Page 26 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md., January 14, 1943 .JOE WORKMAN--- .-------Ih 'We See 1t·------, • A. H. WALKER--- -The Keg Aloysius --NEWS AND VIEWS. WeAre Pleas.d To Announce That Th. on which to base the arguments necessary ----- TELLSALL. for a successful appeal for an increased ap- In many of the recent periodical Gold Bug Will Continue Publication propriation, the staff of the Gold Bug pre- publications of wartime America, sented several plans to the administration I have been asked by an acquaint- "We are pleased to announce" may be a there have appeared a number of bit hackneyed and worn at the edges from for raising the necessary funds to carryon ance of mine, who thinks my usual of stuff would look more brand ap- stories relating the feats of those over-use, but certainly we can think of no publication of the paper. Each plan was ppopriata running down a suckling's diminutive trouble makers, the 'Orem- more suitable expression 'to employ when we rejected in turn as being unfeasible. It was lins. Here on the Hill, we find to our tell the readers of the college newspaper at this point that the future of the college chin, to write something sensible for great dismay that we are not immune that, contrary to all fears and expectations, newspaper seemed, to couch the situation in a change. The petition was delivered knee. to the antics of these mythical char- the Gold Bug will not be forced to suspend mild terms, uncertain. on bended rhetorical So, what the heck? (Purely question.) acters. publication because of lack of finances. And it was just a bit beyond this point Having such a limited space, I As to a description of our particu- that, once more, the word "future" became lar species of Gremlins, they answer Truly, the circumstances giving rise to an appropriate one to use in connection with shall not presume to treat any great to the name of Gremlin Green 'Terror- the thought that perhaps this issue would the paper. For, because of the realization number of profundities in their re- icus. Physically, our Gremlins are of have to be the final one in the newspaper's on the part of the administration that the spective entireties. If I can clear up surrounding the questions just three the same proportions as those little twentieth volume year were such as to cast Gold Bug~not as the Gold Bug itself, but as of your cosmic conundrums-namely, men that haunt those Saturday night a pall of gloom over the features of the a representative college newspaper-was a time, space, and life-I shall be sat- hikes up the Hill at 2:00 A. M., Tough- veriest optimist, were he reader, editor, or necessary and worthy part of campus life, ly, an ineh to an inch and a half in in other manner connected with the publica- here or on any campus, the Western Mary- isfied. And you should be, too. height. The distinguishing feature of tion. land College publication does have a future. .AboutTime OUI· Western Maryland Gremlins are In the first place, the journalistic appro- Time. Why bother about time? the alternating bands of green and priation for the year 1942-43 had been set, Dr. Holloway, who, we gratefully ac- YOUi"hoary-headed phi los 0 p her a gold color which encircle the body. when the college budget was made up, 'at the knowledge, took upon his shoulders the bur- knock themselves out, so to speak, at- A pointed cranium adorned by a shock same level it had been for the past several den of the Gold Bug as a personal problem, tempting to measure time, and intel- of purple hair, and a red carnation on years-indeed, it had been cut one hundred has promised that it will not be necessary lectually to circumscribe its journey. the coat lapel set off our Gremlin. dollars under the slightly enlarged appro- for the staff to suspend publication, that the For the sake of convenience, these A few unbelievers have expressed priation of 1941-42. Coupled with this fact necessary money will be forthcoming in men make time circular and expend doubt as to the actual existence of was the determining factor in the staff's some manner, that, in the face of almost a great deal of energy tracing around such creatures. serious consideration of having to cease overwhelming increases in the cost of col- its theoretical circumference in both We offer as proof publication: Printing and engraving costs lege operations, the newspaper approp.ria- directions. When one philosopher of ou r argu- had risen from twenty-five to, in some in- tion for this year will be enlarged to an ex- passes another going the other way, ment, the vari- stances, fifty per cent over the preceding tent that it will be able to continue to the thumbs are bitten and hard feelings ous un-explain- years. The final coup de grace to the finan- end of its planned schedule. ensue. Thcy might as well be wast- able something's cial set-up of the