Page 23 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 10, 1942 PAGE THREB Golcl Bug Places Four 1errors Suffern, Mogowski, And Lodge Veterans On 1942 AII-Marylancl Team In First Home Game Of Cage Season Ht. Wt. Home Bruce Ferguson's Terrors will open play the University of Baltimore ill Bernie Gusgesky, Western Md. R.E. 6 176 Kingston, Pa. their hom~ basketball season tonight Gill Gym for the last game before iack Gilmore, Maryland.. R.E. 6-1 % 193 Baltinlore, Md. against the Curtis Bay Coast Guard the Christmas holidays. Baltimore, Paul Blasco, Mt. St. Mary's.. . R.G. 5-9 175 Harrisburg, Pa. team in Gql Gym at 8:15. usually a power ill the basketball cir- Mike Phillips, Western Md. C. 5-11 181 Clifton ae., Pa. The Guardsmen have an unblemish- Bull Barrick, Western Md. L.G. 5-10 180 Walkersville, Md. ed record thus fnr in the season, win- cle, has been weakened by the war Jack Coffey, l\U. St. Mary's... L.T. 6-1 190 Brooklyn, N. Y. ning all five of their games. During calling several potential players, but - in the Bees still have a fine operative Jack Gilmore, Maryland L.E. 6-1 173 Washington, D. C. this streak they defeated American U. Nat Witinsky. Witinsky will act as Tom Mont, Maryland... .. Q.B. 6-% 188 Cumberland, Md. and Washing-ton College, both mem- player coach for the Bees this year Hubey Werner, Maryland R.H.B. 5-10 164 Collingswood, N: J. bers of the Mason-Dixon Conference service num- Art O'Keeffe, Western Md L.H.B. 5-11 175 Baltimore, Md. to which the Green belongs. as long as his selective Last season the ber doesn't come up. Jack Wright, Maryland F.B. 5-11 206 Baltimore, Md. Bees edged the Terrors by a ten point e Seek First Win ..The Big Green, however, will be margin . Georgetown "Dream" The annual selection of an All Barrick of the Terrors were chosen. seeking their first win of the season basketball team Univei-sitys out to be a turned Ma.p'land football team by the Gold These men were chosen almost by a after losing to Georgetown on Tues- nightmare for the Terrors on Tues- Bug was a more difficult [ob this year straw vote over George Jarmoska and day night. Washington the as due to the fact that there were only Tony Nardo of Maryland. Starting for his fourth straight day night, the locals by the staggering club swamped four teams to select from and, al- As far as the Gold Bug corre- year tonight will be Fr-ank Suffern at score of 75 to 34. though many of the players clinched spondents could see, the general play one of the forward posts for the Ter- From the very start, Georgetown their positions by their outstanding of the interior line was below par for rors and Ed Mogowski at the other. Frank Suffern up a commanding lead and east- work all season, other positions had the State teams as a whole. In oth- Last vear the Terror seer-era were led wore down the Terrors as the game no really outstanding men. er years the guard and tackle posts by Mogowski with Suffern second. O'Keeffe played his first year of var- went on. By many it was considered sity ba!llast Both of these men year. e Pew TeaI116 were about the strongest parts of the Capt. Ncmo Robinson and Lee will probably see plenty of action the finest team to play in Washington To begin with, Washington College, AlI Maryland team. Lodge will play the guard posts this this year. in many years. which usually places a player or two .Mike Again year. Last year Robinson played fOI·- The probable starting lineups: Possessing a six-foot, eight inch dropped football for the duration as Mike Phillips of t.he Terrors was ward but has been shifted this season center, and a similar forward, the did Blue Ridge. Mount St. Mary's chosen for center without being push- as has been Mogowski, from center WESTERN MD. F COAST GUARD Hoyas merely tapped the ball around 18 Suffern Kaufman played a short schedule, but still had ed by anyone. Paul Flick of Mary- to forward. 21 Mogowski F Sneider under the baskets. a few representative "players. Johns land was the only other center con- .Tall Club 25 Michelfelder .C... Ballard Buddy Hassett, brother- of the Hopkins presented outstanding play- sidered. Phillips played regular ·for The only newcomer to the first team 17 Robinson (c) G G'Grady Yankee first baseman, directed the of- ers just about of the same caliber as the Green for three years and now is is Fred Michel feldci, a freshman who 10 Lodge... . G... Riley fense for the winners, ably supported of the football th~y played. in the U. S. Army, having been draft- stands 6 feet 4 inches in his stocking will by swarms of substitutes. Thus the selection was narrowed ed last week. feet. His appearance in the starting On Saturday