Page 16 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR "Invincible" Irish Finally Defeated: FROM Navy Takes Service Grid Clash • THE • By Pvt. Harvey Smallwood • F'if'tb Consecutive Victory STANDS- In what was easily the outstanding Army more than jJ.eld their own for upset in a year of startling upsets, the first half, but the second half it All this year, Army was all Navy. Great Lakes Navy smashed Notre By Fred Holloway Dame's "invincible" team 19-14 last backs have had the habit of dribbling So with a final fling, climaxed by Saturday. the ball; this is fine on the basketball on the gridiron. court, but disastrous the service clash between Army and • Fickle Lady Luck Incidentally, this is the fifth consecu- Navy, Saturday last, the 1943 pig- tive year that Navy has won this skin season rings down the curtain, The luck of the Irish held the pre- service clash; the longest string of with only a few scattered games re- vious week when they nipped the Iowa victories in the cntire series. 14-13 after having Sea hawks been maining on the schedule. .Randolph Field Defeated It was a strange Season; a season outplayed for the first time of the In other games last Saturday, and which saw many of the perennial year, but Lady Luck proved herself they, were comparatively few, Georgia grcats weak and the weak made strong as fickle as any woman by deserting Tech downed Georgia 48-0, North by naval and marine cadets; Navy Notre Dame .arter she had apparently Carolina beat Virginia 54-7, and defeat should produced one of its most powerful won the game. This of the Irish team Southwestern of Louisiana whipped end all descriptions machines, and Minnesota one of its as "invincible", "greatest team of all Randolph Field G-O. This was the poorest; Alonzo Stagg, the grand old first loss of the year for Randolph g-entleman of football, had his best times", and other terms ranging up Field and Southwestern is undefeat- and eleventh won- to the ninth, tenth, YPM at the College of the Pacific; ders of the world. ed, although tied by Arkansas. As Harvard put forth an all- civilian team a result of their- one-sided rout of run by the students; the Pacific Con- We don't doubt that Notre Dame Georgia, Georgia Tech was offered, ference, a major football center, all had a fine team, and still docs, but for and accepted, an invitation to play but collapsed; the fighting Irish of OU\· money we could name four teams Tulsa in the Sugar Bowl. Notre Dame, under Frank Leahy, last yenr that could bent the Irish In the east, Lafayette pounded Le- fielded aile of their mightiest teams every Saturday of the year and high 58-0, while in the mid-west Iowa to clinch the mythical national cham- Frankie Sinkwich-c-pardun us, the Seahawks routed Minnesota 32 O. pionship; and our own Terral'S failed University of Georgia-is first on the Oklahoma topped Nebraska 26-7, to outfit a grid squad for the first list. Southwestern of Texas walloped Rice .time in many years. Steve Lach, former Duke great, did 21-7, and S.l\LU. defeated T.C.U. it to the Irish Saturday: with one 20-0 in the Southwest; while on the • Eyes on Basketball minute Jeft to play and with his Sail- Coast, Del Monte Pre-Plight whipped And with the finale of King Foot- or team trailing 12-14; he cut loose ball, the eyes of the sports world are a 54-yard pass to Paul Anderson who California 47-8 and Southern Califor- turned to the major winter activity- nia took the measure of U.C.L.A. basketball. And, as in the fall, the was waiting for it all by himself on 26-13. the Notre Dame goal line. Green and Gold will still not have a • Outstanding Player Ed ~10gowski representative of any form in court .54-yard Pass We see that the Heisman Memorial play. Meanwhile, one has to be satis- Now a 54-yard pass is quite a Trophy for the outstanding collegiate fied in talking about teams of the heave when it's completed in a foot- football player of the year was Court Quint To See Action past. And what could be more fitting ball game, but we once saw Lach awarded Angelo Bertelll. Too bad he with every one of 1943's hard-wood heave the 16-pound shot-put and he's couldn't have been around last Sat- oJ In Gill.Gym On Saturday pounders in the service of Uncle got the arm if anyone has. urday to show it to Great Lakes. Sam? This