Gold Bug was adminis- ing their substance in riotous living, Assuredly, therofore, we can think of no that happen tered surely and decisively when our na- better expression with which to announce for all the practical knowledge their from day to day. tional advertising agency, in an effort to aimless labors beget. They are at- The Gremlin conserve war materials used in publicity to our readers the fact-that Western Mary- tempting to drag a purely temporal that causes the plates, saw fit to allow us to carry none of land will continue to read its Gold Bug, a influence off into the clouds of mys- lines of a book to their advertising from the beginning of the twenty-year campus tradition, than "We are ticism and abstraction. They seem to run together in- present semester until this issue. pleased." forget the small items of birth and to a meaning- Joe \Vorkman Using the foregoing facts as a foundation death. I think time begins when a less mass on the man is born, and ends when he dies. night. before 11.(. Lest, is a common Each man has his own time. My time fellow. - 'His'l~pHnciplc weapon is a is not your time. bottle of ink eradicator, with which e Dlscusses Space he removes kay words from test ques- Campus Personality Rawlins As I see the thing, Space. space tions or changes an "A" test mark presents no great problem; I am only to a "D". . including it here because other peo- A brother Gremlin 0 p e J" ate s throughout the dormitories in the ple seem to be having a little trouble early hours of the morning, turning with it. Now, in the conception of there two are off I alarms so the .student sleeps space, space is infinite, alternatives; or space is either- thr~ugh:ah 8:10 class. A Gremlin is By Eleanor Healy, ance; the last is d(Jfinit~ly not the pening this year was when Rock limited. Two choices. Pick one and certainly .the cause of setting the Feature Editor least!) "The town' has over 4,000 went down south for the Duke- you stand a 50-50 chance of being 10 P. IlL ..bell up five. minutes so that "Rock" to everyone here on the people, counting the outskirts, and is North Carolina game and also (or right. Do you really have a greater the home of the firat, nylon factory" should we }JaY "more so"1) to stop ~:~~:~~!e~i~~li!a~:~~d 1~~:Ck\~~~ Hill and "Jack" to people at home, (plug, Seaford Ghamber of Com- over at Meridith College in Raleigh. chance in any problem? As Plato merce note). Moreover, it is quite a Rock has a great interest in this col- once said, in response to a question bottom out of a cok-e'glass and spoil ~~~:I~:P;~~t~:~v~:o;a!~~:.r~,~~c~: posed by one of his contemporaries, center of WMC-ism, for Rock, Ruth lege; for there, Miss June Baker is a :o~l-e~~~:r:~o:nd in classes as in is, incidentally, a nickname of purely Hurley, and Inez Macklin live right student. It is to her that Rock be- "No." I say the time to get yourseli is when you don't have in a dither Mathematics where they change the ~~!~.~aO~;!~~:o~Cdo!~~;e~ ~~:s~;i:~ in a row, and Randy Larrimore lives came engaged last Christmas. She any choices. you re- Delaware, logarithm tables or move a decimal ion to the Rock of Gibraltar. And nearby. is from Delmar, miles south of Sea- e Llfe Arbitrary member, thirteen ~~~.c~:s~:=:in~:~ !~~:~~~h:~: ~~i;!li~_ ;;!~t o;~nt:;~;e;~~e~~;i~~~ there "Rock" began. During freshman year Rock joined ford. And now we come-c-or at least I merit-date for a term paper or causes so~~~;~g:c~:n~,asR~~g ~:~e ~~ h;~ :~: .January Grad come, to that thing which everyone one {o":-read the wrong assignment. Georgia. Probably the most exciting ~hings until juni~r year, when he felt Rock will graduate at the end of with the exception of the corpse pos- sesses in some degree, namely, life. i:s:dC~~~st:y n~~ver:~i~~sn:f!~~ c~:; . thing that happened to him while _ It necessary .to ~"\Vethem up because this semester. "This last semester My theory is that life in its begin- been known to change quantitative Jiving there was an appendix opera- of an organtc ailment. has been nice, but pretty inactive nings was a strictly chance combina- unknowns around. The Military tlon at the tender age of six. "I was and I'm anxious to get to Med tion of natural mechanical movement Gremlin is in his glory at the present, ~~~~e:u::m:~~le'::~i~a~ ...:~o~ t~;tee~ school," he told us. and natural chemical reaction. Some- where in the dim ages, several com- ~:n;eOfd;'~~~a;~ ;fha::~:~~o ~';i~~~ time," Rock told us. But anyone who would like to learn plementary elemellts were thrown and Shoulder Arms". • Ah, Seaford the words to "Hail Seaford" still has held together by an arbitrary force The Athletic Gremlin places the lid When he was nine years old a two more weeks and Reick will be of nature. This juxtaposition and on the basket in the midst of a rally great thing happened-the Rawlins glad to sing it fOl· you. "You know condition