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Library -;-festern ilfaryland College rr===:::::=,=~~...J"jd. JUNIOR PLAYS SPORTS NIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT SATURDAY, MAR.11 PAGE 1 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 21, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E_:, _W_E_S_T_M_'_N_ST_E_R_:,_M_.:_D_. M_a_rc_h_2_:_,_1_9_44 Religious Emphasis W eekTo Be Held American Ballad Junior Players Singers To Visit Will Give Four Dr. Harold Bosley Will Personal Conferences And Campus March 30 Pr.sid. Over Me.tings Formal Service, To Be One-Act Plays The American Balled Singers, the Scheduled By Students Featured April 9·14 Playbooks in hand, thir-ty-five dra- last group of musical guest artists to matic art students may be seen daily visit Western Maryland College this Plans have been announced for the be held dur'ing the day for all those climbing the steps to room 24, Science year, will give a performance in Al- revival of "Religious Emphasis who wish to discuss their problems Hall, or walking briskly to Alumni umni Hall on 'I'hutsday night, March Week", beginning Easter Sunday with Dr. Bosley. Hall to practice the four one-act com- 30, at 8 p. m. The sextette will be night, April 9, and continuing Emphasis will be placed upon the edies which they will present on Fri- led by composer Elie Siegmeister. through the following Friday eve- 'spiritual during these meetings, but day, March 3, at 8 p. m., in Alumni 14. This series of meet- ning, April _Group Members ings, which were an annual affair at correlations will be drawn with phi- Hall. Members of the group include Ruth Western Maryland up until eight losophy, psychology, and sociology so e Four Comedies will be of more Fremont and Helen Yorke, sopranos; years ago, will be under the direction that these for-ums A general meeting is According to Miss Esther Smith, general interest. Rebekah Crawford, contralto; Lester of the Student Christian Association scheduled for Tuesday night, when dramatics coach, the plays to be pre- German, tenor; DoIf Swing, baritone; this year. The meetings will be con- sented are Upl(fting Sadie by Alice and Earl Waldo, basso. Characteristic ducted by various rel'igious leaders on special music will be featured. C. D. Riley, They're NO'IW of Thern of folk tunes from every part of Dr. Bosley is a clergyman and Perfect, by Sophie Kerr, A Rogw] In America, sea chanties, spirituals, the hill, and will be open to all stu- scholar of wide experience, and is well Bed, by Ronald Elroy Mitchell, and country songs, mother-in-law tunes, dents and faculty. qualified to conduct such a series. He The Pot Boiler, by Alice Oerstenberg. hillbilly ditties and songs for victory Dr. Harold Bosley, pastor of the has received the A.B. degree from Uplifting Sadie,a satirical comedy, will be sung by the group. Baltimore Mount Vernon Place Meth- Nebraska Wesleyan College, and the gently jeers the would-be highbrows'- _Spirit of America odist Church, will be a special speak- land, will attend all meetings and of- A.B. and Ph.D. from the University The audience will recognize in the of Chicago. er and counsellor for the entire week. Elie Siegmeister, who has written Dr. Bosley, who has served in a simi- fer private counselling to those who Author of the book, Qu.est fOT the members of the Culture Club the music in all forms, from simple bal- lar capacity at Leland Stanford Uni- desire it. Religi~ Certainty, Dr. Bosley is a "social uplifters" of their own com- lads to symphonic and 'concert music, versity and the University of Mary-\ Present plans call for meetings ev- widely-recognized' religious speakers, munity and in Sadie, the club page- has attended the Juilliard Graduate ery evening from seven to eight having addressed 35 student confer- girl, they will sc,? a typical American School of Music, and studied under o'clock except Thursday, when Dr. ences. Among the institutions at girL Nadia Boulanger in Paris. His aim, in Bosley will address the faculty. An which he has given addresses are his ballads, has been to combine folk S. C. A. Lenten Program .. open discussion will follow each meet- Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, ,Chica- .Masculine Foibll's feelings with the spirit of modern ing, while scheduled conferences will go, and Cornell. Sophie Kerr's comedy, They'1'e America. Beginning Wednesday, March 8, \ None of Them Perfect, is based on _Genuine American Music at 7:00 P. M., the Student Chris- small but universal masculine foibles. in Bak- Little Symphony When asked if we have produced tian