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l.ibrary Western 1nryland College Westminster, Md. OPEN LETTERON WOOD, PIPE, CAMPUS PERSONALITIES HONORS PAGE 2 PAGE 2 • • February 26, 1942 Vol. 19, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Tommy Rogers Lieut. Col. Walton, New PMS&T, Students Vote In Favor Of Will Play For Has Had Long Military Career . Changes In ~rill Policy Lieut. Col. Charles Gamma Bets who recently as replaced M. Walton at he was stationed from 1933-37. School Almost Unanimous In Decision; The Colonel is a veteran of for- Col. Percy Extension Would Include Nickelodeon, here eign service, having seen duty in PMS&T L. Sadler Western Maryland College, is a Panama, Hawaii, and the Philip- Dancing, And Co-Ed Game 'Room Fifteen Piece Orchestra To man of long and varied military pines, from which he return~d in The of Western Feature Vocalist; Dance experience. September, 1939 to take on O. R. Maryland student body unanimously in thif( Btudcnt mf;wti1Ig-place i1!.8tead of one off Cal1!.p«S? is almost After Will Be Semi-Formal at North three years State of studying C. duty in South Carolina. year In favor of an extension of the space Yes- of the following November College, Carolina Tommy Rogers and his fifteen- the Colonel enlisted as a private he received his promotion to the and services of the grill, according to N~ Men 191 Women 208 Total 399 by Dean an made announcement piece orchestra, featuring a female in the army in 1905. In 1917, rank of lieutenant colonel and L. Forrest Free. To questionnaires 20 23 was sent to Ft. Benning, Georgia. vocalist, will provide the music for following our entrance into From Georgia, Col. Walton was asking for student opinion, 395 out Sometimes- the annual dance of the Gamma Beta World War I, he was commission- transferred to Camp Croft, South of 407 students declared themselves 7 37 44 Chi fraternity to be held in Blanche ed a Second Lieutenant. The fol- in favor of, a grill extension which Question 3-WOl~ld you patronize Ward gym on Saturday, February lowing year saw his promotion Carolina, where he was in charge would include a nickelodeon, space it if smoking by men and women was the of Training Replacement 28,from 8 to 11:15 P. 'M. to captain. From 1921 to 1925, CoL Wal- Center. The Colonel held that for dancing, and a co-ed game room. prohibited? Fea~ring a program of sweet and ton held the post of Assistant post until the tenth of this month This movement for a bigger and Yes- smooth tunes interspersed with jump PMS&T at the University of when he officially assumed his better grill that will give students Men 136 Women 155 Total 291 numbers, the affair will be semi-for- duties as the new PMS&T at "something to do" on the Hill is the N~ colonel has also The Georgia. mal and will include ~velve dances. seen service at Ft. Meade. where Western Maryland. result of a study made by the Activi- 118 According to John Williams, gen- ties Committee, of which Dean Free Question " 4-Would you " fwvor the eral chairman, Tommy Rogers' band is chairman, acting on suggestions following hou1's for opening? is one of -Balt.imore's most popular. made to the Administration. 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P. M. and at St.' wMc Library To Be One Of Six He has also played at Loyola and 4:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M, Georgetown Universities, .Trustees Next 7:00 P.,M. to 10:00 r. M. Jo.!tn's College. Final approval of the idea rests The color scheme and decorations Census Bureau Depositories with the Board of Trustees, action Yes- for the gym are to be kept secret to be taken at its annual meeting in N~ Men 160 Women 152 Total312 until the night of the dance. The Western Maryland College Li- Federal Government are of increased May. The idea has already been con- 35 58 92 I Chairm:n of the various brary has been designated by the De- value as basic information for plan- sidered by the Executive Committee tees appointed by the fraternity, m- partment of Commerce, Washington, ning both for wartime operations and of the Board. Additional suggestions of those elude: John Williams, in charge of D. C., as one of six depositories in the post-war readjustments. Therefore, Complete results of the question- who voted "No" to the question re- music; Robert Moore, head of the state of Maryland where the Census so that interested persons may not naire are as follows: solve into three groups: those who decorations committee; Nonnan Foy, Bureau Publications will be availa- be cut off entirely from access to the Question I.