night, the Tenors down to three teams: Maryland, wee- The backfield positions required lit- lineup will give the Green the height tern Mar-yland, and the Mount. From tle deliberation since all the men se- which they have always lacked. Harry Ieffra Preparing Boxers this group the Old Liners placed five lected have spark- When Michelfelder ie in the game men, the Terrors four and the Mounts led most of the the Terrors present a lineup that av- two. season. The trio erages 6 ft. 1 in. tall. Suffern and For Largest Schedule In Years e Ous At One End from Maryland, Mogowski arc both 6 ft. 2 in., Lodge The ends were fairly easy to select Tom Mont, Hubey is an even six feet tall, Robinson is With the opening match with the University of Maryland st.ifl over a with Bernie Gusgesky of Western Werner, a n d Jack the shortest man on the starting team month off, the Terror rlngmen, under the eye of Coach Harry Jeffra, already Maryland getting the first choice Wright, carried the at five feet, ten inches and Michel- appear to be nearing mid-season form. Hard work-outs each day for the while Jack Gilmore of .Maryland had Old Liners offen- Ielder stands 6 ft. 4 in. past three weeks really have the boys stepping around in great fashion. to battle to be seleeted over his team- sive .burden, whilc In resen'e will be Art O'Keeffe and The e.agerness to learn, and the careful handling of each individual by mate Bob James. Gusgesky played Art O'Keeffe was .Manny Kaplan. Kaplan is II holdover Jeffra, is beginning to get results, notably among the freshmen candidates outstanding ball for the Green in the leading scorer from Fergie's last team while who arc slowly losing their awkward styles and roundhouse swings. The nearly evel·y game of the season and and chief ground- letter men, too, are showing improve- drew praise for his work from most Q'Keeffe gainer for the Tel"- ment in each workout; and, barring praise and the "one man wrecking of the opposing coaches. Gilmore I)·ors. injuries, plus the grind of the killing erew·' ought to come through in fine style. was also selected for second team All Wright led the State scorers, Mont schedule ahead, this ought to be one Possessor of a real wallop, and eag- Southern Conference. was in the first five players of the 11a- of the finest teams to represent "\Ves- er to develop a smoother attack, Jac}c Dittmar of Maryland was se- tion for gaining ground by the pass tern Maryland in many years. George Norman is stepping into Carlo lected for one of the tackle,positions route, and 'Verner was selected 011 .Godwin Sharp and, after. long deliberation, Jack CoI- the All Southern Conference third The most impressive performer to Orten7-i's old position at 165 pounds. fey of Mount St. Mary's was decided team. date is_ unquestionably sophomore The lightweight position is being tak- upon for the other post. The club is one of the lightest ever Charles Godwin, 15S-pounder. God- en over this year by Franklin Faugh- Fo)· the guard positions, Paul Blas- selected with only onc man going win is developing a sharpcr punrh man, a sophomore, who gained some freshman his in winning co of Mount St. Mary's and Bull over the 200 pound mark. without losing his original aggres- experience yeflr and pal·ticipating in last bouts siveness, and is a cinch to better la~t several varsity encounters. The Morning Aft.r year's remarkable rccord. open with two freshmen, is still Laup- The light-heavy wide spot Due to the ])romising ability of ]20- Curt Mi~e Phillips Ancl Manny Kaplan pound Jim Green, a freshman, veter- heimer !lnd John Gavula. leading the fin John Alexandel· will move up and puck. capably fill the 127-pound slot. A Among the freshman material, two Have Hacl Variecl Career On Hill fine boxer and a cool worker, Alexan- boys are showing up in splendid fash- der is after the title this year. Little Frankie Ziegler is also developing ion, Swarthmore's own Johnny Seth Ry John Robinson, Sports Editor nicely, and may give Alexander some at 145 pounds, and Bill Parker at ]55 Two seniOrs who have meant quite a bit to the athletic seL-up of Westel"ll real competition. pounds. Maryland in the past four years are Mike PhilIips and Manny Kaplan. Al- .Hall Iml)roves though Mike has now gOlle into the armed service, it will be a long time The most improved boxer on the before anyone forgets-and especially Maryland-how Mike handled those squad is red-headed Howard Hall, Preachers Win center duties. And for Manny, we can say he has taken a real beating in 145 pounder. His improved footwork three years of varsity football. and ring generalship is most notice- Mike came here as a freshman fOUl" to be a lawyer and would get most of able, and he is now trying to develop Fraternity Tifle years ago and has since then made a our votes as a good one. Come May, a more aggressive attack Henry Ferris has the heavyweight positi011 Going through another season un- ""'.,..",..,..,- .... ~.i~:dls~ hJ~ sa~d~~ ~::~~e~ a~:~~lah:: ~~~~d~~:i:iyc~:~.