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Library ITestern 1bryland College Westm.inster, Md. Vol. 19 No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE • March 12, 1942 Alvin H. Levin Is Appointed Editor-In-Chief Of The Gold Bug By Retiring Senior Staff Carolyn Schmidt To Succeed New Head Of Paper Has Him As Managing Editor Had Extensive Experience 01 Newly-Chosen Staff In College Journalism Alvin H. Levin, '43, was appointed Under Mr. Orrison will be a staff to assume control of the Gold Bug consisting of advertising manager, for the coming year of publication as yet unfilled, and circulation manager, editor-i~-chiei during the course of a to which IJOst LeRoy Gerding, '44, has staff meeting held in the presence of been appointed. Assisting Mr. Gerd- Mrs. 'Evo::lyn Wenner, faculty adviser ing will be William Burgess, '45. of the paper, on Thursday, March 6. The other posts on the editorial Following a new policy of appoint- board which have been filled, accord- Dr. Hans Kindler ments, only the editor-in-chief was ing to Mr. Levin, are: proof editor, chosen by the board of retiring senior Mar-y Turnley, '44; copy editors, Walker, '43, and Lil- National Symphony To Play staff members. He, board turn, sub- Mary Virginia '45; and staff photog- in lian Jackson, mitted which be the editorial thought most .capable to the approval rapher, Carl Webb, '44; of Balti- In Alumni Hall March 20 of the committee, which consisted of more City College, has made Gold Alvin Levin, a graduate Isaac Rehert, editor; Thornton Wood, circulation manager; and Betty Cor- Bug work almost his sole extra-cur- The National Symphony Orchestra will appear on the stage of many, co-business manager. riculer- activity since his first year on Alumni Hall on Friday, March 20, at 8 :15 P. M., for the sixth Carolyn Schmidt, also of the junior Alvin H. Levin the Hill. A reporter as a freshman, consecutive year, The orchestra will be directed by Dr. Hans class, will succeed Mr. Leviu as man- Mr. Levin rose in successive years to Kindler, who has served as its organizer and conductor for eleven aging editor of the paper. In this ca- who will work for the present with- the posts of assistant news editor and years. This concert is regarded as an important musical event in pacity, she will head the staff under out an assistant, has announced some managing editor, from which position Westminster and surrounding towns. the editor, being the coordinating fac- new ideas on the feature page which he was appointed to his present job. Dr. Kindler and the National Symphony Orchestra have ap- tor in the direction of the news, she would like to try. Accordiug to the new editor, some peared in many well-known places such as Carnegie Hall and Bos- sports, and feature departments. John Robinson, '43, will, for the changes will be tentatively made in ton Symphony Hall. Dr. Kindler has also appeared as guest The incumbent assistant news edi- ,second consecutive year, handle the the policy and in the make-up of the Gold Bug. will not changes "These conductor of the -Philadelphia tor, Mary Miller, '43, has been ap- sports department of the paper. As- Orchestra and of the N.B.C. The program is as follows: pointed to the post of news editor for sisting Mr. Robinson will be Nelson be drastic," said Mr. Levin, "but Symphony. Carnival Overture Dvorak the coming year. Miss Miller will be Wolfsheimer, '44, who has consist- they will tend to increase both the at. Many attempts at the estab- Symphony in D minor Franck assisted by Caroline Gable, '43, a re- ently contributed since his freshman tractiveness and readability of the lishment of a symphony orches- Lento-s-Allecro non troppo porter whose work the editors felt year to the sports page. paper." There will be a short period of re- tra in the nation's capital had AUegretto merited her appointment to an edi- In the business department of the failed, and so it was with very Allegro non troppo torial position. G~ld Bug set-up, Werner Orrison, organization of the Gold Bug, during little encouragement that Dr. INTERMISSION The feature department of the '43, will again handle tHe financial