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Library Vfestern Maryland College r , Md. Students Act To Ask That Faculty Reconsider New Absence System Student. Representatives Who Spoke On ICuts' ..• Joint Meetings Helcl With Committee Vol. 20, No.8 W~STERN MD. COLLEGE Pebeua ...y 4, 1943 Nae], Whiteford Express Viewpoints Of Students, Second Semester Enrollment The followi'1lg is an editorial clari- Present Plans by both Totals Twelve Students ficatian of the action taken the. much- on and st11dents faellity 'llewly-in.lZ1!uurated discussed, system. Because the story is "cut' con- More- Than-Usual Number Of New Undergrads tinued in the edit(wial colmn1l8 of the Is Offset By Large Group Of Withdrawals Gold Bug, we wish to emphasize that it is an infurmative editorial and not New student enrollments for the and Washington, D. C. Similarly, one of opinion; its main purpose is to second semester at Western Mary- while eight enrollments are in the clean up certain paints of actiO'l1 land College total twelve-s-seven boys freshmen class, foul' ere advanced en- which have be61L taken. The ideas and five girls-according to Miss rollments. oHtlined in the article ha'Ve been con- Martha Manahan, registrar. Eight Miss Manah~n stated that there ceLved and. presented by reorceensa- of these students are from Mary- are more than the usual number of tiVIJ student {f?·()Ups. land, while four are from New mid-term enrollments this year. Committee On Post-War Planning York, New Jersey, "t Permsylvanla, (By a Staff Correspondent) The men students are: Aoi'Vaneed--- The recent announcement in the Alfred Robert Rornberger of Cam- Organizecl At Western Marylancl last issue of the Gold. Bug by Dean Annual Preacher den, N. J., and J. Stanley Ritchie of A committee to investigate and various colleges which would discuss Bertholf concerning the new and re- duced cut system has touched off a Frostburg, who is return- Maryland, ing to Western Maryland College to discuss the various phases of post- the problems involved in a post war wave of indignation in the student Dance Will Be make up some work; FrcSh.71Uln-- war planning has recently been or- peace and submit reports. The veri- body. Donald Brown Bailey of Harrisburg, ganized at Western Maryland Col- '(ius reports will be called and consol- Several meetings were called by Held Feb. 27 Pa., Donald Carl Lewis, Robert Hen- of lege under the direction of Dr. Fred idated and those ideas of value sub- the Student Government; and finally ry Rhodes, and Aibert Bar-ringer Baltimore, and Jerome Rosenstock of G. Holloway. The committee is com- mitted to interested agencies of the in joint session of both Men's and it Governments posed of twelve members at present Women's government. Student Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity will hold its annual dance on Saturday, Febru- Ellenville, N. Y., who transferred and is concerned with the discussions The ideas to be discussed will in- was decided that they, in another ary 27, from 8 to 12 P. 1\1. The dance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. of the problems which will follow the clude in toto, economics, politics, eth- joint session, would meet with mem- signing of the peace. will be held in Blanche Ward Gymna- The women students are: Advanced nology, religion, cultural and educa- bers of the faculty concerned. slum. -Jane Etzler and Mildred Hoke, Dr. Holloway was elected chair- tional problems, and almost all the T.he meeting was called to order on Lee Lodge, chairman of the orches- both of Carroll county, Maryland, man, Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, vice-presi- interests represented by members of January 20 at 5 P. M., with the en- The committee is not Dean Ber- tra committee announces that, as yet, who have been cadet teaching and dent, and Dr. Sarah Smith, secre- the faculty. and hopes to include the tir<~ Student Government, Dean Car- exclusive Dean tholf, tary. Isanogle, he has been unable to obtain the ser- who plan to finish their college work The original committee was insti- michael, Dean Free, and Dr. Spicer vices of a band for the dance. It has this summer; Freshanen: - Edna rest of the professors in its member- become practically impossible to get Louise Haller of Washington, D. C.; gated by Dr. Ralph B. Perry, Chair- ship, and perhaps even advanced stu- in