Page 31 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmimter, Md., February 4, 1943 PAGE THREe AMONG Boxers Tie ArmYI Beat Catholic u. • THE· ---------------------------- GREEKS Ringmen Out For Win Against Powerful Gettysburg Five Meets Indiana State Saturday Night Pi Alpha Alpha pulled the surprise Local Quint Here Tomorrow upset of the 1943 fraternity basket- By EARL SCHUBERT ball league on Tuesday when they downed Alpha Gamma Tau in a Western Maryland's boxing team western Maryland's Green Terrors first win ~ver rough contest, 21 to 20. Minus their meets Indiana State in its last home will be seeking their tomorrow night Bullets Gettysburg chief point getter, Tom Terry, the match of the season this Saturday at 8:15 P. M. Black and Whites took an 11 to 6 half night, February 6, in Gill Gym. Bruce Ferguson's championship time lead and spurted near the end of A hard fighting and much improved team of two seasons ago almost turn- the contest to come through with Green Terror boxing team came their second win of the season. through with a rousing 4 to 4 tie with ed the trick, but a strong finish by gave the victory to the Bat.tlefieldez-s .Bets Defeated the Cadets from West Point on Janu- Gettysburg. In the other 'A' league game, Del- ary 23 before a large home crowd. Coach Hen Bream, of G-Burg, an- ta Pi Alpha rode their streak to five .Alexander Leaves nually comes up with strong teams straight for the season with a 34 to The Terrors started off in the 120- and this year is no exception, as the 12 win over the Gamma Bets. pound class with a popular win when Bullets have lost but one game in the The Preachers' win was the sec- Jack Alexander, fighting his last bout seven games played to date. The lone ond in as many starts in the second in Gill Gymnasium, outpointed one of defeat on the Bullets' record is a one round and, coupled with the Bachel- the best scrappers in the Army line- point loss to the strong Aberdeen ors loss, gave the Purple and Gold up, Cadet David Pink. Proving Grounds team, which is now five the first place spot in the frat Western Maryland's team will be the ninth ranking service team in the standings. Delta Pi Alpha took the tremendously hurt by the departure nation. first round earlier last week with a of Alexander to the armed forces, as This year the Bullets have a star- 44 to 14 win over the Bachelors. he was clearly on his way to the Eas- studded team with no Jess than seven Led by George Barrick, veteran tern Intercollegiate title. lettermen on the squad. Familiar guard, the Black and Whites came In the 127-pound class another Ter- faces on the G-Burg team are Tony from behind on Tuesday to win out, ror wound up his boxing career be- Yovicsin, who will be remembered by Lt. Bruce Ferguson 21 to 20. The win gave the Black and fore the home folks. Frankie Zeigler Terror football fans as the end who Whites a second place tie in this fought the best bout in his career to .hes been a constant source of worry round. hold the highly touted Bob Lind- to the Green team; Vince Parnell, In 'This Corner .B Leaguers say of Army to an extremely close who has the distinction of being the Dear Boss: After winning the first round in decision. only man who ever scored over ten the 'B' league, the Preachers second The lightweight bout was also points while being guarded by Irv After the last predictions that team took another step toward the close, but Western Maryland took Biasi, dur-ing the latter's intercol- I made during the football season to"come up with any I was afraid league crown with their 42 to 14 win this one. Frank Faughman defeated legiate career; and Gene Haas, the over the Gamma Bet 'B' team. John Joe Wooley with some well-placed Chuck Godwin Bullets center in football. more before the Sl}lO~:cleared up. Hancock led the Preachers with 12 one-two punches to the jaw. On Saturday night the Tel"l"o~s Baskethaltn ,',11 points, and Wally Raubenheimer .Captains Draw western Maryland forfeited the travel to Newark, Delaware, to try GettYSQUrg to beat Wof£t. Md. and John Buckingham grabbed six Western Mar-yland's HOWard Hall light-heavy bout and the score stood to break theit two-game losing streak West. Md. to beat Delaware points each. Bud Smith, in addition met Army's Don Pence for the third at 3lh to 3¥.l when heavyweight Hank in the Mason-Dixon Conference. Maryland to beat Army to four field goals, played a fine 11.001' time ill the 145 pound class, and the Ferris entered the ring to meet Cadet Earlier in the season the Blue Hens Washington to beat Loyola game along with Dick Patten. Ed bout again ended in a draw. The two Ed Hibbard. Hank