Page 38 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Weetem Maryland. CoUege, Weetmiaater, Md., March H, 1943 • FROM THE ---- • IN THE ARMY WITH - Pig Pen Aloysius Red Cross Campaign Opens battlefield, they receive first aid and fre- -----BY PORKY. quently blood plasma transfusions to stop --- A. H. WALKER. With Appeal To Students hemorrhage and reduce shock. T'id-Bits : Ever notice that really Speaking of reading tea leaves re- Surgeon General James C. Magee of the remarkable resemblance bet wee n American Red Cross Headquarters, Army, after a recent inspection trip to minds me of the time I went to have freshman Jackie Price and senior Washington, D. C. ;..North Africa, cited as an example of the my fortune told by one of those Tommy Price? . there are some stu- March 11, 1943 effectiveness of plasma transfusions a case, crystal gazers. He wasn't exactly a. dents on the Hill who claim that the To the Editor of the Gold Bug, in which 400 men were badly burned on a crystal gazer in the true 'sense of the Delaware debacle was a direct result Dear Sir: ship during one of the landings on that con- word-more of a spiritualist, I sup- of the hair-cut that Nemo Robinson During the past two years thousands of tinent. "They treated those men with prim- pose you'd say. Anyway, when I has been trying to conceal for the college men and women from all parts of the itive field equipment," General Magee said, walked in, this character was sitting past two weeks. Seems that thcy country have made a contribution to the "but between midnight and 8 o'clock next at his table whistling and laughing think the other varsity members were Red Cross of which they may well be proud. morning everyone had been properly cared and tapping his foot in a most dis- a bit confused as to which was the This contribution consisted of a voluntary for and only six of them died. Blood turbing manner. basketball and which was John R.'s donation of blood. Collected at the request plasma gets the credit to a very large de- "What's up," I asked, "Mother-in- head .. _ Speaking of basketball, the of the Army and Navy, these donations are gree." law get the rabies?" ' round-robin playoff system proved a processed into plasma and serum albumin Plasma is that part of blood from which At first he was laughing so hard, boon to Gallaudet, eighth place team and used on the world's battlefields to help the red and white cells have been removed. and stamping his foot so loudly that in the league, by handing them the give our wounded a much better chance at By a process of evaporation it is reduced to he missed my question. Finally, how- conference crown on a silver platter. life. a powdered form and needs only to be mixed ever, the laughing subsided a little Sorts makes Washington College's The Red Cross Blood Donor Service has with distilled water to be ready for use. and wiping his eyes on the sleeve of unbroken string of victories during opened the eyes of many to the real signifi- Packed in hermetically sealed tins along his robe, he told me to come again. "I just wondered the regular season seem rather cance of the Red Cross. Through it thou- with a bottle of distilled water and the riment," I said. why all the mer- sands who are unable, for a variety of rea- futile. necessary tubing and needles for mixing and .Tricked By Fate sons, to join the fray are sending their blood administering; it is impervious to jungle .Starts In Again Is it true that after Jim Elliott had to the very battle lines where it is doing heat. There is no question of delays for With that, he started in again, been inducted into the E.R.C .• he re- yeoman service. blood typing, as plasma is universal, and it singing this time and beating on the There is no question but that plasma is table top. So I went over and socked ceived a 4-F classification from his working near miracles on the fighting requires but moments to mix and adminis- him in his teeth. That quieted him local board? If ter. it is, then the fronts. Great numbers of men who in the So effective has the use of plasma proved down enough to enable him to lapse Matters were thereby into a coma. last war would have died of their wounds Gods of Fate are being saved because someone back home that the Red Cross has been requested to simplified. I got in touch with aU my must really be took the time and trouble, and that's all it furnish 4,000,000 donations in 1943. Like ancestors and even a few of my next- drunk ... Won- takes, to visit one of the 31 Red Cross blood the 1,000,000 donations