-Are you interested in favor additional morning and after- programs; and Ridgely Friedel, tak- ble to the public. The complete files considerable range of Census publt- an extension? noon hours, additional hours on Sat. ing care of publicity. of national and state summaries for cations as may be essential to them, Yes- urday afternoon, and until after in- The following faculty members the censuses of population, housing, the Bureau will continue supplying Men 191 Women 208 Total 399 termissions of Saturday night dances. have been invited to act as sponsors: agriculture, manufacture, business, certain strategically located libraries N~ Dean _Free expresses confidence Dean and 1'I1rs.L. Forrest Free, Dean and mineral industries, and on special with one complete file of Census pub- 4 _ 8 that the project will be completed and Mrs. Lloyd Bertholf, Dr. and Ml·S. subjects, are available at the college lications". Question 2-Would you patronize and perhaps even extended. Theodore 1'11. Whitfield, Professor and for public reference. Large mailing Mrs. Edwin Mirise, Professor and lists for the free distribution of this .Strategic Libraries Mrs. Milson Raver, Dean Bertha Ad- material have been discontinued by The strategically located libraries Art And Music Play Important kins, and Dr. Marion Bartlett. the Census Bureau as a wartime in Mlfryland are the Enoch Pratt Admission will be $1.10, including economy in non-defense expendi- Free Library, in Baltimore; Johns tax. turee. Hopkins University Library, Balti- Roles In War --- Miss Gesner more; Maryland State Library, in .Announeed By Capt By Clarence Marsh first Opera In ThiS program announced by Mr. J. Annapolis; at College Park; of U. S. Naval That art in general, and music in was written by James Norman Hall, Maryland University Library, director important College History C. Capt, Department pf the of Bureau of Academy, at Annapolis; and Western particular, play is the view roles in co-author on with the Charles Nordhoff other of and Bounty Mutiny Maryland College Library. time Commerce of Miss of war, Census, was made public recently by Mr. Ed- These libraries have been asked to Maude Gesner, head of the music de- widely-read tales. Coming Here win C. Mirlse, professor of Library make an inventory to make sure Census partment. viewed his assigned in- .Nearly Nuts of their The writen that . reports Science, at the college. in order The director of the Census Bureau these publication files are completely terview with Miss Gesner in a state Hall had confessed that he had been The music department will produce available to the public. Professor of trepidation, feeling that he was in an opera as a part of' the seventy- stated, "While our distribution of Mh-ise reports that they are complete, the position of the proverbial "bull on the verge of insanity in 1918 when soldier free census publications a fellow is being cut he stumbled upon fifth anniversary celebration of the to the bone, t~ Bureau realizes that in the Western Maryland College Li- in the china shop." In Miss Gesner's reading Milton's "Comus" aloud. He founding of the college, to take place brary, up to the present publication studio in Levine Hall, only an emis- burst into tears, but his spirit was in Alumni Hall on Friday evening, the data it has assembled at the cost dates of the Bureau. sary of 'I'erpischore, Muse of music, March 24, according to Professor of many millions of dollars to the would be favored, he thought. But strengthened and he kept on, Philip Royer. hi's fears proved unjustified. Andre Mobraux, the author of The opera will be The SongBtre8B, Amidst her turquoise and cloi- Man's Fate, also had something to or-ig-inally written by Joseph Haydn 'Doc' Adams' Infirmary For Men sonne pieces, ivory statuettes, mo- say, Miss Gesner recalled. He has in 1776. It is a revival of comic rocco-bound volumes, and delicately- declared that art is certainly an es- opera, known as Singapiel, which colored pictures, Miss Gesner was de- cape, as Philistines have claimed when translated means "sing play", Proves To Be Popular Resort tached, deliberate, never indifferent. since they had tongues-but as an The reading will be made from the _ --------' art of possession rather than evasion. unpublished manuscript and will be the nature of his ills, and proceeded e Immedlate Response Art helps us to live and is the only its second