Page 38 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 38
PAGB FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 16, 1944 Walking Checker-Man (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) Brings Spotlight To By Sara Jene Rtee that Germany was making mad plans their chance and punish, instead, the Forgotten Man (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) and that Japan was our potential ene- intolerant older ones who p-re all to talked softly, smiled, turned away if fore us. In speaking of Mrs. Deen's my-much more dangerous than was blame." (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) you came too near. She was like a .mother, for instance, we' are told that believed. And the big moneyed men Sounds super-dramatic perhaps, but ly. "What in Topphet's he raving quiet vague tune to which each per- her ear-rings "would sparkle like two didn't care because they were mak- it isn't an exagg eratdon. I believe about, Luce'l" son sets his own words. And you ing profits and the politicians sneer- -as Jimmy wrote not long ago--that As if by spoken command, the were never sure your wolds were the ~!~e d~~!~~:; \~:~~rn::faSi~!ti~~~ ed because until 1932 they were most- it helps to pray if one's prayers are group arose and went toward Lucy's right ones. day and looks at the graveyard we ly Republicans and they knew the honest and sincere. father. One of the ladies gave a lit- Sam exemplifies the Booker T. are told there is thought "stirring course they took was in defiance of So-don't tell me not to worry. But tle squeak. "Uh!" she said. "He's Washington's in the world. He is like heavy moths behind Miss Ada's Woodrow Wilson's warning-which do remember that I soften my worry got a bug or something!" a doctor, and respected by his white old face." it pleased them very much to do since with the sincere hope and belief that . The septagenarian was holding a superiors as much as any negro can Mrs. Stephenson is the employer he was a Democrat. 'When Roosevelt you'll come home before too long, red checker up for inspection. The be respected. But even Sam must of Nonnie's sister, Bess, who is also hinted at a coming war they scream- safe and sound." checker was unusual in that, issuing grovel at the feet of countless "cap- a college graduate. "You had a ed that he was a war-monger and from an apparently arbitrary section tain ill's" if he' is to continue existing. queer feeling about it-as if Mrs. Such is the letter even some of the Democrats, like her son in the service. of a mother to of its circumference were two small "Good mannera are still best life in- Stephenson had died some time when Wheeler, were atabbom and blind on but highly energetic legs. surance a colored person ever took nobody was noticing and now noth- the isolationist stand. The celebrants were clustered out." ing was left of her but good deeds So now, my boy who could have Understanding The about the oldster's chair. There was a In Miss Smith's descriptions, we blooming like little flowers on her been an artist, and the one who dearth of conversation until Harvey sec diamonds of detail being cast be- grave." should be in college, and the one who Negro Important laughed a shaky laugh and asked, Miss Smith offers 110 starry-eyed was told he had executive ability, are "Isn't someone going to say, 'This solution to the problem of the strange just doesn't happen'?" sort of thing commanded to get out and fight a To Our Nation Phil smiled ana shrugged his sus- Cadet Gilkeson Put On fruit that grows 011 the trees in hor-r-ible war in the name of patriot- (Eont. from page 2, col. 3) piciously broad shoulders. "Under the Amerie'a's southland from time to ism. circumstances," he said, "I can't·think Olive Drab At W & M time. She is no Saroyan tossing ob- It is patriotic of course to love despite all. odds, to produce a candi- of a more puerile utterance." (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) vious homilies at us from behind one's country and to want the best date for the "ten best" in nearly His wife was frowning desperate- weather-beaten faces as though we for it. But where was the patriotism every field. If a list were made of ly. "But it's abSltrrl," she protested. before he came to W.l\I.C. to study were animals in a zoo cage. J am of the greedy and the politically in- the ten g reatest American scientists "Why couldn't