Page 25 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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Number Of Allowed 'Cuts' Drastically Reduced ~Iu& Z286 :-::-::-:::-:-:--=-------:-:===:-:-:-:-c=-:::---:-:-:----:----------,~~ Announcing a drastic change in the number of cuts allowed V_:_:_ol_._2_O_N__o.,._7 W__E.;S__T__E.; R.; N M:..::_A__R.;Y:..:L__A.:.N:.:.:D_:C.:.O::.L::L::E:_:G:_:E:____ _.:_Ja:::n:::u::a::.ry:_.:1:::4:_. 1:::9:::4= ~ft~.s~adse~~it:d~~r:::~~l:'t~:'c~~rig~~!:~;~oIJ~t~e!TIlo~et~ir:;~e~ to one per class instead of three as has been the custom in the past. Restrictions Are Placed On All Initiations By All students taking cuts in excess of one will be fined the usual fee of-two dollars per cut. This step was decided at a recently held meeting of the faculty. Joint Action OF Students And Faculty growing tendency among students to take the maximum number Dean Bertholf explained that the reason for this action is the of cuts, using them for week-end trips and the like, instead of appreciably Three-Point Program Outlined By Counselor's Committee; necessities. Although it is reported posed during larger than those im- of fines imposed dur- the previous semester, that the number Social And Academic Philosophies Given Consideration I To Speak Monday ••• ing the 1942-43 semester will not be the number of cuts reported by the increased; has .. In Formulation Of First Plans For Rite.Control individual teachers this increase that and it is against Restrictions on freshmen, rratem- recommendations were presented for Fifteen Seniors the faculty has acted. ity, and sorority initiations have consideration: Dean Bertholf also announced that been considered by a committee of 1. That each organization on the Will Leave On the faculty had been considering giv- faculty and students appointed by campus which includes public in- ing an Easter vacation this year; President Holloway in accordance itiations in its prog ram shall pre- but due to transportation difficulties, with the resolution made at the pare a written statement setting January 27 the plan was rejected. No Easter Counselor's Meeting of November 9, forth the proposed program for vacation will be allowed this year . .1942. initiates; this program shall be Fifteen seniors, the first group of Dr. Bertholf did, however, make In compliance with the Counselor's submitted to the proper committee students to be graduated under the the following statement: "Students request, Dr. Holloway appointed a for ratification or alteration. war-time accelaraticn program, will should, in planning their weekends committee headed by L. Forest Free 2. That any organization failing to receive their diplomas at the end of for next semester, avoid, as much as with Katherine K. Carmichael, and submit the program for "n, Initi- the first semester on January 27, ac- possible, the taking of Easter week- Kathryn B. Hildebran representing Cont. on jiage 4, col. 1) cording to Miss Martha Manahan, end; this because of the possibility of the faculty and Henry Gruel, Marie' registrar. not being able to return. The rae- Steele, Lee Lodge., and Georgie Milby The graduating class has voted not ulty- has no objection to each stu- representing the student body. Oliver Spangler to have commencement exercises at dent taking a week end, but if they The committee, ,in presenting its that time. Their diplomas will 1:Je are not able to get back to school, recommendations for faculty consid- To Return For sent to them, and they may return to the usual fines will be imposed". eration, made this statement--"The participate in the May graduation The dean said that the new ruling to all members Committee recognizes the value in- ceremonies if they so desire. would apply sophomore, junior of the organiza- Recital Here and freshman, herent in student social Of the group, four of the men are tions on the campus and is ready to going on to medical school. They are senior classes, with the exception of endorse any posi tive and constructive Corporal Oliver K. Spangler, fac- L. F. LIVINQSTON Clarence MacWilliams, Jack Rawlins, those on the Dean's List, who will program initiated and sponsored by ulty member on leave of absence, will still be allowed the privilege "of un· them." return to the campus of ·Western An illustrated lecture on the im- (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) limited cuts as before. Considering this fact, the following Maryland College on Friday, Janu- portance of science and industry to ary 15, to present a piano recital in McDaniel Lounge. Corporal Spang. :;:~~~l~~~'b:nt~:t;r:;~.~~nt;e:~:r::~ Sixty-Nine Pledges Now Being Given GBX To Sponsor ler is especially known on the campus the Monday assembly at Western ....Th W k B WMC F his playing for evening in Sunday Mid- Winter Ball chapel, assembly progr-arps, and on ~.a~i~al~h~o:!:~~e;a;~~l~e 1~~~:~~:~e or s Y '- their status, raternities though various other occasions. Wilmington, Delaware, ingston, of The sixty-nine it was felt that men that have been Corporal Spangler has been grant- manager of Agricultural Extension and are being initiated into the four many men would be leaving the Hill, The annual Mid-Winter Ball, epon- ed a short furlough by his command- sored this year by the Gamma Beta ing officer in order that he may con- for the DuPont Company. fraternities on the Hill might wefl for the most part they would like to Chi Fraternity, will be held on Satur- tinue the popular series of recitals he Rabbi To Speak offer thanks to whoever it is that has leave knowing that they were memo Therefore, situa- bers ef a ·fraternity. the blame for the international the day, January 30 at 8:15 o'clock. The started several years ago. Unlike his Rabbi David Wise, of Newark, New tion resting on his shoulders. With Interfraternity Council set a limita- dance, will be given in the Blanche very popular program last year which Jersey, will be the speaker in Sunday the new order from the War Depart- tion on the length of the initiations. Ward Gymnasium. included only modern compositions, evening chapel, January 17. ment concerning the Reserves and The Preachers led in the number Since transportation problems have he wiJI, on Friday evening, also in- of pledges