Page 36 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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I PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, MeL, February 2'. 1943 Thirty-Seven Men Recorcl Number lOne 01 Three ... Geary, Henry To Ration Registration ... Campus From Hill Are Reaches Dean's Heacl Wes/eyans Book Number Registration for War 2 had been success- fully completed by 5 P. M. today Incluctecl List Level Ancl SeA announced l\liss S. S. Tweed, head in charge of ration- of committee (Cont, from page 1, col. 5) (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) New officers for the coming year ing on the Hill. 50D students reg- Approximately the semester and reported at .Fort eighteen who have achieved similar were announced this week by the istered in the game room and were Cumberland are: Jack Alexander, scholastic honors. Three more than weslevans, and the Student Christian assisted in the reg ist.rat.ion by a Charles Chlad, Sherwood Ferris, Rob- last semester, they are: Margaret Association, two of the religious or- committee of home economics stu- ert Grumbine, Sanford Noble, and Adams, Dorothy Clarke, Lois Corbett, ganizations on the Hill. dents and volunteer men workers Alec Resnik, Grace Dryden, Agnes Dyson, Vivian Joseph Geary was named president organized by Miss Tweed and su- The men who received orders to re- Forsythe, Frances Hall, Ann Meath, of the Wesleyans, with Bin Keeffe pervlsed by her. port to the 132nd Supply Unit at Thelma Morris, Mary Rehmeyer, serving in the capacity of vice-presi- Miss Twe-ed stated that the eo- dent. Bob Adams was elected to the Fort George G. Meade on February Charles Buttner, Viron Diefenbach, operation of the student body in 19 are: Robert Beglin, Harvey Buck, Bill Harrington, Fred Kullmar, Arlie position of secretary-treasurer. These this enterprise was all that could men succeed Wallen Beane, who was Viron Diefenbach, Jim Elliott, Wil- Mansberger, Ed Mogowski, and Bill the former president; Reber-t Grum- be desired, and the work of the liam Potts, Frazier Scott, Robert Richardson. advantage this year of bine, fonner vice-president; and Joe volunteer workers was commenda- Taking Siemon, and Nelson Wolfsheimer. their first opportunity to be included Geary, who was the secretary. ble. The entire student body was • Latest proup on the dean's list, are twenty-three New president of the S.C.A is Paul registered within three days. The latest group to leave, with or- sophomores, an increase of nine over Henry, and he is assisted by Lillian Harry Buck- ders to report at Fort Meade Febru- those who reached a similar level last Lee D. Lodge Jackson, vice-preaident, and Ruth Miles, ingham, secretary, ary 25 are: Douglas Beaks, Donald semester. treasurer. Miss Miles will also be Air Cadet Plans The sophomore list is as follows: Bohn, John Caccia, Emory Chesley, Jean Andrews, Frances Brown, Donna Sixth Gold Star serving as the treasurer of the U.R. Hyman Dervitz, Hank Ferris, James DuVall, Phyllis Hess, Mae Henneman, A.C. in view of this election. For Campus Fisher, Bill Faust, Robert Frazier, Alice Kuhn, Ruth Miles, Madeline Robcrt Hodgeson, Joe Kenny, Richard Myers, !\fary Elizabeth Ober, Ploi-a IsAwarded To '.----------------- Outlined Koester, Al Kornberger, Joe Kugler, Siewicz, Ethel Stevens, Adele Tenny. Stan Kulakowski, Joe Maciejezky, Margaret Ann Thompson, Carol Tool', Lee Lodge Robert Mathias, Rod Naef, George Kitty Waring, Mary Virginia Webb, I comB;;; (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) Norman, Robert Perdue, Barnett Marion Young, Thclma Young, Bill Cad e t Lieutenant Colonel Lee he does not expect Western Maryland next Spier, Alvin Walker, and George Burgess, Frank Jaumot, Ted Seigel, Lodge has become the third man in to year. encounter any difficulties fresh- The list of prospective Stevens. John Edward Smith, and Bill Roberts. the history of the college to win six R.O.T.C. gold stars, according to an (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) men is as large as ever. The Military announcement made by the Military Bob-at least it got him to Pitts- Department will continue to offer its From The Pig Pen Depar-tment. burgh at the end of last year, even basic training course, although ad- vanced military will