Association will present a Orchestra The plot revolves around Amanda any genuine American music, Mr. series of Lenten programs Bartlett, a successful young business Siegmeister replied, "Let these peo- er Chapel, based on the outstand- To Present Spring Concert woman, who gives a dinner party to ple listen to the dance tunes, the mu- ing events leading up to, and in- five of her women friends to announce sic of the prairies, the work songs, cluded in Passion Week. \ to them her coming marriagc. and the folk music that has become The central themes for the ser- The Western Maryland College Lit- written by her sister, Miss Lillian The central character of the welsh part of the day-to-day life of the ies of services are as follows: tle Symphony Orchestra, directed by Smith, whose novel, Strange Fruit, comedy, A Rogu.e In Bed, is Uncle American, and they shall see that this March 8, "Prayer"; March 15, the Mr. Philip Royer, will be heard in its was published last February. Elias Pricey an old fraud who, being country's music yields to no other in Story of Claudia, Pilate's wife, and thirteenth annual spring concert on Another composition of especial in- bedridden, makes a living by capital- its richness, variety, and mus~cal her impression of Jesus; March 22, Friday evening, March 17, at eight terest will be "Savannah," written by izing on the dimmer wits of his fellow quality." a program of music, scripture and o'clock, in Alumni Hall. ~1iss -Joyce Barthelson, a member of villagers. Similar to 'Thornton Wildcr's pro- _Triumphant Seasons poetry based on the Seven Last The program will be dedicated to the music faculty at the college, and ductions, The) Pot B01wr allows the Ever since their spectacular New Words of Christ. the memory of Major Milton H. Hen- dedicated to Mr. Philip Royer and actors to become part of the audience. York Town Hall debut three seasons In anticipation of the climax, a drickson, who played viola in the col- the college orchcstra. This comedy satirizes actors, play- ago, the American Ballad Singers preparatory program will be held lege orchestra for five years, and who Other compositions will be Dance wrights, and play production. have been registering one triumph on March 29, and the series will recently gave his life for his country Overture from "Symphony Concer- after another in their concert tours end with the Easter observance, a while serving in the Army Air Forces tante," by Burill Phillips; Excerpt .No Charge that have taken them 15,000 miles candle-light communion service on in China. from First Movement "Romantic Friday nigh't's performance will through 24 states. "They warm U.S. AprilS. The orchestra, numbering approxi- Symphony" No.2, by Howard Han- mark the culmination of a three week hearts," is the way Tim6 Magazine In addition to these evening ser- mately thirty-five players, will in- son; Fugato on a well-known theme practice period for the plays. Besides sums it up, "with songs that are part vices, the S.C.A. is also sponsor- clude tell students from the local by Robert McBride; "Gavotte" by devoting long hours to rehearsals, the of their soil and blood." ing a series of directed medita- AST unit, five faculty members, and Gardner Read; "Sarabande" by Wayne players have searched the dormitory The program for the evening will tions each Wednesday mo~ning a few professional and semi-profes- Barlow; "Promenade" by Kcnt Ken- reception rooms, and explored dusty be announced in a later issue of the from 8:15 to 8:30 P. M. sional players from Baltimorc and nan, and "In the Fenway," from "Bos- attics to find furniture for their sets. GQ/4 BlIg. ton Sketches," by Paul White. Cries of "who has a red hat!" and Westminster. The orchestra will be augmented "Where can I find a bustle!" echoing" The program is designed to demon- for the first time in its history by a Kappa Pi Alpha Brotherhood strate the outstanding musical growth harp, which will be played by Mrs. through the dormitory halls indicate that the members of the casts are as- of America during the past decade. Thomas Marshall. sembling their costumes. Explains Stand Among Clubs Notable among the nine compositions to be played will be one in three parts entitled "Pages from Negro Histoi-y: Addison J. Beane Awarded The Due to an increasing demand for a ganization is unique in the history of 1. Africa, clarification of the policy and pur- the college in that we retain service tion," written 2. Slavery, 3. Emancipa- by the eminent. Negro pose of the new Kappa Pi Alpha as one of our baste ideals and pur- composer, William Grant Still. Silver Wings Of