Page 30 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmitlStet', Md., February 4. 1943 • FROMTHE---- ,--------IId. 'We gee .1t--___.;:_----, • A. H. WALKER--- Pig Pen the meeting had proved to be powerless by Aloysius A Clari6cotion 01 Action Token saying, "that there should be no more of ----By PORKY. -----TELLS ALL. On The New 'Cut' System these meetings: and that the purpose of the I 'don't know just how capably I'll Student Government was to act as a buffer If you want to beat the horses, be able to fill the shoes of Joe Work- (Cont. from page 1, col 5) between the faculty and the student body." there are several fundamentals of the man, who has left the Hill with a 4. It is quite possible that the boys want Naef, acting not in behalf of the Student racing game which you should first bachelor's degree clutched in one hand to see someone' back horne occasionally Government but rather as a representative master. Unfortunately, I don't know contrasting strangely with a ma tri- before they receive their call to active of the student body, stated that he was going what these fundamentals are; but I menial gleam in his eye, but the edi- service, perhaps to a' place too far dis- to follow every channel of approach to the can give you a rather big pile of ac- tor of Gold Bug has given the green tant to permit any visits whatsoever. entire problem before he would quit. He cessory racing knowledge which may light to go ahead-so, come what 5. Perhaps even the girls would like to see called on Joe Whiteford, who, as a well- or may not come in handy, depending may, at least a valiant attempt will someone before he goes across or is known and respected student on the Hill on whether or not it proves useful. be made on the part of the writer of transferred to a distant spot. and one who had spent a year at another ac- The information which I shall impart this column to reach a point some- 6. After a casual survey of the cut files it credited school under the unlimited cut sys- dcals with the general aspects of that where near the height of interest at- has been found that compared with the tem, might help in further discussions with institution referred to by King tained by said Mr. Workman. "snap" courses the science courses are the faculty and the administration and lend George III of England, who was him- cut only one-half as much.-Why? .On Marylandese 7. We are conscious that we are the fa- his opinion which is as follows: self a jockey of some repute, as "The The Pig Pen journeyed (Aloysius, "A lack of student-faculty-administration Sport of Kings". whenever there across the page there, objects strong- vored few of the community, but for cooperation is witnessed by the constant was a horse to be ridden, the king's If we are not too young to how long? ly to the use of the editorial "we") friction and lack of understanding. We all subjects would say "Let George do down to Baltimore one week-end re- shoulder arms how can the faculty con- feel this lack must be due either to fault on it," thus giving rise to our modern sider us too young to have our petitions cently and managed to find its way seriously considered? one member's part or on all. I take the poai- expression. into a University of Maryland frat 8. The students realize and cannot help tion that all are at fault. Students are not e Puncttou Of Jockey dance being held at the Emerson Ho- but feel that the faculty realizes that very mature in handling their own problems Since the jockey has already tel, in honor of those frat brothers there are those who would take ad- and show leadership which does not do what brought to our attention, perhaps been I who were due to leave for the Army vantage of an unlimited cut system and is proposed. Students feel that they have a should begin with a description of his or the Navy. The service, it seems, consequently their marks would fall. moral obligation to take undue advantage of contrary to the popular thought here Therefore why seek to keep these drags any situation allowing freedom such as cuts. function in life. According to Funk, on the Hill, will aeeept a student who on the rolls? "The faculty does not encourage relation- (WagneJl isn't quite sure), a jockey dines, dances, dates, and sometimes Though the above charges had been OK'd ships with students either from lack of in- is "a small man or boy who rides He and smokes cigars." race-horses studies, at College Park. But that's by the Men's Student Government, Naef also terest or a pseudo-professional attitude of a bit off the point I wanted to dis- presented a plan which he felt that the stu- superiority which in most cases is so ob- always rides in gaudy silk shirts with cuss; what I'm getting at is this: dents would back up and which had been vious as to be amusing and at the same re- numbers on them, and he .rarely sits down in the saddle while en route to When I entered the ball-room, my suggested to him on various occasions. grettable. The administration and trustees the finish line. It has been said that the maintain a detached position except when a ears were assailed by a series of The girls gave their arguments bit by bit new discipline is to be brought about. Stu- jockey never takes off his boots and sounds, recognizably human, deliver- as the meeting progressed. It was felt, they that he wears them even to church. ed in the' friendliest manner, which dents need the advice and friendship of what Never having sat in the jockey pew ran something like this: "Ray-hay, !