Page 15 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGB THRBII Girls' Glee Club T~'Sing BeFore University Women' s Association Under the direction of Miss Grace Czcee By the Ox and the ABB Sa Gray C. Murray, the Girls' Glee Club will French Carol give two performances in the near Jeanne Coexran will be featured as future, according to an announcement a soloist in Wh-at Child IB Thi8. made today by the director. The second half of the program is The first program will be presented a suite with these parts.' at the meeting of the Carroll County The Christ Child-Suite for Piano by Chapter of the American Association Louise Robyn of University Women in McDaniel Jane Dudderer, at the-piano. Lounge, on Wednesday, December 8, Sara Jane Rice, reader. at 7'3J p. m. I. The Wise IIIen Follow the Star. The f!lllowing songs will be sung: Carol-":The March of the 3 Ding DOilY! lIlerrf/y on High 'Vise Men. Jeanne Corkran. French Carol 11. The Shepherds Meet the Wise Lo, Hol') a Rose E'er Blomning Men at the Manger. ' Praetorius Audrey Donaldson and Mary Good Clcrietusn: Men Rejoice Ellen Lanham. German Carol Silent Night by the Girls' Trio. Wlw.t Ch-ild 18 This English Melody III. The Roman Soldier at the Gate. As Lately We Watched Carol-Here We Come A-Was- Austrian Carol sailing Audrey Donaldson. Airplanes, Scout Cars, Jeeps Add liFe To Battalion Attack On Hoffa Field For the first time in the history of pany B, 702 M.P. Battalion at Pikes- Western Maryland College, alumni ville, headed by Staff Sgt. Theodore were welcomed home to observe a Shelton. The announcer was Lieut .. close view of modern warfare, which George J. Richards. In' advance of was presented by the ASTU cadets the attacking unit across Hoffa Field, and members of the ROTC, who the scene of many football struggles staged a mock battle on Hoffa Field on previous Homecoming days, spec. as part of the Homecoming activities tatozs saw the scouts proceeding Combat Cuuahy M __ The mock battle staged by ASTP Cadets and Western Maryland College on November 20. cautiously, but aggressively with aim- ROTC men on Hoffa Field was made as realistic as possible. It was complete to the point of • Realistic Touch ulated holes and cover for their casualties. Above, leur men are carrying a "wounded" ';'an out of the battle area, moving Airplanes zoomed overhead, drop- march. ping messages and make-believe swiftly I but hugging the ground to dodge fire. • Some "Casualties bombs, armored scout cars raced from one scene of operation to another, and In spite of their caution, there were and when the sol- jeeps whizzed by on hurried missions, some "casualties" they were wounded, diers pretended Harold Bauer, Nationally Known ,Pianist while the attacking battalions pressed four men with Red Cross bands on fire, forward under cover of artillery simulated by explosions of small dy- their arms, rushed with stretchers to their side, and carried the "wounded" Spends Two Days On The Campus In namite sticks back of the lines. The men from the field to a first aid cen- defending units were stationed on the hill next to the college buildings, and ter. At the close of the engagement, Giving Class Lectures And Recital their machine gun and rifle fire gave the men were given time to change another realistic touch. from fatigue clothes to parade unl- Music Department Plans Some Less Spectacular ====~=~ forms and to fonn on Hoffa Field in. honor of the Homecoming Queen. Events For Immediate Future, In Addition To Promises New Theme • Bouquet Presented National Symphony Orchestra February 18 Ana Treatment In The Court was composed of Rebec- , Harold Bauer, nationally known Pianist and teacher, pre- ca Larmore, the Queen, Margaret sented a concert of musical favorites to a large-audience in Alumni '44 Year Book Ann Smith, senior attendant, Virginia Hall on Wednesday, December 1. Lee Horine, junior attendant, Elea- Among his selections were Handel's Suite in G Ma.jor, Moon- Mary Turnley, editor of the 1944 nor Marsh, sophomore attendant, and light Sonata by Beethoven, and the Scherzo in C sharp minor by Aloha. announced, today,,..that the book Shirley Snyder, freshman attendant. Chopin. ~ will be entirely different fr-om any Their corsages of chrysanthemums other in the history of the annual, es- On both Tuesday, and Wednesday Mr. Bauer, who is an in- ... Two ASTP cadeta stationed at were gifts from the Student Govern- structor at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, pecially in view of the fact that the this machine gun were kept busy ment. The queen presented an arm staff has chosen its theme with an eye visited and lectured to the theory to current conditions and activities, throughout the performance. There bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums classes ordinarily conducted by Miss Why Aren't You Joyce Barthelson and the Girls' Glee e Cadet Staff was constant firing ..