Page 28 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 28
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western MaryJand College, Westminster, Md., January 14, 1943 Restrictions On Frat Pledges .. : C/ub'Makes Two Spangler Returns Initiations Are Gauvla, (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Suggestions For Recital John Caccia. Henry Terry, Preachers: Set Up Charles Brown, Harry Bucken, John (Cant. from page 2, coli 5) (Cant. from page I, col. 2) David B I a d e s, Richard Auld, Clark, Hymie Devitz, Carroll Dog- of their seventh semester. We should Allegro assai like our own college administration (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) gett, Nelson Ensor, Arnold Garrett, Andante con moto atee prior to its operation, or fail- James Green, Marlin Green, Richard to seriously consider this. We believe Allegro mao non troppq ing to abide by the action of the Koester, Wally Rubenheimer, William that now is the time to use every con- (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) II committee, shall cause the imme- Simpson, William Smith, Linden ceivable means to prepare for the as- F. Chopin diate suspension of the initiation similation of retur-ning- soldiers into or combinations of elements-the one Wa.ltz, Op. 69, No. 2 and the organization shall be de- Sommers, Emmit Sylvester, Robert civilian life on such terms that mili- to be favored in the future by what Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 (Rl31Jolutio-n- prived of the privilege of holding Venable, Robert Ensor, Robert Per- tary service will not have the effect we now call fife-c-had become fixed or ary) public initiations- during the fol, due, Thomas Gilleland, Paul Henry, of being a handicap. bent in the performance of the origi- J. Brahms and Robert Stortz. lowing year. Black and Whites: Our second suggestion is this: We nal function. Thereafter it con- HaliadB, Op. 10, No.1 (Edward) 3. That the Committee to administer- Thomas Bush, Fred Holloway, Wil- would like to see the college physical tinued, through mechanical "force of HalladB, Op. 10, No.2 comple- habit" to seek out its earlier these matters be composed of the liam Sires, James Skidmore, Clint fitness program combined actively ment, and to react in a similar way III Dean of Men, the Dean of Wom- Dalton, Frank Faughman, Joseph with the war effort. Why not turn S. Rachmaninoff en, the President of the Inter-Era- Geary, George Norman, Emory Ches- the periods and the afternoons in the upon it. With each succeeding com- P1'elude in G, Op, 32, No.5 bination, original our "organism" ternity Council and the President ley, Robert Dellett, Wells Drum- coming spring which have been de- grew and became more specialized Strauss-Geisskiny of the Inter-Sorority Council. voted to gym exercises to account for Serenade wright. the war effort by utilizing the energy until Emerson's worm had mounted In forming these recommendations, "through all the spires of form" and E. Dohnanyi the committee considered the philoso- January Grads and time to 'relieve the shortage of emerged as Man-or, as in the case Rapsody in F# Mi1w1", Op. 11, No. phy and aims of social groups on the farm labor? We feel sure that the rsr- of Amy Semple Mcpherson, Mrs. 2 mel's would be only too willing to co- campus, the place of initiations in the (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) pcrate, and that such a program, suit- Roosevelt, and others, woman. activities of these groups, and the Joe Workman, and Werner Orrison. Next time, how to beat the horses. students' attitude toward initiation. Joe Rowe has accepted a teaching po- ed to war time needs, would increase SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG Due thought was" given to the na- sition in Taneytown, and Phoebe Rob- the national food supply and result tional fraternity and sorority organ- inson will teach in West Virginia. in better conditioning for ourselves. ization's attitude toward "horse The