Page 53 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 53
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 26, 1942 PAGE THRES THE=====. Cagers Face Hopkins In Last Home Game-- MORNING Terrors Rally To Top A.. u. •,=====AFTER Box~rs Impressive In Coast Guard Bouts Hall lost a lead when he hit the By John Robinson By 66-55 Indiana Foe 01 Terror canvas briefly in the third while God- Blue Jays In Need 01 SPuRTS EDITOR ---- __' --- Mittmen As Baker win's usual aggressive slug-feat didn't Victory In Order To Two wins on the recent jaunt Ends Ring Career quite get him a draw from the for- Enter Playolf Series through Virginia and back to Wash- on::~te;~e ~::;:'~~111i~~~e~m:~:~~~· mer 155 pound Intercollegiate champ, ington puts western Maryland's var- ever, when they toppled American Looking better than in any pre- Mark McGarity. Harry Baker was Johns Hopkins Blue Jays will visit tomorrow sity cagers in the thick of the play- University last night in Washington vious match, the Terrors wer-e defeat- doing all right until his hard hitting Gill Gymnasium game starting night for at 7:15. a basketball off fight. The verdict gained last by a 66 to 55 count. It was sweet re- ed by 4Jh-2% score by the Coast opponent landed one in the third. This will be the last game in Gill night over American University was venge for the Green and Gold, for Guard Academy last Saturday. • Indiana Next ..._ Gym this year, This will be a "do or especially impressive, and the win at just last Saturday the same Eagles The defeat included one-point losses Bridgewater was greatly appreciated. ousted the Terrors in Gill Gym by a by Bill Sires, How- Having 'built up an impressive rec- die" effort for Hopkins to get into 43 to 41 margin. The win enabled r- __..---' ard Hall, and ord in the last three fights as they the playoffs . A victory is necessary for the J ohn- .-.....,---_,~;al~r ~:an m~~~ the Terrors to hop up a notch in the Charlie God w i n. defeated Lock Haven, scored 3 points nies to enter the Mason-Dixon Tour- on the powerful army team as Jen- St. Mary's, the league standings with 9 wins and 5 Cool, clever Jack nament which will start next Thurs- 'j er r o r e w e re losses and also assured the \Vestmin- Alexander and sen, Ortenzi, won while Hall and God- day at Loyola College's gym. The draws, got pugilists are the win forced to play un- ster boys of a playoff berth for the Carlo Ortenzi, who Mason-Dixon Tourney. is adding polish readying themselves for a tough fin- Terrors have assured themselves of .Behind At Half to his slugging, ish against Indiana 'State Teachers of a spot in the post-season series as a result of their victories on the recent Behind 36 to 26 at half time, West- were the two vic- Pennsylvania. of Earl road trip. Except for the re-entrance ern Maryland displayed the best team tors. Alexander's Schubert into the line-up, the Terror work and cooperation of the whole finesse dazzled his team willtbe the same which faced e'I'errors Favored season as they fed men under the Ortenzi opponent through- Coast Guard. The Green and Gold Western Maryland will rule the Ortenzi out while basket for many points in the second slugged his man into a dazed sub- rmgsters, in good shape except for a favorite tomorrow night since the half. Outside of a few set shots by mission in the first round. cut on Godwin's eye and a jaw injury Terrors won easily in the last meet- so r e e e i ved a Captain Irv Biasi and Frank Suf- which Jensen got in practice before ing of these teams and also the fact painful knee injury; Ed Mogowski fern, the Terrors did all their dam- e Jensen Undefeated the Coast Guard match, appear able that the TerrOTS are a few notches strained his back-but outside of age under the hoop. They outscored Big Sig Jensen failed to score a to repeat the drubbing administered ahead of the Blue Jays in the Con- that the Terrors educational tour was the Eagles 40 to 19 in the last half victory for the first time in his col- by Pennsylvania last