team compiled the very We'd rather not talk about the Well, with the season practically The war-revised hardwood eeeson .Admission Fee excellent record of winning 13 tilts Army-Navy game which, as you prob- over, only two major football teams for Western Maryland College opens Admission price for the game will while dropping only 5 in regular sea- ably all know, Navy won 13~0. We are left undefeated and unfied-c-Pur- all Saturday, December 4, when the be twenty cents. The basketball team son play. always thought the Navy was a slow due and the Bainbridge Commodores. Green and Gold Terrors swing' into organization, but The Hill aggregation was manned going outfit, but they had a couple of Neither of these teams played a very action against Oxbrush. This is a will be a non-profit the necessary expenses must be cov-" by such stalwarts as Nemo Robinson, destroyers in the form of Hal Ham- difficult schedule, particularly Bain- strong five composed of college and Frank Suffern, Lee Lodge, Ed Me- bridge, but they are both undefeated ered by this admission fee. gowski, Manny Kaplan, and Stan berg and Hillis Hume on the gridiron and we can't speculate on what might high-school all-stars from Frederick, .Strong Competition too much for and proved Saturday Kulakowski, b a c k e r- up by Otts the Army team. have happened ha.d they met some Maryland, and the game promises to Those who had hoped to see Wes- O'Keefi"e, Arlie Mansberger, Ken real opposition. be a hard-fought affair. tern Maryland send a strong quintet Volk, Al Resnick, and Fred Michel- into Mason-Dixon league competition felder. Former Terror Grid A:nd Diamond Athlete will be disappointed, as the army is The two most prized triumphs of strictly adhering to its "no inter- the thirteen, were the 37 to 34 licking collegiate athletics" rule. However, handed to. our most bitter rivals, Loy- Temporarily Benched By Uncle Sam plans are being made to bring to the ola, before they had lost their top Hill strong organizations that will men, and the crushing of a highly- provide a type of competition almost favored Gettysburg quintet in our By Cadet Woody Preston to say for the time being. You can equal to that of the Mason-Dixon best played game of the year, 40 to 30. Most stories written about Western bet your last dollar, however, that league. .Greyhound Defeat Maryland sports at the present time when Uncle Sam has recovered from e Koppera' Coke Ftrst The Loyola fray was nip-and-tuck are of necessity written in the past - Pearl Harbor and Tom Terry from his The schedule has not as yet been throughout, neither team gaining a tense and have a yearning look at the recent operation, Western Maryland completed, but, so far: games have very sizeable lead. With only two future thrown in at the end. Such will have one good man to count on been ar-ranged with Koppers' Coke, minutes to go, however, the Grey- is this one about Tom Terry-a Ter- when they once more enter inter-col- Waynesboro Y.M.C.A., Bethlehem hounds grabbed a 34 to 30 margin, ror who has recently returned to the legiate competition. Steel, Lutheran Seminary, and oth- then saw it narrow with a two-point- Hill under the guiding hand of Uncle ers. All games will be played in Gill er, and Lodge tie it up with another Sam. Sophs Retain Gymnasium. Koppers' Coke will meet long shot from the middle. The raf- Tom came to Western Maryland as the 'I'errora on December 18. ters fairly shook with Terror exalta- a member of what was one of the fin- tion. Then with but only 20 seconds est crop of freshman athletes ever to Championship e Par ttal Line-up The to play, Robinson, captain of the Fer- don the Green and Gold. He had for- working basketball squad has been out for two weeks and the guson team, was fouled, sunk thc merly starred in football and baseball The Class of '46 has successfully winning point amid an avalanche of at Nanticoke High School and at defended the hockey crown which rough edges are beginning to smooth cheers, and a few seconds later Ed Dickinson Prep. they won last year as Freshmen. Cap- themselves out. Coach Byham has team that Mogowski sewed it up with the final tained by Marjorie Welsh, the team developed a fast-breaking of itself on' will give a good account bucket of the game. e Knee Injury had a slightly