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The Gold Bug, W~ Maryland. College, Westmimter, Md., February 17, 194_4- PAGS THRBB- From The Stands ••. • IN THE ARMY WITH - Yearbook Editor • • • Former Athlete Gets Wings, States Desire To Return; ing The junior class, at a special meet- Aloysius held on Monday, 14, February elected Lucinda Holloway as editor- - A. H. WALKER, P.F.C.• W. M. Basketball Team Needs Strong Competition in-chief of the 1945 Aloh.a.. At the The laundry situation here at Yale same meeting, the class elected Kitty is so bad that a great many of us are Fred Holloway Waring as business manager of the forced to wash our own clothes. We next yearbook. have an obvious alternative; but, as I Miss Holloway has had experience The latest of Terror athletic stars lution of the problem was mentioned. arehips would be the most active and Robspierre is said to have murmured to gain his commission and also his But one has come to mind that per- enthusiastic participants, and a bet- in both high school and college jour- when offered the choice of getting up Wings, is Lieut. Carlton Mendel, a haps might help to settle the ques- ter record would result. nalism. She served as editor of her or staying in bed with a cold rice- former member of the' class of 1945. tion involved. (It might be well to add here, that high school paper and is currently pudding which had been surrepti- Carl, who left in February of 1943 During the past it has been the any of the views expressed in this <;01- filling the position. of feature editor tiously introduced by his maid as he and hails from Massachusetts, was custom for the Athletic Director to umn are those of the writer alone, on the Gold Bug staff. Miss Hollo- slept, "Quel alternative!" There are way is also a member of the staff. of one of the most promising athletes recommend the awarding of scholar- and not necessarily of the Adminis- very few among us who do not at one to 'come to the Campus in recent ships to the Administration which in tration or student body, unless spe- the 1944 Aloha.. time or another feel called upon to "In order to make the 1945 Aloha years. tum would act according to its wishes, cifically quoted.) one that may he cherished by my rinse out a few things. He was an outstanding member of considering also of course, the appli- Soon after our arrival, most of us ... the frosh grid eleven his first year, cant's previous academic record. • Undefeated Quint record, the classmates," declared next year's edi- had contrived to bully ourselves into Sporting an undefeated and was heavily counted upon for .Red Tape Terror ASTP basketball team ap- tor, "I want to utilize all student tal- a stoical acceptance of matters as the varsity the following season, but This same system nppltaa when the peal's to be one of the highest scor- ent to make the yearbook truly repre- they stood. We were prepared to the old injury jinx kept him from Coach desired to have any withdraw- ing quints to weal' the Green and sentative of the. Hill." sacrifice our petal-textured hands to seeing very much action. als made. Therefore, much red-tape Gold in many a year. Restricted by the National Emergency. Once this .Quint, Ring Star has been created, and the Administra- Army regulations to their home court, general attitude had been established, Besides his football prowess, Lieut. tion, not in direct contact with the and Saturday night games only, the W AA Confers 52 however, a rift appeared in our cor- Mendel was also high-scorer of the situation, has not always seen eye-to- Army lads ,have not met the best of porate body which .grew with such freshman basketball team in 1942, eye with the Athletic Department; opposition but have impressively Class Numerals rapidity that we were soon divided and then proved his athletic versa- hence, the Director has been left whipped all comers so far. into two radically differing camps- two divergent schools, as it were. The tility by winning a position on the with the same problem. To the Western Maryland students distinction lay in the question of how varsity boxing squad until his call We believe that if the Athletic Di- only three faces are familiar-Ed Me- At Party into the Service. He is also a fine rector were to have it in his power gowski and Otts O'Keeffe, former frequently and in what amounts this was to be done. The home laundering golf player. to award and withdraw athletic schol- varsity men, and Woody Preston up Four Women Win A group held to the theory that one's According to Carl, and fortunately arships, the ones holding such schol- from the fraternity league. for Western Maryland, he intends to "WMI' Monograms dainty things should be done each return to the Hill after the war, and In Memoriam For Athletic Work night, thus preserving elasticity in carryon where he left off. We hope the delicate fabrics, and obviating nothing changes his plans before that class Fifty-two fr-esh g-ir-ls received their the necessity of doing large washings given party numerals at the intervals. The B group at greater time arrives. K-9 Unit On Hill Becomes Depleted In reviewing the ramblings in the them by theWAAlastThursdaynight felt that the reverse was true; that last issue concerning the athlete's no so- In Spite Of Recruiting Program i~ Blanche