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Library ':lestern Ivaryland College Westminster, Md. Preachers Will LAST HOME GAME Offer Dance 11u& qo1JBuy TOMORROW Saturday Z286 PAGE 3 • Joe Stevens' Orchestra Is Vol. 20, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE February 25, 1943 Selected; Kullmar Named General Chairman Thirty~Seven ERC Men Are Called The annual dance sponsored by the Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity will be held Saturday night, February 27, in Blanche Ward gym, at 8:15 P. M. Limited transportation facilities Twenty-Four Of These Are made the problem of selecting an or- I Off To The War chestra doubly difficult this year. However, Lee Lodge, chairman of the Due To Be Inducted Today orchestra committee, announces he was fortunate in obtaining Joe Stev- ens and his orchestra from Frederick, Those Summoned Will Report To Forts Mead. whom many r-emembei' from the Sa- And Cumberland; Calmne .. And Cheer Are die Hawkins Dance in November. Taking a cue from the patriotic Evident As Civilian Role Is Dropped fervor of the country, decorations, ar- ranged by the committee headed by World War II made itself known on the heretofore compara- Fred Kullmar, will be simple. Tra- tively unaffected Western Maryland campus recently when Dr. L. Forrest Free, Dean of Men, announced that to date a total of ditional crepe paper has been dis- thirty-seven members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps had left the carded in favor of flags and decoru- Hill for active duty on the battle fronts of the world. tive ferns. Dean Free stated that the first to go were those members of General chairman in charge of the the Reserves who left the campus at the close of last semester. dance is Fred Kullmar, Assisting These men have already reported at the induction center at Fort him are William Smith, programs; Cumberland, near Harrisburg, Pa. Carroll Dogffett, decorations; Jimmy Nine more reservists were ¥iven ten days notice to report at Green and Hymie Dervitz, puhlicity. Fort George G. Meade on Friday, 'February 19. From Fort Meade, Sponsors for the dance will be Dr. where they will go through the short process of induction, the men and Mrs. Earp, Dr. and Mrs. Spicer, will be assigned and shipped to vari- Professor and Mrs. Raver, Dr. and ous training camps throughout the February 20, and found themselves Mrs. Strong, and Dr. and Ml·S. country. with only five days left to finish up Strong, and Dr. and Mrs. Free. their civilian affairs before they re- • Five Days Notice port at Fort Meade on the twenty- Twenty-four more \VMC reservists fifth. Most of the men in this latter Seniors, Sophs To received their orders last Saturday, group will leave the campus together on the day of their induction. Act In Junior Book Campaign e Sudden AlTair of the affair, Despite the suddenees Class Plays Success, Says there was and a noticeable degree the of calmness cheerfulness on part of those affected. Carefully By Dottie Thrush Committee made plans for the near future, ..ylans The curtain will go up on Friday, concerning the coming weekend, March 5, on another series of junior Miss Minnie Marsden Ward, chair- which includes a concert, basketball plays, directed by Miss Esther man of the campus committee in game and dance, were discarded as Smith. Only this year-due to the charge of the Victory Book Campaign, the men made hurried preparations draft difficulties, the junior will he announced today that the dormitory for leaving. Many rushed home for assisted by seniors and sophomores in canvass has been successful to the one last visit to parents and friends variousorles. extent of collecting 129 books, and as a civilian. "Goodnight Caroline", a comedy by $26.29 to date for buying books for e Subfect. To Call Conrad Seiler, will be given by the AMONG THOSE SUMMONED-By the Army was Nelson Wolfsheimer servicemen. Dean Free stated that the Congres- seniors, with the following people in '44. 'Scoop', as he was commonly called, had been a member of the Among the books collected were sional Act requiring men inducted the cast: Mary Frances Hawkins, Jo- Gold Bug staff for three years. When he was inducted he was holding See Here, Prioare Harrgr()'Ve, by Ma- under Selective Service to receive two seph Whiteford, Irene Beard, and the position of managing editor of the paper. rion Hargrove, G1'een Light by Lloyd weeks notice did not appJy to the re- Robert-Moore. C. Douglas, Ohnstad's World Gt my servists, as they were already inac- "Dots and Sashes", by Gordon Al- Finger Tips and Ford's Siren i~ the tive members of the Army of the the plot Record Number Of Students derman, is also a comedy with the Night. United States and were subject to story set in a bus terminal, Money contributed is being used' to call at any time, without notice if being built on a framework of tele- buy current fiction, play anthologies, necessary. This explains the fact grams. The characters in this play 1 detective stories and pocket editions. that the first group got. ten days no- will be portrayed by Don Griffin, Dor- Reach Dean s List Level Members of the committee headed tice and the second group only five. othy Armacost, Anita Rue, Thomas by Miss Ward were: CoL T. K. Her- Those members of the Enlisted Re- who left school at the end of Bush, Edward Justice, and Jeanne Seventy-one seniors, juniors, and The senior class retains its top po- mson, Lee Lodge, Arlie Mansberger, serves (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) • Williams. sophomores, the largest number in sition with thirty of its members in- Albert