attendance. sophomore an orchestra from Baltimore due to Mary Louise Reese of \Vestminster, man of Philosophy and Psychology at dents of history and sociology. tive Rod Naef, spokesman for representa- the Men's and under University, Harvard the title will hold its next The committee transportation difficulties, according and Margaret Catherine Schumann of the Universities' Committee on meeting on February 11 when Doc- Student Government, first presented to Lodge. of Baltimore. Post-War International Problems. It tors Whitfield and Hurt will discuss the men's case which ran as follows: General chairman in charge of the The withdrawals were: Men----L. G. was .fhe purpose. of. the general com- the political factors leading up to the dance is Fred KuIImar. Assisting Carter, K. E. Chester, C. H. Chlad, mittee to organize such committees in final break in the present war. 1. we have seen no improvement in him are William Smith, programs; E. J. Dolan, N. H. Ensor, N. J. Fer- many courses this year. George Stevens, decorations; Jimmy ris, J. Gavula, R. Grumbine, C. C. 2. We have seen few of the faculty Green and Hymia Dervitz, publicity. Hurshman, R. E. Mirise, T. I. Myers, Sororities/fraternities Elect New Officers take up the responsibility of R. A. Larrimore, R. J. Sponsors for the dance will be Dr. Lechliter, serving in uniform and though and Mrs. Earp, Dr. and Mrs. Spicer, J. S. Noble, A. A. Resnick, W. M. we realize that they might want Professor and Mrs. Raver, Dr. and Roberts, J. H. Seth, W. H. Simpson, To Hold Sway During Second Semester to, they are doing a more im- here. Mrs. Strong, and Dr. and Mrs. Free. H. J. 'I'ereshinski, D. G. Wooden, R. L. portant job however, We cannot why they understand, The decorative theme has not yet Youngblood, F. D. Zeigler. Elections for the purpose of plac- cis Cook; secretary, Joe Elliott; trea- completely disregard our point been chosen, but it will be something WamclI.--R. Baugher, E. L. Bedor- ing new !ueh1'(J?'S into office for the surer, Paul Brooks; sargent-at- of view since we are the fellows in step with the times, according to tha, E. L. Bradley, N. Finlay, W. Z. second semester were recently held by arms, Thomas Price; and chaplain, who are going across. the decorations committee. Gillikin, A. Trexler, M. E. Thomas. the three sororities and three of the Wallen Beane. t four fraternities on the Hill. The Benjamin Smith was elected as 3. They demand our presence in only organizations not electing new president of Delta Pi Alpha. John classes which, on occasions, the officers were J.G.C. and Pi Alpha Al- Robinson is vice-president; Fred professor concerned has even pha, both of which choose adminis- Kulmar, secretary; Richard Patten, recognized as a farce. Neecl E_orVolunteer Workers Is trations but once a year. 1 treasurer; Bill Lewis, chaplain; War- (Cont. in Editorial Column) Earle, with Delta Sigma ren Buck. Harvey Epsilon; As is traditional Hawkins be- Emphasizecl By Dressings Unit Kappa, Mary Frances serving as vice- sunshine messenger. Book Campaign after Chi elected William Gamma Beta came president president the preceding semester Hall as presidcnt; Thomas Lavin as The great necessity for more work- with the regular 7-to-9 o'clock periods Jean Diffcnbach was elected to fill the vice-president; Ridgely Friedel as as vice- Asks Stuclents ers to make dressings for use in the on Wednesdays and Friday, the sew- vacancy left by her promotion. secretary; Harry Yingling armed forces was emphasized by an ing laboratory will open at 6:30., Pi Alpha Mu elected the following treasurer; Joseph Whiteford as order to rush shipment, recently re- Boys as well as girls may volunteer. officers: president, Sara Belle Veale; treasurer; Verne weisand as eer- as To C.ontribute ceived by Mrs. Landon C. Burns, The fact that 90 Percent of the vice-president, Ann Covington; sec- geant-at-arms ; Charles Gatchell county chairman of the surgical dressings being used by the armed retary, Grace Dryden; treasurer, Beta Pi; Edward Nygren as chap- A Victory Book Campaign, SPOIl- dressings project. The previous or- forces are made by volunteer work- Frances Ogden; sergeant at arms, lain. sored by the U.S.O., the Red Cross, der had asked that ten cartons be ers indicates, according to those in Ann Leete; alumnae secretary, Phyl- and the American Library Associa- shipped as a unit. The need has be- charge of the project on the Hill, the lis Greene; chaplain, Hope Stewart; Inter-Sorority Council To tion, is now under way across the na- come so great now that an order has vital need of this phase of the war sunshine messengers, Jeanne Eckhart tion, including Western Maryland come to ship in smaller units. effort .