Page 57 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, Weatem. Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 12, 1942 PAGETHREB THE=====. Loyola Tops Terrors In Tournament Final-- MORNING Player All Conference Ht. Wt. Club .=====AFTER Franny Bock. Loyola, 6·2 170 Carlo Ortenzi Wins Intercollegiate Crown 6-1 175 Mt. St.l\1ary's, Bill Harkins, Ed Mogowski, Western Md.; 6-2 175 By John Robinson Barney Goldberg, Loyola, 5_11.170 Jensen Loses To Terrors Lose 42.33 SPJRTS EDITOR Irv Biasi, Western Md. 5-10.170 Syracuse Heavy After Six Straight Saturday's sports events brought Captain-Irv Biasi ~fter 2 Wins League Victories to a conclusion the 1941-42 winter Best Bet--Franny Bock campaign of athletics here on the hill, ~========= .Completing its best season in recent Loyola's sharp shooting Greyhounds and despite the loss of the Terror years, the Green Terror boxing team toppled Western Maryland 42 to 33 eagers to Loyola and Sig Jensen in won a tie for fourth place and three in the final game of the Mason Dixon the finals of the Eastern Intercolle- Baseball Team individual awards Tournament last Saturday night at giates one can in the Eastern In- Evergreen, Baltimore, to send the call the season a tercollegiate meet conference championship to Loyola, very successful Starts Practice last Friday an d Last year these same two teams one. On boxing, Saturday. The ue., met, and the Green Terrors defeated this was e s p e- In Fortnight versity of Mar-y- Loyola 39 to 38. cially true; for land team won the This year the story was different, Carlo Ortenzi an- meet with 15 however, as Loyola jumped to an nexed the title in Crying towels are now apropos for points, while the early 11 to 1 lead and were ahead at the tournament, the Western Maryland baseball team. .::="""='" four man Terror halftime 24 to 14. It took the 'I'er- Vjihile S ig wa s Practice is scheduled to start within contingent scored rors seven mjnutes to score a field outpointed in the the next two weeks and there are Ortenzi 8. Frank Suffern goal in the ~rst half, but after half finals by Syra- many gaping holes to be filled, es- Carlo Qrtenzi, who suffered his one time the men from Westminster had Robinson o use defending pecially in the infield. defeat in collegiate boxing at the finals of the flyweight class by de- their eyes on the webbing and pulled champion, Ja ck • Hancock Back hands of Maryland's Gilmore, got re- cisioning the seeded army man, then ahead of the Dogs 27 to 26. Alexander received a fourth place The outfield will be taken care of venge by eliminating the Terrapin lost a close decision to Maryland's • Hounds Pull Ahead medal and Howard Hall lost a close by George Barrick, John Hancock, the 165_pounder in the finals of the Tour- Dicola, whom he had beaten earlier in bout in his opening encounter. Char- club's leading hitter in 1941, Ed Mo- ney. Ortenzi, attracting considerable the season. He was awarded, how- The Terrors were playing great lie Godwin showed great promise gowski, Mike Phillips (when he is not attention at the Tourney by his pow- ever, a fo~rth place medal. ball during this spurt, but Loyola throughout the year as did another pitching), and possibly Charlie God- er and finesse, had previously K. O.'d The other Terror entry, 145 pound began to throw up shots from all over freshman, Frank Faughman. In all, win from the freshman class. the Syracuse entry and drawn a bye Howard Hall, lost out in the prelimi- the floor and again pulled ahead with the Terror boxers totaled 18 points in The catching department is well in pounding his way to the Eastern naries to Pense of Army. Hall had onJy eight minutes by a scant three their six bouts against the oppost- fortified with Bob Bricker and Tom Intercollegiate Championship. Carlo previously fought to a draw with point margin. tions' 26; and with such worthy foes Terry again working behind the bat. is the first Western Marylander to Pense earlier in the season and it Irv Biasi, Terror captain and high as Army, Coast Guard, Penn State, • Lodge Ace Pitcher win a championship since his brother looked like a repetition to those out- scorer for the tournament then in- and Maryland this record is one of Lee Lodge again will be the ace won the 175 pound title in 1938. side the ropes. curred his fourth personal foul of the which to be very proud. The boxers won game and was ejected from his last chucker for the Terrors, and proba- collegiate basketball game. .AU-Star Team bly will find a spot in the i;;field e Parlow Knocked Out two out of six With the key defensive man out of At this point, my cohorts, Nelson when he is not on, the mound because Sig Jensen exploded the mythical dual meets during the game Loyola's chances were S. (for Scoop), Wolfsheimer and of his fine stick work. Reds O'Hara, prowess of Virginia's highly publi- the season, losing greatly enhanced and they pulled George B. (for Bull) Barrick, and I a freshman may make the grade as a cized Parlow