W~rd. Gym for .the p~r- constant scrubbing would-only cause at- new girls titude toward his scholarship, pose of acquamttng and its officers. With the garments to disintegrate prema- And since no attempt was turely. the organization By Cadet Howard Weissman • A D.y Hop------ Entertainment for the evening made to reconcile the factions, our They were known to all. So prom- e Capt. "Route Step" took the shape of a basketball game force is still divided along those origi- inent were they on this campus that It will be interesting to look into between the Freshman A and B nal linea. In Pursuit we had all come to regard them as the history of this small group. It teams, which the A team won by a I, myself, belong to the B's. The fixture, was planned ____ By Sara Jane Rice. a permanent February adopted guests the seems that the nucleus of the corps is 6-0 score. This game and Miss Todd generally .recognized practice is to let to show Miss Parker our clothes accumulate until an exact a young chap who has been dubbed of WMC. 10 marks It was one of those amber days in date of the death of four gallant "Route Step" by some of our more the differences in ability of the two balance between fresh and used pieces February that make winter and the members of the K·9 Corps attached intellectual cadets. Description of teams. Although not indicated by has been a'chieved. Then we wash the war remote enough to be gone for- to the ASTP unit on the Hill. Most him is almost impossible, as he seems the score, the g'ame was a close, even- soiled things and continue to make in- ever .. The wind had smoothed away famous of the deceased was one called to have no affiliation with any specific Iy-me tched tilt in which Hitchcock roads on the remaining clean ones. This system, I may say, is just an ar- every cloud except one that loitered "At Ease", who met death along with species of the animal kingdom. He and Horsey each contributed a field .bitrary affair that we've come to ee- They had to go and his comrades. goal and foul shot for A squad. over Science Hall. showed great initiative when he set The other first team 'players were cept. There. is no real pract ne- "I read your column in the Gold we all will miss them. forth on an enlistment drive that Palmore, forward, and ce~sity for,_d.oing it that,wa1,.since. Bug," said my Cunning Cadet. • Heavy Losses within a week brought seven stal- Hauver ..'Co "Oh," I replied needlessly. wart new members to his squad. there He Knight and Burr as guards. Jo Davis, the clothing is dry and ready to wear its Mary Between halves, still lives, but of his lieutenant on the morning'- following again "I'm sorry." Little has been said in this publi- president of the association, ex-.' _washing. Recently, though, a new- "You are very generous with your cation as to the activities of this is left only fame. The'lieutenant, in sympathy, friend," 1 said, flicking a small but efficient organization, but :hasl~~~e;~;n~~o~~ni~~l:~sc,i,~~neE:::'~ plained the functions of the group comer (lured from the A's by our ec- thin lint from one of my small, but the fact that it still survives, despite and introduced the board members to tive missionary 'squad) allowed him- the newcomers. self to become confused by this par- of the The details tastefully arranged, shoulders. losses, deserves mention. Since the who is now one of the deceased. His point system for winning awards were ticular custom. He had come to his \Ve sat down on the mourner's conception of the ASTP Unit here, appearance was very deceptive as he given the girls and then the "'47" first half-way mark and was ready to bench, and ne'ither of us spoke, the they were constantly at our sides. was a very docile looking fellow, but thus far garments recent deathlof my column grumbling These battle scarred veterans of many when the situation warranted it, he numerals were distributed to those launder' the At that point he sort of having been faithful amassed. to at least one in our minds. a dog-fight had slowly increased their was known to be a strict disciplinar- sport this year. lost his head and proceeded to stuff "\Vhat was wrong with it?" I enlistment until it almost approached ian. Such a loss will be sorely felt. asked, more to divert the tears con- the remaining number of cadets. At The curriculum of the K-9 Corps "\Vl'If" monograms were awarded the remaining clean clothes into the gregating on my Cadet's cheeks than no time did they miss a class forma- consists mainly of combat tactics, but Mary Jo D!vis, Donna DuVall, Kitty bag from which lie had taken the to be logically answered. tion, attendance at retreat was strict- recently a't retreat, they put on a Waring and Agnes Dyson, who have items to be washed. This was not "It was shadow boxing. Naked I;,; enforced, and they were always mass battIe that certainly merits all earned over eight hundred points. serious! of course. One of us lent him sbedow boxing!" he said with a dis- present in mess hall, disregarding all commendation. A short time ago, the There were no chenille "M's" award- a night-shirt, and the next morning ed as no one has accumulated yet But it's his clean clothes were dry. appointed little snuffle. obstacles. As far as their education discipline was getting a little lax, so The situation