different line-up this The G-Burg test was quite differ- It was while at the latter that Ter- year, but contained many of the for- the floor. The complete squad line-up ent. Western Maryland pulled into a ry injured his knee, an injury that mer players. has not been selected, but a few of substantial lead from the starting was to worry him throughout his col: e Jurnor Runner Up the cadets that are likely to sec ac- whistle, and it was never relinquish- legiate career. As fate would have Runner-up to the Sophomores was tion are Riggo, Vaughn, Wynne, Ma- ed. it, the mishap occurred in a game the'Junior team, who put up quite a gowski, O'Keeife, Wesson, and Topfer It was an outstanding triumph, against W. M. C. frosh and at the battle in the play-off match despite however, as the strong Battle- hands of one of his future teammates Tom Teny -.- the fact that the final score was 4-0. field team rated a heavy pre- -Mike Phillips. The first game between the Juniors DRUGS-SODAS game favorite, but found itself defi- Despite the trick knee, Terry was rifle Three of Ortenai, Matley and and the F'reshmen resulted in a 4-0 COSMETICS nitely outclassed when they took to quite an important cog in the fresh- Terr-ishinski. SCOl'e favoring the upperclassmen. the floor. man team of 1941, ably supported by' Terry's varsity football career be- The Seniors then lost a hard-fought The Terrors wound up second in such performers as O'Keeffe and Bills gan in his Sophomore year, when he l-O decision to the Sophomores. Free State play, behind the Washing- in the backfield and Tsouprake, J en- saw considerable action in ,all the im- The outstanding players of all ton College Sho'men, and third in sen, Norman, Kittner and Pennington portant contests. This football ca- classes have been placed all an hon- Mason-Dixon League, trailing the on the line. reer, however, reached its peak last orary team, which will play in any undefeated Chestertown team and the Victories over such aggregations as year, when as a regular fullback, he matches with other colleges that may unbeaten, though untested Yellow Mercersburg and the Baby Terps of played a fine brand of ball all season be scheduled. Phone 9 Jackets from Randolph-Macon. Maryland were due in no' small way as one of the Terror's steadiest per- WESTMINSTER, MD. to the kicking, passing and blocl{Jng • Honorary Team He fouglit hard; e Ccnterenee Upse.t of the Terror fullback. formers. and gave none. asked no They are: R.W., Peg Thompson; quarter In the playoffs, one of the strang- In his freshman year the pride of RI., Jean Lee Philli.pSi C.F., Jean est the world has ever seen, the Ter- Polish Corridor was first string • Baseball Chatter Dieffenbach; L.Y., Marjorie Welsh; rors did not fare so well. Nor did catcher on the Varsity baseball team. Despite his prowess in football, L.W., Millie Lloyd; RH., Doris any of the other leading teams, for Terry is a fine defensive catcher, has Terry's first love has always been Kemp; C.H., Ruth Hausman; L.H .. Compliments in every game of the pClst-season test, a good arm, handles a pitcher well, baseball, which has been fired by his Donna Duvall; RF.B., Gail Lodge; the favored team bowed to the under- and has shown in past seasons that ambition to Some day play in the pro- L.F.B., Dot Rovecamp. Alternates: of dog. Galtaudet, having won only two he is a dangerous man at the plate. leagues. Keeping up a constant chat- Charlotte Ann Wilkins, Betty Baker, contests during the ·regular season, ter and playing every game to win, Nina Mizell. appeared to be throwing the' most .Terrific Three Tom has been a big gun on the Ter- The Evelyn Beauty stuff, and in the right direction, to During Spring football practice of ror diamond year after year. Last prove. themselves afraid of no one, the same year, Torn was one third of season he hit well over .400, driving SMITH & REIFSNIDER Shoppe and as a result, they are officially what was probably Jl(Jt the most pow- in numerous runs and connecting far Incorporated known :as ·the Mason-Dixon cham- erful clique in the school, but which more than once for extra base hits. LUMBEP-COAL pions of 1943, was' certainly._ the noisiest--The Ter- As for the futUre, there is not much WESTMINSTeR. MD.
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