Page 49 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 12, 1942 PAGE THREe THE=====. Loyola Boasts Eighteen Straight League MORNING Physical Fitness .,=====AFTER ProgrQm Shows Wins; Terrors Ready To Check Drive . By John Robinson Rapicl Progress Terrors Regain Stride As Greyhounds Have Many SPuRTS EDITOR Dickinson Bows 40-29 Dangerous Scoring Boys And from. The Jl[ountain Echo, we An intensified program for the de- note that Jim Lord, Mount's sport velopment of physical fitness was in- \Vestern Maryland's Terrors Boasting 10 straight league wins commentator sets both a real com- augurated Monday at Western Mary- won their first non-conference before last year's playotT, and eight pliment to Terror fans and players. land College. President Fred G. Hol- game of the season last night as straight tilts this season, Loyola's Says Jtm-c- loway spoke in approval of the pro- they defeated Dickinson 40 to 29 high flying Greyhounds will invade "It ain't what you do, it's the way gram and told of the need for a com- in an exciting basketball game in Gill Gymnasium for a Mason-Dixon that you do it. plete education to develop the body Gill Gym. It was the Red Devils' Conference basketball game, Satur- If we should like to resort to one as well as the mind. third loss. day night at 8:15. The Greyhounds are of our childhood expresaions-c-Flfa, Professor H. B. Speir announced Ed J'I1ogowski celebrated his re- currently leading the league with sev- ha, we beat ya this time," we could the extension of the present physical turn to form by scoring 15 points en victories in as many tilts while the vividly convey our feeling of satis- education classes and intramural for the Green team and was fol- Terrors are in fourth place with five faction at having upset, last week, sports program to include all men lowed in team seoring by Frank wins and three defeats. the favored Western Maryland cagers, students not now engaged in physical Suffern with 8, and Nemo Robin- From all indications the game and thus more or less avenge that activities. At present every student son and Lee Lodge, both scoring should be a natural because in the episodic football classic of last fall. at Western Maryland is required to 7 points. last three meetings of these clubs the But we do not wish nor care to put participate in a physical education The Red Devils were outscored games have been nip and tuck all the the haw-haw sign on the Terrors or and hygiene program for two years in every period as the victory way. In the second meeting of these their followers. Far from it! Such a of their college work. The depart- hungry Terrors were not to be teams last year, Loyola was hard splendid example of sportsmanship ment hopes that every male student denied conquest. pressed to win 36 to 34. and fail' play both the participants will enter tre extended program. Dickinson jumped to an early and the rooters of their inst.ituticn 6 to 0 lead before Suffern gave Rip Engle Biasi Stellar Guard displayed warrants not a jeer, but Frats Active Western Maryland its first point instead a voice of praise and recog- The men's fraternities on the cam- on a Ioul shot. From that point was held to two field goals by In the finals of the Mason-Dixon Captain Irv Biasi. It was a good nition. Conference playoffs, the Terrors pus have in the past been active in an on the Terrors dominated the pre-game practice for Biasi who knocked off the highly favored Grey- Mounts Praise Terrors intramural sports competition. Speak- play, showing a polished attack will probably be placed on Loy- hounds 39 to 38. Last month in Bal- For us Mount students attending ing for the Pi Alpha Alpha club, E. which scored most of its points ola's Bennie Thobe this Saturday timore, Loyola revenged herself by the game it was a privilege to sit P. Schubert, a sophomore from Bal- from under the basket. night. The game snapped the four edging out the Green by the identical among such a large and spirited num- timore, pledged 100% of its member- Walt Neiman, the Red Devil game losing streak of the Terrors score, only this time the Baltimoreans ber of Terror followers and be assur- ship to the support of the new pro- Captain who had been averaging who had lost games by 6, 4, 3, needed an overtime period to gain vic- ed that not one hoot or shout would gram. The Delta Pi Alpha, the Al- 21 points a game for the season, and 2 points. tory. be raised while a Mountaineer was in pha Gamma Tau and the- Gamma In the first of these three games, the act of shooting a foul, that the Beta Chi societies pledged 95% or Bull By Barrick Capt. Bernie Thobe, of Loyola scored rooters would not employ any un- more of each of their membership to only five points due to the close . n D,·. 