which no paper will be published, fol- Kindler undertook this task. Excerpts from: Laay Macbeth of Gold B1lg will once again. be headed end of the paper _when he takes over lowing this issue, the last one edited under Mr. Rehert. Because of his enthusiasm and Mtsensk . ...Shostakovich by Eleanor Healy, '43. Miss Healy, the second year as business manager. his zealous manner, the Nation- Introduction, .Act 1I al Symphony Orchestra has Burying the corpse in the eel- First Opera In WMC History, 'The Songstress,' grown to its present status. The Zar orchestra has built up a reper- The ghost disappears tory of more than seven hund- The drunks at the wedding Will Help Celebrate Seventy-Fifth Anniversary red numbers and has establish- (Played without pause) ed itself as one of the leading Czech Rhapsody Weinberger The opera, "The Songstress" to be is talking with her confidante. Don Don Pelagio is going to take away symphony orchestras of today. presented at Western Maryland Col- Ettore comes to court Gasparina. all of the beautiful furniture and The conductor, who is not in- Preludes to Acts III and I, Die lege by the music department, will be Much to her chagrin, Don Pelagio, jewels he has given her. sensitive to the downfall of his 'Meistersinger __ Wagner given on Friday, March 27, at eight who gives her a living and music les- native Holland, does not ap- Tickets to this concert are o'clock, according to Professor Royer, sons because he loves her, comes to • Pleading Useless prove of allowing personal feel- free to students and may be ob- as part of Western Maryland CoJ~ give her a music lesson. Of course, In spite of Gasparina's pleading, ings or political ideas to affect tained at the office of McDaniel lege's seventy-fifth anniversary cele- it would not do to have Don Pelagio Don Pelagio will not heed her unt., an orchestra's program. There- Hall. Students are encouraged bration. find -Casparina with another lover. she falls to the floor in a swoon. The fore, the program to be present- to invite parents and friends to The cmtfidanttJ saves the day by pass- music master, struck with grief at ed here will be an international partake of this unusual oppor- e Second Performance ing Don Ettore off as a cloth-sales- causing her agony, forgives all. He one, untainted by war hysteria. tunity. "This will be its second perform- and Don Ettore, who has arrived upon ance and is being given from the un- e Smells Rat the scene, mourn over the prostrate body of Gasparina. Barry M'Kinley's Band To Play For written manuscript which was discov- After the music lesson, Don Pelagio Then, she sneezes, and the opera present ered by Dr. Karl Geiringer, professor of History and Theory of leaves and Gasparina and the maid comes to a rollicking end. will As au overture, the orchestra College Music at Boston University, Seventeenth Annual Military Ball of Music. He found this manuscript are busy getting lunch ready in case play the first movement of the Lon- Don Ettore should return. While ~e among the collections of the many un- two deemoisellee are in the kitchen, don Symphony in D major, whitten by To the music of Barry McKinley's ert Bricker, programs; Richard Ba- published works of Haydn while he Don Pelagio ~turns - he has smelt Haydn in 1795. There will also be a orchestra, the seventeenth annual ker, publicity; Robert Shockley, invi- was curator of collections of "ceehe- a rat. He hides behind a screen so short prologue after the overture by military ball sponsored by the Of- tations; and Paul Myers, decora- 8chaft der MutJikfrev..lldc" in Vienna, that he will be able to spy upon the James Snodgrass. ficers Club will be held in Gill Gym tions. between 1930-38, He copied the man- innocent young Gasparina and her For the most part the opera will be on Saturday, March 28, from 8 to 12 pursuit of Don Ettore. Lunch is sung in English although one recita- • Sponsors uscript ana prepared it for perform- P. M. Sponsors will be Bishop and Mrs. ance in English", said Professor Roy- .ready, and Don Ettore returns. 