Page 30 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 17, 1944 Our World Laundry Situation Forces Pic. Aloysius To Use Washboard By Cadet James S. Robert. {Oont. from page 3, col. 5) just an example of how these. things (Cent, from page 2, col. 3) are over-populated. We admit )that will sometimes happen. I domina'ted by English and American 70,000,000 people are too much for economic intereata. To be frank, I Japan, which has only 1A acre of ara- .Congenial Rapport don't blame Russia. ble land per person. We have 50 There is a sense of congenial 1'ap- times' as much; why don't we divide po'rt 'among members of our clique; a' • Peace Possible sense enhanced by the happy fact with the Japanese? Why, anyone With any cooperative plan we are advocating that: would quickly be that B section is composed almost ex- unwilling to take only our share for sent to an insane asylum (I'm not clusively of Japanese students. One fear of being dominated by others. advocating it). The same is true in of us will be washing some clothes in Pence is not impossible. The connection with Italy. We realize the sink and a comrade will enter the prime requisite has been known for that these problems exist so we ex- room bent on other pursuits. Per- ages. The greatest political, relig- clude Japanese, and discriminate ceiving the washer, he will break into ious, scientific, and philosophical against Italians in our quota laws. smiles and exclaim, "Saa, tomodati, minds of history have pointed out the This is one instance of something osentaku wo site imasu ka 7" [Ah, need for EQUALITY .... the need that we have and others do not have. friend are you doi~g the honorable for treating other men, all other men, laundt-y f ] To which the worker will all equal; equal in fundamental .Material InequalitieS reply with an even broader grin, rights, prtvilegea, and responsibili- In the above example it was lalltP. "Hal, honto ni," eoo de gozaimasu!" The Bary Ensem.ble will be presented by the- Westminster ties. "Equality"-that of which we Such inequalities exist in nearly [Yea bo!] Com.'ll~uni/!y Concert Association at 8:15 P. M., F1'iday, Fl.'bruary talk so much, and which we do so every tangible commodity on earth .Washing Technique 25 in the Wl.'stmi?18ter High School Auditoriun~ a-s tlw third aml little to promote. and we will not sacrifice our standard of living to better people that we Our favorite cleansing agent is Rin- last prog-ra,1n in the C1I1Tent series. .'Feeling" of Inequality have never seen and don't know. so. Rinse soaks clothes whiter, and lI18"Tnbers of the group fl,r(l Ger/:l'Ude Bary, pianist; Lorna: Wren, In the beginning of this article, I Result: Are you ready for World it never streaks or fades washable flutist; lIfa1"a Sebl"'i_ansky, violinist; and Virgtlnia PeterfJOJ~, cellist. spoke of our national pride, our fear War III 1 colors. We souse OU1' clothes up and The rIf.!'Iliates trom: tM eonvent'i.m!.l.ll pattern of chamber and hatred of other nations, and our down in these richer, energetic suds 1nwric groups. selflahn'eas, all being manifestations to free the dirt. Before wringing, of a feelil'ig of inequality, superior or Donaldson, Lanham however, we remove stubborn spots Girls' Glee Club To interior. Let us take up one prob- by applying dry Rinso and working f Jun;or Plays .•• lem tha~ will face the victors after Star In Next Student the fabric between our fingers. A Give Concert Feb. 20 this war, a rector that may well lead quick follow up, with one hot rinse (Cent. from page 1, col. 5) to anoth:er war: the inequality of land. Recital February 23 and two cool, d~s the trick. We have At Relormed Church Don' Griffin as John Robe?·ts The long since ceased to be amazed at how Figh; Olive Cook as Aholibah Jones; .lipan, Italy Overpopulated Audrey Donaldson and Mary Ellen Bailey Phelps as M()8es Roberts; Ann sweet, clean, and snowy-white the (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) We' all' know that Japan and Italy ;fanahas:ri:!llo~e :t:a:~::dr~~i:~~S s:~o~: clothes come out. Lift Thine Eyes to the' Mountains Lassahn as Miss Pugh Bach; John Parry the Post. Vermilyea as Hugh r presented on the evening of February Felix Mendelssohn The roles of the Pot Boiler include 23, at 8:00 p.m., in Levine Hall. I In Pursuit • • • The featured vocalists, both of I Po;nts ••. Rejoice in the Lord Always Paul Henry as Thomas Piniklelt Sud,' Wouldby, Robert Adams as Harold Henry Purcell ~: (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) whom are sophomore students on the (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) Glory to God Palestrina playwright; William Smith as lIfr. 8 and expect to read even less 8S soon Hill, will be accompanied by Sgt. Jesus Christ is Risen 'I'oday Ivory,' Irving Russell as Mr. RuleJr,. as the war is over and I become a Oliver Spangler, former member of having made comparisons, she feels Melody and words rrom the "Lyra Jeanne Corkran as Mislt Ivo-ry; Wil- professor. But if you want an un- the faculty at Western Maryland, that the "dim twilight" of the Hill is Davidice" (1708) liam Cook as !If?'