Flying Officer men's club on the Hill, the following poses. statement was prepared by the broth- Miss Esther Smith, dramatic coach Addison'" Joynes Beane, class of '42 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, left for erhood's first president, Dennis F. _Not a Closed Club at the college, will act as narrator who was known to college acquain- the armed services following his grad- Blizard: "The implications of this -are ob- of the poetic rcadings, which were tances as Beanie, was a student offi- uat.ion in May, 1942 and entered pilot "Kappa Pi Alpha is founded upon vious: members of Kappa Pi Alpha cer in the twenty-second class of avia- training last June 22. He reported to two basic prtnctples-l-service and are not restricted from pledging any ASTP Cadets Leave tion cadets to graduate from the ad- the Columbus Army Flying School for brotherhood. This is the fundamen- of the other four fraternities; Kappa vanced twin-engine Columbus Army his final stage of flight training on tal difference between Kappa Pi Al- Pi Alpha considers it a privilege also for Combat Training Flying School, near Columbus, Miss. December 6. Upon graduation he re- pha and the pre-war fraternities on to invite members of the other four on February 8. ceived the silver wings of a flying of- of its or- In Army Air Corps the Hill. Their chief goal was the clubs to become members ficer. establishment of a united social ganization. Within the past few months, a _ ~onomics Major brotherhood. Kappa Pi Alpha is not "We are not a clannish social fra- An economics major and former only a united brotherhood, but a ser· ternity, nor are we a boring service number of.AST Cadets have been ac- president of the Economics Club, Lt. cepted for combat training in thc Ar- vice club, dedicated to the service af club; we are a brotherhood of men my Air Corps. Among last term's mcn Beane served as first semcster Gam- the college. dedicated to the service of our Alma ma of thc Alpha Gamma Tau fratcr- Mater. We are a unique organiza- were: Andrcw \V. Dudley, Clarence _Two Groups Benefit tion, and we are proud of that fact. B. Gerity, Thomas A. Horsley, Jr., nity in 1941. "Thus, two groups on the Hill bene- We, as members of Kappa Pi Alpha, Donald F. Merrill, Jack W. Taylor, Beanie was a weB known and well Francis W. Sny- Willie H. Leukhardt, during campus fit from Kappa Pi Alpha's activities look forward to seeing the altruistic der, David E. Wenzel, and John W. liked figure on the in which he at prewar those years -the members t1).emselves as a re- idealism of our organization continue Tinnin, Jr. Carl E. Beck, Calvin J. sult of the brotherhood thus encour- long after we have become alumni I)f DePauw, Iny R. Wilson, William H. tended school on the HilL He parti- athletil's and was cipated in fraternity aged, and, as a result of their service, this college." Wesson, Robert M. Hurtel, Stanley active in the social life of the college. all the rest of the resident members According to Mr. Blizzard, former B. Miller, Richard M. Williams, and of the school. members of the four standing college James H. Wilson have departed since A frequent customer at Margaret and Earl's, he was also an advanced R. O. "Kappa Pi Alpha uses the pledge fraternities (Alpha Gamma Tau. the beginning of the year. T. C. student. system for the recruiting of new Delta Pi Alpha, Pi Alpha Alpha, and In order to be accepted for this members; new members are required Gamma Beta Chi) have been writing highly specialized training, it is _ROTC Adjutant to take an oath denying allegiance, to the officers of this new organiza- necessary to pass stringent mental In his senior year, he was Adjutant past or future, to any other organiza- tion, seeking information concerning and physical examinations. After ac- of the R. O. T. C. Battalion and treas- tion of the same nature as Kappa Pi its founding. ceptance, the men were sent to Air urer of the Officer's Club. Alpha. So far, in the history of Wes- He has expressed a desire to an- Corps Classification Centers, where Addison J. Beane His graduation was announced in a tern Maryland College, there has been swer all questions, and at the same they were given aptitude tests, and press release from the Public Rela- no other organization of the same time make clear to all present stu- assigned to the training units for Lt. Beane, who is the son of Mr. tions Office of the Columbus Army nature as Kappa Pi Alpha. Our or- dents the club's pqrpose, which they were qualified. and Mrs. Addisqn J. Beane of 5011 Flying School.
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