Page 32 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 32
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, WestmillSter, Md., February 4, 1943 Series Of Sunday Holloway; Professor Makosky, who is so rapidly and well on my way to a I was quickly that over- sponsor of the Black and Whites; !.II'S. whelmed Afternoon Teas Makosky, a former Sigma; Miss ,Es- severe case of writer's cramp when. Modem Shoe Rebuilding ther Smith, the Sigma sponsor; Peg- luckily, I managed to break my pen- gy Wilson, retiring Sigma president; cil point. I left the dance that even- Inaugurated and Harry D. Gruel, president of the ing in the very best Maryland tr adi- C. VELNOSKEY & SON new Sigma president; Virginia Bell, Black and Whites. Dean Carmichael (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) tion, giving everyone a smile through 10 Penna. Ave. at the Forks a hear- clenched teeth and muttering The first of a series of Sunday af- will preside at the tea table. side to side, indicates open- WESTMINSTER, MD. ternoon teas will be held on February During the afternoon, a musical mouthed amazement. ty "Ray-hay, Jack" as I wended my 7, in McDaniel Lounge from 3 :30 to program will be presented by the Go W ~-a-a,...(J.-a-y-y!-Substitute way through the crowd-The Orear- Give Us A Trial And Be 5 P. M. by Sigma Sigma Tau and its members of the Sigma sorority. Dor- for Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! est!-assuring one and all that the Convinced brother fraternity, Pi Alpha Alpha, othy Clarke is in charge of the mu- 01nigawd!-Substitute for Go W a-a- dance was definitely not one-time. in conjunction with the Women's Dor- sic. Flora Siewicz will play the vio- a-a-a-a-y-y! ALVIN H. LEVIN. mitory System. lin, accompanied by Charlotte Ann One-tim6---small, petty, ill-done, any- This tea is planned to provide en- Wilkins. Janice McKinley will ac- thing not quite up to par; viz., tertainment on Sunday afternoon for company Alice Dittmar, who will "She's strictly one-time." DRUGS-SODAS all students and guests of Western sing. Dorothy Clarke and Cordelia TJw GreGt68t!_anything good in the J. WM. HULL, Jeweler COSMETICS Maryland College. If the first one is Price will also contribute to the pro- slightest degree; viz., "The dance Successor to Cassell's We Deliver successful, others may follow. The gram. was the Greatest!" "My exam teas will be sponsored by various Virginia Bell, general chairman of mark was The Greatest!", etc. The Store of New Fashioned campus organizations; Sigma Sigma the tea, has announced the following I could have managed to set down Jewelry and Old Fashioned Tau, as the oldest sorority 011 the Hill, committees: invitations, Ridgely Pol- quite a number of expressions, but Honesty was selected to sponsor the first. litt and Pearl Bodmer; food, Betty someone noticed me as I was writing The teas were suggested by Dean Neidert and Mary Miller; equipment, and promptly gave the tip-off. Im- East Main St. Carmichael,....who feels that some form Mary Frances Shipley; clean-up, mediately everyone, on learning what Wesrminster, Md. of Sunday afternoon recreation should Charlotte Ann Wilkins; program, I was writing down, started slinging " Times Building Phone 9 be provided for all students. Dorothy Clarke; advertisement, Peg- expressions-in Marylandese-around WESTMINSTER, MD. This Sunday the receiving line at gy Carter. the tea will consist of Dr. and Mrs. SMITH & REIFSNIDER John Everhart FREDERICS Incorporated THE COLLEGE BARBER TRU CURL Carroll Theatr~ State Theatre LUMBER-COAL PERMANENT WAVE WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MO. WESTMIl':1STER, MD. AND BOBBER The nearest thing to naturally Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 4, 5, 6 Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 4, 5 AT THE FORKS curly hair Phone 395 for test curl, and Fred Maojduri-ay-Pnulet.te Goddard Lloyd Nclnn-Oarolc Landis appointments in in RANGERS" CALLING" FOREST Mon~rch Cleaners COOTES' Lowry Beauty Shop "THE In beautiful 'I'echnicolor ;'i\[ANILA February 6 Saturday, BARBERSHOP Adjoining Post Office Roy Roger s-Gabby Hayes in QUALITY Su~., Mon.,'I'ues., Feb. 7, 8, 9 "SONS OF THE PIONEERS" CLEANING HUB BASEMENT Jack Benny-Ann Sheridan PROMPT SERVICE ---- in SUn., Mon., Feb. 7, 8 "GEORGE WASHINGTON Diana. Bart-ymore-Brian Donlevy Phone 484 SLEPT HERE" in Yes, we have "NIGHTMARE" Pennsylvania Avenue LESS and LESS A Suggestion Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 11, 12 Wednesday, Feb. 10 of Extended MORE and MORE FOR Bette Davis-Paul Henreid Russell Hayes-Bob Wills . in in OFTENER and OFTENER Valentine's Day "NOW VOYAGER" "TORNADO IN THE SADDLE" 'Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 11,12 Feb. 13 Saturday, VALENTINES WE'RE STILL HERE "SAY IT Ralph Bellamy-Evelyn Angers Allan Jones-Jane Frazee However in FOR SELLING THE BEST WITH FLOWERS" "THE GREAT in "lHOONLIGHT IN HAVANA" in IMPERSQN ATION" Saturday, February 13 EVERYBODY Charles Starrett in AT Sodas-Lunches Stewart N. Dutterer Sun., Mon. & 'I'ucs., Feb. 14, 15, 16 "PARDON "'IY GUN" --H--- FLORIST In Beautiful Technicolor • Suu. & MOll., Feb. 14, 15 Coffman's Card Shop BONSACK BROS. Pennsylvania Avenue Be~ty' Grable-Jolin Payne Godfrey Tearle-Eric Portman in in Opposite Bus Terminal The College Shop Phone 350 "SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES" "ONE OF OUR AIRCRAFT IS MISSING" There are two good reasons why Chesterfield gives smokers everything they want in a cigarette. FIRSt, Chesterfields are made of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. SECOND, Chesterfield blends these choice tobaccos in the one right combination to bring out the best smoking qualities of each tobacco. That's why Chesterfields deliver the goods _•. their MILDNESS and BEITER TASTE really Satisfy. Copyrigh. ]g.j3,l1GGIITT & M'· ..... TOMCCO Co.
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