year. ference standing. successful. Both boys recovered to and made good on all but three of legiate ring career as his bout was Captain Harry Baker will be en· Johns Hopkins, however, will bring play weU at American University. their numerous foul tries. Ed Me- declared a draw in the most unpopu- tering the ring for the last time a seasoned team to westminster to- gowski was the big gun on offensive lar decision of the year. Jensen, dazed ag~inst the Teachers after four years morrow. Among the seasoned play- .Trip Provides Laughs with Royce Gibson and Lee Lodge in the first round by an unusual back- of battling. Baker, a former 165 ers are Capt. Bud Tannenbaum who is The trip provided its usual laughs. helping out no end. of-the-head blow, recovered quickly pounder, moved to the 175 pound third high scorer in the league. Bill Roger Saltzgaver was crowned King It was the second win on the Ter- and seemed to clearly dominate the class this year to make a position for Van Horn, who performed capably last year; Bill Robinson, who was the of Trappers for his escapades with a ror barnstorming trip, in which the last two rounds. Even Coast Guard's the experienced Ortenzi. Using his Bridgewater co-ed. Most of the boys locals defeated Bridgewater in Vir- heavyweight, Ward Davies, seemed brains to make up for this weight spark plug against the Terrors in the forgot their stuff and slept in the ginia on Tuesday night 44 to 37. surprised-when the bout was called a handicap, Baker has looked good in game in Baltimore, and Phil Knitz, a seasoned player. warm-up uniforms-Rip was always 'Coach Rip Engle declared himself draw. all his bouts, especially in outpoint- looking for the Battle of Bull Run- to be well pleased with the way the Sires showed an admirable courage ing his man at Penn State. • Zheutlin Promising and believe it or not there was not a boys had handled themselves on the in carrying the fight to his opponent e Proeh Lose Among the newcomers, Joe Zheut- sound from 11 :45 Tuesday night trip, saying, "They played a good, in spite of his lack of experience. lin and Tom Wagner are most prom- until breakfast at 9:30 Wednesday aggressive game of ball. We have a Frankie Faughman looked good until 'I'he Freshmen concluded their sea- ising. Zheutlin was a substitute at morning. For breakfast the Terrors good chance in the play-offs if they the fight was called no bout due to sone at Army with a 6-2 defeat. As the start of the season, but now is ate apples, mainly because the regu- continue to click." the reopening of "a cut over his eye. their team-mates went down in a ser- alternating with Wagner at one of lar meal was served at the college at ies of K. O.'s, Snuffy Smith and the forward posts. _7 o'clock. Frankie Faughman emerged victor- Coach Rip Engle of the Terrors Black And Whites And Bachelors Tied; ious. Smith has won one and gotten will probably start the same club that • Finale For Biasi, Gibson a draw in as many fights this year he has been using for the majority Tomorrow night in Gill Gym two Preacher "B"< Team UndeFeated while Faughman has won two fights of the season: Frank Suffern and Ne- as a freshman. boys will be playing their last before mo Robinson at the forwards; Ed the home fans. One is captain Irv As the first half of the Hale America Fraternity Basketball Mogowski at center, and Capt. Irv Biasi, f~r four years a regular on the League ended on Tuesday afternoon in Gill Gym, Alpha Gamma Biasi and Lee Lodge at the guard Terror fire. The other is Hoot Gib- Tau and Pi Alpha Alpha remained tied for first place honors. Both Frasier Scott Is posts. son, a transfer student who is play- teams emerged with victories, the Black and Whites defeating • Ed Leads Scorers ing his second season with the Green Gamma Beta Chi 28 to 23 and the Bachelors nosing out Delta Pi Mogowski is still leading the Ter- and Gold. Biasi, considered by most Alpha 20 to 19. . Hero As Local rors in individual scoring for the sea- all coaches as the best