'I'heodore M. Wh;tfi,ld annnun,_·, ac upset sportsman1ike tactics to befuddle the the extended pian. BI k A cl Wh· ,tes P II U guarding of Capt. Irv Biasi. In the Blue and White, that the Western next tilt, the title contest, Thobe Maryland courtsters would play clean, cd the opening of the college facilities again guarded by Biasi accounted for both ~at~'::~;~~f:;P~u;:~a;'~:~:~$:~:To Force Tie In Cage Loop J hands-off basketball. These princi- only four points, and in the last con- ples of fair play and courtesy, test Thobe scored only three points. or which should be an integral part of ruary 10th at 8:00 P. M. By George Barrick The scores of all of these three our daily actions, were strikingly games were noticeably low and it was present, in spite of the fact that the In the biggest upset of the present Bachelors, strong contenders for first due to the combined work and team green were fighting a losing fight Juniors, Led By court session, the Black and White place, romped over the Gamma Bets play of all the men which accounted throughout almost the entire second q~nt topped the Preacher five by by a score of 22 to 5. Stymied by the for the good showing. half. a score of 33 to 16, 'Suffering the brilliant defensive work of the Black We wish to take this opportnnity to Marie Steele, loss of two former mainstays, Jim and White and by their own inability III a slight slump of late, which was commend Western Maryland for Thomas and Sigurd Jenson, the league to score from the outside, the Gamma almost shaken off in the last Mount only 1 field and also the waslnngtou St. Mary's, Bets were able to garner their fine sportsmanship and fairness. Top Frosh leaders never seemed to hit their goal and 3 foul shots. Meanwhile, and Jefferson game, Western Mary- They're a swell bunch!" stride. Gaining a 4 point lead early Loyola brings its high scoring quint In the inter-class basketball com- in the first half, the Black and Whites the Bachelors were content to coast land eagerly faces an opportunity to to Gill Gym this Saturday night in petition now being fought out by the steadily increased their margin and along on a secure lead. Mike Phil- crack the long Greyhound string of hopes of pinning back the Terrors for women, the junior class seems to be at half time led by a score of 18 to 4. lips and Francis Cook for the Bache- this year. the second time of the season. Along running away with the honors and In the second half, the Purple and lors were tied for scoring honors, Rip Wants Win with them will come numerous Grey- undoubtedly will win the champion- Gold were nearly able to hold their with 6 points apiece. and Bill Paul Walls, opponents even and strove hard to cut Tsouprake, Charlie My- hound followers who are used to see- ship in division one, standing second ers were very effective on the Coach Rip Engle also is showing ing a winning club. They are quiet to the freshman in division two. down the tremendous lead. But sev- much concern over this contest, for when behind but when a point or so The juniors have won all their eral scoring spurts by Bob Siemon boards and displayed a good brand of the Green team slipped to fourth in the lead take the opportunity to games so far in division one and and Jimmy Jones were cut short, and ball handling. For the Gamma Bets, place as a reslt of the double loss to harangue anyone around them. with only one more game remaining the Black end Whites continued to Ken Volk constituted their main Mount St. Mary's, and another league We hope that Western Maryland are sure of the championship. The FRAT STANDINGS scoring threat, racking up 4 of their defeat would be costly. fans won't be in such a position to seniors are in second place in division 5 points, while lanky Gatchell and Bill In the last three games the Ter- Burgess were value on the a great have to listen to their jeers this Sat- one, leaving the freshman and sopho- A League rors have looked better, however, as urday night. mores to vie for third place. In divi- defense. they showed signs of life and perhaps To stop the Greyhound five, you sion two, the undefeated freshman Preachers ..... .In the only B league of the day, the Saturday will be their night. Bacha["rs just have to do that. Vic Bock, Ber- are leading the way, but with two Blaclr "nd Bel. \Vhileo Bachelors again came off with an easy Frank Suffern has been the offen- Gnmma nie Thobe, Franny Bock, Barney weeks to go, anything can happen. win, rolling up a total of 43 points to sive spear head of late, closely fol- Goldberg, and Nat Glushaken are all The frosh class has eight basket- B League the Gamma Bets 10 points. The game lowed by Lee Lodge, who has been fine shooters. None can be negelcted ball teams and is leading in the third w s , Pu Ig was never close after the first minutes playing better ball each game. Ed and we feel sure that none will when of play and the Bachelors were able l\1ogowski has fallen down in his scor- Saturday rolls around. It was Glusha- division also. ~ to score almost at will, while playing ing but has done yeoman work around lreu and the Bock brothers last time Exciting game " a close guarding defensive game. Led the boards. -bllt since then the Terrors have sev- add to their lead. Espeeiplly obnox- by Fred Dead-Eye Bohn, who amass- eral games under their belt which Last Tuesday, the most exciting ious to the Preachers was the uncan- ed a total of 16 