Conley, and Robert Venables. A serious note is added to the pro- the history of the college, have made cluded on the dean's list, an increase Seven gram with the production of "Tragic the Dean'sList for the first semester of thirteen over last semester. Manny National Orchestra To Feature Second Christening" by William de Lisle. of the school year 1942-43, according of that number, Bo Baugher, Portraying the various roles are Dor- to Miss Martha Manahan, registrar. Kaplan, Lee Lodge, Bill Prettyman, othy Clarke, Harry Mattax, Jeanne By attaining at least a "B" aver- Earl Schubert, Frank Suffern, and Joe Symphony OF Sibelius Here Tonight Corkran, Josephine Branford, William age, these students have been granted Whiteford are senior officers in the Pennington, Edward Justice, Dorothy the privilege of unlimited cuts. The R.O.T.C. The group also includes The National Symphony Orchestra Thrush, Margaret Anne Smith, Betty new list almost doubles the forty-six nineteen women and four other men. will present its annual concert to- Rose, Irene Beard, and Josephine names included at the end of last They are: Deborah Bowers, Verna night in Alumni Hall at eight P. M. Branford. year. Cooper, Elizubeth Sable, Caroline Ga- under the direction-of Hans Kindler. ble, Doris Harman, Eleanor Healy, This marks the seventh consecutive Janith Horsey, Yvonne Earle Link, appearance of this well-known sym- Plans F or Training OF A viation ( a ets- Hannah M,K", H,,,l Metz Marv phonic ensemble on College Hill. d l\Iiller, Frances Ogden, Alice Rohrer, Challenged by the fact that Wash- ington was the only great,capital On Hill Explained By Dr. Holloway ~:i%,R~',,";,:~;'~:w~::"~:~'~i~the world which had no symphony in ginia Walker, Winifred Wareheim orchestra of its own, Hans Kindler, Plans for training the Army Air the regular college faculty. They and Ruth Ann Whitmore Kitner. The at the height of his reputation as one Cadets, who are scheduled to begin will study physics, mathematics, Eng- men are: Andrew Graham, Milton of the great virtuoso cellists, chose to their work at westeren Maryland lish, history, and geography. In ad- Huber, who graduated in January, abandon that career and embark up- with the summer session, were an- dition to academic work, they will re- Alvin Levin, and Bob Seimon. on the undertaking of organizing nounced by Dr. Fred G. Holloway to- ceive training in military and physical The juniors. whose class has been and conducting a National Symphony day. 'The college has been selected education. depleted because of the war, have Orchestra for the nation's capital. for this work under the ArmY's new The cadets will take tell hours of (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) After twelve years of untiring elfot't, Specialized Training Program. flying instruction during- the fifth Dr. Kindler has brought the National The first group of 200 cadets will month of their training period. The Symphony to its present place of Hans Kindler arrive around June. The time of air field to be used for this instruc- Apology To Dr. Bertholf ... leadership among the major sym- their arrival depends on when, how tion has not yet been selected. The Gold Bug wishes to apolo- phony orchestras of the nation. of Sibelius' Symphony No.2 in D ma- jor. The complete program is as fol- much, and what dormitory space will The schedule for Air Cadets, both gize to Dr. Lloyd J\I. Bertholf, The record of the National Sym- De available for them. for classes and meals will be differ- Dean of the Facuity, for misquot- phony's conductor in the struggle lows: from the Orgom. a.nd Allegro, Each group of Air Cadets will train ent from that 'Of the regular college ing him in the story on the new since the birth of the orchestra is E," at Western Maryland for a period ~f students. 'They will be subject to mil- unexcused absences system which phenomenal. The musical public has Concerto in G mn.i?! five months. Although expected to itary regulations and required not appeared in the February 4 issue. been amazed by the competence and comply with college regulations, the only to be in their dormitories but Dr. Bertholf was quoted as say- skill shown by Dr. Kindler in weld- Sym,phony No.2 in D major cadets will be under strict military have lights out at 10 o'clock. ing. in regard to the students' ing a leading symphonic ensemble in Sibelius discipline and have little, if any, con- The first group of Army Air Ca- holding conferences with the fac- a short twelve years. Dr. Kindler Allegretto teet with the regular college students. dets to come to Western Maryland ulty, that "there should be no has made an impressive and essential TempQ andante, ·tlU£ rubato The R.O.T.C. will continue its will be drawn from the Enlisted Re- more of the meetings." In reali- contribution to musical life in these present function, but Colonel Walton serve Corps; the second group will ty, what Dr. Bertholf had said United States, according to well- Finale: A lleg'/'Q modcratQ will assume the post of Commandant be comprised of selected high school was "there should be more of known authorities in the field of Intermission of Army Cadets, in addition to his graduates. these meetings". music. Death and Tran.sfiglwa.tion ...... Strauss regular duties. President Holloway also stated that The Gold Bug regrets the error. The program for the evening will B~rceU8e and Finale from T1w F'W'e The cadet corps will be taught by (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) include as a feature the presentation Bird _..Stravinsky
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