Page 34 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weat:Jnltuter,MeL, February 25, 1943 I-lid, 'We gee 1t-1 From The Pig Pen -II~-I D Section Of Men's New Dorm Time Out To Make A Bow Is Regaining Its Lost Personality • TELLS ALL - BY WALKER. To The Music Department Saturday night one of my little friends went down- By Alvin H. Levin town with the intention of purchasing a beer. Upon en- We think it's just about time that some one tering one of the local dispensaries, however, he met with took time out from the ordinary routine of things D Section of Albert Norman Ward men of nature just why he constant- disappointment. Being unable to produce satisfactory here on the Hill to toss a few figurative bouquets Hall, when first it was opened to oc- ly subjected the residents of the low- evidence of his relative antiquity, he was asked, politely in the general direction of the music department. cupancy for the scholastic year er floor (of which, unfortunately, I but firmly, to go somewhere else. So he went somewhere For years this group of exponents of one of the 1939-40, carried a reputation which happen to be one) to the nerveg-aek- else; but again the galling cup of rebuff was his. With finest of the Fine Arts has been doing a grand job leaned a lot toward the rowdy side. ing, 60-watt imitation of a ¥lling spirits drooping in the sub-zero latitudes, he entered still of stimulating interest in things musical here at Indeed it was claimed that if anyone bomb. "Why", he answered, "just. another establishment and demanded a galling cup of Western Maryland College. But now-ever since felt in the mood for a rough-and-tum- think how calmly you'll take it if an beer. Failure, utter and unequivocabla. Thrice he had the current school year began-the Misses Oes- ble, catch- a s actual air raid should ever hit D Sec- desired beer; and thrice his petition had been denied. His ner, Barthelson, and Murray and the Messrs. catch-can, free- tion". (He piously added "God for- brain was in a ferment. Consequently, he got a swelled Royer and De Long seem to be outdoing them- fora\l set-to, all bid".) I went back downstairs, some- head. selves in exhibiting skill, devotion to their work, he had to do was what abashed and tet'ribly subdued and a keen sense of selection. visit D Section for the moment at the thought that I • Rheumatism And Astigmatism Whether the increased vitalization of the al- at any hOUI· of had been interfering with National Incidentally, bow are your eyes? Do you take care of ready vitalized music department has been due to the night after Defense in one of its more practical them? You know, rheumatism can attack nearly all parts the advent of two new members-c-Miss Barthel- 10 P. 1\1. and join aspects. of the body; but when it comes to astigmatism, the eyes son and Miss Murray-or to large doses of Miss in ~ny one of the .Stair-Jumping have it. It is their exclusive ailment. Not that they Gesner's Vitamin B-1 pills, we couldn't say. But numerous groups don't have other ailments, but after all. And besides, we can say that it is appreciated by the school in of wa t e r - bag Another sport currently in vogue where would Charles Boyer be u he had neglected his general. At almost every recital given by mem- s l i ngers and in this wing of the New Dorm is eyes? He would, in all likelihood, be employed by the stair-jumping The idea is to see who, bers of the group seats are at a premium, and Levin floor _ thumpers among a group of three or more ath- lords of the underworld as a cigar-ette instructor. He standing room only is not unusual. Each of these who restlessly pa- would teach fledgling mobsters how to hang cigarettes on recitals has been applauded vigorously, enthusi- raded the halls and rooms. After letically-inclined students, is able to their- lower lips. And the worst part of it is, he probably astically-and certainly the applause has not the first. year, however, the seething descend-at three o'clock in the morn- wouldn't make hardly any money. been'fnspired merely by politeness. mass of human activity that const.i- ing-from the fourth to the first e Streteh Of Imagination The way in which the members of the music tuted D Section seemed to simmer floor in the least number of steps. This action does the foundation of thc department have worked with and developed stu- down, until things reached such a building absolutely no good. Honest- But, to get on with the more important business at dents under their tutelage has been little short of quiet state that the removal of all the ly, I'm not exaggerating one bit when hand, here is a story which might, by some prodigious amazing. Evidence of this is heard every Sun- contents of Cap Kidd's room to the stretch of the imagination, interest you. Story: Once day night in chapel in the songs of both the choir front lawn last year by some oh-so- I say that many is the night I've upon a time, there was a man by the name of "Slug" and the soloists. Concerts given by student naughty juniors created