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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westmimter, Md., February 26. 1942 ROTC Band National Symphony Orchestra To To Present Play In Alumni Hall March 20 Marine Corps Enlisting Civil Service Commis~ion Students Urges (ollege The National Symphony Orchestra will appear on the hill on Concert March 20.. under the direction of Dr. Hans Kindler for the sixth Seniors, Juniors, And To Seize Opportunities Sophomores In Reserves This orchestra was founded in 1931 in Wash- consecutive year. ington, D. C., by Dr...Kindler himself. It has steadily grown and The Marine Corps desires to enlist American college students were Royer Will Direct Group increased in popularity until today it is acclaimed as one of the seniors, juniors and sophomores In urged to take advantage of opportu- In Its Seventh Annual leading symphonies in this country. the Marine Corps Reserve, for train- nities for government employment Dr. Kindler became interested in pearances. He has toured many ing through an agency known as the just opened to them by the United Music Presentation music at an early age in Rotterdam, countrtee and has appeared before Candidates' Class for Commission. States Civil Service Commission, in a his native city. At the age of thir- many famous people including the The U. S. Naval Reserve is also en- statement by Joseph P. Lash, General The Reserve Officer's Training teen he began making concert Queen of Holland. He came to this listing Midshipmen in the U. S. Secretary of International Student Corps Band of Western Maryland ap- country in 1914 and soon became as- Naval Reserve. Service. College will give its seventh annual sistant conductor of the Philadelphia Successful completion in the Can- Mr. Lash pointed out that applica- concert'in Alumni Hall on Monday, didates' Class for Commission quali- tions for the Junior Professional As- March 2, at 9:50 A. M. Professor Orchestra. In 1927 he went to Wash- fies the candidates for a lieutenant's sistant and Student Aid series of ex- ington, and there he became interest- Philip Royer will conduct the group. ed in the formation of a symphony commission in the Marine Corps Re- aminations must be :filled at the Com- The concert will be repeated in the orchestra in the nation's capital. serve. The training will consist of mission's office, Washington, D. C., by Westminster High School auditorium Many other attempts at the establish- approximately three months instruc- February 3rd. Blanks are available on Friday night, March 6, at 8:00-P. ment of such an organization had tion as enlisted men, which will be at first and second-class post-offices M. The affair will be offered by failed, but Dr. Kindler's determina- followed by commission and further and at district offices of the Commis- \ members of the Band as their ccntrt- tion won success for him in this pro- training in a Reserve Officers' Course sion, located in Boston, New York bution toward the upholding of Dlv- ject. of a similar period. Upon completion, City, Philadelphia, Washington, At- ilian Morale. There will be no charge This orchestra has appeared in the officers will be assigned to general lanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. raul, for admission. such famous places as Carnegie Hall duties with troops. Men enlisted will St. Louis, New Orleans, Seattle, San and Denver. Francisco, The program which the band will and Boston Symphony HalJ. Dr. be trained for general duties only, present is as follows: Kindler himself has appeared as and no training will be offered in He explained that the Student Aid Stor Spangled Ba,nrwT guest director of such well known special branches such as Aviation, tests are open to juniors, with those John Shafford Smith orchestras as the NBC Symphony, Engineering, etc., because the Marine coming out on top receiving employ- periods school vacation (Entire student body and band) and the Philadelphia Orchestra. This Corps is essentially a combat organi- ment during of $1,440 a year, or ap- at the rate National Defense Marck concert is recognized as the most im- zation. Marine Corps Aviation Ca- R. D. Becker portant musical event of the year in dets are trained by the Naval Re- proximately $28.50 a week. Seniors Eenoee of Freedom Mart!k Dr. Hans Kindler Westminster and surrounding towns. serve. and graduates not over 35 years Pro- of age are eligible for the Junior Acton Ostling Qualified applicants are enlisted fessional Assistant series, and jobs Pavanne from American symphonette for four years, but must sign an at $2,000 are fiIled from the registers No.2 Morton Gould Debating Team's Blaze Of Glory agreement that they will remain in set up as a result of these tests. The Legend of Slef:Jpy HolWw service for the duration of the war. "These series of examinations," t a e y Winds Up In Glorious Blaze David