with one left which to Army 5-3, Penn go out on a limb and pick what we chucker, and Phillips and Bricker may dropped the Virginian boy in the sec- State 41h - 3%, ahead never to be stopped. The Terrors gained the final round think to be the All Mason-Dixon pitch a. game every now and again as ond round. Taking Maryland's Rod- Coast Guard 4-3 of the Tournament by beating Dela- Conference team for the 1941-42 sea- they did last season. man in stride by a decision, Jensen and Maryland 6-2, ware 48 to 44 on Thursday night in son. "' .Infielders Needed moved to the finals, only to be out- while conquering a sloppy game of basketball as the It represents three teams, with Manny Kaplan is slated to play boxed by the defending heavyweight locals were "off" in all departments Western Maryland and Loyola plac- first base and Elmer "Bubs" Evans champion, Mirabito, of Syracuse. ~~Ck a!Ire~nd~~~ ..... ~J ••M-'-n~ ing two each and Mt. St. Mary's one. will handle the keystone sack. Lodge This was Jensen's first defeat in col- S tat e 'Teachers of play. From the champion Loyola five we will take care of the shortstop duties lege boxing in spite of weight disad- 5-3. In the match with Indiana, the • Biasi Tourney Star take Franny Bock and Barney Gold- when he is not pitching, but other- vantage. last dual meet of the season, Alexan- Biasi led the Terror scoring with berg from the Terror's Captain wise the Green team needs men to der Hall, Godwin and Jensen won the 17 points, while Frank Suffern gath- Irv Biasi and Lanky Ed Mogowski, handle the shortstop and third base • Alexander Fourth T. K. O.'s. ered 9 points. Bernie Runcie and and from the Mounts, Captain Bill posts. Alexander moved into the semi- • Look To Next Season Benny Crescenzi led the Blue Hen Harkins. scoring with 16 and 10 points re- Approximately 20 stars represent- Lt. Lawrence Reynolds has high spectively. ing 11 teams were considered for the Bull By Barrick hopes for next year's teams with the In the second round the Green selection and only Randolph-Macon. material he now has on hand. Cap- team romped over Catholic U. for the which the Terrors did not play this Bachelor Five Conti,!ues Streak tain Harry Baker and Sig Jensen will third time this season. The score was season, were omitted. Other favor- be the only losses, Baker graduating 40 to 24. of Washington, By Beating Preacher Quint ites receiving favorable attention and Sig Jensen going to West Point. Western Maryland led throughout were Frank Semele Moreover, several freshmen show the contest and only in the first few Dick Scalon of Catholic University, great promise, along with Godwin and minutes of play was the score close. Bing Byham of American University, Without much excitement or much bucket time and again as the Preach- Faughman who have proved their Biasi and Suffern again Jed the Bernie Thobe and Vic Bock of Loyo- color, the current campaign of Fra- er defense crumpled. Worthy of note mitten ability. With these men fill- Terror scoring, getting 10 and 8 la, and others. ternity Basketball swung out of ac- was the good defensive work of Char- ing the spaces between Alexander, points respectively. Dick Scanlon, Franny Bock, outstanding junior on tion in Gill Gym on Tuesday after- ley Tsouprake for the Bachelos and Smith, Hall and' Ortenzi, weeteru runner-up to Ed l\Iogowski for the Loyola showed his fine ability all sea- noon. The Bachelor-Preaeher game, the all-around performance of Joe Maryland's pugilist gives promise of Mason-Dixon scoring title, scored 8 son and topped it off by his good which shaped up as the more impor- Workman for the Preachers. even bettering, the past season's rec- points, while Fred Rice, also within work in tournament play to gain one tant game of the day, was very dull .Black And Whites Upset ord, which surpassed th~t of recent the first ten scorers in the confer- forward post on this ,Jl'Iythical five. compared with the previous meetings years. ence, tossed in 7 points for the Cardi- Franny, the likeable Bock, is a fiil~ of these two clubs. In the first half, In the other senior loop engage- naIs. player, has the best shooting average the boys of Alpha Gamma Tau piled ment, the Gamma Bets upset the second half was little more than Last Tuesday, the Terrors gained of any man on the Greyhound squad, up an early lead, due mostly to the Black and Whites 28·22 in another repetition of the first half, with the u revenge from Mount St. Mary's for and led the tournament scorers with scoring efforts of Woody Preston, listless affair. Although the Gamma Gamma Bets adding four more points earlier defeats by beating the Mount- Bet boys led all the way, the score 41 points in three games. Francis ·Cooke, and Joe Kugler. At to their lead. ies in a Naismith Memorial Benefit one time the Blue and White lead was close at several points and at • Harkins Repeats half time only two points separated Bill Burgess played a splendid FUlld game played at Frederick, Md., Bill