points, enough in it- Reserves Help may stimulate the will to win a trifle game was' waged in division one with ny eye of Tom 'I'ereshinski, who slash- self to defeat their opponcnts, and more. the juniors beating the freshman 39 ed the cords with seven 2 pointers, very ably aided by the pass work of Biasi and Nemo Robinson have been Certainly the Terrors have the abil- to 20, thus winning the unofficial and Abe Gruel's ability to hit the Addison Beane and warren Cook and playing their usually consistent games . ity to take over Loyola. In Captain championship. Marie Steele led the hoop from underneath with a total of the good defensive play of Jack Butt- and in the Washington-Jefferson Irv Biasi and Frank Suffern the club forwards on the junior team by scor- 10 points. Roger Saltzgaver and Bill ner and 'Wallen Beane, the Bachelor game the play of the reserves, Hoot boast two dangerous operatives. Ed inf 21 points, while Audrey Routson, Baylies passed well and played an team scored the, most number of Gibson, Art O'Keeffe andArlie Mans- Mogowski and Lee Lodge are also fill- her team-mate, made 18 tallies. On outstanding game on the defense. For- points in any single game so far this berger, was especially good. the Preachers, Joe Workman and Jim- ed with ability and Royce Gibson is the freshman team Peg Thompson year. Johnny Williams, and Fred Loyola will be primed to sena its continually a threat. Arlie Mansberg- made 8 points; Charlotte Wilkins, 6; my Jones played good floor games Volkhart, who scored 8 of his team's high scoring club against the Terrors er and Gtts O'KeetTe can be counted and Alice Alexander, 4. This was and Bob Siemon was most effective 10 points, wcre the main Gamma on Saturday night. Three of the on for plenty of action as can big the fastest and closest game in the under the basket with 8 points. threats. Greyhounds, Vic Bock, Franny Bock, Manny Kaplan. series. In the other A league game, the BLACK AND WHITES T and Thobe, are within the Conference top ten players in Mason-Dixon Jensen, Hall, Ortenzi And Baker Win As " , " , scoring, while Mogowski and Suffern '" in this charmed cir- are the Tenors Terror Boxers Top Lock Haven, 4~-3~ " -; " de. GoldhE'...g, Glushakow Good PREACHERS , Barney Goldberg and Nat Glusha- With a 41h_31h victory over Loch Cagey Captain Baker and Carlo Snuffy Smith, 120; Bill Sires, 127; kow played especially good games Haven behind them, Lt. Lawrence Ortenzi have each won two, while Frankie Faughman, 135; Bud Har- " 0 , against the Green Terrors in the last Reynolds' pugilists will meet West both lost to Maryland. Baker met ris, 145; John Barker, 155; Pat Caru- , , fracas, dividing 16 of Loyola's 39 Point's powerful team Saturday. Sig his one defeat while fighting in the so, 165; Bud Smith, 175; and Joe points hetween them and also must be Jensen, Harry Baker, Red Hall, and heavy class, while Ortenzi lost his one Kugler, heavyweight. " watched. It looks like another thrill- Carlo Ortenzi were victorious, while by a close decision. West Point, stressing athletics -; -;; " 0 er for Loyola and Tenor followers. Chuck Godwin earned a draw. Both , Howard Hall, who floored his Loch more than ever this season, has one " of the nation's best teams. They are the Freshmen and varsity teams will Haven opponent twice, almost before BACHELORS meet the Pointers who trounced the the echo of the first bell had died supported- by two inter-collegiate ,.. G. T. , Line Up Terrors by a 6%-1% score in 1941- away, has suffered one defeat. Chuck champions and several runners-up. Phillip" . , , , , Excepting Earl Schubert'S Godwin, ha'ving slugged his way to In their last bout they bowled over Wan •. F , Th' line-ups for Friday night's Tsouproke, trance into the line-up, the Terror two draws, also has a .500 average. Coast Guard, which boasts one of the Myers,""G G game find both the Terrors and Loyo- Co<>k. team wjJl be' the same which defeated Jack Alexander, who secured a vic- strongest teams in the east, by a 6% Hardin, " la at full starting strength. Loch Haven----J ack Alexander, Frank tory in the Terrapin bout, is the to 1% margin. .U -; " The probable starting line-ups: Ziegler, Schubert, Howard Hall, team's only other winner. He has Coach Reynolds is optimistic, how- F ...... V. Bock 13 Chuck Godwin, Carlo Ortenzi, Harry dropped two close decisions, one to ever. "In spite of a few mistakes, GAMMA RETS 18 Suffern F. F. Bock 10 17 Robinson Baker, and Sig Jensen. Loch Haven and one to Penn State. the boys looked good in the Loch Ha- 21 Mogowski .- .... C Capt.) Thobe 15 Jensen, ,vith three wins in 1941 and Having opened the season with ven bouts. Army has the strongest T1 12 Biasi (Capt.) G .. Goldberg 9 three this year, including 4 knockouts Maryland, the Freshmen will be en- team we'l! meet, but our boys look 10 Lodge ......... G .... Glushakow 11 and 2 decisions, will be meeting Army tering the ring for the second time. good in practice and are in good con- -; -; -; undefeated. Their probable line-up will be: dition."
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