~~';~t~t ~~;v~~t n:m;ee:v~~s c~~s~~ul~h:i is theoretically a mature, integretated of our church, I can throw no light Rack-Jack, ray-hay. What is it with would undobutedly grow a the semester group of scholars infinitely more than some upon the question. I will say defi- you!" (Emphasis strongly on the .went on if they were allowed no long week- rote memory necessary to pass courses full nitely, however, that all the jockies "is") I figured that maybe this "Ray- ends. of ridiculous and superftous facts which wiII I have known were gentlemen. You hay" business was merely a frat pass Georgie Milby, spokesman for the girls, be forgotten. seldom run across a lady jockey. word, and duly, albeit a bit timidly, stated that the meeting was to discuss cuts "Surely if the faculty could give a little Next in order of importance, comes echoed back, "Ray-hay". and not the bad classes, as did Dr. Bertholf. more of what counts in the development of the bookie. In eiee and shape, the I learned, on further investigation. Naef however, contended that it was one of the student as an individual rather than bookie closely resembles a small book. that all of the scholars of the U. of the ;trongest arguments against a restric- feeling that their sole objective is to throw Perhaps this is why we have come to l\f. journey around the lush green Byrd tion of cuts. material hither and yon, we might get re-, call him a bookie, The bookie is the sponsibility in the student and leadership estate down there, greeting each otb- Other points of view were exchanged by body. individual with whom you RJace your er with "Ray-hay", much as on the both sides, and then one of the students rose racing bets. If you win, he invaria- Hill a few years ago the intellectual and stated that the discussion was getting So far Whiteford and Naef have met and bly skips town to avold paying off. genii would greet each other with nowhere and asked the Faculty what was discussed the situation with Dr. Holloway As a rule, bookies are a close-mouth- "Yo-ho"--or was it "Yo-yo"? At any going to be done. Dr. Bertholf then ~tated and Dean Bertholf plus several other mem- ed lot. For instance, take a bookie I rate, the use of this expression rath- "The decision has been reached and WIll not bers of the faculty. "It appears," they said, once knew; his name was Harry er intrigued me, sending, indeed, be changed." answered a suggestion "that a meeting open to discussion of the cut Carey. and he never liked to commit question from all sides will be held in the Dean Bertholf small tingles of scientific excitement near future." himself. The bookie, incidentally, is coursing down my spine. 'For, here that the Student Government resign since not to be confused with the' tout, J felt was material to add to-my con- which is a fresh water game fish, ex- stantly growing eellectlon of useless hibiting a negligible interest in horse- information. So I prodded a mem- racing. ber here and a member there; and, Stud.nls And Faculty Comment On 'Cuts' [Ed. Note-Under ordinary cir- when the eveni ng was over, I had cumstances, this Walker should be emerged with the following partial shot at sunrise; in view of the pres- list of U. of M. fraternity expressions ent emergency, however, I don't currently in use: think we should wait so long.] Ray~ka.y-used as a fri~ndly greet- [Walk. Note-Going to shoot me, ing, usually emitted from between "Cutsv-c-the tepic of the day. To as if thc students lack mature judg- eh ? Well hop to it, little ones; I've clenched teeth and finnly fixed crystallize some of the opinion among ment and as if the courses offered are been loaded since Monday nightl] jaws. Don't ask me why. the students and the faeulty, the Gold not vital enough to compel attendance. • Inside Dope Jack Qr Rack-Jack-the name of any- Bug picked several representative Mary Frances Shipley: At times it one being addressed. persons at random and asked them to is extremely inconvenient to go to And now, as I was starting to say, What is it with yQ!t?-used much the give their views on this much dis- classes, and it seems to me that we I shall give you a little dope on the horse You wiII notice I said itself. same as on the Hill, means cussed subject. We present them as are old enough to decide that ques- "on" and not "for". As you all know, "What's new"! or "What's cook- given to us: tion for ourselves. ing?" as well as "What's the mat- George Barrick: ,I think that the the horse is a mammal. This simply ter!" FACULTY students should have some part in de- means that it bears its young alive. Shoo! Shoo! SMQ!