became haggard and was concerned, they never failed to (Cant. on page 4, col. 1) fifteen hundred points. (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) my friend's face changed to dulcet attend classes, and often rendered overtones of sorrow. Being without intelligent remarks to class room dis- my trusty First-Aid certificate, I cussion. Campus Person.lity V •• I. took out a sheaf of papers from my coat pocket and waved them gently Student Governing under his nose. His face seemed to By Lee Wallenstein lose much of its former starkness. To Be Resumed "In Bed We Cry", he read from the first page. "I say, this isn't bad at By Men's Group Three years ago, from the "Me- tic. She plays the organ quite well, are books, bridge, and young girls." all," said he, shifting his cigar to "an- tropolis of the Eastern Shore," bet- and is found every Sunday at the And we all know how true the latter other mouth. "Now why don't you Under the direction of Dean L. ter known as Salispurv, Maryland, Episcopal Church following this pur- part of this statement is. The girls write stuff like this for your pillar of Forest Free, the men students of Mrs. Veale, housemother of Blanche suit. In her spare time, she can' he of Blanche Ward are her constant thought1!" Western Maryland College have re- Ward Hall, came to Western Mary- found with her friend and fellow- pride and joy. She is never too busy "Oh," I replied needlessly. cently organized a Men's Student Jand College. cook, Dr. Mudge, preparing various to hear each new lament, never too "Stand over there and read it to Government Association, of which Jo- .'08 Alumna tired to wait up for "late leavers," me. I'll listen through closed lashes, seph Geary is president and Dennis A graduate of the class of 1908 of and never too far away to come when as it were." Blizzard is secretary. WMC, Mrs. Veale had, prior to her her "children" call. "It's a book report, and I've spared The organization, which is the re- arrival here, been teaching in a pri- ."Mother" Veale few horses," I stammered, amid my sult of the need for a ret>resentative vate school. Her original reason fOI' It is easy to see why she has be- new-flung publicity. organization of the college men, has, coming here was to be near her come so much a part of the heart of "I've few doubts. Begin." as its purpose the expression of the daughter, who was then a student at each girl who has lived with her. No "'In this age of machines and opinions of the men students, the en- Western Maryland. When Sarah one who knows Mrs. Veale can help me~, a book like I1ka Chase's In Bed couragement and support of high Belle graduated last June, however, but love her, and the girls certainly We Cry is indeed welcome. As for standards of student conduct, and the her mother found new reasons for do. line'lucidity and charming undercur- engendering of the high spirit of fel- staying. Mrs. Veale's duties bring her in rents, Miss Chase is indeed a master lowship among the students. Mrs. Veale loves it here. The fact contact with many men about the Tony Sarg of literature, so to speak. that she still sees among the faculty campus. She receives and entertains The story centers about an aged and Orientation of new students to thc a few of those familiar faces which them as they patiently await the ar- delightfully unpredictable married campus and attempts to provide a she saw back in 1908 makes Western rival of their fair damsels. From couple who are invalids resulting mOI'e wholesome dormitory life were Maryland even closer to her, and cer- these men she has gained many a from a misstep while touring a soap outlined as further purposes of the tainly adds to the feeling of "home." nickname, ranging from "Colonel" to factory in '83. The world of joy and Men's Student Government by Jo- However, from these same faculty "Mother Veale." sorrow tears enthrals them. One has seph Geary, president. members, she has had to take quite a feeling that these two old people Senior class representatives are a few jibes regarding her "home .Offers Comfort with all their generous pranks are Paul W. Henry and Joseph Geary. town." Like all Eastern Shoremen, To the freshman ignoratus, she of- beckoning the reader toward a men- Dennis Blizzard and Edward Justice she has a great deal of local pride. fers friendship, comfort, and a shoul- tal conception of a world devoid of were elected by the juniors to the a!;- • Organist, Cook Mrs. Veale der for tears of homesickness. tears and lush with licentious living sociation, ~nd Robert Harrison and Mrs. Veale is constantly occupied victuals in the kitchen which would To the senior sapiens, she offers of the mind. Earl Morey were chosen by the soph- with work of some kind, since 'she is delight the heart of any connoisseur counsel, advice, and a shoulder for "Now," he confessed to me after I omores. Troy Todd and William not content unless she is active. Her of cookery. ..' iare.well tears. had finished, "I haven't read much Cook will represent the freshman accomplishments vary greatly, run- When asked about .hel' hobbies, Mrs._ To all of Blanche Ward ~he is "our. _(Con~ on page 4, col. 1) cla:;s, ning from the ethereal to the domes- Veale remarked, "My -only hobbies other mother."
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