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Library , ;:estern Maryland College _ SQUARE DANCE RED CROSS DRIVE SAT. MAR. 18 EDITORIAL PAGE 1 PAGE 2 Z286 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 16, 1944 Sextet Sings . Service Planned For Rebecca Larmore Elected To Good Friday Believed First On Hill Be Queen O~ May In Good Eridav will be observed on p- m., Traditional Celebration the campus with a continuous three- hour service fr-om 12:00 t03:00 sponsored by the Women's Student Fellowship for World Service, assist- Twelve Co-eds Chosen For Court Positions ed by the wesleyans. By Recent Vote 01 Student Body The theme of the devotions will be Rebecca Larmore has been elected by the College students to the seven last words of Christ from reign as May Queen over the eighteenth annual May Day festivi- the cross. ties which will be held at Harvey Stone Park Amphitheater on There will be a. short opening May 6, 3 :30 p. m. period of worship from 12:00 to Miss Larmore, who presided over the Homecoming Court this 12:05. At 12:05 the theme will be year, has been a member of every Homecoming and May Court the First Word from the Cross and since the befinning of her college during each twenty-five minute inter- career. In her freshman year, she val from that time until 3:00, each of Day Student's Art Work served as attendant to the Queen. the other six words will be the center To·Be Exhibited In L.b She was chosen as duchess in her of the services. Students and faculty sophomore and junior years . . may enter and leave the service at Sunday Afternoon any time. Ballad Singers To Present was organized under the leadership of Elizabeth Miller, senior art major An art exhibit displaying, the work Fellowship Student The Women's Native American Music of Olive Cook and held its first meet- at 'on the Hill, will be given in the Smith beginning Sunday, Hall Art Lab ing on December 4. Since then, the March 19, from two to five in the members have held six meetings continuing through Thursday, March 30 the home of Mrs. Lloyd Bertholf, the at evening, and etchings, and sculpture Monday and Tuesday. The counselor. speakers group's Paintings, these meetings included Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf; Miss Mary Alice Douty, work done by Miss Miller during the Composer-Director Elie Siegmeister Will Associate Executive Secretary of the three years she has attended' Wes- Baltimore Conference; Miss Margue- tern Maryland will be on exhibition. / Lead Group In Original Arrangements rite Brightman, Deaconess of the Miss Miller, who has taken advan- The American Ballad Singers, in their concert on Thursday Fayette-Bennett Methodist Church in tage of the accelerated program on night, March 30, at 8 P. M. in Alumni Hall, will present a program Baltimore; and Rev. F. Reid Isaac, the campus to finish her work in of Native American Music, covering the years 1778 to 1944. Com- General Superintendent of the Chil- three years, had four years of art in poser-Director Elie Siegmeister has written several and arranged dren's Home of the Baltimore Con- high school, where she was especially all of the songs to be performed, ference. interested. in illustration wOFk. Mr. Siegmeister has attained con- siderable note as a prolific composer, Provided Activities For Four-Cornered Hop his works varying from simple bal- lads to concert and symphonic music. AST Cadets Include Rebecca Larmore His principal interests, however, lie Leap Year Square Dance Set Besides the Queen, the court is in developing the rich and valuable Religious Events composed of a duchess and two at- store of native American Folk Mu- but little For March 18 In Girls' Gym tendants from each class. The co-eds sic. As one of the, pioneers in this Occupying an important, field, he has won national and inter- advertised, part in tim life of Wes- who will represent their classes are: national acclaim. tern Maryland A.S.T. Cadets have The strident cry of "Swing your the mechanics of square dancing. So Senior duchess, Virginia Lee Ho- been the religious activities provided partners 'round" will echo through Miss Roselda Todd, instructor par rine; senior attendants, Doris Himler .J\lake U.S. Tour the rafters of Blanche Ward Gym oeoelienoe in the art, will be on hand and Margaret Ann Smith. Junior The American Ballad Singers have for them by the college and the Saturday night, March 18, between to impart the know-how to the nov- duchess, Jean" Eddy; junior attend- toured almost the entire United churches of Westminster. the hours of 8 and 11 P. M., as flen- ice. ants, Janice McKinley and Marion States since their New York debut One of the earliest groups to be nel-shirted, overalled couples swing Informal dress will be in order, and Whiteford, Sophomore duchess, Bev- three years ago, singing songs which organized fOl' the purpose of satisfy- into the first Leap Year Square erly Mulholland; sophomore represen- are 'truly a part of the soil and blood ing the spiritual needs of the cadets Dance in Western Maryland history. the more informal the better. Plaid tatives, Mildred Vanderbeek and El- of America-spirituals, sea chanties, was the Neuman Discussion Group, shirts, dungarees, overalls and patch- eanor Marsh. Freshman duchess, hillbilly ditties, and characteristic sponsored by the St. John's Roman This being the quadrennial "Year es will be expected wear at the occa- Shirley Snyder; freshman attendants, folk tunes from every part of the Catholic Church of Westminster. of the Leap," the Student Christian, sion. Helen Harris and Peggy Schulz. which is sponsoring the Association, country. Under the leadership of the parish four-cornered hop, has pronounced it Sponsoring the hop will be Dr. and Dorothy Rovecamp, Vice-President :r.