Page 40 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 40
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, We.tem Maryland College, We.tminster, Md .. Thursday, April 6, 1944 A number of people have never heard Each member of the advanced har- us to recognize some of the wo,th,Nhille"l. Congratulations ... the evening response to prayer, be- mony class has written a response, and power which is latent in our neighbors. Not-all campus news is published in cause we have grown accustomed to each week that it is possible, a different In short, the class performs a serv- the papers-much of it is behind a care- being told in advance when an interest- piece of work is rendered by the choir. ice for itself and for the other students; fully constructed wall that tends to ing event is to occur in a fixed order of Many purposes are served here: We the service will become of even greater hide all acts of good, commendable na- worship, and accustomed also to sleep- gain from being able to have a fresh value when we come to think back on ture. One of the groups which we feel ing through all that is not earmarked combination of music and words, not the Alma Mater and the many oppor- is hidden off in a corner is the class of "unusual". just a "form",' The composer gains be- tunities for development she did pre- music majors. Here, however, in the prayer re- cause he finds out exactly what he needs sent to .us. Among their accomplishments is the sponse, we find original compositions- to learn-the effect received when the And so, to the instigator of the sys- stroke of genius which has helped to words and music presented not for the theme is played, or sung. tem, and to our talented fellow-stu- make Sunday Chapel more interesting edification of the individual, but for the Perhaps most important of all, how- dents we offer our congratulations and -c-the writing of original music for use enhancement of the program on the ever, is the fact that this sort of enter- our thanks. , <1M Cr:/.doI,. by other college groups. Hill. prise makes it absolutely necessary for !Jt galfd- eJle/I.e j .. R~ ... A~ Sergeant Route Step Like Caesar By Pic. Alvin H. Walk.r By Harvey E. Buck I was in the bathroom shaving the other morning, when • e; .,t", .JI'" "Came, Saw~ And Conquered" suddenly I caught pneumonia. Sizing up the situation in Amid every sad situation a smile comes along to relieve a jiffy, I wiped off the lather and remaining whiskers with the tension and so it was last week when the cadets made a damp cloth, threw on some clothes, and set off like the their departure. The boys appeared none too happy as wind for the infirmary. they filed past! the dining hall and on down the road to Flushed and panting, I tore into the waiting room. the station. Many of those who watched felt a strange There was no one there, so I sat down to catch my breath. lump in the throat, too. But just as the two hundred had Pretty soon the receptionist burst out of the doctor's of- about passed, one turned to one of the bystanders with fice, flushed and panting, and I gave her my name. the parting shot, "Don't believe it, boys-it's only a ru- • q<'UH4 fU 'W..Je mor!" ... Flash! I Chocolate grahams return to grille! No shov- "what's yer malady?" she- asked, scrawling the name ing, please! ... The campus theme song at the- moment in large block letters on a little card. would appear to be Spring Will Be So Sad. ... Have you "Pneumonia." noticed the depletion of the K-9 unit since the cadets left? "Pneumonia!" The pencil-stub dropped from her "Route Step" was even "Seen to respond to a civilian's fingers and she shrank against the back of her chair. whistle the other day! ... Add this one to the list! One "How," she quavered, "how do you know it's pneumonia 1" of the boys was recently classified 4-Z. The connotation She sprang to her feet and fled into the office from -"Don't come back even if we're invaded." which she had so recently issued. • ".,t", q-=u" Most every day sees an alumnus-serviceman back on The doctor proved to be an unprepossessing little crea- the campus. Two Air Corps lieutenants were recent vis- ture with the face of a tapir and the general bodily pro- portions of an enlarged amoeba. That is to say, his body itors-Lt. "Marv" Evans, '43, on duty at Yale University seemed in my fevered eyes, inexplicably to fluctuate. The and Lt. "Dick" Heisler, '44, stationed at a Texas air- field.... Capt. "Vic" Impecieto, '41, also on the Hill last fact that his food-vacuole was lined wl th all kinds of week. He's now with the Airborne Infantry in North teeth did little to temper the illusion. Carolina .... From the Navy, Ensign "Ben" Griffith, He invited me in; and soon I found myself standing, '42, also put in an appearance .... Last week likewise naked to the belt, before a large, smooth square of frosted glass. in its complexity An x-ray machine, frightening marked a visit from the "schedule king," PFC Carl Moodey, from a southern airborne engineer outfit .. and magnitude, was aimed at my back. The doctor had Warren Earll, '44, who holds a medical discharge from me prop my chin on a metal support, and arrange my the army, spent last week-end here on leave from his as- arms in such a position as to make my shoulderblades signment with American Airlines in New York City. protrude alarmingly. A. strap was t~en slipped across my back, and I was trussed securely to the glass plate. • ".,t", qood (jU 2l
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