-accompanied by Dean Isanogle: Most of the colleges ciding on the limiting of cuts, but I'm Biologists have, I think, shown gen- violent shaking of the head from that have adopted an accelerated pro- not overly agitated about it. erosity in allowing male horses and (Cont. op. page 4, col. 3) gram have shortened or abolished va- Ridgely Friedel: Frankly, I don't dead ones to be classed as mammals, too, despite their obvious limitations. cations and taken measures to limit give a damn, for I never cut anyway. or control class absences. In some If students realized that it is costing Chewing-gum is made from horses' hooves, which are really nothing more THE GOLD BUG of these colleges, the students inter- their parents money each time they than enlarged finger nails. Some peo- accelerated the in ested following program have asked for the elimina- 'cut, they might stop and think. ple try to get around the gum racket OffieiBl student newspRpe~ or Western Mary· land College, published semi-monthly. 011 tion of cuts. Bob Moore: I think that we should by chewing their own nails. Thursd~y. during October, November. Janu· either have the old system of cuts or But perhaps I have said enough. ary. FebruM'y, Maroh, and April. and monthly The ruling affecting cuts here during September. December, and May. En· we should have no cuts. It seems to The characteristic terms of racing and tered BA .eeond eIB" maUer 8t \Vestmin,tolr should have come from the student me that we have reduced the number all additional intelligence will come Post o!llce. under the _4.ea of MaTch 3. 1819. body, not fnnm the faculty or the ad- Frank B, Hurt of cuts to one merely to keep up with naturally as your acquaintance with Sub8erlptIon Price $2.00 a Year ministration. This reminds me that the trend of "meeting the emergen- the field broadens, which I sincerely in my twenty-three years on the Hill, "In light of emergency ... reduc- cy". In other words, it seems to be Editor-In-Chief Alvin H. Levin '43 to my knowledge, only two minor re- tion in cuts is not severe." hope it never does because betting on Asecetete Editor __Mary MilleT '43 quests have come from student gov- an effort to appear well in the public horses is gambling, and gambling is Managing Editor ernments asking for adjustments that eye. naughty. Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 made for the improvement of study attendance. From time immemorial News Editors ........ Carolyn Gable '43 and the raising of the standards of it has been the custom of students to Lillian Jackson '45 scholarship in the college. protest whenever any privilege was Step Toward Beller 'nte"acial Feelings Assistant News Editor ..Rod Naej '45 Meantime, student councils have taken away from them. For the past Feature Editor ..... Eleanor Healy '43 few weeks Western Maryland has A6I'IiBtant Feature Editor brought forward myriads of requests, been demonstrating its unswerving Joe Workman '43 many of which have been granted, adherence to both. these ancient cdu- Sports Editor ....... John Robinson '43 for privileges and diversions which cational traditions. Copy Editor lead away from or weaken the major Mias Snader: If the new cut system The Student Christian Association, Stoop", "\VhistJe Tag" and numerous Mary Virginia Walker '43 objectives of the college. This points wilI prevent students from being ab- in an effor-t to stimulate better inter- folk games. Singing, dancing, and Stall Phot.ographer ......Carl Webb '44 a suggestion as to how the student sent from Saturday classes, I think racial feeling in the community, refreshments were included to make councils might improve their standing As.sistant Business Manager , that a great deal of good will be ac~ sponsored a"Fun Night at the Robert the evening compJete. William Burgess '45 with the faculty. complished. Moton High School on Friday, Jan- The refreshment chairman was Advertising, Cireulation Manager Proressor Hurt: In the light of the uary 29. Anne Winters. Lillian Jackson was Leroy Gerding '44 sacrifices that everyone is called on STUDENTS Seventy negroes and ten students general chairman of the affair. The Contributors: Fred G. Holloway,- Jr., to make during the present emergen- Betty Rose: I have been subject to from the Hill were present at the Robert Moton faculty was represented Dorothy Rovecamp, Ruth Sartorio, cy, I do not believe that reduction in the "no-cut" s y s tern objective in party and participated in games and by Mr. Johnson, Miss Prince, and Mr. Jane Miles, Rod Naef, Betty Waits, the number of class cuts from three schools having a five and six day week songs. A committee of two girls and Mrs. Crawford, the high school Mary Virginia Webb, Mary Vir- to one is severe. and don't feel that I've suffered ser- from Robert Moton, Eleanor Wood- principal and his wife. ginia Walker, Peggy Reeves, Agnes Dr. Bertholf: From time immemor- iously. I'm really indifferent to the yard and Georgetta Gibson, and ten W. M. C. representatives other than Dyson, ViTginia Voorhees, Lucinda ial it has been the right of teachers number of cuts.. I definitely feel, Western Maryland students planned the chairmen were Jean Andrews, Holloway, AI Walker, Earl Morey, and school administrators to regulate however, that the reduction in number the program. Olive Cook, Ruth Miles, Msry Gene John Seth, Ruth Miles, and Kath- the conduct of their classes and to of cuts is a reflection on the school, J esephine Branford directed the Torscb, Peggy Reeves, Bill Pretty- eTine Heinmueller. make requirements regarding class students and faculty alike. It appears games which included tbe "Couple man, and Paul Henry. .
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