proba- training To attain this honor, Lodge had to though it did use thirty-two gallons receive a B average in all his military of gas and thv·ty-m'ght quarts of oil bly not be offered next year. courses and merit badges every sem- on the trip! Besides next year-s incoming fresh- ester. The rcquir ements ' also called The Dodge would probably be run- men boys, other male students, with such as pre-medical, are exceptions, ning now, if its owners hadn't tried (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) to read through "From the Slop Bar- for perfect attendance. Maryland to start it in reverse! The car just expected to remain. Dr. Holloway Western The only other bed, as the carmonlike boom of the rel" and there found my answer. men to attain this honor were band couldn't take that, so it is now resting estimated that there will be perhaps gun still rings in my ears. "Really, Mr. Levin. I should say captain, Bill Banks, and Lieutenant peacefully in the LOdge's garage. 100 to 150 male students at Western { The above mentioned recreational that you!" loss has been the lucky Thornton Wood, '42. There is another important event Mru-yland College in 1!l43-44, activities are just a few of many. I girl's gain-in fact, I will say it. To Lodge, having lived most of his life in Bob's life that had to do with haven't space here to detail the oth- quote a slightly used ph~se-"Some cooking. That was when Bob was the 01' if he would tear up a speeding ers, which include water-fights, pil- people have all the luck." In all fair- at the Bi-iar'ly Military Academy of cook of Cobb Island. Beglin, Lodge, ticket, the Governor, just as casually, low-fights, door slamming, bed mov- ne;s to Mr. workman, I must say which his father is president, is carry- Hancock, and Gruel spent a week on referred him to some judges who ing, and jumping up and down in that TIw Gold Bug has little interest ing on the military tradition of his Cobb Island, and one day Bob was the were sitting nearby! cadence. Besides, I guess I've said for me now with the removal of Tlw family. A prominent campus person- cook. He made Mulligan stew and too much already-some night I'll Keg. Please send me more of these ality, he is president of the Men's cooked it for one whole day! Result? into Bob didn't feel so bad about going although the army, he would probably return from the Gold Bug Gold Bug issues so I may glance at Student Government, president of the Well, they are aU still alive. Here on have liked getting his diploma. One office and find a gaping, smoking hole the outside column, second page and senior class, ex-president of Delta Pi the Hill, Bob has frequently worked thing annoyed him a little, however: where my room had been. mourn the loss of a great journalist. Alpha fraternity, and has been active in the grill, so his skill runs from of all his roommates (Hancock, Sincerely yours, for three years on varsity baseball • Workman Again Q. A. QUIGLEY." and basketball teams. stew to sundaes. speaking, Bob 18 one Stephens, Gruel, and Lodge), he is Scholastically I seemed destined-c-or- doomed, of Dr. Schempp's boys who major in the smallest, but he was the one if you will-to include in this column economics. Had not the war inter- picked to go to protect his country. Oh well, you hear lots of good jokes cach week some reference to the old fered, he would probably have gone in the army! master of the written word (as he into the automobile business. likes to think of himself), Joe W ork- A bridge fan and a joke connois- man, Posing under the name of When the cheerleader pleads horse- gaged in no extra-curricular ecttvt: seur, Bob is also known for his ability SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER Quagmire A. Quigley, dispenser of ly for a "Fight, fight, Siwash" and ties. The most intelligent group, 16 to talk himself out of awkward situa- Incorporated Quigley's Squirkins ("Extremely Fine then does a cartwheel through the per cent above the average, worked tions. Last year, however, at the LUMBER-COAL for Your Inside Workin's"), Joe has rain, don't question his intelligence- on student publications. basketball playoff at Loyola, when WESTMINSTER. MD. seen fit to comment, purely objective- he's probably a little brighter than Ratings for men participating