Page 34 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 34
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 2, 1944 Prunella Lured Hey Day ... Russian Policy Seen I Olive Drab ... New Rules For To Be Inaicative Of (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) By Artist down to breakfast one morning and No Hostile Intent He is an excellent student, leading Court Proposed says with sufficient passion: in mathematics and physics, but do- (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) {Cent. from page 2, col. 3) (Cont from page 3, col. 4) Prunella listened a long while, en- x/x/x/ xl the manner by which we secured bases ing well in all his other subjects. Dur- tfiat. it might bring to the game. "I must have griddle cakes today," ing his eight months here at the col- tranced. And then she was struck by then that is poetry. in the Caribbean from Spain in 1898 lege he has constantly stood close to Also advocated by Dr. Forrest an idea. How wonderful it would be it' to protect our nation. Russia did, (Phog) Allen, Kansas basketball Poetry is divided into two-categor- the top in all his academic work. coach, is lengthening the distance of is Paul an good- exceptionally ~:~s !:le~~~~nbsei:~ ~:~e !~c:~1:;~!~ ies, (a) aesthetic and (b) bad. Peo- however, offer Finland twice as much natured soldier; a proud husband and the foul line from the basket, and good land in exchange for those bases. She decided that the best way to con- ple who swim about in these categor- It must also be realized that the sec- father; a student worthy of mention; changing score of a field goal to three vince him of her own exalted gift ies are called "critics". Some know ond largest city in Russia, Lening-rad, and, an all-round man. points. Again, many cannot see how would be to join into his music. And only the doggie-paddle. They have stands today largely as a result of this would help the game which can there was no better time than the a difficult time. People who breathe this move. apparently look forward to a particu- present. . She took a deep breath life into poetry by means of a men- When Germany invaded Poland, Athletics Department larly bright future after the war. «nd began to sing at the top of her tal bellows are called "readers of Russia knew that every inch of Polish Just about three years ago, Lee lungs. poetry." ter-ritory she could save from Nazi Gives Sports Exhibit Lodge sank a field goal in the last 20 Pan-for that, indeed, is who the To define a "poem" is a bit more hands would put the enemy that much seconds at Homewood Fieldhouse, strange piper was-stopped short difficult. But I try. Here is a poem tarther-Yrom r-.10scow. 'Ve know now (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) leading Western Maryland to a 39-38 and screwed his bestial features into written by one within the circle of that Russia's entry into Poland was pects, and out of these will come the triumph over the "invincible" Loyola a hideous grimace as the tones of griddle cake demanders: not a case of "ganging up". Rather, contestants for the exhibition. Greyhounds, and taking the first Ma- Prunella's song fell on his pointed TIle days ~!'e come it was the salvation of some 11 million "The boys have been working out son-Dixon 'League championship. ears. Then, according to his tempera- When I am gone people from the immediate wrath of daily to get in the proper condition," Coming up to date with the trophy, ment, he flew into a blind rage. From life's blue lintel fleeting. Germany. • Sn-ki.s explained. "When they first Loyola defeated the locals the follow- "I'll teach you to violate my art The damask rose has silken blown started out, all of them were green ing year, and the "silent five" of Gal- There, we have a brief summary you blowzy hunk of platter bait," he And now must silk be leaving. Russian policy. What attacks do we of and knew very little about the funda- Iaudet captured the laurels last year. screamed. And, with that, he swept find on American interests, practices, mentals of boxing. Now, many of Probably the best example of how the singer from her perch and began The nightingale them have developed into fairly-sea- stunning the Terror upset win in to. shake her by the neck. Not content With trilling throat or ideals? None. What indications soned boxers, and can hold their own 1941 was, were the exclamations of with throttling the hen, he drew a Must cease its wistful weeping. do we have that Russia is unwilling in the ring." long, curved knife and severed the Here ends the song to enter into a program of "collective An elaborate set-up in the base- Woody Preston on the way home. His cords in her wings that enabled her to That willows sigh security"? Absolutely none-they ment of Albert Norman Ward Hall, only words repeated a conpie of times a mile were (uncensored, he was rid- fly. Then he threw her down and In gray and merry weather. coined the phrase. including a ring, punching bags, chest ing with the president), "Gee, we stumped away, mumbling angrily to In the final analysis we see that weights, and other equipment is the beat Loyola." .... himself. See what I mean? A "poem," hence, there exists little reason for a feeling scene of this daily practice. And from that day forward, the is a mood that sits back in an easy of hostility between the U. S. A. and Each section of ASTP cadets has hen -has been constrained to walk corner and waits for someone with a the U. S. S. R. In fact, if