it have been something engineering. Here, Stenius has been' glad. tolerant when they were drifting based on their contributions to the more ... romantic?" ~ a good student and is responsible for This is an artistic book and any- along letting the world catch fire and betterment of American living, the Lucy's father was enjoying his much of the weightier material in the thing artistic can't be adequately de- refusing to see it-much less do any- name of George Washington Carvel' newly acquired popularity immensely. Gold Bug. scribed in any language. With my thing about it. would be very near the top. He started chuckling again, and held To be seen about the campus smok- copy of Strange F1'!tit tucked under All this is what makes me so un- In listing the ten greatest educa- his monstrosity out for closer inspec- ing a long-stemmed briar is Howard my arm, I shall leave now, standing W. Gilkeson who would probably pre- happy and so concerned and keeps tors, the name of Booker T. Washing- tion; but for the moment no one fer to be in Fisherville, Virginia, his at the door- beside Miss Smith's Des- me saying desperately to myself ton would surely be included. In the seemed inclined to avail himself of sie, and say with her ,"T does think He was studying at that almost every hour, "God, watch over field of music, the list of Negroes ap- the opportunity. For one thing, the home town. institute, the College of talkin' is de confusinest thing!" venerable our boys and forgive us our sins. Let peal'S endless. Singers alone make little legs were thrashing about with William and Mary, preparatory to them come home safe-give them an impressive list, headed by such such a will as to have made the trans- Post-Easter Series To theological seminary greats as Robeson, Anderson and fer from one hand to another a dif- entering the ERC was called to duty. when the ficult proposition. News And Views OF Manor. the courage and re- Lucy, however, was the only mem- This sent him to Camp Lee, Va., BeLeadByDr.Bosley Some doubt Gilkeson then Announces The Student Seen sourcefulness of the Negro. Such ber of the group to display definite where he wheeled a truck in the SCA repugnance. Quartermaster She cringed against Har- Corps. people have only to look at the record and averted vey's shoulder By Harvey Buck the Negro is making for himself in from the animated marker. her eyes ~;:eR ~nir~~dChasvi~er:e:::e:~;:~ {Cent. from page 1, col. 2) "Can't this conflict. From the colored someone kill it?" she quavered. "Kill as a student and as a member of the ity of special speaker for similar (Cent. from page 3, col. 4) "leathernecks" to tho famous 99th it, HARVEY!" Gou! Bug council. services at various other colleges, in- pursuit squadron, we find the Negro cluding Leland Stanford University common everywhere. 'Ve look for- a determined and aggressive fighter, Harvey used his shaky laugh again I and the University of Maryland. ward to similar interesting speakers fighting and dying as Americans for and asked how one went about killing In addition to being a widely-rec- in the future ... While on the sub- America. a checker. Nevertheless, he seemed I ASTP News ognized religious speaker, he is the ject of chapel, a rule was once insti- All this has solved nothing. The seriously to consider his wife's en- (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) author of the book, Quest for the Re- tuted banning talking after the be- treaty. joy. ligious Certainty. ginning of the organ prelude. How fac.t still remains that the majority "Pop," he said, "Let's have a look Under the leadership of Rabbi Hal- of the colored people are forcefully it? and successfully being held down. To at the thing." prin of Frederick, Md., cadets of the Then there was the story about 300 suddenly declare' them absolute Pop beamed and proffered his prize. Hebrew faith air their problems Cootes' Barber Shop Unreasonably, WACS. Oh, brother! . equals would result in exactly the rested Harvey's Lucy gasped and ar- every Thursday evening, at 6:15 P. hand. "Don't touch Always a pleasure to see return- same conditions which followed the it, Darling ... please don't touch M., in the military classroom. On Two Barbers ing Western Marylanders. Recent Civil War. The Negro would, itl" March 9, twenty-four Jewish soldier" EAST MAIN STREET visitors included Lt. "Bernie" Gus- through ignorance, abuse this