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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 12, 1942 Schedule For .Junior Dramatics Class To Give A1~- 'Big Three' One-Act Plays In Alumni Hall ROTC Honor Graduates To General MacArthur WMC Granted Degree Tested By Army Announced Comedy, tragedy, and old-fashioned Exam.Board In July Of 1929 of the Reserve General Douglas Six honor graduates Military Ball, March 28 melodrama comprise the themes of Officers Tl:aining Corps were exam- of the Philippines, MacAr-thur-, hero an was granted this year's presentation of one-act Junior Prom, April 18: ~~a~~eb;~::~;n1~~::t~:1;c:tG~a~~ ined Tuesday by an examining board honorary degree in ab8entia by the Third from headquarters of W.!IIC in 1929, at which time he was Pan-H~I,May 9 M., Friday, February 20. Corps Area, consisting of Col. F. G. already stationed at his present post. Kelland, Col. James P. Harton, and The following 'Vas his letter of ap- The dates for the "Big Three" According to Miss Esther Smith, Spring dances have been tentatively dramatics coach, the plays to be pre- Capt. Adam Swiss. preciation: July 8, 1929. • Six Examined announced. The annual Military sented are "Never Too Old" by Flor- Those examined by the board were Dear Dr. Ward, Ball will be held on March 28,' the ence Ryerson and Colin Clements, Junior Prom on April 18, and the "Riders To The Sea" by J. l'If. Synge, Harry Baker, A. J. Beane, Robert It'is with a sense of great distinc- Pan-Hellenic Dance on May 9. and "He Ain't Done Right By Nell" Bricker, Paul Myers, Robert Shock- tion that I have just read your letter Committees for the Junior Prom by Wilbur Braun. ley, and William Vincent. of June 5th informing me that West- College has conferred ern Maryland have already been chosen by the class "Never Too Old", a comedy of an From among the eighty-three hon- upon me the honorary degree of Doc- officers, according' to Lee Lodge, the actress and her refusal to give in to or graduates of R.O.T.C. in the area Pennsylvania, Maryland, class president. Ridgely Friedel has age, typifies the oft-repeated theme covering and District of Columbia, a tor of Laws. My pleasure is propor- tionate to the feeling and of respect Virginia, been selected the general chairman of of the struggle of women against limited number of men will be com- 'the dance, and the following commit- time. Benicia Hale, a charming and missioned in the regular army as sec- ;~:i~:lil:~e W~ucl~n: ~l~;er!:~:~~atf~~ tees have been announced: Decoration popular actress who has always play- with it while in command of the Committee: Marvin Evans, chair- ed home wrecking parts, approaches ond lieutenants. Final selection will No institution man; Dick Shuck, Mary Louise the catastrophe of middle-age. Her Miss Sm1th. be made about July 1, at which time Third Corps Area. reflected and re- in will receive certain of the candidates our has country Sehrt, Harry Gruel, Virginia Bell, reactions and their eventual outcome commissions equal in (ank, with sponded more to the nation's needs and Marie Crawford. constitute the main action. The Frances Hawkins; old man, Herbert graduates of West Point and other both in peace and in war. It makes Invitations Committee: Mary Mill- characters and cast of the play are: \Veaver; young woman, Deborah Bow- army officer training schools. The re- me proud indeed to have my name er, chairman; Doris Lane, Peggy Benicia Hale, played by Peggy Wil- ers; and others. Reeves, and. Ridgely Pollitt. son; Winnie Hale, Doris HimIer; Su- As a contrast to the sombre reality maining candidates will be appointed upon its rolls and I trust that you Program Committee: Bob Beglin, san Crane, Margaret Reeves; and of the second play, the final presenta- as second lieutenants in the O. R. C., will express to the Board of Trustees chairman; Earl Shubert, Phyllis Edith Warren, Deborah Bowers. tion will be an