collected last year, door neighbor's. Wait 'till I tell him der what's be- donor centers. Army and Navy medical au- they will be used with telling effect along our his father had a grandfather who come of Foxy thorities from the Surgeons General down battle lines, on our ships at sea and in our was a horse-thief. and Blackie, the are unstinted in their praise. military hospitals. Moral: Everything turns Qut for two canine char- "It is astounding but perfectly true that This Red Cross service, along with the the best when yQU striko a hatppY acters who con- the.Navy is losing less than one percent of many others the organization performs, 11/.od·ium" quered the entire the wounded at Guadalcanal," Rear Admir- leads to but one conclusion: The Red Cross e scme Yak Hill through Levin "al Ross T. McIntire, Surgeon General of the is your Red Cross. All of which reminds me of a yak sheer power of Navy, recently reported. "In the first world It is doing your work. It is helping your I once knew. I learned one thing personality? Strange that they both war more than seven percent of the wound- people. It acts for you in all those things from him, and that one thing is never \ should disappear at the same time. ed died of their wounds. These figures ex- which you would do if granted the oppor- to make fun of yaks even if they hap- Come to think of it, wasn't t\tere one clude men killed in action." tunity. pen to have been born with a silver week a while ago when we didn't The wounded, he said, are flown to a .hos- During March your Red Cross is raising spoon in their mouths. have a meatless day? pital on an island several hundred miles its 1943 War Fund of $125,000,000. Sup- Once while trekking through the Which name do you prefer, Bosley away. Before being moved, often on the port it to the utmost of your ability. interior of Tibet (I learned later that -John Charles Baugher, or Bing if there's one thing you should never Baugher? ... And how about includ- do in the interior of Tibet, it's trek) ing your classic etr-ip-teaae as part I came upon a tremendous yak by the of the Senior Follies you're getting name of Yak Armstrong. Well, I together? Most of the senior class Campus Personality Milby didn't know any better at the time, -c-and many of the faculty-would so immediately I began to make fun pay admission just to see that alone. of him . • D Section Again "Ha-ha," I said to my men, "look That arlicle 1 wrote last issue about at that stupid yak over there. I'll D Section of the New Dorm seems to bet he doesn't even know what two have stirred the embers of memory in and two are!" the mind of at least one alumnus ci By Eleanor Healy, Feature Editor .Prospect For WMC the Women's Student Government. Armstrong swished his tail for a W.M.C. Thornton Wood, who grad- "Nothing spectacular has ever hap- The fall of '39 found Georgie a She was also listed in Who's WM in moment; then, without a preamble, he uated last May and is now a sec- pened", Georgie admitted. "Every- prospective Western Marylander, but Anw·rican COUe{JOIl. looked up and said: ond lieutenant at Fort Bragg, has thing has been just usual." she was three weeks late in arriving .Social Work Goal "All right, if you're so smart-how taken time out from his regular du- So to begin in the manner of a at college. Her roommate then, as much i8 two and two?" ties to sit down before a typewr-iter- "usual" story-c-once upon a time on now, was Ridgely Pollitt. This was After graduation Georgie hopes to • Dumbfounded and pound out the following letter to April 29, 1921, Georgie Elizabeth not, however, a matter of just being do more social work. Her experience Believe it or not, I was so dumb- the Pen; Milby was born in Forest Park, Bal- assigned as roommates. Theirs was in that field was greatly increased by founded that 1 couldn't ten him? I "Dear Porky, timore, Maryland. She has lived there a pre-arranged affair, for their moth- her work during the past summer as couldn't for the life of me think how "I was one of the first occupants ever since with her rna and her pa ers had been friends for a long time a shopper for Willmark Protective much two and two were. I knew 1 of D section, and I am fam_!!iar with and two sisters. and wanted their daughters to room Agency. Her work was to check em- must do something, for my men were aspects of the year 1939-40, good and ployees in hotels, restaurants, depart- beginning to mutter among them- bad. The section had its characters e Influenced By Job ment stores, etc., for honesty and selves and cast