'I'hie tion and Aria will be sung in Ger- is too much for poor Pelagio, and he .No Corsages J. H. Straughn, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. er. According to an ex-second vio- bursts upon the scene in great anger. Wantz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill, linist, it is impossible to read the Establishing an entirely new prece- dent in the history of the military Cadet Col. Harry W. Baker and manuscript. .Act Two G-Burg Prof To ball, the officers club has announced guest, Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hollo- • Delightful Plot In the beginning of act two, Gas- that corsages will not be in order. way, Dean ond Mrs. S. B. Schofield, parina is weeping her heart away; Instead, a defense stamp window will Dr. and Mrs. L. Forrest Free, Lt. The opera has a deHghtfu\_gJot, ac- Discuss Music beset up, and it is hoped that the Col. and Mrs. C. M. Walton, Lt. Hen- cording to Mr. Royer. Gasparina, a savings by the guests on corsages ry P. Caple and guest, Lt. and Mrs. songstress of note, works for Don Professor W. F. Shaffer of Gettys- will go toward the purchase of L. R. Reynolds, Mrs. P. L. Sadler, Pelagic, her music master, for her BeneAt Movie ... burg College will lecture on "Some stamps. and Dean. Bertha Adkins and guest. house, her clothes, and her music les- The Wesleyan Club under the Reflections of Greek Music", illus- Barry McKinley and his orchestra Admission is by invitation only. sons. Gasperina does not, however, direction of Dr. Lawrence C. trated by recorded music on Tuesday, have been on the N. B. C. and other Highlighting the evening's activities love Don Pelagio; she has a senti- Little, will place on sale in the March 24,~in McDaniel Hall Lounge radio networks constantly for the will be the traditional intermission mental attachment for dashing young hands of several. students on the at 7:30 P. M., according to Dr. Wil- past nine years, appearing on Lucky drill, in which tbe senior R.O.T.C. of- Don Ettore. hill, tickets for Skylark at the liam Ridington. Strike's Hit Parade and the Philip fic~rs and their dates perform intri- When the opera opens, Gasparina Carroll Theatre tonight and to- Chairman of the faculty committee Morris program. Possessed of an ex~ cate march routines. of Music at Gettysburg, Professor ceptionally fine voiee, McKinley has • Offi.cers Club Club News ... Shaffer also teaches Greek and Music thrilled dance and radio audiences all Members of the Officers Club who All proceeds from the sale of AppreCiation of Operas and Sym- over the country with his singing will take part in the drill include Professor Frank B. Hurt will these tickets will go toward the phonies in the department of Fine since the age of thirteen years. Harry Baker, Robert Shockley, A. address the Economics Club on creation of a fund for the pur- Arts. • Sweet And Swing Joynes Beane, William Vincent, Rob- tonight, March 12, on the sub~ chase of books for the Robert M. "In his talk, Professor Shaffer will Moton High School. Strategy ject of "Raw Materials His band, consisting of 12 pieces, ert Bricker, Paul Myers, Richard Ba- of the Far East" at 7 P. M. in Students who contemplate see- give a general rather than a techni- plays both sweet and swing music. ker, Norman Foy, ~obert Gelder, Ir- McDaniel Lounge. ing the picture, in which Ray calor detailed treatment of his sub- The instruments in the band are four vin "Biasi, Roberl Po"dlich, Melbourne Milland and Claudette Colbert ject, making the lecture of interest to The Black and Whites and Sig- saxes, three trumpets, two trombones, Binns, Jack Quynn, Thornton Wood, ma Sigma Tau will hold a joint are starred, are asked to pur- all students, regardless of musical piano, bass, and drums. Royce Gib'son, Edwin Lewis, Munroe tea dance on Saturday, March 21 chase their tickets from student background", said Dr. Ridington. According to Harry Bakel', .general Townsend, Char1es Ebaugh, Philip The lecture will be sponsored by chairman, heads of other comniittees Adams, 'WilHam Leister, and Lee in the Black and White club- representatives. the Classics Club. are William Vincent, orchestra; Rob- Kindley. room from 3 to 5 P. M.
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