this year, with a total of greatly increased, Johnny Williams, clude some of the works of the old Eatin' Troubles twenty accepted bids, followed In chairman of the orchestra committee masters. turn by the Gamma Bets, who will reports that it is very hard to secure His program for the evening will have fifteen new members in full an orchestra; but at this time, he is be as follows: Miss Tweed Faced With Problems standing. The Black and Whites re- trying to sign Bob Craig of Baltimore. ceived eleven accepted pledges. The dance chairman is Ridgely Bach-Busoni Due To Ever-Increasing Rationing Friedel, while other committees in- Ckoral Prelude: Gamma Bets: clude as heads: Johnny Williams, or- Now Comes the Genti16s' SamOT By Elizabeth Gable They are now recognized by govern- Charles Lintz, Robert Wimbrow, chestra; Robert Moore, decorations; J. S. Bach The main aim and problem of a ments throughout the world to be of William Parker, John Price, Robert Gallagher, Robert John Ballinger, Charles DeManns and Robert Mirise, Prelude and Fugue in C !.finor nutritionist under the rationing pro- public concern." advertising: Tom Lavin, programs. L. Van Beethoven gram is to secure a balanced diet, ac- Baker, Lee Lendower, Sandford No- The sponsors for the evening have Sonata, Opus 57 (Appascio'l1ata) cording to Miss Suzanne S. Tweed, ble, Earl Morey, Edward Harrison, • not as yet been chosen. (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) Western Maryland College's dietitian. Douglas Beakes, Bishop Bowen, Wil- Miss Tweed admits that planning liam Faust, and William Fink. Bachelors: Senior College Players Will Present for such a large group of people to seph Kenny, Richard McGrath, Fred Dolan, Jo- Eleree Dayton, Edward they should have eat tbe foods that in spite of the l'estrictions has a ten- lIIichelfelder, Britton Piez, Kurt First Dramatic Recitals JanuarY 22 dency to put But she adds tlmt "it is Laupheimer, Henry Ferris, Robert in a dieti- hair gray tian's head. Macie, Oren Joseph Senior members of the College Yellow JackrJt. interesting to see what you can do Frazier, Seney, Kenneth Chester, Scott, John W. Players will appear on Alumni Hall The other senior members of the with what you can get." Walter CalT, Guy Reeser, Robert stage Friday, January 22 at 8:15 College Players will give a recital in According to present indications Youngblood, Donald Eohn, John o'clock in the first of this year's dra· the spring. Americans, and subsequently \Vest;.. (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) matie arl redtals. Those participat· ern Marylanders, will eat this year ''1g will be Virginia Bell, Pearl Bod· and eat well. But the American mer, Mary Frances Hawkins, Phebe diet will lack the variety to which New War Courses Robinson, and Joseph Whiteford. The Naval Reserves . • . years of comfortable living has ac· program has been under the direction customed us. Bananas, pineapples, of Miss Esther Smith, head of the The Dean has announced Utat coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar and spices Offered On Hill dramatic art department. new orders have been received, are items greatly reduced because of Several new courses in connection Miss Bodmer, who appeared last dated January 7 and 8, 1943 which the source of their supply; meat, with the war effort will be made year as "Little Nell" in the melo- will affljct all V-I, V-5, and V·7 carmed goods, butte!', eggs are diffi- available to students of Western drama He Ain't DOM Right By Nell, naval men. Both these men and cult to obtain because the total food Maryland College during the coming and Mr. Whiteford, whose reputation those who enlisted in the Enlisted needs are increased in time of war. semester. in the field of dramatics is well Reserves of the Army with the ex- Several of Miss Tweed's experi- Outstanding among these courses known on the Hill, will give selec- press purpose of enlisting in the enced and faithful employees are tions from fa.rniliar comedies of our Naval or Marine Reserv€& should now serving in the armed fOl'Ces, is the one in the elements of the Jap· by Dr. to be taught time. Since his sophomore year, Mr. eome to his office and find out their among them that well-known campus anese language, A new elective course, Paul \Varner. Whiteford has appeared in The .Man new status. character, "Rochester". this does not, however, satisfy the JVho Came To Dinner, He Ain't An order of January 7, 1943 The dietitian sums up our food sit- college 'basic requirements for a for- Done Right By Nell, The Songstress, ~tates that enlistment of college uation here in these words: "We at This course, designed ThA Yellow Jacket, and The Male students who have not passed W.l'II.C. will have a sufficiently wide eign language. understanding of the an give to Animal. t.heir eighteenth birthday will be range of foods to make avallable to speech and customs of the Japanese, More on the serious side will be accepted in the present V-I pro- everyone a full and properly balanced scenes from well known plays inter- gram until March 15, 1943 only. diet. You may not like it, but, to Charley "Chuck" Godwin, pictured is expected to be interesting, inas- preted by Miss Hawkins, Miss Bell, Ther.eafter college student.> are eli- quote a famolls nutritionist, you wiIl above, is a varsity member of WTI!C·s much as it concerns a timely topic. and Miss Robinson, all of whom ap- gible for the new Navy College have to eat what you would (if you game squad of boxers which went Another course intended to help last spring in Rider8 To the Training Program only through can get it at the Grill or at Earle's) down to a fighting defeat on Tuesday, . prepare students for taking part in Sea. Miss Hawk~ns will also be ~. the . r~ogni:ted procedure estab- after you have eaten what you as the University of Maryland's pow· national d e fen s e is aeronautics, membered for lier appearance III lished for all other applieaht.>. should! Your eating habits were eriul team gathe]'edfive and a half taught by Mr. McGrath. This course Our Town, T1t6 S01tg8trull, and .T.1uJ once· regarded as .& private ma.tter. points out of a possible eight. (Cont. on page 4, col. I}
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