Harkins, captain 0 f the 18-5. This lead dwindled somewhat the two teams as the score read 13-11. floor game for the Gamma Bets, while by the score of 48 to 31. Magowski Mounts, rates the other forward post towards the end of the period as Bob Especially effective were the outside Terry Tereshinski and Roger Saltz- scored 14 points for the Terrors and on both his offensive and defensive Seimon and Fred Kulmar went to shots of Lawrence Higgins, Ken Volk, gavel' spurred on their team in defeat. Netno Robinson picked up eleven. ability. Bill led a Mounts team, of work for the Preachers. The half and Lank Gatchell, who ripped the not too much ability but plenty of time score was 32~14 favor of the cords with unerring accuracy. By .Preacher "B" Undefeated .Tid Bits In the second half, Bachelors. the fight, into a play-off berth only bl be the end of the half, however, field I In the B League, the Preacher Club During the complete season the o u s ted by American University. Bachelors soon clinched matters as goals by Terry Tereshinski, Abe closed out its second undefeated sea- Terrors won 14 of their 25 games, Twice this same Mount team downed they increased their lead and went Gruel, and George Barrick had cut son as it handed its hottest rivals, and ten of these victories were scored Western Maryland and sank Loyola on to win handily. BiB Walls, Mike deeply into the Gamma Bet lead. The the Bachelor Quint, a 27-20 licking. in conference play ... The Terrors for its only loss in Conference p)ay. Phillips, and Woody Preston hit the This was another uninteresting game closed the season with a spurt, win- At center, lanky Ed Mogowski fills as there was little doubt as to the ning eight out of the last ten the bill mainly on his impressive scor- ultimate winner, soon after the ~tart games ... Mogowski led all the con~ ing record. Mogo, a sophomore, Coach Havens Will Hold Spring of the game. Milt Huber's six points ference scorers with 211 points, led played unusually well at times and in the first half contributed much to the Terrors with 271 points, which hung up 122 points in the last seven the 13·7 lead that the Purple and was good enough to place him in the conference games. Drills With Thirty-Three Men Gold had built up by half time. second slot in state scoring, being Barney Goldberg fills one guard =-----, behind Ernie Travis, of the Univer- scoring during this The Preachers post on his all-round ability. A fast, half was about equally divided among sity of Maryland ... Biasi led the deceptive offensive man, Goldberg Thirty-three men are expected by Jeb Stuart, Bud Blair and Bud Smith. Terrors in the Tournament scoring was valuable to Loyola in his ability headmaster Havens to report for with 34 points and was behind only to keep the ball moving and set up spring football practice this Monday. For the Bachelors: "Beanie" Beane, Franny Bock of Loyola for the indi· plays. Not so good a shot from the The practice will probably run for Fred Bohn and Jack Buttner each vidual scoring crown ... Suffern en- outside, he made it up on rebound about a month, consisting mostly of contributed two fieHi goals to the joyed the second slot in scoring for Bachelor score. work and defensive skill. scrimmage. the Terrors in tournament, confer- At the other guard post is Irv Bia- This is a fairly large group for ence and entire season play ... For si. Last year's captain of the All- spring practice and if Western Mary- Rifle Team ••• the first time in Terror basketball Star team in Baltimore, Biasi is es- land should decide to use freshmen in history five men scored over 100 pecially effective under pressure. varsity competition next year the Western Maryland's rifle team points apiece. defensive skill throughout the year. squad should be one of the largest in went to defeat for tl:·~ second time at helped the Terrors in many ways, and the history of the college. , the hands of Georgetuwn University. INDIVIDUAL SEASON his ability to shoot from outside con- The squad will be headed by All- The final score stood 1351 to 1292 SCORING stantly kept his foe on edge. Maryland center Mike Phillips, who out of a possible 1500. As the best bet we nominate Fran- played great ball last season, Fred Two matches are scheduled for this ny Bock,~ mainly on his excellent week; one with the Frederick Rifle playing during the Mason-Dixon Bohn, also a member of the "All" Club, to be shot in Frederick and an- Tournament, and as captain we nom- squad, and other first mcn of 1941- other with Hopkins, here on Satur- inate Irv Biasi. ends, Bernie Gusgesky and Frank day. Other All~Star teams if submitted Suffern; tackle, Bart Natalizi; guard, Lt. Caple announced that plans are and signed by the· student will be Sig Jensen; and fullback, Manny now being laid for a team banquet printed on this page. This in"eludes sometime next week. fraternity· as well. Charles: HavenB· Kaplan.
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