old-fashioned "meller- subject to active duty for the dura- the cordial appreciation I feel for Cade, and Marie Steele. "Riders To The Sea" has been dramer" of the sort that was popular tion of the war. to a statement by Col- their thoughtful and generous con- According of me. sideration in the gay nineties when the much de- Orchestra Committee: Johnny Wil- termed "the greatest modern tragedy spised villian pursued the proud hero- onel Kelland, the R. O. T. C. unit will With sincerest personal regards, Iiariis, chairman; Jim Elliott, Bud in the English tongue" by Edward J. ine, who was finally rescued just in cooperate with the accelerated pro- Faithfully, Blair, Deborah Bowers and Betty O'Brien, who is outstanding as a com- the nick of time by the noble hero. gram by compressing the four year Neidert. piler and editor of play anthologies. "He Ain't Done Right By Nell", al- training course to parallel the col- DOUGLAS MACARTHUR. Refreshment Committee: Joe EI- Maurya, an old Irish woman, once the though typical of the old stylized lege's shortened courses. liott, chairman; Frazier Scott, Paul mother of six sons, all of whom drown plays, has been presented in the past You Always Get The Best Brooks, Jean Bentley, and Virginia in the sea, lives to survive them all. on the same bill with O'Neill and SMITH 8{; REIFSNIDER At The Phillips. "Riders To The Sea" is a beautiful Chekhov and other standard drama- I Carroll Pastry Shop Advertising Committee: Bert Jones, tragedy, full of tenderness, pity, and tists. I Incorporated chairman; Bette Crawford, Peach - compassion. It is the story of a moth- Those cast in the play are: Pearl LUMBER-COAL Garrison, Jim Snodgrass, Phebe Rob- or's love-a mother- who struggles Bodner as Nell Perkins (Little Nell), WESTMINSTER, MD. inson, Sara Belle Veal, Joe Whitford. against the sea for the lives of her just an old-fashioned heroine; Caro- Phone 300 sons. The victory of the sea sym- lyn Schmidt as Granny Perkins, who FOUR CHAIR SERVICE Concert Program ... bolizes the inevitableness of death. carries a secret for years; Miriam No Waiting (Cant. from page 1, col. 2) We fear it-fight against it-but, Shroyer as Laura (Lolly) Wilkins, a HEAGY BROTHERS' The program for the concert is as when it finally comes, we accept its typical old maid; Virginia Crusius as BARBER SHOP follows: peace and find a great relief in the Vera Carleton, from the city; Marvin \ Next to P08t OjJlC6 Individual Coiffures Quartet_in D Minor; opus 76, no. 2 end of our anxiety and restless appre- Sears as Burkett Carleton, her fath- Beauty in its Entirety Haydn hension," commented Miss Smith. er, who owns the old mill; Joseph H. E. REESE Allegro 'I'he east includes: Maurya, Phebe Whiteford as Hilton Hayes, a wolf in TAILOR Andante in moto Robinson; Bartley, James Snodgrass; sheep's clothing; and James Robb as Cleaning Pnuing 66 W. Main St. Menuetto Cathleen, Virginia Bell; Nora, Mary Jack Logan.c our manly hero. • Repairing WESTMINSTER, MD. Vivace DeWA YNE BILLS - Representative Dover Beach Samuel Barker John Everhart 94 Ean Main Street Alfred De Long, collaborating Blanche W.;d Gym Quartet in E Minor; opus 59, no. 2 THE COLLEGE BARBER CARROLL THEATRE Beethoven Opened To Women AND BOBBER When back at College Allegro Thurs. and Fr-i., Feb. 12 and 13 Molta adagio OF Westminster AT THE FORKS STOP AT "KATHLEEN" Shirley 'I'emple Scherzo Herbert Marshall Presto Blanche Ward gymnasium opened Keeter's Market to the women of Westminster for the For Correct Suturday, February 14 first time last Tuesday night at 8 "BLUES IN THE NIGHT" o'clock, as part of the Civilian Physi- Campus and Phone 283 Priscilla Lane Betty Field cal Fitness Program. They were Mon. and Tues., Feb. 16 and 17 Dear Joe College: shown the facilities, showers, lockers, College Fashions Opposite Post Office "SUNDOWN" Just how is this daylight saving equipment, and the gymnasium grant- Gene Tierney