Page 56 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 12, 1942 ThisW •• k·s. ------------. Personality • ----------- • On the (.",pus By Paul Alelyunas Clipping along jerkily up and down the hills about campus, "You're through, Squire!" A short dynamic editor of a great going to and from classes can be seen at various-times a smallish, college newspaper was pointing a cruel finger toward his office round-shouldered, tan-coated figure. door. "Out, ye old has been!" About his neck is a kelly-green . The words rang through the woolen scarf, so long that it might ,---------- Squire's brain and shook him with easily be wrapped around three or sadness of a thousand dirges. Meek- four times and still have enough left ly, the !Squire muttered: "You can't to cover his chest. Hooked on one do this to me. You can't do this to arm is a voluminous, black umbrella, As we seek appropriate words to express if found guilty, changed. If we have at mel" But he did it! its sharply pointed tip narrowly our thoughts for this, our final editorial, we times used a wrong approach-if we have "My writing is ended j avoiding with every step the tops of can only say that we are satisfied in having been tectless.c-we are sorry. Our only I am through: his thick black rubbers. On his done what we wanted to do. apology is that we acted with the utmost sin- No wonder I'm sad, head is perched possessively a dark We have not used the Gold Bug merely as cerity and intelligence that we know. Our No wonder I'm blue!" brown hat, whose comfortable and an extra-curricular activity providing us principal regret is that on one of the most Ah, but that is the way of this capi- composed air of belonging attests to with practical experience for a profession in important of the questions we have raised- talistic order-to take the best six a long life of service-which infor- journalism. It has been to us an activity that of bettering academic relations between weeks of your life and then throw mation ought to suffice to introduce for the present-for this campus at this students and faculty-we have not been en- you out cruelly into the cold. Professor Dean White Hendrickson.__ time. tirely .successful. We yet believe that this "I sang, now I no longer sing: instructor of English. We have tried this year to make the Gold question needs proper airing. I was an artist, now I am noth- At all times courteous and polite, Bug inclusive and truly representative of a We have had a pleasant year. To the ing: both within and without the class- many-sided Western Maryland College. We Gold Bug staff, to the editorial board, whose I was known, now' I am unknown: room, Professor Hendrickson is the have published much feature material and excellent cooperation made this a fact, we I was happy. type of person who does not stop at creative material; in the absence of college extend our sincerest thanks. ... Those Sunday nights when I merely tipping his hat in greeting magazine, we have felt it the responsibility would madly search for an idea, and others. One of his characteristic of the Gold Bug to serve as the medium for To Alvin Levin, we extend our sincerest those :Wednesday nights when I gestures is lifting his hat completely bringing such writing before the students. appreciation. Without his trustworthiness, ac- would' find one. (By the way, anyone his enthusiastic without in all matters, In our editorial column, we have sincerely interested in purchasing six mar- sought to serve the college conscientiously. ceptance of much of the administrative and huana cigarettes, a slightly used We have tried to focus attention on various executive responsibility, the high quality of opium pipe, and two grams of opium issues, both local and off-campus. We have the Gold Bug, our present feeling of pleas- will please call at room 109 McKin- subjected to criticism practices of both stu- ant satisfaction-these would not have stry at the earliest possible conven- dents and faculty, not merely to air our own been. We wish him the best of luck next ience.) views but in the hope that these practices year. And sincerely, we do wish him the ... And the little freshmen that might be put on trial, openly discussed, and same cooperation that we had. used to look up to the Squire. 'Some- day I'm going to write fOl' the Gold Bug like the Squire,' they dreamed. And then this!! 