in Bob ca.sually asked Governor tI'Con- ly, of course, upon the fact that col- the average. social religious, dramatic, musical, umn one, page two, is no longer occu- That's the finding of a survey con- managerial and cheer-leading activi- pied by The Keg. His letter to The ties were found to be "slightly above DRUGS-SODAS at Colgate University. The ducted Pig Pea opens with his finding a investigation was aimed at determin- ~average." FREDERICS COSMETICS wadded mass of paper in the gutter. ing what relationship, if any, exist- Men in the student government TRU CURL We Deliver Then to quote the letter: ed between intelligence of Colgate were second only to those men on PERMANENT WAVE "The wad of paper, on being opened, seniors and participation in extra- publications. The rating for men in 1m displayed in bold black print the minor athletics coincided with the The nearest thing to naturally UNRIGHT curly words-THE GOLD BUG-a c 1'0 s s curricular activities, . average, while the standings of the Phone 395 for hair curl, and test the head of the paper. Now being one The results throw a little cold water men in departmental clubs dropped 6 appointments I.~V~!~ of the "washed" of the Literary on the "big campus man," the fellow per cent below the average. World, I immediately connected the who belongs to all the clubs and ap- Lowry Beauty Shop pears at least a half-dozen times in title-THE GOLD BUG-with All the group pictures in his class year- Adjoining Post Office Phone- 9 American, Alvin Levin, Western SUBSCRIBE TO THE WESTMINSTER, MD, Maryland College, The Keg and Joe book. Statistics show it's not the fact GOLD BUG Workman. Naturally, I was excited that he participates, but what .he and turned immediately to the second takes part in-that gives a clue to his John Everhart page of this publication to see what gray matter. Carroll Theatre State Theatre And as for the meek little student the journalistic Mr. Workman had to THE COLLEGE BARBER offer. To my great dismay, that old whose name never appears on a com- WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. standby was absent and in its hal- mittee, he's 3 per cent smarter than AND BOBBER lowed place there appeared'a bit of the average. AT THE FORKS Thurs., Fri., & Sat., March 4,5,6 Sun., Mon. February 28, Mar. 1 trash called "From the Slop Barrel Long suspected, the fact was estab- Anne Shirley - Georgc Murphy Edward Arnold - Fay Bainter by Sloppy" or some such title. lished that the varsity letter for FOUR CHAIR SERVICE in in skill in major sports usually adorns a "WAR AGAINST J\1RS.HADLEY" • First Thought strong baek and an I.Q. 11 per cent No Waiting "THE POWERS GIRL" below average. HEAGY BROTHERS' ":My first thought was that per- The survey l'evealed that 30 pel' BARBER SHOP Tuesday, March 2 chance Mr. Workman had taken ovel" ccnt of the nearly 800 seniors en- Ne:r;t to Post O/llce Sun., Mon. & Tues., March 7, 8, 9 Milton Berle - Mary Beth Hughes the editprial column as he does occa- Ann Sothern - Red Skelton in sionally and very well, too. When I in "OVER MY DEAD BODY" glanced there, still no Keg. The mor- COOTES' "PANAMA HATTIE" Wednesday, MRrch 3 bid thought that Mr. Workman might The this might not BARBERSHOP be sick forced its way into my con- Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 11, 12, 13 Roy Rogers sciousness. I prayed Coffman-Fisher Co. Bob Hope - Dorothy Lamour in be the case. Finally, I forced myself HUB BASEMENT in "SUNSET SERENADE" Department Store Thurs. & Fri., March 4, 5 ---+-- 'THEY GOT ME COVERED" Jean Parker - LulubelJe and Scotty in READ Phone 300 CASSELL'S COMMENTS Ready-To-Wear Sun., Mon. & Tues., Mar. 14, 15, 16 "HI NEIGHBOR" CARROLLEEN On Th, Millinery "YANKEE DOODLE DANDY" Charles Starrett - Russe,1I Hayden James Cagney - Joan Leslie Wear Sport in March 6 Saturday, Individual Coiffura SPORTS PAGE Nisley Shoes Shoes in Of The Freeman Beauty in ita Entirety Thurs., Frid., Sat., Mar. 18, 19, 20 "THE FIGHTING BUCKARdO" Evening Sun Clothing Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Bergman Sun., Mon., March 7, 8 66 W. Main St. LEROY E. GERDING 11 East Main St. in Veronica Lake - Frederic March in WESTMINSTER, MD. College Agent Phone 102 "CASABLANCA" "I MARRIED A WITCH"
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