new- Pop, however, had already relin- students went to the Temple in Fred- gesky, ,AUS, '43, and newly commis- found freedom. The southern white, quished his grasp on the checker. In erick to celebrate the annual Festi- sioned bombardier, Lt. Gene Belt, '42. through ignorance, would do every- the absence of Harvey's receiving val of the Purim, one of the age-old, Back from Navy duty in the Medi- thing in his power to "put the Negro palm it fell to the floor and lay for a traditional services of the Jewish terranean is Fern Hitchcock, '45. An- in his place." moment on its side. After a second, faith. Following the formal service, Compliments other lieutenant who'll be seen fre- If ignorance Is the ailment, educa- and before anyone could move to re- a dance was held, with the girls from quently around the campus is Ridge- tion is the cure. If the individual strain it, the little red disk popped up Hood College as hostesses. of ly Friedel, '43 . Will the "fork and ran off under the divan. every person filchers" and "spoon 'snatchers" states cannot provide he is capable of Once some people were having an with the education please kick in? Need is desperate IlI assimilating (which the southern anniversary party in a penthouse. T. W. Mather A nostalgic glance in the near past . states evidently cannot), it is the du- The extraneous humanity were: GRIFFIN'S -Palm Sunday 1942 'weekend-mili- ty of the national government to do Lucy's aged father, who didn't count. tary ball, two feet of snow and plen- so, for a democracy requires a think- 01', at least, so everyone thought. fo' ty of stranded visitors. . "Happy ing people. & Birthdays" in the dining room to Neil But the government can only sup- "Your Stop Downtown" Eckenrode---a much feted fellow . ply the implement of learning; more DRUGS-SODAS SODAS-SANDWICHES "Haarrrpp! !"-Here comes "Nemo" is needed. We need to gain under- COSMETICS Sons The Pan Hell and Junior Prom-o- standing of the Negro. Towards this CANDIES Tommy Reynolds and Barry McKin- end, each and everyone of us can do Opposite State Theater ley Chocolate g-rahams in the much. We must become aware of the grille "Fightin'" Ed. problems that face the Negro. We Bouquets to: the cadets for again must think and act towards an equal- making substantial contributions to ity of the J;.aces. We must strive the Blood Bank Miss Esther continually to break our own fears Smith for the recent group of weU- and prejudices, and we must nover be Phone 9 Carroll Theatre State Theatre received plays ... Capt. Kenneth G. guilty of the retrogression displayed WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Bills, '41, of Painted Post, New York, by South Carolina's "Lower" House. who was wounded during his valiant 'I'hura., Fri., Sat., March 16, 17, 18 Thurs. & Fri., March 16 and 17 fighting on....the Airicun front. He Tallulah Bankhead Kenny Bakel' - Jeff Donnell has recovered almost completely and William Bendix "DOUGHBOYS IN IRELAND" now occupies a teaching position in "LIFEBOAT" his home town. His example of cour- Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop Saturday, March 18- age and sacrifice is an inspiration to Sun., Mon., Tues., March 10-20-21 Charles Starrett all Western Marylanders. Ginger Rogers - Robert Ryan "JUAN FROM TUMBLEWEED" 67 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. "TENDER COMRADE" • Sun., ]\'1011., Tues., March 10-20-21 Baby Chicks For Your New Spring ••• Wed. & Thurs., March 22, 23- "NONE Marsha Hunt Gene Aumont - Gene K~lly SHALL ESCAPE" "THE CROSS OF LORRAINE" SUIT - COAT Buy now and Save Wed., March 22- HEAVY BREEDS BLOUSE - SWEATER Fri. & Sat., March 24, 25- Bela Lugosi Johnny Lunceford's Orchestra "RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE" SKIRT - JUMPER $9.00 per hundred "BLUES IN THE NIGHT" . Payment with order SHOES - HATS Thurs. & Fri., March 23 and 24- Sun., Mon., Tues., March 26, 27, 28 Humphrey Bogart Free Delivery and Accessories \to match your new Spring Wardrobe Rosalind Russell - Brian Aherne "CRIME SCHOOL" Worthwhile Hatcheries • "WHA.T A WOMAN" Saturday, March 25- 101 W. North Ave. Rosenstock's invites you to shop and see the latest and newest Wed. & Thurs., March 29-30- Roy Rogers Balto.-l-Md. fashions right out of New York Joan Bennett - George Raft "HANDS ACROSS THE "HOUSE ACROSS THE BAY" BORDER"
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