Page 24 - TheGoldBug1942-43
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PAGE FOUR Tht: Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weatmimttt, Md., December 10, 1942 Seminary Will !~q.- Music Notes Offer Annual R(j~e, CniuteJ R~ American Music Is Discussed By Pageant By Red Naef Miss Barthelson Fred Holloway To Appear Early this past Monday afternoon, The Officer's Club, composed of sen- By Mary Frances Hawkins Col. 1, PMST, Walton, December For Thirteenth Time; Two was in receipt of a telegram from the iOI·officers of the ROTC, has set forth A capacity crowd enthusiastically very definite plans this year to aid in Tableaux On Program War Department which ordered that keeping its members abreast. of the received Miss Joyce Barthelson, teacher-composer, in her presentation all those who have made application tactical development in all theatres The thir-teenth annual outdoor for the Reserves on or before De- of the war. Future programs will in- of a lecture-recital on American Mu- Christmas pageant will be presented cember 5, 1942, will be allowed till the clude talks by CoL Walton and out- • sic in Levine Hall Friday evening, December 4. by the Nativity Guild-of Westminster 15th of December to effect their en- side spcakere, probably officers from Miss Barthelson stated that we are Theological Seminary on Tuesday listment. Otherwise, from this date the Sen ice Command Center, in a period of so-called Declaration evening, December 15, at 8 and 8 :40 on- no further enlistments either in In its effort to follow the war phase o'clock. Should the weather be unfa- the Army, the Army Reserve, or any by phase and to study the tactics, a of Musical Independence. She pre- three vorable, the production will be post- Reserve component of the Army Air round table discussion will be con- sented the Music: bIg influences of the on the work American ducted on the North African Cam- ~~:edtr~;i~~~~;~e li!~~;~;in~f ~~:ni:~ Corps will be c~nS!del:ed. composers who studied in Europe be- paign where the political and eco- fore the wa;·; jazz, especially as pro- cross on the Seminary building at 6 Due to the difficulties in transpor- nomic, as well as the military aspects- duced by the negro; and the folk mu- P. M. will announce the event. tation, Captain Caple has announced will be taken up. Not only will pres- Due to the early closing of the Col- that the program for the rifle team is ent events be discussed, but an at- sic. Miss Burthelson defended American lege for the holidays, there will be being held up. It may possibly be tempt will be made to test the skill composers by comparing their work fewer representatives of \V.M.C. in that there will be very few if any of the senior officers ~y allowing them ~AT NCO SCHOOL- Newton "Cap". with that of Bach and Mozart. Some the pageant than usual. Fred Hol- shoulder to shoulder matches and a chan~e to pr~dict future events. j}Cidd '43, drummer and popular band of the composers introduced in the loway, Jr., appears in the cast for the that the team will have to rely on Meetings will be announced; and leader on the Hill has been attending thirteenth consecutive time, having telegraphic matches. He further ex- course of the evening were Choenberg, Copeland, Kubic, Gershwin, been cast in the first production in \ plained that the rifle team has begun ~~Zl~:b;:~oo:~~~:~:~~s~:i~; ~:h~d~~tt:~~ NCO School at ,Camp \hVhe~ler and is Strvinski, Scott, Sower-by, Guion, and Gould, 1929 and in every one thereafter. its practice and all who are interest- The club meets on the second and expected to gra uate sort y. Kern. Others from the college who appear ed should report to Sgt. Puryear. Al- fourth Mondays of the month. The While at WMC, "Cap" majored in are: Marjorie Little, as the Angel ready, some remarkable talent has officers of the club include Lieut. Col. muaic, was D Section's best bathroom The recital was appropriately ended Gabriel; 'Katherine Little, as the been uncovered; and, according to the Lodge and program chairman Major baritone, and was a member of the with some of Miss Barthelson's own angel who brings tidings to the shep- captain, a splendid season is ex- Moore. Inter-Fraternity Council. composition, spirited and modern in het-ds ; Betty Billingslea, Katherine pected. tone, for which she was encored again Clemson, Sara Jane Rtce, Lucy Jane and again. DuVall, all members of the "Heaven- Post Office Clerk Sunday School F;ench Club Aloysius Recounts Miller, Stoner, Elizabeth Donna end Iy Host". The entire musical program will be Tableau II Carol-Sing 'Shaggy Dog' Tale with the excep- Langral/ Has His provided by records, tion of [At all lI!ortal Flesh- Keep st. Of Poor Bert /Cl(CC, a French carol, to be sung by Difficulties (Cent, from page 1. col. 3) (Cent. hom page 1, 101. 