performance, having been "To eat is human, but to eat 'Doe' from there to tell about what a The interviewer's timorous ques- value "of culture which never suffers given for the first time in Cleveland Adams' steaks is divine." tioning elicited an immediate re- any eclipse in the. Long Run. in 1940. Or at least so say those who have "swell nurse" "Doc" Adams really is. sponse: Yes, indeed, she knew of art The manuscript for this opera was been guests of her particular infir- The only complaint he had to make ewe Need Music he was made brought over from Vienna by Dr. mary. From what is heard said, the was the fact both that windows wide open to and war from first-hand accounts and In times of war and crisis, music from reading. sleep with Geiringer who is an author and re- boys' infirmary seems to be a very and almost froze to death. Another "All art is of value in time of becomes an ever greater need of the searcher on the life and works of popular resort this season, but in this so-called patient talked incessantly war", said Miss Gesner. She told human spirit. In France, for exam- Haydn, At present Dr. Geiringer is case, it's the last resort, because you how she once had attended a course ple, a recent concert was held in a have to be "practically dead" before about the food. But, all in all, the ~e;;i~;~ssor. of music at BO,ston Uni- lengthy discussions may be condensed in Milton at Reed College. Dr. Cole-- heatless auditorium; three thousand you get in, according to "Doc". (This "Unknown to most people, Haydn is for the benefit of all those hungry into the following: man, the lecturer, read his class an people came, nevertheless, equipped with blankets. They felt it was worth is the composer of about twenty oper- wolves stalking about campus.) "Oh, Boy!" article from the New Republw. It a little discomfort. as in addition to his other works", Miss Margaret H. Adams, dubbed said Professor Royer. "Doc" this year is the "'Angel of In view of our being at war with Those who will take the major mercy' in our hours of need", said Germany and Italy, the interviewer parts in the opera will be the follow- one of her patients. She is a gradu- SCA Conference recalled the strong feeling' against ing: Don Pelag-ic, the singing teach- ate nurse of Maryland General Hos- German music in the last war, when er, Joe Whiteford; Gasperina, the pital in Baltimore and came to W. M. Dr. Lawrence Little and Albert Jones represented West- Dr. Karl Unick, the Swiss conductor songstress, Alice Ditmar: Apallonia, C. the second semester of last year. ern Maryland's faculty and student body at the semi-annual of the Boston Symphony, was nearly "Doc" carries on double-time work, conference of the Regional Council of the Middle Atlantic lynched at the Lyric in Baltimore. ~~~:~~~not~~~:,Ia;!u:a~~::r~::; as she is also a member of the sopho- States of the Student Christian Movement. The meeting was Mis} Gesner felt that such a spirit of more class. Many's the time "Doc" held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia from false and absurd patriotism was un- Jane Rice. < The plot centers around the strug- has walked out of a fourth period Februar.y 13-15. likely at the present time since the gles of Gasperina, the songstress to f~~~~,~ith a "Gotta get m'~Ys some "The purpose of the conference was to plan for future present war has witnessed little cul- placate two men--one, Don Pelagio, conferences and financial campaigns. The Regional Council tural intolerance. her music teacher, who gives her mn· Boys who were interviewed about directs the general policy of the Student Christian move- Composers may suffer in war, she sic lessons and her room and board; the goings~on in the boy's infirmary ment," commented Dr. Little. concluded. If they are drafted, they two, Don Etore, young lover, whom (mostly those who have had the "Representatives to the meetings try to adapt to this re- can, of course, do little work, and the she really loves. pleasure of being inmates) were all gion the general program of. the National Intercollegiate uncer~inty of the times can usually The opera will be accompanied by a willing to supply the necessary infor- Council," he concluded. be counted on to curtail creative small orchestra of twenty instru- mation. One of the more loquacious achievement in the field of music. (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) gentlemen began by stating in detail
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