-::embersof the sextet are Helen priests, the group meets monthly for Mrs. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Dr. and Mrs. of the Women's Student Government Yorke and Ruth Fremont, sopranos; the purposes of discussing the var- kosher for the gals to ask the guys John Sanford, and Dean Katherine (Cont. on page 3, col. 1) (and days of these' manpower in Rebekah Crawford, contralto; Lester ious problems that come up in the shortages, girls, you can't afford to K. Carmichael. German, tenor; Dolf Swing, baritone; semi-college life that the cadets en- waste time. A mile and a half is not and Earl Waldo, basso. (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) too far to chase him, either.) ProF. Philip S. Royer Will Direct Of course, guys, if the chickens are Dr. Harold E. Bosley To Lead exercise your time-honored preroga- Little Symphony Friday Night a little slow on the uptake, you can tive and a nickel call the lady of your Program On Hill, April 9-13 choice, and do the asking yourself. The Western Maryland College Barthelaon is a member of the mualc at the college. faculty After all, it's only 35c, stag or 'drag, Little Symphony Orchestra, under With "Religious Emphasis Week" reception and tea will be held in so you might as well drag and save the direction of Mr. Philip Royer, Directly after the inter-rrriaaicn, drawing near, plans are being com- McDaniel Lounge, with admittance by somebody 35c. will present its thirteenth annual poetic readings will be given by Miss pleted for this series of religious invitation. General chairman for this After having entertained her (or spring concert on Friday evening, Esther Smith, dramatic coach at talks, conferences, and services, which prcg'rum is Jcannie Eckhardt, while his) escort for the evening, the girl March 17, at 8:15 P. M. in Alumni, western Maryland. These readings will be presented on the campus from Lucy Jene. Stoner, Marjorie Little, (or boy) can treat her (or his) date Hall. are on Pages from Negro History, Easter Sunday evening, April 9, to and Gloria Mathias are in charge of to some free gratis refreshments, The concert, this year is to be ded- and were written by Miss Lillian the following Thursday evening. . entertainment. courtesy of the S.C.A. icated to the memory of Major Mil- Smith, sister to the narrator. Dr. Harold Bosley, pastor of the Another .tea will be given in Mc- But we aren't aU from the hills, or ton Hendrickson, a member of the Included on the program are these Baltimore Mount Vernon Place Meth, Daniel Lounge, following Wednesday the Sho', or Jersey, or some other orchestra for five years who gave his compositions: odist Church, will act as special evening's services. This program will such place, and some of us don't know life for his country last January. Dance Overture from "SYmphony speaker and counsellor throughout be open to all. Mary Virginia Webb is Concertante" ...... Burrill Philips the entire week, holding individual chairman for the evening, and Doro- First Movement from "Romantic conferences, group meetings, and a thy Clark is in charge of entertain- Two Speakers Invited Symphony No.2" series of lectures and discussions each ment. Howard Hanson evening. An open discussion will follow each To Address Women Fugato Robert McBride The topics of these lectures, open to lecture, but individual conferences Gavotte Gardner Read the general public, are as follows: will still be scheduled during the day, In March And April Sarabande Wayne Barlow Sunday: What Can A Man Believe and group confer-ences in the after- Promenade Kent Kennen About God? Alumni Hall, 7:30-8:30. noon. Olive Cook is chairman of the Under the auspices of the Women's In The Fenway from "Boston Monday: What Can A .Man Believe scheduling committee for personal Student Government, informal lec- Sketches" .....Paul White About ChriBt? Baker Chapel, 7:00- conferences. • tures by women of all professions All American music, written by 8:00. .In an attempt to correlate religion are being held monthly in McDaniel The orchestra and Mr. Royer wish Tuesday: Who.t Can A MamBelieve with the other social sciences, Dr. Lounge for the co-eds of Western American composers, will be featur- to express appreciation to the ten About TM Church? Baker Chapel, Bosley will -addreaa one philosophy, Maryland College. Miss Marjorie ed this spring. This is of special A.S.T.P. cadets who have played in 7:30-8:30. sociology, and psychology class on Webster, president of the Marjorie significance, because it has only been the orchestra this year. They are Wednesday: Wh.a.t Cam A Man Be- Wednesday morning. Webster Schools of Washington, in the last few decades that Ameri- as follows: Violins-;-J. J. Bauman, R. lieve About The Bible? Baker Chap- The publicity committee is headed will be the speaker on March 31 at can writers have been able to come F. Klippel, and Charles Syrioe: tym- el, 7 :00-8 :00. by Harvey Buck, whiJe the program 7:00 P. M., and arrangements are be- into their own. Of particular inter- pani-Leonard Davis; flute-Bernard Thursday: What Ca"", A Man Be- committee is chaired by Ruth I. ing made by Dean Katherine Carmi- est will be the composition "Savan- Schmidt; Trombone-W. T, Wier; li6ve About Immortality? B a k e r Miles. chael to bring Madame Julie Marie nah" which ..has been written by Miss trumpets-W. R. Stafford and Louis Chapel,7:00-8:00. Colbjornsen of the American Red Joyce Barthelson and dedicated to Sullivan; clarinets-V. M. Fuentea- After Sunday evening's program, a Cross to address the college in April. Mr. Royer and the orchestra. Miss alba and John Kemp.
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