quite a sen- crawlcd out of bed onto the floor and Pithmortal. They called him Slug because he looked like a earliest nourished Slug childhood, one.' caught what sleep I could catch there, had From groups in assemblies have proven that the touch sation. In '39-'40, the sensation would of the music masters is both sensitive and skill- have been created had scmeone's merely out of fear that I'd be shaken healthy abhorrence for material things, having been hit ful. Individual voice and instrument recitals by room not been removed. But D Sec- violently out of bed and suffer such in the eye by a material thing while very young. One day majors in the department constantly furnish new tion is once again coming into its own. severe bruises that I wouldn't be able he chanced upon a book of philosophy. He took it home reason to believe that Western Maryland College .Favorite Sports to run the obstacle course in my usual and read it through while running the water for- his Sat- is fortunate to have so talented a group of mu- 72 seconds. urday-night bath. of the sports One of the favorite sicians on its campus. upper-floor residents of this group of One other form of entertainment, Thereafter, he could not get its message out of his Here, then, is a delayed but well-deserved bow rooms seems to be the playing of the which seems to help the boys in D mind. He kept thinking about the universe, and how ev- to of everything erything is part He determined else. on the part of the Gold Bug, and, we feel, on the game of Bombardier. Some high- Section to forget for a moment all prove to the world that these philosophy boys were on the part of the entire school, in the direction of the minded individual with the intelli- the troubles that they must have, is right track. Accordingly, he got together a small collec- Department of Music: They've done-and are gence of an idiot will stand at the wandering around firing-believe it tion consisting of a dried ear of corn, a dog-eared copy of doing-an unselfishly fin piece of work. top of the stairs and emit a loud- long or not-a Sz-callber blank cartridge the revised Koran, and an agate marble. 7 whistle and then hand over a burned- pistol into the air. The purpose of He said, "Everything is part of everything else; so I this., to say the least, escapes me. I've out light bulb to that force of nature sat for hours at a time trying to fig- shall put these three things together." commonly called Gravity. The effect is ure out why anyone should want to amazing; for as soon as the whistle walk around shooting a gun into the • Lack Of Success is ended there is a loud bang and the air, but it's no "lise. "Animal Spirits", By the end of twelve years' unremitting labor, Slug had OMAHA, Neb.-(ACP)-Something new has sound of shattered glass hitting the been able, by the simple expedient of shredding and been added to Creighton university's accelerated floor. I once asked one of these noble- I finally tell myself, and toddle off to crushing, to make a fairly homogeneous mass of the corn wartime study program. (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) and the book. But, try as he would, he could not get the It's a disciplinary measure which punishes each marble to mix in with the other ingredients. He died at unexcused absence from an academic or military This Week's. -------- • the age of seventy-two with no surviving relatives, and class with two hours of physical exercise or campus was buried by his landlady, along with his com-and-book work. In the case of undergraduate coeds, each un- mixture. They used the marble fo\· a head stone .. excused absence brings a $1 fine, which may be Personality Set 'em up in the next alley, Ferdinand. worked out in library or office work. Explaining the new measure, believed to be unique • ----------- • Off the Campus Inhibitions among American universities, the Very Rev. Joseph P. Zuercher, president, commented: Shallow Study Reveals By Eleanor Healy "In these war years there is no room in college for loafers. Th'e armed forces have been cooper- Feature , Editor ative in the matter of permitting serious-minded All is quiet in A Section since six- Students' Hidden Ideas young men to remain in college, with the single view ty-two inches of dynamite was in mind of preparing themselves adequately for fu- moved from there by an insistent By Lucinda Holloway ture service as officers. 