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Library ';1estern Maryland College ':esttllinster, Md. Western Maryland's May Queen Vol. 20 No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE March 11, 1943 ROTC, Infantry Precedent Broken As Levin Song Contest Retains Gold Bug Editorship A contest for the purpose of find- ing a theme song for the Infantry and Lillian Jackson Is Named Managing Editor; R.O.T.C. is !lOW being sponsored by Miss Joyce Barthelson of the Music LeRoy Gerding Chosen Business Manager Department. Contestants will be ex- pected to write words or music or Breaking all precedents on The Gold Bug, Alvin H. Levin "will bctu, with the intention of establish- continue as editor-in-chief until graduation in the middle of May. ing a permanent theme for these ser- Usually with this issue, new staff members are appointed by the vice branches. senior members of the old staff. Because of the war, however, un- The Gold Bug post office box F, will dergraduate members who were being lined up for staff positions be open at aU times, and entries have been drafted or left college. Few changes are being made at should be submitted there before the the present; most of the present staff members wIll continue to closing date, April 10. work with the present editor. Judges for the contest will be se- Lillian Jackson, '45, who has been a staff member for two lected from members of the music years, will fill the position of managing editor, vacated by Nelson and English departments. Wolfsheimer. Miss Jackson worked as a reporter and as copy editor during her freshman year. At Senior Class Plans Presentation Of the beginning of her sophomore year, she was promoted to the position of news editor, which she shared with editor, As managing 'Follies' Before Leaving Campus Carolyn Gable. will be in line for the Miss Jackson editorship after it is vacated. By Janet Lee- Baugher ing to layoff a week, be in bed by ten, Ruth Miriam Sartorio, '43, has In about ten weeks graduation will and take breathing exercises faith- been elevated to the position of asso- be over-s-the class of '43 will add their fully just so he'll be in top shape to ciate editor in charge of copy. As names to the alumni column, and an- "give out" with the old cowboy songs such she will work with Mary Miller, other group will fill their place as --and maybe a few novel numbers. '43. The job of news editor will be seniors. The weeks coming up will Yes, this is going to be the seniors' filled by Carolyn Gable, '43, and Mary be busy for the '4Sers-making up farewell gift to their fellow students, Virginia Webb, '45. Miss Gable has extra points, attending bull sessions, and who could want a better one? held thi; for the past year and Miss reminiscing and getting ready for the This wiII [ust help to make the '43 Webb has worked as a Gold. Bug re- great day. Yes, all that has to be characters more unforgettable and porter. The feature department of done-and one more thing, the SE- give'the rest of us one more thing to the Gold Bug will still be headed by NIOR FOLLIES must be presented. talk about when we tell next years' Eieanor Healy, '43. The seniors decided that they needed freshmen-"You don't know what Y0U The sports department will remain one thing more to top off a glorious missed", (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) four years on the hill and this seemed just the thing-so it was unanimous- lyelected. Obstacle Course To Be Toughened The plan is still in the embryo Although the details are In -Spring, Says Captain Caple stage; nothing has de-finitely been de- cided upon. unknown, we do know that the Fol- Real spring weather will bring with inducfion training in developing and Peggy Wilson lies are going to be in the form of a it a broadening of the military physi- strengthening all the muscles of the variety show (and knowing the se- cal education program at Western body, through such basic physical ac- niors, we can trust the variety). Maryland College, according to Cap- tions as running, jumping, kicking, Peggy Wilson Elected As There will be an old bar-room quartet tain George Henry Caple, Jr., Assist- hanging, crawling and pulling". speech, of course) (purely figurative Planned and drawn up by the cap- who will take us back to the gay nine- ant Professor of Military Science and tain in cooperation with Lieut. Bruce Tactics, who has stated that the pres- Queen Of Annual Court a return to the last century, there is of ent obstacle course would be length- Ferguson, the course was built by lo- songs. Speaking ties with their a possibility that some of the girls ened to include several new and diffi- cal carpenters and the participating cult features. students themselves, who did much of Among these will he Peggy Wilson will rule as May during her sophomore and junior might give us an old fashioned chorus a tunnel and a structure over the the work in digging holes and plant- Queen over the seventeenth annual years. girl number-but then this is only a pond at the south-west corner of the ing posts. May Day Festivities which will be The May