~ to Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, wife ofcthe President. Club. That evening, he explained his The presence of the Army Special- The whole court stood in the re· In The Army? formal concert to faculty members izcd Training Program and the ab- e Baueuon Attack viewing stands, marked by flags in events and music students in Levine Hall. sence of sport and fraternity front of the stadium, for a ceremon- attack was staged in The battalion by Associated Collegiate Press • Series Planned has made it plausible ','"J devote an en- order to solve a problem on military ial parade· and review in honor of the During the winter months, the mu- tire section to the Military Depart- Queen. This was arranged by officers When are you going into the Ar- sic department will present five var- ment. To add authenticity to this sec- tactics prepared by 1st Lieutenant Herman my? How do you manage to stay in ied musical programs to which the tion Lieutenant Ward, and Cadets The seven L. Insul, Operations Officer. to of the ASTP, with combined units of airplanes belonged school? Boys now attending college student body is invited. Ernest Morgan, Dick Brown and Ed Squadron 332 of the Civilian Air Pa- cadets and ROTC participating. Fred probably spend more time answering Alumni Hall will be the setting for Rosenthal are lending their efforts to A. Kullmar acted as battalion com- by Captain trol, commanded these questions than they do answer- the Little Symphony on December 14 the Staff. Bohlman, with 1st Lieutenant Harold mender. G. R. ing any two quiz questions. The at 8 :00 p. m. The college orchestra Baxter as Operations Officer. The The event concluded with the play- questions are hurled at them um-e- will playa number of selections, all e Cedet Subscriptions Cadets may subscribe to the year- lentlessly, by military men, by every- of which will be directed by senior book by applying to Miss Turnley or scout cars and jeeps were from Com- ing of the National Anthem. students in conducting. Also, in this manner, any stu- Wesleyans, Argonauts, IRe Give Greeting the student home for a her associate staff members in the of- weekend is the old question which e Royer, Spangler to Play fice. dent may obtain a copy for men and each has grown to dread: "\Vhy are- Professor Philip Royer and Cor- women in the service. n't you in the Army?" Many dread poral Spangler will play three son- Dates And Aims Of Meetings home because they know that atas on the evening of January 11, in .Dedication Unknown meeting with friends will Levine Hall of Music. Another re- The Aloha will be approximately The weslevans, a club composed of for four semesters, (one at W.M.C.), bring forth this question immediately. cital will be given on the 14th of Feb- the same size as the book edited last twenty-four pre-ministerial students and have maintained a constant B A typical scene of a collegian home ruary, when Miss Grace Murray and year by Marvin Evans, who is now a who meet every Monday evening un- average, also make public the names Professor Royer, both of the music lieutenant in the Air Corps. The ded- der the sponsorship of Dr. Lawrence of their new members: Jean Andrews, department, collaborate with a noted ication Is, as always, known only to C. Little, have announced their new Joseph Geary, Alice Kuhn, Ruth Baltimore cellist in a series of Mo- members: William Cook, Harold Lew- Miles, Madelyn Myers, Ann Rice, zart and Mendelssohn trios. the staff members themselves. Copies of the book will cost $3.00 for all is, Bradley Lines, Carl Benson, John Marjorie Strickland, Adele Tenny, .Symphony Feb. 28 purchases except seniors who will be Dorsey and Harold Fuss. Margaret Thompson and Catherine The National Symphony Orchestra charged the customary $10.00. 'I'his club meets at Dr. Little's home Waring. will make its annual appearance on to consider campus and world prob- The officers of this group are Fran- the Hill on the evening of February • Last Photographs will return in ap- lems from the standpoint of Christian ces Hall, president; Ann Meeth, vice- Photographers 18, under the leadership of the baton proximately two weeks to take all principles; to come to an understand- president; Dorothy Clarke, secretary; of Hans Kindler. ing o~ the work of the minister; and and Mary R'ehmeyer, treasurer. questions invariably renew On the 31st of March the New Opera group pictures, and to finish the indio to create a sense of fellowship among The International Relations Club, fierce battle that has already been Comique will be present on the Hill vidual sittings. This will be the last the pre-ministerial students. sponsored by Frank B. Hurt, has for to make use of the pho- fought within the individual. Of with a program of entertainment. opportunity services. At present they are studying the the first time, a woman president, tographic course he tells why he is still in Performances of Th6 MainServant, pr-inciples under-lying possible peace Ann Rice. She says, "This club was school. He is either doing pre-medi- by Pergolesi and the Sec:ret of Suz- • Sn"ipshots Requested settlements and post-war planning organized to study world conditions pre-chemical, pre-theological or anne by Wolf-Ferrai, will be done in The editor expressed the hope that and are being led in these endeavors in order to promote an understanding some other work for which the gov- English. Musical accompaniment students will also submit snapshots of by their officers: William Keeffe, of world affairs." The group meets ernment has seen fit to defer him. A will be provided by the famous Rath college activities that seem suitable president; James Mort, secretary- once a month on Friday evening; few are under the age limit, and still String Quartet. Annamary Dickey, for possible use of the staff. treasurer; and Carroll Doggett, chair- meetings usually consist of a speak- mhers are 4·F's . .,. Ruby Mercer, and Pompili Mataltesta All efforts will be put forth, she as- man of deputation work. er followed by group discussion. There But great is the battle out of. which of the Metropolitan Opera Aseccta- serted, to distribute the book before The Argonauts, who require that. a are no special requirements for mem- (Cont. on page 5, col. 4) - ti~n""WilIsin&;\vjt~_t~., company. the closing of the school year. student must have attended college bership, .
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