• and Mary Spaulding. College. This new campaign is ne- Two different sizes of dressings Virginia Bell is the new president Sponsor Annual Te. cessitated by the great expansion of have been made here on the Hill, a of Sigma Sigma Tau, with Deborah two-by-two inch dressing, of which Bowers as vice-president; Mary Dance Saturday our armed forces, resulting in an in- demand creased for good literature 7,037 have been completed, and I States Opinion ••. Frances Shipley as secretary; Doro- The Intcrsoroi-ity Council will spon- for the service men. a four-by-four inch dressing, of which thy Rovecamp as treasurer; Winona sor its annual tea dance on Saturday, Officials in charge of the nation- 1,125 have been completed. Veteran Bell as alumnae secretary; Peggy February 6, from 3 to 5 P. M. in Me- workers expressed themselves as glad Carter as sunshine messenger; Ruth Daniel Lounge. The music for danc- wide drive have asked this year for to start the larger dressings on J an- Hausman as sergeant-at-arms; Betty books of five specific types: uary 8, inasmuch the folding is much Rose and Rebecca Larmore as repre- ing will be furnished by popular re- 1. Current best sellers (1930 to less painstaking than for the smaller sentatives to Inter-Sorority Council. cordings. date) including both fiction and nOIl- size. Alpha Gamma Tau has as its ncw The various committees as appoint- fiction books in good condition. An interesting contradiction of an president, Richal'd Schuck. The-oth- ed by Marie Steele, rctiring president 2. Adventure, western, detective, old superstition might be noted in the er officers are: vice-president, Fran- of the council are as follows: refresh- and mystery stories. This type of fact that the peak of production was ments, Betty Neidert, Elaine Ort, reading material, classed as "escape" hit on November 13, which was Fri- Margaret Anne Smith; invitations, literature, is the kind most popular day. That night, 650 of the smaller Musical Symposium •.• Mary Turnley, Ridgely Pollitt, Maud with service men. dressings were made. A symposium on Musical Com- Lee, Wilson; decorations and furni- 3. Technical books printed since Attendance on Wednesday and Fri- position, under the direetion. of - ture, Sara Belle Veale, Elizabeth Ga- 1935. This group includes books on day nights has dropped recently, pos- Joyce BartheJson, composer-in-res- bie, Virginia Bell; equipment, Mary mathematics, mechanics, electricity, <; sibly for twp reasons. First, many idence at Western Maryland Col- Jackson, Mary Millet·, Mary Jane Jef- radio, photography, aeronautics, me- students and faculty members have lege, will be held on the campus on fries; clean-up, Phyllis Cade, Doris teorology, and all related subjects. been unusually busy with papers and Tuesday, February 9. The pro- fIimler, Phyllis Green; records and 4. Funny books-books of jokes, tests. Second, on several \Vednesday gram will feature the compositions .entertainment, Jeanne Dieffenbach, humorous stories, anecdotes, car- and Friday nights there have been written by members of the theory Thelma Young and J oan West. toons-and good games. basketball games and other activities classes, in the school of music, at Sponsors for the affair are Miss 5. Pocket books and other small- scheduled. Dr. Lloyd Bertholf the college. Addie Belle Robb, Miss Wilsie Adkins, sized editions of popular writings. Now that the "end of semester This program will supplant t.he Miss Esther Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Hol- Books may be turned in at the li- • strain"-has l'elaxed, more volunteers .. custom of students to protest regular hi-weekly Tuesday after· loway, Dean and Mrs. Free, Mrs. Jef- brary, the official campus collection are urged to corne out. When games whenever any privilege was taken noon reeit.aL ferson, Mrs. Veale, Miss Benson, and depot, according to Mr. Edwin Mirise, or other events of importance confl.ict away from them."-Story P. 2. Miss Carmichael, librarian.
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