we con- formed its own volleyball team, and AGENT 'fan ted to take orders for upon the earth; and to utter, in the wheezy bellow to come along and sider the industrial and material needs an elimination tournament is now in baby chicks. Full or spare time. place of somewhat melodious notes, a give it life. From there on, it's every of each, there is much to be gained progress to determine which two melee of choking clucks. wheeze for itself. by friendly relations. teams will meet in the sports show Good commission. The moral of this is very moral: for the championship of the cadet sec- Address-Box F--Gold Bug. Even an old hen can't be too care- ttons. ful when it comes to heeding whistles. Radio Scripts The wrestling team, consisting r,f SMITH at REIFSNIDER Incorporated Rumors Run Rampant; (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) "Life isn't as bad some of the time approximately twelve members, works LUMBER-COAL out daily on mats in the school gym, WAC's At WMC I'm looking for the rainbow. as it is most of the time." So long, and should produce some interesting WESTMINSTER, MD. folks. matches. Though skies be gray and grim, Announcer: (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) I'm .looking for the rainbow, time tomorrow Tune in at the same for the "Brighten the Though days be dark and dim. For Personally Particular Margaret & Earl's cently when the "brainy" (that's just Corner" program. And remember: M," a rumor too) fourth section turned So let us seek the rainbow And brighten the corner with a smile. HEAGY BROTHERS' Students' Center in their gas masks and mess equip- Together, you and I, News Flash: Jerry O. Smiley, radio BARBER SHOP Phone 214-W ment. It seems that all the other sec- And find that beauteous splendor script writer for the Glossy-Glo Paint Next to Post Office SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS tions were shipping out but the fourth That brightens up the sky. and Enamel Company, just last night was staying. They were going to be Wasn't that pretty, folks? I'm committed suicide by jumping out of go- training cadre for a WAC battalion ing to sing a little ditty that I think an eleventh story window. Smiley left that was being transferred to Wes- you'll like just as much. (Sings ditty the following note: 1.WM. HULL, Jeweler DRUGS--SODAS tern Maryland. (Just wishful think- to the tune of "When You Wore a Life is lousy, COSMETICS ~ ing, boys). Tulip): I couldn't stood it; Successor to Cassell's For a week after the dogs wcre You called me mousy, killed, whenever meat was served it Arc you a grumpy? But now I've dood it. The Store of New Fashioned was rumored that we were eating An old growly grumpy? Jewelry and Old Fashioned "At Ease". After careful investiga- And say, do you frown all the time? Honesty tion this is the one rumor that seems Just try to smile, once in a while, John Everhart Times Building to have some basis of fact. Well, And don't get those grumpy blues. East Main St. COLLEGE BARBER we just heard a rumor that someone And now, I'd like to leave you with THE AND BOBBER Westminster, Md. Phone 9 down the hall still had two dolla rs WESTMINSTER, MD. left. Pardon us while we go to in- this beautif~1 and inspiring thought: AT THE FORKS vestigate, and,tl'Y to borrow it! Compliments of Outstanding Books PATRONIZE GRIFFIN'S OUR BONSACK BROS. I Baby Chicks Now On Sale SODAS LUNCHES for .."Lassie Come Home" ADVERTISERS. Buy now and Save "Your Stop Downtown" "Maryland Scene" HEAVY BREEDS "Ted Malone's Scrapbook" Cootes' Barber Shop SODAS--SANDWICHES Theo. F. Shaeffer $9.00 per hundred CANDIES P. G. Coffman Two Barbers Payment with order Master Plumber Opposite State Theater Times Building NOW OPEN Free Delivery Plumbing, Heating, Tinning Contractor Worthwhile Hatcheries 92 W. Main St. Meet Your Friends Phone 359-J 101 W. North Ave. Carroll Theatre State Theatre Balto.--'-l-Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. at Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER, MO. Ko-Ed Klub Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 2, 3, 4 Thurs., -Fri., March 2, "3 DOUBLE FEATURE Greer Garson - Walter Pidgeon "MADAME CURIE" "HI YA SAILOR". and • REFRESHMENTS "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" PATENT MEDICINES Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop Sun., Mon., Tues., March 5, 6, 7 Dorothy Lamour - Victor Moore "RIDING HIGH" Saturday, March 4 Boyd William 67 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. "TEXAS .MASQUERADE" • Wednesday, March 8 OPEN AN ACCOUNT Betty 'Grable .:Victor Mature Sun., Mon., 'Iues., March 5, 6, 7 Claire Trevor WITH For Your New Spring ••. "SONG OF THE ISLANDS" 'THE WOMAN OF THE TOWN" The SUIT - COAT 'I'hurs., Fri., Sat., March 9, ~O, 11 Wednesday, March 8 Colonial Jewelry Co. BLOUSE - SWEATER "AROUND Kay' Kyser WORLD" Laurel and Hardy "SAPS AT SEA" SKIRT - JUMPER THE EXPERT JEWELRY SHOES - HATS Thur-a., Fri., March 9 and 10 AND Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Marck 12, 13, 14 "CRIME DOUBLE FEATURE DOCTOR'S STRANGE and Accessories to match your new Spring Wardrobe Margaret Sullivan WATCH REPAIRING "CRY HAVOC" CASE" and -- • "UNCENSORED" 34 W. Main St. Rosenstock's invites you to shop and see the latest and newest Wednesday, March 15 Saturday, March 11 Westminster, Md. Ronald Colman Red Barry fashions right out of New York 'Phbne 303 "UNDER TWO FLAGS" "CANYON CITY"
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