~ all his own, and deservedly so. Jeffru beaten, Delta Pi Alpha's touch foot- tion to his foot- acters. has gone way out on a limb in Haak's ball' added the sixth victory of the ball ability, Mike season and the thirty-fifth without a had enough time defeat in topping a hard fighting in base- Junior Varsity Starts Cage Season Tonighti to pitch and beat Gamma Bet eight"last week, 19 to 6. Hopkins Scoring early in the first quarter. ball, and ·in the the Preachers took a quick 7 to 0 lead, a played winter and aggres- Little Terrors Meet Forest Park Saturday hard but saw that margin cut minutes la- sive type of fra- ter when Sarge Lavin tossed Harry ternity basket- Opening the i r seventeen-game ot, aided by the tallest basketeer to Yingling a touchdown pass in the eni! It was the only Robinson ball. A really schedule, the junior varsity court- his the Hill in mAny years, Joe Macie, zone for six l)oints. fraternity cham- against score the good guy, ,Phil- men will start against the strong Ox 6 feet 7 inches. Hy Dirvitz and Fm7-- pions all season. lips is anything a coach eould want. Fibre team from Frederick, Marylam\ ier Scott will be at the forwaJ"d spots Mike loveR to play the game and in tonight. and can give the oppO~itiOll H g-reat Throughout the remaindcr of thc addition loves to win. Coach Laux, in reg,l1"d t.o the pros- de;;l of trouble. The rest of the team first half, the Gamma Bets showed Called in the service just last week, ]lect of the coming campaign had this is comprised of Wallen B{'an, Bill definite offensive ability, and not un- . Phillips will not graduate with his to say about the J. V. cager!!: '"ThO.) I Finck, George Pia vis, Rob('rt Pricc, late in the third period was the and Bob Wimbrow outcome evident. class but hopes to finish school after team has some very capable players, r With the score 7 to 6, Joe Work- this mess is over. ani! the squad can have a splclli!id Ox Fibre has a good outfit, which man, Preacher captain, tossed a quick Kaplan, a backfield man of note, has season, bllt the real calibre of the five t last year split with the yearlings, los- bullet pass to Randy LaITimore on had his ups and downs in four years. will not be known until after first few r ing to t.he Green Team on the home As a sophomore, Kaplan was chosen games." f court find defeating Western Mary- about the thirty nice yanl line and Larri- the interference more followed as one of the backs on the All-Mary- Facing the largest scneQule that land at Frcderick. Having added a rest of the way for a score. land team of that year but the next the jlmior courtmen have had il,l ml1.ny I year's experiencc, they should offer season suffered a reoccurance of a years, Coach Laux has his lads prac- r a grcat deal of trouble for the sqUAd's Gaining the ball again in the final knee injury which still handicaps ticing daily, and they are rapidl)' initial gamc. period, Workman again led a Preach- him. molding into a formidable unit. This I ....On Saturday afternoon, at 2:00 the er offensive that reflched pay-off ter- Manny also is a baseballer, and led is the first season in many i!ecades junior varsity will close its pre-Christ- ritory as Larrimore accounted for his last year's club in batting with a .350 that a junior varsity team has re- I'? mas games against Forest Park High second touc.hdown. Charlie Clad had mark. In the winter the Kap enjoys placed a freshman team. ,1 School of Baltimore. Captain Allen scored the first Preacher tally on a basketball and this season should be Comp~·ising the first five, which in.... L_··.,-=",..,::.,....,....,..,.....;..::,;;==,;.-,1 similar end run. in there a great deal of the time. all likehhood will start the season in n::;( J.,.,qt.lX-Ass'" C~hC"'+ Jacobson will lead his team against For the Gamma Bets, Lavin direet- Manny is a big burly guy, but de- the initial game, will be Don Bohn, a the Terrors. Forest Park defeated ed the Red and PUl·ple threat, ably !ipite his 195 pounds, he can really fast man and a .good shot at one guard Frazle1', who plays a vel'y good flool" their Alumni in their initial en- supported by Doggy Freidel and Ken Kaplan has secret ambitions post. A~ the other guard will be Bob game. Doug Beaks will be at the piv- counter, 49 to 45. Volk.
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