Bennett The men are appointed privates first Mr. Lash stated, "have been held an- (A descriptive American Fan class and placed on an inactive status nually for the past few years on the based upon Washington Irving's until called for training. It is de-' theory that American public service immortal classic) The word "debate" usuaJly does not causing the team to enter in a blaze sired that juniors and sophomores re- is entitled to first call to its most Hi Neighbor! Jack Owens convey the meaning of heated argu- of glory; or, as one student quick at main in college to complete their promising young: people. These young ment, but such a picture was present- , Keep 'Ern Flying rebuttal put it, at least in a glorious studies. However, it may be neces- people in turn find these tests as the La Verne Peterson Rhodes ed to the members of the debating blaze. sary to call them for active duty be- open sesame to valuable careers work- Nola Herb Brown team at Western Maryland. They Showing great courage and deter- fore graduation. In such a case, at ing for the government. Today, with At The End of a Perfect Day were amazed at the very colorful ap- mination to win the argument, the least six months notice will be given. the smooth and efficient running of proach owner and driver of the car managed of their guests, an opposing Carrie Jacob Bond team from Ursinus College, in an to open the hood, only after sustain- The applicants must be currently government so important to the suc- Xylophone solo by Viron Diefenbach overheated conveyance 1i t era 11 y ing painful burns to his hands. Clark enrolled, in good standing, as a soph- cess of our war effort, it is more im- William Vincent,' a senior from wreathed in flames. began digging up sod to spread on omore, junior, or senior in an accred- portant than ever before that our Pocomoke City, is Captain of ~ The group had driven to Westmin- the burning motor. Fortunately this ited college or university, and must capable young people inveatig'ate job band. ster from Ursinus,' in Uniontown, turf was removed from the campus meet the following requirements: be a opportunities in the federal govern- Pa., in a car belonging to Dick Clark, near the chemistry laboratory, from male citizen of the United States, un- ment." and remain agree of the member guest team. Ninety Students a seems that a leak in the radiator eye- It which Dean Samuel B. Schofield soon married commissioned; to belong to so, tests The Junior Professional Assistant are to be held this year in the until no emerged with a fire extinguisher and team had caused the motor to over- won the argument in favor of the other military organization, including following 18 options: junior agricul- junior May Enroll For heat without the driver's solution to ex- negative side. Following the more Army or Navy R.O.T.C.; be pursuing tural economist, biologist agronomist, knowledge, aequatic junior (physiolo- a course of study leading to a Bach- that "Resolved causing the anti-freeze academic argument, be at least elor's Degree; 66 inches Summer School plode and ignite the motor. This un- Labor Unions should be controlled by and not over 76 inches in height, with gy), junior archivist, junior bacteriol- ju- ogist, junior biologist (wildlife), fortunate visiting the warming up to the topic to the government", stu- be debated apparently occurred just dents were able to return to Union- weight in proportion to height and nior chemist, junior entomologist, ju- Approximately ninety stu den t s off the Western Maryland Campus, town with the help of a local garage. age; be recommended as to character nior forester, junior geologist, junior have signified the posibility of their and qualifications; furnish written in household equipment, junior olen- attendance at the summer session, consent of parents or guardians, if a culturist, junior pomoJogist, junior according to results of a tentative Insects Intrigue Eighteen Zealots minor; anp be within the proper age public welfare assistant, junior range registration held recently, announced limit. conservationist, junior soil scientist, On the basis of the relative demand On Animal Ecology Field Trip tice seamen in Class V-7 in the and junior ~tatistician Dean Lloyd Bertholf. All candidates enlisted as appren- junior State Department assistant, for courses, as shown by the results By Dorothy Turner United States Naval Reserve will re- of this registration, the courses to be ceive approximately 30 days elemen- tary training at some navy activity, offered and the schedule will be de- "Insects", was the topic of the hour which some insects caused them. prior to assignment in a Reserve Mid- For Correct termined. These permanent plans recently, when the eighteen students Moreover, they are only too ready shipman School. If successfully com- will be announced later. of Profeaeor Bennighof's animal ecol- and