Page 32 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 32
PAGE TWO The Goti Bug, Watem. Maryland College, Westm.intter. Md.. March 2, 1944 It has been, and it is. a pleasure to Commendation •.• this problem of "Where do we go from have an unlimited source of talent from but those things are now becoming nat- here'!" ural and expected occurrences. There are, as usual, many topics of This is not enough to quiet their which to draw. We believe that the If, indeed, the present ASTP men conversation on the Hill, hut there curiosity, for they must know how Gold Bug and its staff members have leave, they will be missed by all those seems to be one topic toward which Western Maryland civilians are re- profited through the presence of the whb have worked with them. If, by every recent thought seems to skew- sponding to news of this dire threat. unit; we hope that individual cadets some work of fate they should stay, the possible ASTP departure. Consequently, we were approached have been strengthened because of their simply take these words for what they Among the cadets, attitudes are last week, and asked briskly to state work with us. are worth-a tribute to men who have varied; one certain fact is that within how we should feel if the ASTP were to Our ·firm belief is that when,-rath- served well, and who deserve credit for the mind of every man there is some be disbanded. er, if, the men leave, we shall be richer their efforts to make Western Maryland definite reaction caused by this potent We meditated, and found that after for having known them; they will be their Alma Mater and to keep for her stimulus. close consideration, this whole affair ~ stronger for having worked. the reputation which she long since They have spent sessions together, was touching us more Closely than we The Hill is different with the martial earned. clowning over, or discussing seriously might ordinarily have admitted. tread on highways and in classrooms, The Editor ALo~
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