defensive ma- The Bachelor-Preacher struggle was hotly contested all the son and stands in second place among chine in the state, will lead the Ter- way. In the first half the Preachers piled up a considerable lead. Matmen Lose the Mason-Dixon scorers, only Dick rors from one guard post. Gibby, a as Bob Siemon, Jack Doenges and Randy Scholl dropped tWOM Scanlon, of Catholic U. having scored boy with a love for the game and a pointers through the hoop, and led at half time 9 to 4. more points. natural play maker, will also see Suffern, big Ter- much action. So its farewell to ca~e ~~:ks:~;~:g ~~l!, fi~ha~l::~i~~:~ at half time the Black and Whites Te~;::~a~s5_~;·ernhO;~::tli~~e~~td S~~ ror forward along Royce and Irv when the Terrors meet the Preacher lead down to nothing as led 14 to 11. urday, as only three Green Terrors with Biasi are the Hopkins tomorrow evening. And the scoring effort of Joe Kugler, • Gruel, Ortenzi Outstanding were able to win in the struggle at boys to watch from don't forget also that game time has Charley Harden, and Mike Phillips Field goals by Abe Gruel and Bill Gill Gym. the outside. Both been pushed back an hour because of began to produce dividends. Baylies with only two minutes to Frasier Scott, newcomer to the mat are adept also at the air raid scheduled for 9:45 P. M. play, sewed up the game for the game, won by a fall in the heavy- working the ball .Kugler Scores Black and Whites. Outstanding for weight class in the surprise of the in to smaller men • Unpopular Decision With one minute of play remain- the Black and Whites were Abe _ day, as he gave the crowd plenty of and this may be Last Saturday night in Gill Gym, ing, and the Preachers leading 19 to Gruel and Carlo Ortenzt, who scored laughs. l!!I!i'i:;;:lI the turning point Woody Preston announced the decis- 18, Joe Kugler tallied with a long 12 and 8 points respectively. Charley De Manns found himself L in the coming ion of the heavyweight bout between shot that put the game on ice for the For the Gamma Bets Ken Volk, and won easily by a decision. This Suffern play-offs. the best Sig Jensen and the United States Bachelors. was a consistent scoring threat as he was De Manns' first victory of the team work will Coast Guard representative, Ward For the Preachers, !Joe Workman racked up 12 points. season after gcing through the 1941 beat Loyola, as Mt. St. Mary's did. Davies, as a draw. He had to do it- and Fred Kullmar played their usual • Preachers Extend Streak season without a defeat. The Terrors will play Mount St. but how this verdict was ever re~ched brand of steady, dependable ball, In the "B" League, the Preachers Guy Reeser, chunky 145 pounder, Mary's in Frederick, Md., on March 3rd,- in a non-conference game with is beyond not only me but about 90 while Scholl, a newcomer, proved ef- ...kept intact their nndefeated season won his second match of the season pel' cent of the people that were in fective on the boards. The Bachelor as they polished off the Bachelors 19. when he beat the Loyola- man by a all proceeds to be donated to the Nai- Gill Gym, including Davies. standouts included Bill Walls and to 14. The Preachers received a scare decision. smith Memorial Fund. Charley Tsouprake, who played good in the first half, however, as the This game will be the effort of of play fol- Frosh Cagers • Stunning Blow floor games, and Joe Kugler, who was Bachelors led 9 to 7 at half time. Western Maryland and Mount St. Mary's to celebrate the Golden Jubi- Justification by the few ~hat saw it high scorer for his team with six With the resumption Coast Guard's way point to the inci- points. lowing one rest period, the Preachers lee of the founding of basketball by dcnt in which Jensen was stunneB by began to hit their stride and were End Season Dr. James Naismith in 1891. a blow behind the ear about midway ,< .AII-America Shrine in the first round. Prior to this time INTERFRATERNITY LEAGUE ;~~;e:aac:e~~ t:h~i~a~y a:::npo~~t::ey Johns Hopkins freshman