willing to bring the offending in- pleted the 'candidate will be appointed Campus and This summer school, instead of fol- ogy class brought in their insect col- sect out for display. One leads to as midshipman, U. S. Naval Reserve, lowing the scheme of previous sea- lections. another, and before one knows it, he and receive three months further College Fashions sons, is being planned with the idea These collections have been in is trapped indefinitely while. the training in one of the Naval Reserve of acceleration. Students attending progress for a number of weeks. Dur- eager hunter pours out tale after Midshipmen Schools. Candidates must Come to will be able to complete the regular ing late September and the month of tale concerning the members of. his possess a Bachelor's Degree. The four-year courses from one to three October, numerous fields near West- collection. qualifications for enlistment are simi- semesters ahead of schedule, by re- minster were at intervals dotted with An item worthy of note is that lar to those of the Candidates' Class Hochschild, Koho & Co. ceiving 14 credits for one unit of white nets. These were the "bug- some collectors refused to take cer- for Commission in the Marine Corps. summer school and by carrying 18 catchers" at work. tain insects which are known to be hours during regular school terms. The equipment used in catching beneficial. A number of Praying the insects consisted of a net, to Mantises were known to have ee- SMI"j"H " REIFSNIDER which a long handle had been at- caped death because of the refusal. Incorporated Tactful jar. Sunday School ... tached and a cyanide hunters brought Several other less known insects were LUMBER-COAL CARROLL THEATRE questioning but the Praying also spared. Mantis of the and Friday, Feb. 26, 27 Announcement of the programs forth the information that the great- enjoyed the most frequent reprieve WESTMINSTER, MD. Thurs. "JOHNNY EAGER" . of Sunday School services sched- er the speed of locomotion possessed from death. Robert Taylor Lana Turner uled for the month of March was by the hunter, the more useful the What Professor Bennighof will do 28 February Saturday made recently by Don E. Griffin, equipment seemed to be. with the accumulation of eighteen "Go WEST 'YOUNG LADY" president, and will include: The completed coUections presented collectors' efforts remains to be 'seen. J. William Hull Penny Singleton March 1, Rev. Mitchell" Church of an interesting array of insects. They In any evellt. it is predicted by those Charles Ruggles the Brethren ranged in size from some huge mem- who ought to know that he will have Jeweler Mon. and Tues. March 2 and 3 March 8, Rev. Ensor, westminster- bers of LtJpe&ptera to the tiniest a very "buggy" time. Successor to Cassell's Methodist Church member of Siphottoptel"a. All colors \ ''T~~O~~~~~,;\N March 15, Rev. Lundberg, Epis- of the spectrum, in every shade, could Opposite Fireman's Building Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. copal Church be found without a very intensive SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG The Store of New Fashioned March 22, Father Kelly, St. John's search. Jewelry and Old Fashioned Wednesday, 'I'hur-sday, Friday March 4, 5 and 6 Catholic Church A very rough estimate shows that PATRONIZE Honesty "REMEMBER THE DAY" March 29, Mr. Ira A1tfeder, Beth approximately eight hundred insects Watch and Speetaele Repairing ___"..._ Tfiloh Congregation of Balti- were brought in to Professor Bennig- OUR Our Specialty STATE THEATRE hof's room. How many thousand ADVERTISERS swoops of the nets were necessary to Thurs. and Fri. Feb. 26 and 27 acquire, these creatures it is impos- H. E. REESE "UNEXPECTED UNCLE" Opera ... sible to tell. TAILOR Saturday, February 28 The hunters without exception, Cleaning ST. PATRICK'~ "RETURN OF DANIEL (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) however, can tell of the terrific chase Ptes~ing Repairing BOONE" menta, typical of Haydn's time. As DeW AYNE BILLS - Representative Mon. and Tues. March 2 and 3 an overture, the crcbeetra will play tion and Aria will be sung in Ger- 94 East Main Street Cards and Novelties ''THE BUGLE SOUNDS" the first movement of the London man. Wallace Beery Symphony in D major. written by Although the opera is being pre- John Everhart -- Wednesday, March 4 Haydn in 1795. There will also be a sented by the music department un- "NINE LIVES ARE NOT short prologue after the overture by der the direction of Professor Royer THE COLLEGE BARBER P. G. COFFMAN ENOUGH" James Snodgrass. and Professor deLong, Miss Esther AND BOBBER 'Thursday, March 5 For the most part the opera will be Smith, dramatic coach. and Miss Times Building Phone 401 "JUNGLE CAVALCADE" sung in English altbough one .ecita- 'Shipley, art instructor, will assist. AT THE FORKS
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