'Ve intend, on our part, to uncle. The dynamite was in the per- see that the students make such preparations as son of one Daniel Robert Beglin, and "The best-la1·d schemes of mice and men ;dequately and as speedily as possible." the uncle-well, we all know who he Ga1!g oft agley." is. Thc pride of Midland, Pa., Bob Robert Burns, To a Mouse. was just that much too short to qual- One need not be a skilled psychologist to sense the ify as an officer in the ROTC, but the frustrated desires of his fellow beings. To depict their at-my draft was completely satisfied "best-laid schemes" and what becomes of them is my aim. THE GOLD BUG with his height, hence he has recent- Inside parentheses is the speech they planned to say; out- side, the speech they actually said. May we all pray for' ly moved his abode to Camp Meade, Official student newspaper of Western Maryland Col- Md. a happier day when our brave plans no longer lose the lege, published semi-monthly, on Thursday, during Oc- • Cocky Kid name of action . tober, November, January, February, March, and April, A cocky cadet of Culver Prep, Bob (Now, see here, Prof, I really think I deserve a better and monthly during September, December, and May. En- was the shortstop for Company A, grade than that. -~ Yes sir, I worked hard. Couldn't tered as second class matter at Westminster Post office, have done more. If that's the best mark I can get for under the Act of March 3, 1879. and was a boxer of distinction in the flyweight class in his pre- WMC days. such work.vl'tl just have to drop the course, that's all.) Member And what is more, he had a "good Yes, Professor, I understand your viewpoint entirely. I=\"ociofed CoUeeiofe Press thick suit these of hair" in those. days. I guess I could have worked harder; I know I could. I'll Maryland Maybe Western You just bet I will. try to do better next semester. DimibulOfof winds whisked it off his head. He Robert Heglin (Okay, roomie, the alarm clock just rang. You know Collel:'\iale Di(:'\est eame to the Hill in '39 and immedi- we planned to go to breakfast this morning. Hurry up! ately began to get his share of raz- the rat committee, but he wasn't a I bet I'll be ready before you.} Subscription Price $2.00 a Year zing from the upper classmen. But usually tough taskmaster .. He was, Turn off that darned alarm and let me get some sleep! that didn't. bother the Beglin. however, the originator of the "air (So you think you can keep me waiting one whole hour, Freshman year, Bob joined the raid" as an important part of the rat National Advertising Service, Inc. Preachers and since then has been rules. do you? Well, let me tell you, you can't get away with Colleg" P"bl;".e<"' Repre'tm'ItIin (by unanimous choice) their chief Last year Bob played on the golf that sort of thing with me. When a boy says eight o'clock, 420 "" ...D'50,. "Vlt. NEW YORK.~. Y. I think he means eight o'clock.) agitator. He also went dramatic team, and this year his main activity Oh, Jehu, you've come at last! that year and played the part of a has been as business manager for the (Say, snap it up, sister. Gotta have service. Gotta Editor-in-Chief . Alvin H. Levin '43 corpse in "Our Town." He was very Aloha. • have quick service. Those things at the end of the counter Associate Editor Mary Miller '43 successful in a quiet sort of way. Bob is a salesman, too-the super- can wait. That bell's going to ring in three minutes. Managing Editor Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 .Beaded Rats high-pressure type. During the past Time's a'wasting and so will I be if I don't get something News Editors Carolyn Gable '43; Lillian Jackson '45 In his sophomore year Bob headed few summers he has sold Fords; but to eat.") Aselstent News Editor _ Joe Workman '43 here on the Hill, his products have May I have a glass of milk, please? And a doughnut, Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 J~ .I!",,"--~ been more in the culinary line. And please? Gee, thanks. Sports Editor John Robinson '43 the sales have been successful, too-- (Why, you old blind robber! How the heck can that Copy Editor Mary Virginia Walker '43 Dear Pee-Wee, definitely. Last year, Bob and Lee guy see a foul there!? Wliy he must think he's still play- Staff Photographer Carl Webb '44 Lodge made enough money selling ing soccer!!) Circulation, Advertising Manager Leroy Gerding '44 Wasn1t it you last year who, pastries to buy a car!!! Of course O. K., Ref~. It looks like you caught me on that Assistant Business l\fanager William Burgess '45 in writing headlines for t~e the car cost just sixty dollars---but one. Contributors: Fred G. Holloway, Jr., Dorothy Rovecamp, Gold Bug, suggested the use of sixty dollars worth is quite a bit 'Jf (So you don't like the way I've written this article, Ruth Sartcrio, Jane Miles, Betty Waits, Mary Virginia HaM Kindler and His Band To pastry. huh? Well, isn't that fine! Well I never worry about the Webb, Mary Thomas, Mary Virginia Walker, Peggy Play Here? .Thirty-Two To Thirty-Eight poor taste of ether people, especially of editors. Get Reeves, Thelma Morris, Virginia Voorhees, Lucinda Hol- The car was really a prize: a '32 somebody else to write for you if you don't appreciate loway, ATWalker, Earl Morey, John Seth, Elizabeth Gable, Inquisitively, Dodge, "blue with one white side- my genius.) Woody Preston, Earl Schubert, Katherine Heinmuller, wall." The car really did well by Isn't this what you wanted? Oh, the last paragraph, is Anita Rue. (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) it? Just a minute. I'll shape it up in a jiff.
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