out-classed his visited 'Westminster and the Terrors Western Md. to beat Loyola Harrison was the Bets' big gun with captains gave a fine exhibition of box- opponent in every department and defeated the Hens. Boxing: eight points, followed closely by John ing, and the decision was greeted with handed him a sound beating; but to Western Md. to beat Indiana Williams 'with five. applause. everyone's surprise, the bout was de- Western Md. f Gettysburg Maryland to beat Lock Haven The Bachelor 'B' team took the Chuck Godwin came through for the clared to be a draw. 18 Suffern F. Welliver 14 Western Md. to Beat V. P. I. Black and Whites over in the other Terrors in the I55-pound bout and In Washington last Saturday, Wes~ 24 Kaplan F. Parnell Yours Truly, minor league contest paced by Paul systematically cut down his Army tern Maryland won its first match of 21 Mogowskl C. Yovicsin 11 Brooks and his 20 points. Jack Butt- opponent, Bobby Neilson, to walk off the season by downing Catholic Uni- 17 Robinson' (c) G. Freedman 3 .II..... ner and Snuffy Smith ably supported with decision in a real hair-raising versity, 5 to 3. Alexander and Ferris 10 Lodge _. G. Hass 25 the Bachelors high scorer. Bill Potts slugfest. It was the Godwin of old, won at knockouts, Godwin and Hall Referee: P. Menton; Umpire: J. Men- W L paced the Black and White attack and the Cadet received a terrific pum- TKO'd their opponents, and Faug h- ton. '.. . Har-m's ,~el~'ord 12 with three field goals. meling. man carried off a decision. Place: Gill Gym; Time 8:15 P. M. Famous Terror Names In Bigger Game , Former Terror ~~:~~::'d~n:I:~~y Fo~~~~.:~n, George Coaches Also In Havens, who took Harlow's job Gridders Now ;9~~:i~h~o;:~e;i;::n~ie~te~:~;~~dt~: Both Branches IntelIigence of the Army In Service Air Corps and has been out of the Of Service Department country for the past few months. (Special To The Gold Bug) Also in the Army Air Corps, as a son, Harr-y Baker, and All - Mary- Somewhere with the ERG---Wes- Physical Instructor, is Captain Hugh land back Bob Bricker are lieuten- tern Maryland College's former ath- Barnett Speir. Better known as Bar- ants in the Infantry. Jungle Jim letes and coaches are now doing their ney, Speir was graduate manager of Thomas is a private in the Infantry part for the war effort, as over fifty athletics and also instructor of physi- at Fort Benning, Ga., while "One- men are in the armed forces now. cal education while at Western Mary- Punch" John Pirie is a private in the Most familiar of this group to the land. Marines at Paris Island. Charlie Havens vast sport world is Richard C. "Dick" e Senfors Missing Former 175-pound boxing champ Harlow, who is now a Lieutenant There are three men in the service Tony Ortenzi is now a first lieutenant Commander in the Navy. Harlow will who would be seniors if they could be in the Infantry in Florida. Tony was be remembered as the man who had here now. Mike Phillips, captain of captain of the 1937 Terror football three undefeated teams while coach- the 1942 football team and All-Mary- team and WIlS on the All-Maryland ing at Western Maryland. His nine- land in 1941 is an M.P. at New Cum- team as a guard in 1936 and 1937. He year record at the Westminster col- berland, Pa.; Fred Bohn, Ali-Mary- also captained the 1938 boxing team ~ Sergeant Fred Bohn lege is 60 wins, 13 defeats and 7 ties. land tackle in 1941. is in the Corps of and coached the boxing team in 1940. Harlow had a winning streak of 22 Engineers in California; and Adam He assisted Havens with the football games and developed such stars as Sly is in the Quartermaster Depart- team that year. Paul Bates, Charlie Havens, BiB ment at Camp Pickett, Va. All are privates except "Bones", who answers to the title "Sergeant". Gone from the present junior class are: Carlo Ortenai, who won the 165 pound Intercollegiate boxing cham- pionship last year in addition to be- ing a football letterman, who is now in the tropics; Sig Jensen, undefeated in dual meets for two years in boxing and a regular on the football team, who is a flying cadet at Maxwell Field, Ala. Charlie Tsouprake, also a football letterman, rooms with Jen- sen at Maxwell Field . • Fighting Marines Wane Bills and Red Matley joined the Marines together, but Bills is now at Guadacanal, while l\Iatley is now fiying in 'the U. S. with the Marines. Both are still privates. Joe Kittner, All-Maryland guard in 1941 is now at Camp Lee, Va., as a private in the Ordnance Department of the Army. From last year's class, Ed Lewis, All ~ MifYland Irv Biasi, Royce Gib- . Dick Harlow Tony Ortenzi
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