4) Professor- de Long. Two new records Immediately following the program Rice, Flora Siowicz, Winifred Gilli- {Cent. from page 2, col. 5) have been made especially for the ria- (Cont. from page' 2, col. 1) of the French carols on Monday eve- kin, Munrry Kaplan, Warren Earle, former ailment. Before he Jeft, the tivity by the W.M.C. choir: Wo Buzz, who has a date at seven ning, December 14, the Student Chris- Arlie Mansberger, Bob Moore, and' doctor had promised to have his TIL1·CO IOng8 and the Glatz Folk o'clock, gives a sigh of relief at six tian Association will sponsor a Nativ- Bernard Gusgesky. (Bert's) wife fired the next day Sang, with solo by Mary Frances fifty-nine. ity Service in Baker Chapel. This The soloists taking part in the ser- \Vhen Bert got home, supper was Hawkins. At eleven o'clock we go over to program will feature the reading of vices arc Anita Rue, Doris Baker, on the table .. It was string beans and Among the tableaux of the Nativ- Buzz's room and discuss the Selective the Christmas story by Josephine Sara Jane Rice, Mary Francis Haw- potatoes, with Jello for desert. ity, entitled Born The Prince of Service Act of 1940; when asked Branford, appropriately interspersed kins, and Warren Earle. The mystery, you ask? Why the Peeoe, to be depicted this year are whether or not he would be drafted with familiar music. The organist The singing of the Carols and the man in the car, of cour-se. The real Bouquereau'a "Nativity", and Hoff- Buzz said emphatically, "Brother, during the entire program will be reading of the Christmas story are Bert Furniss never smoked! Conse- mann's "Annunciation". He len I'm in. I'll probably be put in the Cur-roll Doggett, and the soloists will this year symbolical of the spirit of quently, the man who lit the cigar- Louise Shipley, an alumnus of post office". Just then there is a loud be Alice Dittmar and Lillian Jackson, the free French people. A silver of- ette must have been an impostor. W.M.C., will portray the Virgin pounding on the door and a stuaent '~ho will sing, respectively, 0 Holy fering will be collected fOI" French Mary, while Edwin Reter, also an al- yells out, "Buzz, will you mail these Night, and Stal' a-f the East. A male prisoners of war. umnus of. W.M.C., will portray the letters on your way to the post office trio will present We Th1'ee King8. Miss Margaret Snader is in charge PATRONIZE Watchman. tomorrow?" Congregational singing will be'in or- af the annual presentation. OUR der at various times during the eve- ADVERTISERS. ning. Pre-Christmas Chapel Paul Henry, chairman of the Stu- SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG dent Association program Christian College Players And Choir To Hold .:~:':~:::~,h·:t.~:;':;':h:tO;"f~::~ SMITH Incorporated John Everhart '" RBIFSNIDER '!HE COLLEGE BARBER LUMBER-COAL with the' Stage At Annua I Vespers Service Chl·ist will be incOrlJorated ,h'p,j ''''If WESTMINSTER, MD. AND BOBBER Th, ,t"y. Ch,·'"",,, will be featured in portraying thc AT THE FORKS (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Three Shepherds - Thomas Bush, visual setting for these stories. first, entitled The Annlut.Ciation, will Robert Mathias, Warren Roberts. be based on Luke I: 26-33, 38. The Three Wise Men-Alvin Walker, Stationery and Writing acces- Phone 300 second chapter of Luke, verses 1-7, Joseph Whiteford, George Stevens. C~mpus Personality sories. are always appropriate will form the basis fat· the next Angel of the Annunciation-Pearl Gifts CARROLLEEN tableaux, There Was No Room. The Bodmer. Stop in and see our complete theme of the third, GltYl1J To God, is Ang¥ls-Dorothy Clarke, Audrey 'W~ line Individual Coiffures found in Luke 2: 8-13, 15-16, and Treisler, Margaret Ann Smith, Janet of the fourth, Herod and Th8 Magi, Lee Baugher, Deloris Hartke, May THE P. G. COFFMAN CO. Beauty in its Entirety in Matthew 2: 1-8. The final tab- Honemann, Mary Thomas, Jeanie (Cont. from page 2, coL 4) the place to buy leaux, The Ada-ratwn, is baSed upon Eckhardt, Mary Spaulding, Dorothy hotel where he stayed has since been HALL MARK CHRISTMAS 66 W. Main St. the second ·chapter of Matthew, verses Roveeamp. destroyed by bombs. CARDS 9 to 11. The choir will sing carols Due to the necessity of having a Graduation for Joe will mean en- Times Building .,. WESTMINSTER, MD. during the pageant. darkened auditorium for the effective trance into the a,·my. There, he ex- The cast for the tableaux is as fol- service, the time for the pageant has pects to be a classification officer. lows: been changed. The doors of Alumni This is a type of psychological-per- Narrator-Marvin Sears. Hall will open at 6:30 P. M., the or- sonnel work, in which the draftees are Mary-Virginia Bell. gan prelude will begin at 7:30 and tested and-questioned as to what they Carroll Theatre State Theatre Joseph-William Pennington. the service at 7: 45. There is no ad- have alld haven't done, what they're Herod-Joseph Whiteford. mission charge, and no seating lists. interested in, etc. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Thurs. & FI·i., Dec. 10-11 Keeper of The Inn-George Stev- The public is cordially invited. This work is in line with the psy- Dec. 9-10-11 George Brent, Bl·enda Marshall chology which Joe hopes to make his Pat O'Brien, George Murphy "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE "THE NAVY COMES FOREVER" Home Management Class l·eal life's work. Some day he hopes THROUGH" Saturday, December 12 to get his doctor's degree in psychol- SpeedOf'~iberian'Wind Will Hold Party For ogy, and then, perhaps, go into medi- Saturday, Decembc,· 12 Bill Elliott, Tex Rittel Will Be Checked By Underprivileged cine with the hope of becoming a phy- John Hubbard, Ruth Terry "PRAIRIE GUN SMOKE" "YOUTH ON PARADE" of those things which chiatrist-"One Monday Tuesday Sunday, Meteorology everyone is scared of", Joe told us Sunday, Monday Tuesday Dec. 13, 14, 15 jokingly The home management class of the Dec. 13, 14, 15 Robert Stack, Diana Bal"rymore in (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) home economics department, under Ginger R{)gel·s, Ray r.filland in "EAGLE SQUADRON" Ir one of your erstwhile companiolls the supervision of Miss Daisy Smith, "MAJOR AND THE MINOR" Wednesday December 16 also Donald Duck Cartoon Starrett Charles party Christmas has taken of late to gazing raptly up- will hold its annual of the Cassell Home Merry Christmas "OVERLAND TO ill ward into-space, don't be alarmed. for the residents Wednesday December 16 DEADWOOD" He's probably just trying to figure in Westminster on Fl1day, December iI·ene Hervey, William Gargan in "DESTINATION out whether that fascinating mass of 1L Precedent has been discarded, for UNKNOWN" Thurs., Fri., Dec. 17, 18 condensed water vapor floating over in previous years the underprivileged and A also Freddie Bartholomew, Billy Halop (he seventh green is alto-cumulus or children of Ahe town have been enter- Quiz Kids-King of Forty-niners 'n nimbo-stratus. Or perhaps, if visi- tained in the management house. "JUNIOR ARMY" The Happy NewYear & Saturday Friday bility is "unlimited", he may be scan- Elizabeth Gable has been appointed Thursday, Dec. 17, 18, 19 Saturday, December 19 ning the horizon to find Mexico, which general chairman for the party. Charles Boyer Rita Hayworth Tim Holt in according to Honor·able McKee, the class has arranged a program of Ginger Rogers Henry Fonda "PIRATES OF THE first feminine meteorologist at WMC, carols with the Christmas story to be Charles Laughton Rochester in PRAIRIE" "TALES OF MANHATTAN" is located "right over there", approx- presented by Janith Horsey. The Sunday, Monday, Tuesday imately 3% miles northeast of the highlight of the party will come also Popeye Cartoon-News "INVISIBLE AGENT" Hill. when Santa Claus--Professor Ben- The Coffman-Fisher Mon. Tues., Dec. 20, 21 And so, as the valiant piol).eers nighof-will give each resident a Edward Arnold, Ann Harding in Wednesday, December 23 trudge on, forging new gift and a bundle of Christmas cook- Company "EYES IN THE NIGHT" "ROMANCE OF THE trails into the vast "unknown", we ies, candies, and favors prepared by also Cartoon-News RANGE" lesser mortals stand and gape in awe. the home economics classes.
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