'J eese, the Squire's through. You can't believe in noth- The last issue of the Gold Bug contained will appear unfair to the group which has ing dese days, jeese!' Oh, what dis- an open letter concerning the newly-adopted been succeeding. This is obvious, since illusionment for the little tykes! And requirements for the cum laude honor cita- change implies either that a new group will all because a short dynamic editor of tion. The letter also bore a criticism of the now be succeeding, or that additional groups a great college newspaper pointed a lowering of general standards of the college, will rise to the ranks of the successful. cruel finger toward his office door and stating that it is possible to remain in col- Thus, on this basis, any change in the status said: 'You're through, Squire!' .. lege, although two years behind in credit. quo would be unfair; and if we all shared I was happy, and now I'm sad:" According to the records of Dr. Bertholf, this view, there would never be any change. And, then, the Squire had wanted dean 'of the faculty, this latter statement is Our own objection to the new require- so much to publish his little poem not true. The retardation rule is a device so ments is not that no revision was necessary, about a smelt. It went like this: Prof. D. W. Hendrickson used as to permit freshmen and sophomores, but that the new revision is not the proper "I smelt a smelt. in the transition to college, to drop below an one. To grant the cum laude citation pure- Ah, but it never would be published. off his head about six inches into the index of one. At no point in his college lyon the basis of marks is to be placing a All because .. air with a sweeping flourish. career, however, maya student be two full greater emphasis on marks, when we feel But the short dynamic editor of a While lecturing, Professor Hend- years behind and remain at Western Mary- that we should be striving to give marks great college newspaper interrupted rickson shows (from a student's land College. Dr. Bertholf will be pleased to less emphasis. Anyone can see, when such a the Squire's lofty thought: "Hey, viewpoint) certain other characteris- explain to anyone interested, the operation premium is placed on marks, the temptation you still hanging around this office, tic gestures such as leaning on his of this rule. We regret that this misstate- to study merely for marks, or to enroll in bum? I thought 1 told you to get table lectern, playing with paper ment of fact has been permitted to appear in easy courses. out." clips and rubber bands, and tapping the Gold Bug. Our own suggestion, if the purpose of the "I was only-" together the outstretched tips of his As for the writer's disapproval of the re- revision was to secure greater flexibility, is "Don't gimme no back talk. You're bum!" fingers. vised honors system, we agree with his view that students be given more leeway in the through, sir, I'm going." And the "Yes, A graduate of the University of that the present revision is not desirable, al- seminars-that they be permitted to study Squire sadly picked up his hat and Virginia, class of 1918, he holds two though we cannot agree with his reasons. outside their major field, if they so desire, degrees-his .Baohelor'u and his Mas- Under the new requirements for honors, and that they not be required to specialize. coat. He was outside. The wind was cold ter's. From 1920 to 1924, he taught it is possible to receive the degree, cum We believe that the seminar affords the and the sky was heavy and gray. at the College of Industrial Arts in laude, without taking an honors>course. The honor student a challenge and an opportun- "Nuts," said the Squire, "I'm going Denton, Texas. From there, he went writer's objections seems to be that it is un- ity for individual study which he should get. down and get a beer!" . in '24, to a teaching position in the fair to change the status quo because there We believe, however, that this defeats its Boys' Latin School in Baltimore, are several seniors who, for the past year, own purpose when, against his wishes, he while taking courses at the same time have been doing work in seminars. must do this study in his major field and at Jchna Hopkins. In 1925, he came Whenever any change in the status quo is when, although he feels a need for more lib- to Western Maryland's English de- made, for better or for worse, the change eral study, he is compelled to specialize. partment and has been here ever since-ca. total of seventeen years of of that type of- THE GOLD BUG Student League Protests Move To eX~~~~:;h a:o~~~~' Beside a window, with his huge frame individual who is rabidly devoted bent, (and loudly explicit) to the pursuit Engender Hate In Air Corps He strives to understand what Shake- of a hobby, Professor Hendrickson speare meant; guessed, after much consideration, Criticism of the Navy's recently another war. Then looks from sky to earth, from that gardening must be his hobby, al- announced plan to employ psycholo- Furthermore, this is not a batt1e earth to sky, though he is not particularly "wild" Subscription Price $2.00 a. Year gists who will "engender in aviation which mnst be fought with a concept And sees the football squad go about the subject. In fact, his wife Editor-in-chief Isaac B. Rehert '42 cadets a hate for our enemies and as negative as hate. We will have a tramping by. does most of the planting and he Managing Editor .Alvin H. Levin '43 their methods" was made in aIetter far greater chance for victory if our pays his son, Robert, to do the rest. Acting News Editor today to Secretary of the Navy soldiers and sailors are taught that
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