of natural interactivity was of the home team OJ" grabs the foot- moved to Seaford, Delaware. "Sea- there's nothing like little ole Dela- happily sustained until the molecules ball from the arms of the llalfback ford is eighty miles south of ·Wil- of one or the other of these elements as he crosses the goal line. He rises mington, forty miles northwest of wal·e". (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) to his fuli height when he blows the Oceru:ICity, and thirteen miles north base-cleaning homerun foul. of Delmar". (These facts are prob- If you can attribute these happen- ably in an inverted order of import- Two Suggestions From A Frat ings to something other than Grem- lins, be an unbeliever;. but if you lin Open .eetieIJ. sleep through dinner b·ecause your alarm didn't go off, don't blame the Gremlins. The Editor of the Gold Bug, We would like to make two sugges- Dear Sir: tions, the adoption of which we be- THE GOLD BUG By L. H. In these serious days, college youth lieve would definitely promote the ful- fillment of our common ideals. John Rawlins has been accused of failure to realize I sOJ;netimes wonder if this life that its responsibilities and to do its full It is almost certain that a certaill seems so pale Last year he was elected to Tl'i part in the war effort. It has been number of seniors will be called into And sickled over by the dull routine Beta, honorary biological MCiety. said that college youth is light heart- the services before the completion of Till all is but a mill of pass or fail, When Rock graduates he will have ed and indifferent to responsibility, their senior year. These men will go And I am eating, sleeping, studying a B.S. in biology. As regards the that it is using college as a bigger into the armed services for a period Editor-In-Chief Alvjn H. Levin '43 machine, Dean's list, Rock is a consistent mem- and better means to a good time. of possibly several years. When they return from the war it will be difficult Associate Ed~t.or Mary Miller '43 ] sometimes wondel· if this stuff of ber of the "almost club", but has We, as a part of college youth, for all to return to the campus. For Managing Editor which never quite been one of that select would like to take up this challenge, Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 :My future ;necdotes shall some day few. and to honestly face those whom we some it will be impossible. We can New Editor Carolyn Gable '43 hence be made This year Rock was elected to cannot help but feel have misunder- reasonably expect that all will be Lillian Jackson '45 And I can tell without a guilty twitch Who's WhQ in A~n Collegetf. stood us. That we occasionally fail greatly changed by the experience of Assistant News Editor ..Rod Naef '45 The gay and reckless role I once had This honor is given to those people to attend a class we do not consider war-that they will be mature men who wili consider college as a time Feature Editor Eleanor Healy.'43 played. who have shown outstanding quali- an evidence of poor faith any more behind them. A large of youth far Assistant Feature Editor Ii Time can shed hel· rosy hue on ties of leadership and ~bi1ity. thari we consider as poor faith a pro- proportion of the seniors who 'are call- . J.oe Workman '43 by-gone days, fessor's occasional failure to meet a Sports Editor John Robinson '43 And Art unscrupulous can add some • Future Medico class. We do not believe such things ed will not return to graduate after the war. Yet a college degree, of far Copy Editor rich detail, All his life Rock has looked for· are eitber indicative or significant. :Mary Virginia Walker '43 Then shall my offspring list with eyes ward to a medical career, and in We expect beiore long to be doing our more significance than "three and in college", would be Stall Photographer .._...Carl Webb '44 ablaze ApI;] he will enter University of part in army camps and"under enemy ~me.half years value to these men. of inestimable Business Manager While I with tale of revelry do them Maryland Medical School. This will :fire on battlefields. We are glad and Werner Orrison '43 regale; begin the. realization of something proud to accept this as our responsi- We understand that some colleges Assistant Business Manager Then shall they know, those cherubs which he has always wanted "and ·bility. That we can· still laugh and and universities, the University of William Burgess '45 x:oundmy knee my mother has helped. to keep this joke we consider a sign of good mor- Pennsylvania for one, are granting Circulation Manager The daring carefree maid their moth- idea alive," Rock-told us. ale rather than a lack of seriousness degrees to seniors called at the end Leroy ·Gerding '44 . er used to be.· Probably the most important hap- on our ~rt. .• _._ (Cont. on page 4; c.ol. 3X
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