, and one dormitory, subscribed 1000/0 McKinstry, in the the constant cry from college students, The American Red Cross is conduct- but this is not entirely true. If every U. made manifest on the active home drive. This year, the success of the cam- ing its annual drive for funds during S. citizen would give his mite, there front. Here, much of our money is in- paign for funds must be greater. We the month of March, and it is believed would be little need for great contribu- vested, and we gain our interest when must be able to say that all the energies that this campaign on the Hill will give tions. in times of disaster at home, lives are within us are devoted to furthering this every student a chance to do his part. It seems that in our hands we hold saved, and some "losses are restored." work. We find ourselves using this as an- the destinies of our men on the battle- Nearly three million dollars was spent We still have time-we can contrib- other point about which to gripe-this fronts; their happiness, and the happi- in this manner last year. ute even small amounts, for every cent extra giving. It is not a duty about ness of United Nation's Prisoners of Not the least service is that which will help get proper care for that per- which to gripe, however, it is a privi- War are at stake. has to do with the teaching of health son in the army whose safety means lege about which we can be happy. The Red Cross takes care of hospital education and safety services. Classes everything; that person at home whose Those same men who needed our and convalescent services, special wel- in first aid, water safety, and fire pre- physical condition demands care. We blood plasma some weeks ago now need fare and recreational activities for men vention, the Junior Red Cross, the Can- our' financial backing, and there is but overseas, assistance to the disabled men teen Corps and the Motor Corps are of- ?nust contribute-this is our chance! one way to get this backing all the way and their families of this war. fered by the Red Cross. ---
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