Bruce Cabot time situation going to affect you in ed to them for their usc and enrolled Come to wed, and 'I'hurs., Feb. 18 and 19 the late spring when, at 10 P. M., it as members of the program. They "TWO-FACED WOMAN" will very probably still be daylight were asked to check their preference Greta Garbo Melvyn Douglaa back-campus? on a list of activities so that these Hochschild, Kohn & Co. Carole King --,..:-- Inquisitively, five parts might be emphasized in the STATE THEATRE instruction and supervision to be giv- Frocks en by Miss Parker and Miss Todd. Tues. and Fri., Feb. 12 and 13 "PACIFIC BLACKOUT" The Pseudo-Esthetic . Robert Preston For Juniors Saturday, February 14 Roving Reporter Notes Alarming 62 W. Main S1. Westminster "MAN FROM MONTANA" Johnny Mack Brown Mon. and 'I'ues., Feb. 16 nnd 17 New Trenc/s In Moc/ern,Arts· JuS[ arrived. And-Here's Coffman-Fisher Adolphe Menjou Gloria Swanson "FATHER TAKES A WIFE" In recent numbers of the Gold Bug in New York. It was a gorgeous a real opportunity Co. Wednesday, February 18 an interest has been shown in Pseudo- crysellaphantine figure of a dancer, "SCATTERGOOD MEETS intellectualism-it is now time for dressed, as usual, in nothing. This 100 percent all-wool WESTMINSTER BROADWAY" the Fine Arts to share in the interest. statue was most puzzling because she Guy Kibbee Professor P. D. Kew, a noted au- had a Sumerian bathing cap in one garments 101 thority on esthetics, stated recently hand and an Egyptian sun-disk in in the magazine Art's Part that "the the other. Also, she had a beard. I'IIr. Sportswear Where Old Friends Meet And Like To Eat interest of the American public in art Charles Friske has said of this statue is alarming; if the present trend con- -"This statue is more puzzling than BENNY'S KITCHEN tinues, it will be necessary to run any toy one can buy in a \Voolworth And now-a fully complete double features in Art Museums to basement." The surprising Iaet is- Benny Arbaugh, Prop. keep people away." This is quite an it was in a Woolworth basement that collection FOR A VARIETY OF NOVELTIES, TOILETRIES AND advance for Art. It seems that only it was found. several years ago the Municipal Ar~ 01'. William Bunt claimed that the Skirtsf"Strawberry p Iaid s, GOOD EATS Museum of Chattachov, Tennessee, statue was of Greek origin-basing twills, wool Bannels and Stop at the was giving away free plaster-of-paris his claim on the resemblance of this telescopic pleats. models of Venus de Milo to attract a statue to, Aphrodite and Hermes, a KO-ED KLUB crowd. (The two ladies who visited late Hellenistic work. But, one might Sweaters-From Helen Harp- Where all the Ko eds meet the museum were also given Apollo ask-why the Sumerian bathing cap er. Try on the "Sloppy Belvedere as consolation prizes). But, and the Egyptian sun-disk? One today, the museums are becoming might also ask-why Aphrodite! Josephine" meeting places for the proletariat, But that is beside the point. Westminster's Best Place To Eat also. Or, as Dr. Ronald Queered said However, the mystery was solved J ackets-c-Solid color s and in his last book, A Criticism of Art when Stephano Dudollopolus, a fairly tweeds. in the Thirteenth Century: "It is time unknown sculptor of Greenwich vil- CITY RESTAURANT for action." This quotation is really lage, confessed to making the statue Jerkins-Camel hair and valueless because it was written con- in hopes that she might be another plaids. SEAFOOD AND STEAK DINNERS ceming conditions prior to the Oath Pygmalion. Mr. Dudollopolus is now OUR SPECIALTY of Strasbourg in 842. The outstanding event in the Art at Bellevue suffering from dementia Slacks-and slack suits. Belted 11 W. Main Street Westminster, Md. World recently was the discovery of praecox caused by the frustration of pockets, cuffs 'neverything. a statue during a subway excavation his plans.
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