Page 17 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 17
The Gold 8.." Watem Maryland CoUege,Weatmimter, Md., December 2, 1943 PAGE FIVE I Campus Personality Henry •.• Voice ProF. Tells Views On Evils (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) A member of the College Players, OF Swing Bands (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) lected shorts. he was in the cast of "Stage Door" War Stamp Sales ••• and so finds his way back to the haven On leaving the theater, Johnny last year. He was in charge of the "War stamp sales are high in and shelter of old Albert Norman realizes with desperate suddenness skillful lighting which was an impor- the typical community of 540 peo- (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) Ward. that he has one hour, and thirty- tant factor in producing the atmos- ple but low on the Western Mary- and he either-disregards the music Undressing wit h contemplative three cents left to be dispensed with phere in "Ladies in Retirement". land College campus which has a completely or sits down in a mental yawns and muttered aspersions cast before study hour, and he swaggers He is equally at home in the more student body of this size," stated and muscular fog. . on the fair name of western Mary- into Griffin's, order and consumes a utilitarian world of the post office de- Col. T. K. Harrison as he made a To make matters worse, the tempo land, he tucks his 48c under the pil- aoc chocolate malted, weighs himself partment of the College. He has had plea for increased purchases. low, opens the window .08 em., and three times, and leaves. The week- previous experience in the post office Students can help to do their of the music is seldom related to the goes to bed. At 4 :52 the last of his end is over, the money gone; the song of Vilas, South Dakota. part by buying a defense stamp dancer's desires but generally played roommates lurches in, and he goes to is ended, but the memory lingers on; "That way I always get a public," with the money usually spent on a at a dull or hectic speed to accommo- sleep, finally. Come noon he's up, and Johnny returns for another six he laughs. sundae. The College Post Office date or sat.isfy the improvising tech- shaved and showered, and the after- days on his beloved "hill". "Just wait Paul's favorite sports are baseball, acts as the local defense stamp nique of the band members. noon is spent, at the cost of fifteen of 'til next week-next week's gonna be tennis, golf, ice-skating, and horse- headquarters. I protest against this state of af- his remaining cents in seeing "Hip different!"-etc., ad nauseam, ad in- back riding. fairs. There is enough chaos in the Hooray" with Betty Grable and se- finitum. "Did I ever fall off a horse 1 My world today without adding confused land, yes! We have lots of horses o~ music to the total. I worry lest my Why Aren't You In The Army? our farm in South Dakota". Poll May Affect college friends gradually lose their in- Paul is a part of the accelerated nate heritage of rhythm through lack and will program After graduation, he plans to Peroxide Sales of its proper exercise. Its loss will be Favorite Query Of Thoughtless this graduate spring. felt just as keenly in such fields as enter Drew Seminary, Madison, New athletics and every-day OCCuPlltions From ACP Jersey. Don't reach for the bottle of perox- as in the specific field of music, where His ambition is to obtain a small ide yet, dark-haired lassie. The color it is of paramount importance. (Cont. from page 3, col. 1)· of the conflict. Now they are needed, local charge so that he will be in close may all come out in the rinse, but are What is the solution to the prob- grows the resolution to continue stu- and not three or four years after the contact with his parishioners. you sure you want it to? Braid the lem? Perhaps I can make a few sug- dies until called. All of these boys When asked about his stay at Wes- raven locks more proudly than ever. gestions. First: insist that the know many in the thick of battle. Students' Jives are at present, and tern Maryland, Paul said, "I've al- The brunette sisters have won high- dance bands stop composing and con- "To go" or "to stay" must be decided will continue to be, a series of mental ways been impressed by the friendly' est cadet approval-by a head! certizing at the expense of the danc- regularly. At times they decide to battles in which they receive very spirit on the campus". Don't lie awake at night worrying ing. Second: remind the orchestra go, for all of them have this desire little outside aid. They must fight The College is proud to give the about some redhead, either. Only ten that their whole duty and effort is to deep in their hearts. But careful this constant battle while at the same honor of "Who's Who Student" out of a section of 145 cadets will fall revive and clearly define the few fun- thought usually leads them to stay on time doing added work in the speeded to one who has contributed so much for her. 1£ your cadet is in Section damental rhythms upon which all until the next round of inner battles. up educational program. to that very spirit which he admires 6 of the English Department, better music is founded. Third: have the Recently one Lenoir Rhyne stu- So, whenever you are tempted to in others-true friendship. keep an eye on him. Most of the band leaders relate the speed of the dent, being unable to settle the ques- make a satirical statement, when you redhead admirers are in that section. music to the needs of the dancers and tion for himself, went to his local are ready to, seriously or not, think seA Vespers ••• These comforting, (or at least, en- the rhythmic pattern in use at the draft board and asked which would be of these students as draft dodgers, lightening), facts are verified by Dr. time. better for his country, for him to en- remember that they are sensitive, a (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Thomas Marshall's statistical report Permit me to repeat. Who pays ter service or for him to continue his tender spot for this involving issue. "Star of the East" will be sung by on the eternal query "Do gentlemen whom for doing what for whom? studies. He was promptly told that Give them encouragement, give Miss Lillian Jackson, with Carroll prefer blondes?" His poll was con- In the 6"Vent that you dilJagree with the government would prefer him to them strength. They need it. Doggett at the organ. fined to his English section of the thilJ article, or would like to rkfend continue his studies -By Stafford L. Swing, ACP. A male trio will sing "We 'Three cadets on campus. Here are the fig- "swing", yon 71U£Y answer the state- Students deferred for studies are Kings of Orient Are." ures: Brunettes, 63; Blondes, 62; Red, m61tu by submitting a signed letter to as much a part of the war effort as still Times Printing Company The lighting effect on the stained 10; All, 4; Non-Committal, 6. the Gold Bu,g before Januall'y 9, 1944. soldiers. If this were not true, there glass windows, successful last year Section 7 preferred blondes. would be no deferments. But in providing a beautiful setting for Section 8 preferred brunettes. many continue to call this group of the service, will again be used. United States citizens draft dodgers. Western Maryland} If the number of those attending Section 1 was most non-committal. committal's prayer. Maybe he dreams These people must awaken to the { the service on \Vednesday night war- Section 6 gave the most votes to of some emerald-haired siren who is realization that trained and educated PRINTERS rants it, the program will be repeated redheads. definitely "out of this\vorld". Let's leaders are needed now and will be the following evening. No one knows the answer to a non- hope she stays there. needed immediately following the end Westminster, Md. OFFICIAL COMMU'NICA TION Western Maryland College Westminster, Maryland December 2, 1943 IMMEDIATE ACTION Confidenti~l Memorandum: 1001 All cadets, R.O.T.O's., civilians, faculty, everyone WILL atrend : MILITARY BALL Date: Saturday, December 11, 1943 Time: 8:00'till 11:45P.M. Place: Gill Gymnasium Dress: Formal (Army and R.O.T.C. Uniforms) Admission: $1.00 per couple Swing
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