basket- The aim of the Golden Jubilee is Sig had made his heavier opponent STANDINGS Finally breaking their long losing ball team will furnish the opposition the construction of a Temple of Bas- look foolish with his clever boxing A LEAGUE streak, that had stretch'l.d from the for the Green Terror yearlings to- ketbail which will immortalize Dr. ability. Then came the punch, and w , , morrow night in a game at Gill Gym Naismith. This monument to a great although Sig did not go down, he was PI Alpha. Gamma Tau .. •.. , P,::. ~~r~~~fe~~a::r:e::;;;d t;:e ~~~~ starting at 6 P. M. sportsman will crystallize the ideals Alpha Alpha badly dazed. He recovered however, Gamma Beta Ohi . , rna Bets 23 to 17. The starting time was moved up and traditions of.tjhe game and be the Alpha Delt& Pi and went on in his usual manner. On Don Griffin and Bill Vincent, who an hour because of the blackout in permanent shrine of AU - America the second and third rounds, the Ter- B LEAGUE w divided scoring honors between them Westminster at 9:45 P. M. This al- teams, past, present and future. ror heavy-weight hit Davies with Delta Pi Alpha -. . , . Pi,te. ~~: lows the double-header to be com- By playing this benefit game for everything except the ring post until Alpha Gamma Tau . , :a~~!~ts \:e~li,ec~e::d o:;~~=~~:~ pleted before the blackout st-arts. the Memorial the pictures of both the the service man's face was amber Pi Alpha Alpha Cbi ... for the Black and Whites. After starting the season in good Western Maryland and the Mount St. Gamma. Be.a from blows. He did not floor him but LEADING SCORERS Johnny Williams, who captured fashion by winning six straight Mary's teams will be preserved in the Sig did just about everything else. Name Club ~~. ~ci~:~~!O~o:~: ~:~ h~~te;:~yanS~O~ii~~ games, the frosh quint has hit a Hall of Fame as weIl as the score of On our light he seemed to lead the ~i:;;~~:::::~~!h:rBei~ . : . slump and has dropped seven con- the game. attack, shook off more punches with Tere.hlnski .. Black and White •.. · U ~::.: ;:rs~iS club, were the Gamma tests in a row. Mount St. Mary's holds a two- Orlan,i Following the game with the Blue his arms and elbows alone to gain Orne!. Black and Wbite •..• ··· Jays, the Terror frosh will travel to game edge on the Terrors with 46 to aud White •.... Black 39 win and a 35 to 32 victory. The points for a win. It was one of the most surprising RiRe Team Scores .•. Annapolis on Saturday to test the third game should be a corker . decisions ever given in Gill Gym. • Black And Whites Win strong Navy plebe team. From com- Charlie Godwin, too, had a close one In the other "A" League game the Sergt. Rufus Puryear's rifle team parative scores, the G I' e e n team Line.Up _ -but it seemed like Carl Ortenzi was Black and Whites forged ahead in the tied Gettysburg and lost to George- should have its hands full since Navy HOPKINS and the latter won from Gettysburg; the Terror who had the right idea on last few minutes to win by five points town in its last two matches. defeated the Baby Terrors handily. W.MD. things. Carl looked most impressive over the Gamma Bets. This game Jack Stone, of the Terrors, was high Carl Mendell is leading the scor- 18 Suffern F Zheutlin 6 with both hands. And Jack Alexan- was closer than the score would in- man for the match with G-Burg, scor· 17 N. Robinson F Tannenbaum 3 der also came through in fine fashion. (licate, a~d the lead changed hands ing :<'38points. ers for the frosh 'quint; but is receiv- 21 Mogowski C Van Horn 8 ing little scoring help from the other The fans can well be proud of this several times. Dick Baker, Bill Leister, Werner cagers l'xcept Curly Coffman, who is 12 Biasi (c) G B. Robinson 12 year's band of scrappers; and in Never more than three points sep- Orrison, Dick Patten and Allan Schlar getting his- of points. 10 Lodge G Knitz 4 turn Lawrence Reynolds. arated the teams at anyone time and also shot in the matches.
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