. InkweU; and Janet tamjshed opinion, THAT is skillful who is now stationed here with the superior to the daylight in other in- Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Lee Baugher as Mrs. Pencil. writing." He strode away with an 3308th Service Unit of the Army of stitutions of higher learning. 17th century German melody out-of-this-earth expression upon his Specialized Training program. We present these opinions; we Miss Corkran, soloist face .. The program, which will be pre- thank all the people who have shown F. W. WOOLWO~TH CO. I shook my head slowly but stead- sented in four sections, is opened by an interest in this issue; we trust Choral Benediction Paul Maynard ily. "I am all out of falling cards," I Miss Donaldson, a mezzo-soprano, that every reader has reached his own For School Supplies shrieked to his retreatin-g figure, "so whose first selections will be: conclusion; we plan to bury this sub- please pardo~ me while I feint!" Sombre Woods Lully ject in the files;' we hope the future SMITH & REIFSNIDER Dance 0 Dance Gentle Maiden G.old Bugs will be able to call forth Incorporated AGENT wanted to take orders for Durante your opinions. LUMBER-COAL baby chicks. Full or spare time. K-9 Unit On Hill Dreaming -Wagner WESTMINSTER. MD. Good commission. Adieu Forets, from "Jean d'Arc" Addtess-Box F-Gold Bug. Tschaikowsky Depleted Despite Miss Lanham, a lyric soprano, fol- PATRONIZE lows with: OUR Margaret & Earl's New Recruits --- To Be Near the Fair Idol Rosa Students' Center OPEN AN ACCOUNT What False Whim Pursuing ADVERTISERS. Phone 214-W WITH (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) Legrenzi SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Route Step found it necessary to Field Beloved Rachmaninoff The bring in a new officer in the person The Post Schubert of a huge German Shepherd dog Romanza, from I1Cavaileria Rusticana" Colonial Jewelry Co. whose presence proved effective. Moscogni Try Our New That, however, was before the purge. !'!-IissDonaldson's next and final se- COLD WAVE MAGAZINES AND EXPERT JEWELRY Although the loss of four of their lections are: PERMANENT comrades has shattered the organi- Over the Steppe Gl'etchaninoff at Popular Prices GREETING CARDS AND zation, a fighting unit always' comes Comin' Thro' the Rye Kingsford Now On Display WATCH REPAIRING back at full strength and a determined Sheep and Lambs Homer Phone 395 chap like Route Step will fill in the When I Bring to You Co16ur'd Toys gaps with replacements, and once Carpenter Lowry Beauty Shop P. G. Coffman 34 W. Main St. again the organization will maintain Joy __ Watts its high standards of excellence. Miss Lanham completes the pro- Adjoining Post Office Times Building Westminster, Md. gram with: and the Rose Phone 303 The Nightingale W:II", Why So Pale and Wan Rimsky-Korsokoff Suckling A Song fOl' Lovers Deems Taylor _.. Old French UNITED STATES Come Sweet MOl"ning _ __ Head Theo. F. Shaeffer Carroll Theatre State Theatre Claribel WAR The Last Song _ Rogers Master Plumber WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. BONDS Plumbing, Contractor Tinning Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 17, 18, 19- Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 17 and 18- Heating, DOUBLE FEATURE AND Fred Mac Murray STAMPS Claudette Colbert HOLMES 92 W. Main St. .111' Order for the Dance Early Westminster, 359-J Md. Sun., Mon., Tues., Fcb. 20,21,22 "SHERLOCK DEATH" FACES Corsages ';NO TIME FOR LOVE" Phone .,d "ALW.o\YS A BRIDESMAID" DurJ?in - Franchot Stewart N. Duttercr Deanna BUTLER'S SISTER" Tone Sat., Feb. 19- "HIS Roy Corrigan - Dennis Moore John Everhart FLORIST "BLACK MARKET RUSTLERS" Pennsylvania Ave. Wed., Thurs., Feb. 23, 24- THE COLLEGE BARBER Baby Chicks Myrna Loy - Tyrone Power Sun., Tues., Feb. 20, 21, 22 MOll., AND BOBBER Phone 350 "THE RAINS CAME" Michael O'Shea - Susan Hayward AT THE FORKS Buy now and Save "LIFE OF JACK LONDON" Fri., S~t., Feb. 25, 2&-- HEAVY BREEDS Allen Carney - Wally Brown Wed., Feb. 23- J. WM. HULL, Jeweler DRUGS-SODAS $9.00 per hundred "ROOKIES IN BURMA" "BULLETS AND SADDLES" COSMETICS Successor to Cassell's Payment with order Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 27, 28, 29 Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 24, 25---- DOUBLE FEATURE The Store of New Fashioned Free Delivery Frank Sinatra "YOU'RE A LUCKY FELLOW, Jewelry and Old Fashioned - "HIGHER AND HIGHER" MR. SMITH" and Honesty Worthwhile Hatcheries "MAD GHOUL" Timea Building 101 W. North Ave. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 1, 2, 3, 4 East Main St. Phone 9 Balto.-I-Md. Walter Pidgeon _ Greer Garson I Sat., Feb. 2&-- Westmi!I.ter. Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. "MADAME CURIE" "}..AND 01<' OPEN RANGE"
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