remaining members of this Faculty and administration, you play", the student attitude toward group, whose plans for the future 8"1'e have implied that we should do more Carroll Theatre State Theatre academic life, the faculty responsibil- not yet definite, are as follows: Maud for the war effort. These suggestions, ity for the student's academic life, Lee Wilson, Elaine Barnes, Mnr tha which we will back who1c-heartedly, 'I'burs., & Fri., Jan. 14, 15 Thurs, Fri., Jan. 14, 15 MacDonald and the responsibility of the faculty Hodgson, Elizabeth Ebaugh, Eleanor arc our reply. What is yours? Jeannette Young in zazu Pitts, Marjorie Main in Robart and student groups for the social life Mowbray, Milton Huber, Bert Jones, PI ALPHA ALPHA. "CAIRO" ''TISU'' at the college. Warren Ledford, and Gaylen IWss. Saturday, January 16 Constructive projects and activi- FOUR CHAIR SERVICE Saturday, Jan. ~6 Tex Ritter, Johnny Mack Brown in ties for the W.M.C. fraternities and SMITH & REIFSNIDER No Waiting Joe E. Brown in "DEEP IN THE HEART OF sororities were suggested by the Incorporated HEAGY BROTHERS' '-liTHEDARING YOUNG MAN" TEXAS" Committee. Annual Christmas bas- LUMBER-COAL BARBER SHOP Sun., Mon. & Tues., Jan. 17, 18, 19 Sun., Mon., Jan. 17, 18 kets, substitution of Red Cross work WESTMINSTER, MD. Next to Post Office I Hedy Lamarr, Walter Pidgeon in Bred Crawford, Constance Bennett for a regular sorority meeting from "WHITE CAR(iO" in time to time, club projects ;f sal- Closed on Wednesday due to the "SIN TOWN" vage collection, group aid to the ra- John Everhart Th, fuel ration. Closed Tuesday due to fuel ration. tlon board. and group support to U. S. Service organizations were among THE COLLEGE BARBER Coffm~n.Fisher Co. Thurs. & Fri., Jan. 21, 22 Wednesday, January 20 some of the activities recommended AND BOBBER Department Store Brian Aherne, Lorette Young in Charles Starrett ill by the committee. "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" "RIDIN' THROUGH NEVADA" AT TI-IE FORKS Saturday, January 23 Thurs. & Fri., Jan. 21, 22 Ready-To_Wear Ellen Drew, Richard Denning in Gloria Jean, Robert Paige in New Courses ... Phone 300 Sport Wear "ICE CAPADES REVEU" "GET HEP TO LOVE" (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) CARROLIEEN Millinery Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 24, 25, 26 in Saturday, January 23 Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston combines two objectives-giving the Nisley Shoes "WAKE ISLAND" Three Masquiteers in students flight instruction and pre- Individual Coiffures Freeman Shoes "PHANTOM PLAINSMEN" paring them to teach: aeronautics in Beauty in its Entirety Closed Wednesday due to fuel Sun., Mon., Jan. 24, 25 ration high schools for future war needs. Clothing Mickey Rooney, Edmund Gwenn in The. course, standardized to meet gov- Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Jan. 28, 29, 30 "A YANK AT ETON" ernment' regulations is open to all 66 W. Main St. 11 East Main St_ Ginger Roger's, Cary Grant in juniors and seniors "who are inter- WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 102 "ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON" Closed Tuesday due to fuel ration. ested. ,,_;~ /' WHAT GIVES SMOKERS WHAT WANT YEAR RIGHT START THE NEW WITH THE RIGHTCOMBINAT~~~:"" /L;_~S~ ~vv /,fPW k l 1943 a pack 01 M ake your nel< I pac 10 d enioy more NG CHESTERfiELDS an MilDER, SEllER-lAST! h hole year Ihrough. k' leasure t e W srno '"~ p. i ht combination of the Chestertl e ld s R 9 t boccoS gives yoU orld's best cigarette 0 • a smoke. W . u like best In everything yo r after year, you hear That's why. yea "You con" buY a .m,ore 5moker~ saY~HEY SATISFY." ,'b-efter cigare~te • • • . '43 Tune in on Amon- . For More Li~tel"l\n9P\.ea;:~"~~nule Mllsteo1pro9:o m • . ico'! Mosl'populI''' FI~fI~ Sensational HARR'YJAMES ;":. "Wilh'FItEO:W~rtl.~~. all caS ?tol iOns Vi~to'YTllnes all NIlC 5\ot,ons". " ~- •
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33