auspicious glances in and for me it has its memories. There In Forest Park Grammar and other characteristics. Georgie calm- my direction. After several moments, they caught were the nights when water was in High Schools, Georgie had no par- ly stated-that salespeople." "slews of Armstrong broke the silence. dishonest abundance, when the firecrackers re- ticularly consuming interests. One 'of "Well," he said with a smug, grin, echoed thruout the halls, and the hef summer jobs, however, had a real Georgie calls bridge her favorite "I'm waiting." nights when sleep was impossible be- influence on her. This position was "sport" and she is usually on the win- But my mind refused to function. cause of general hell-raising upstairs. as a counsellor at "Jolly Acres", a ning side. She also plays golf "in a I decided on a shot in the dark. "You neglected 'to mention the nee- children's camp. In her work, Georgie sort of a way." Murder mysteries "Is it-five?"· I asked, half afraid (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) did everything from getting the chil- fascinate her, and so do earrings and to breathe. dren up in the morning to listening anything red. In fact, laughed I Armstrong broke into gales of to them say their prayers at night, so Georgie, join "The main reason why laughter; slowly and witnout a word, THE GOLD BUG her work naturally since covered a wide don't is because WAACS can't wear my men feU into line behind him. I the or the they was alone. WAVES In vain I tried to point range. Ever tha t summer, Official otudenl newapaper of "~e.tern Mary Georgie has wanted to do social work. earrings!" ( Cont. on page 4, col. 2) l..nd Cone!:e, published semi·monthly. on Thursday. during October. November, J..nn· "I really do like to work with peo- uy. Febru~rl", Much, lind April, lind monthly ple," she told us. ~e~~1guSe~~"o~~cr~JII~:c';,,";.~i:~ ~~d,\~:f';'in~:r Lucinda Holloway Writes ~1UUn BeJ <70. VeIUe Posl eflle", under the Ac.. of March 3, IB79 SA Y, BUDDY, WHERE'S THE FIRE They've hauled you off for a hundred Georgie Milby yard dash. OR WHY DON'T YOU LIVE A By L.H. LITILE AS YOU GO ALONG? When they say "Let's have a walk for together. Of course neither of "the fun!" Ah, once 1 was bored with the world daughters" had the slightset desire in There are certain people I don't have 1 ask them if they mean "walk" or and its ways, that direction, but in this instance, a crush on "run". Bored with the nights and bored with fate (0)' was it the determination of And they are the people who always They don't know the pain they're the days, their motheraj} worked a good deed, have a rush on. giving, Bored with dog and bored with cat, for the two have been friends and They rush to church before the They've never read "The Importance roommates ever since. preacher, of Living". Bored with this and bored with that, They rush to class before the teacher; Bored with kith and bOj'ed with kin, e Jclned Sigmas Before the preacher's last Amen They have no talent at all for tarrying; Bored outdoors and bored within. Georgie joined Sigma Sigma Tau Before the teacher's last Ahem, When someone they know is dying or Now I'm awake to a strange resur- in her sophomore year and became They're off again at a scurrying pace; marrying, rection; treasurer of the organization. An- Life is just one hurrying race. They always have to get there first, I'm thinking of starting a stamp col- other kind of accomplishment of her Just watching them makes you Before the bride, before the hearse. lection. second year was that Georgie became madder and madder, To get away from people like this, Life is tingling in every vein; a Greek student. She studied it for a But to make the situation sadder and I have my own little scheme of bliss; and sadder I'm back again in the zealot's train. whole year "and now of course I read Is the habit they have of snatching I'll leave these hustlers without one she joked. it for recreation", sorrow Back to adventure, back to romance, It was in bel' junior year that . your ann And live in the woods like H. D. Off with the poker face, on with the Georgie first became a member of the And making you think there's a fire Thoreau. dance! Student Government. Her office was alarm. Then, oh, rapture! oh, bliss sublime! The reason for the change in chord? that of Junior Representative. This Before you've finished your noondny I'll. take my own darn good sweet I just got bored with being bored. year Georgie has been president of hash time.
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