Queen and her court were possibility. campus. Also, in addition to the The student, in negotiating the held at the Harvey Stone Park Am- elected by the student body during One of the after-ten singers is go- lengthened obstacle course, the stu- course, finds himself confronted with phitheater on Saturday, May 1. Iast Monday's assembly period. The dents will be required to engage ill the following obstacles: a small but court of pulchr-itude that will attend Miss Wilson, who presided over the welcoming Frats, ROTC To field and track competition and mass muddy stream, a nine-foot wall, a Homecoming Day celebration this the Queen in officially games, such as "Tug-of-\Var" and steep hill, a wire entanglement, a year, has been a consistent member spring on the campus consists of the "Storm the Fort". scaling ladder, two hurdles, a balanc- of every May Court since the begin- following r-apr-esentn tives from each Back Bloocl Introduced under the leadership of ing rail and a broad jump of about ning of her college career. She was class: the Military department in coopera- ten feet. elected duchess of her freshman class Senior duchess, Mary Frances Haw- tion with school officials at the be- The course is conducted on a mili- Virginia Bell Campaign and served as attendant to the Queen kins; senior attendants, ginning of the present semester, the tary basis, and inter-company compe- and Margaret Moss. program has been, as Capt. Caple tition is encouraged. Competitive Junior duchess, Rebecca Larmore; Backed by the four fraternities on stated it, "for the purpose of pre- (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) JGC To Become junior attendants, Margaret Ann the Hill·and the R.O.T.C., a unit of the Red Cross Blood Donor Campaign Smith and Doris Himler. will be open on April 20, 21, and 22 Inter-Sorority ler; Sophomore duchess, Audrey 'I'r-eis- in Immanuel (Methodist) lecture Slowed Down By Wire Entanglements •.• Virginia sophomore attendants, Lee Horine and Marion Whiteford. Contrary to the ruling of previous Member Freshman duchess, Eleanor Marsh; months, students eighteen years old freshman attendants, Inez Macklin or over will be permitted to donate and Lynn Burr.- In a move which occasioned no lit- blood without parental consent. New tle surprise in sorority circles on the Tentative plans include the follow- rulings. are being considered for the Hill, J.G.C. Club accepted an invita- ing: Beginning at 9 o'clock in the restrictions of women in this respect, tion to membership in the Inter-So-. morning, there will be a receiving and announcement of the decision rority Council on Tuesday, March 9. committee in McDaniel Hall Lounge. will be made later. The faculty will The afternoon program will Opel] at be represented in t.his enterprise. After receiving a formal invitation 3:00 P. M. No invitations will be to attend the regular meeting of the sent to parents this year, but stu- Colonel Charles Walton announced Inter-Sorority Council, J.G.C. sent dents will be allowed to invite as today, "Men who give blood will be Harriet Smith and Alice Rohrer to many guests as they desire. excused from physical education that appear before this -body. At this day and the following day." After meeting, the two clubwomen stated the donation is given, the local Red that their club would be willing to Radcliffe F.llowship ••.• Cross Chapter will supply a place for take a Greek name if they would then the donors to rest, and will also give be accepted as members. of the Inter- Two .fellowships of $500 each refreshments to the donors. Sorority Council. They trfed to jus- are. offered by Radcliffe College This blood is valued at $50.00 a tify the position of J.G.C. in taking for the-year 1943-44 to women de- pint, fifty times as much as the aver- this stand. The Council then invited siring to prepare themselves for age person on the Hill can give in the them to join and Alice Rohrer ac- pos~s in personnel. administra- financial campaign being conducted cepted for J.G.C. tion. at the present time. Peggy Reeves, Jane Martin, and Enrollment is open to. a limited David Auld and Carroll Doggett, in Evelyn Royer will represent J.G.C. number of college graduates. For charge of organizing the donors on on the Inter-Sorority Council. The catalogue and furthe~ information the Hill, will hold a meeting in room club is currently considering adopting apply to: Anne Hood Harken, Di- No. 22, Science Hall, at 12:15 P. M., THE OBSTACLE COURSE-Is literally taken in stride by these ener- getic members of the ROTC and the ERC. Iota Gamma Kappa as their Greek rector Training Course in Person- Monday, March 15, for the purpose Reading from left to right, the men who are depicted above are: Bill name. Tbese letters form. the near- nel Administration, Radcliffe Col-. of registering volunteers. At this est Greek equivalent of the, .initials lege, Cambridge, Mass. meeting, men under 18 will be able to Prettyman, Marv Evans, Dick Shuck, Em Sylvester, Joe Kenney, and J.G.C. procure slips for parents' signature. G'OyRooser. .
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