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Library ~lestern Maryland College 'l":est'minstor, Md. Curtis String Quartet Will Play Here Tomorrow Night Vol. 19 No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE February 12, 1942 Requirements Dralt R~gistration ... Service Men AU men who have reached the For Honors age of 20 on or before Dec. 31, To Receive 1941, and who have not yet reach- ed their forty·fifth birthday by Changed February 16 are required to regis- Privileges ter February 14, 15, and 16. , ColJege students mayvregister at Broadened To Include the Westminster High School 011 WMC To Attempt Contact Saturday from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., Those Who Do Not on Monday from '7 A. 1\1. to 9 P. M., 01 Students And Alumni Desire Seminar or at the local draft board offices In Armed Forces at the above times and on Sunday. Plans for admission free of charge Internationally Famous Group Featuring gr~d:::o:y~~~:r~f ::;u~~::e~~:.~~~ of uniformed men in the nation's Finest Set Of Instruments In Americ~ lated, according to an announcement Men To Donate armed forces to all college functions were announced recently by the Com- Has Won Acclaim In Music World ;:I~~Olt;iSDe:~e~f b:heD;~c:r~~dT:~~ mittee OJ1 Defense Activities at West- League of Nations in Geneva and at \. new plan, designed to have honors Blood In Answer ern Maryland College. When the Curtis String Quartet In the past, men in uniform have scho~arshlp ~s we~l as on special hen- To Red Cross plays at Alumni Hall on Friday, Feb- the White House in Washing~ll. awards ~ade on the basis of general been admitted free to athletics events ruary 13, at 8:15 P. M., Western Th,e group is today'a best known only. Extension of this courtesy to Maryland students will have an op- string quartet. This type of ensern- ora study, Will be III effect at the com- Ninety Volunteers any college function open to the pub- portunity to hear an ensemble which ble was originated by a young muai- mencement of May, 1942. lic wil,l make possible attendance at has recently rounded off ten years of cian, Joseph Haydn, a little over two e Requlrements For Citation Needed To Fill the coming performances of the CUT- touring, including visits to more than hundred years ago, when he was ask- The citation Cum~ Laude will now WMC Quola- tis String Quartet and the National 200 American cities and to the fore- ed to entertain the guests of a Hun- be awarded to students who receive a Symphony Orchestra. most music capitals of Europe. garian Prince. For many years, it grade of A in at least 30 percent of Male students at Western Mary- According to President Fred G. The Quartet plays one of the finest was exclusively for royalty and no- their total semester hours, B or bet- land College will be given an oppor- Holloway, the new provision will in- collections of rare old Cremona in- bility. Today, the string quartet, in tel' in'not less than 50 percent of the tunity to contribute to the National clude not only former students and struments ever assembled, provided the words of the members of the Cur- rest, and a grade of D, E, or F in not Blood Bank during the latter part of alumni, but also any uniformed man. more than four semester hours. tis Ensemble, is "music for democra- for the artists by "their patroness, cy". . FebruaJ'y, according to an appeal Campus headquarters for all enlisted Mrs. Mary Louise Curtis Bok, widow e Seeond .Method made on bebalf of the Red Cross by visitors have been set up in the re- of Edward Bok. Selected by the All seats for the concert will be re- Students will also be graduated Richard Baker in an Assembly on ception room connected with the office English Speaking Union as Ameri- served. However, students may se- Cum Law who receive, of their to- February 9, in Alumni Hall. of the Dean of Men. en's official representative to the Sil- cure tickets, one to a student, gratis tal number of semester hours, B in The blood collected will be pro- In addition, a student-faculty lia- ver Jubilee of King George V of Eng- at the office of the Dean of Women in not less than 40 percent, and D, E, cessed into diced plasm, a powder son committee, composed of Dr. Sara land, the ensemble has performed McDaniel Hall. General 'admis- or F in not more than four semester which, when mixed with distilled wa- Smith, Professor Milson Raver, Betty many times at the home of Lady As- sion to the public, except for men in hours, provided that they do special ter, can be used in transfusions. The EUwein, and Frank Tarbutton, has tor and the houses of Parliament in service uniforms, will be 50 cents. study in one of this departments reserve will be in readiness in case of drawn up a mailing list of all enlist- London under the sponsorship of the (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) offei-ing a major or in the Depart- wounds, or shocks received in actual ed alumni and former students. Ac- ment of Education. This study is to military combat, or in an attack on cording to Professor Raver, the last be selected during the junior year, civilians. About ninety volunteers known address of these .men in the Unlimited 'Cuts' and the study is to continue until will be needed. continental United States is all that is necessary to reach them by mail, In addition, Men 21 years of age and over are Fifty-Four Honor Students Fulfill graduation. a comprehensive this plan eligible to volunteer to make a con- because the postal divisions of the examina- requires tion in the special field. tribution; those under 21 are required various armed forces will forward Requirements For Dean's List e Summa Cum Laude to have their All medical precautions letters to the men regardless and of their or guardians' parents' Faculty stu- present location. permission. The Summa. Cum, La.ude citation to meke the process harmless and dents have been requested to write a Fifty-four honor students, a total average in all courses, as compared will be given to students who meet the painless will be taken. number of these men and also to help of ten more than last year's number with the 37 women. requirements under both plans and Releases to be signed by guardians, keep the mailing list up to date as to of forty-"four, fulfilled the require- When the ratio of "Dean's Listers" are recommended by their special de- parents, and students can be obtain- names and addresses. ments for Dean's List rating, accord- to the total enrollment of each class partments as worthy of highest hon- ed at the office of the Dean of Men. As a further contact, the committee ing to a recent announcement from is considered, the senior class is defi- ors. announced that the men will receive These new rulings are the result of the office of the Registrar. nitely in the lead, with 22%, and jun- a special study by the faculty Survey Mr. Donald Wright Takes the Gold Bug, through the courtesy The fundamental reason for the in- iors and sophomores almpst tie, with Committee on Curriculum. They are of its editorial staff, in addition to the crease of this year over last year is a 120/0 and 11% respectively. Quite a Charge 01 Physics Cia" College Bulletin, a monthly publica- compromise between new ruling which makes possible the few of last year's juniors who were a systems, which required the former Mr. Donald S. Wright has now tion. Both faculty and student body special hon- inclusion of sophomores in the Dean's not on the Dean's list at that time ors work for graduation honors, and taken over his duties as an instructor have been asked to act as hosts and list. Among the juniors and seniors, made it this year as seniors. a system, in force some years ago, of in the physics department, suceeding hostesses to all uniformed visitors to however, there has been a decrease of To be included on the "Dean's Mr. Milson C. Raver. Mr. Wright, a the campus. on the seven people from last year's list. List" a student must make twice as awarding honors The chairman basis of graduate of Pennsylvania State Col- of this grades alone. For both last year and the past se- many points as the normal number of committee is Dr. Theodore M. Whit- lege at State College, Pennsylvania, mester, women students have consist- hours-in other words, a "B" aver- , came to western Maryland from Senior Cia" Meeting ... field. ently outnumbered the men. This year age, with no grade lower than "C" in State College High School, where he Frank Tarbutton, senior eless only 17 men earned the required "B" more than one semester hour. had been teaching chemistry and president, announces a meeting of Gamma Beta .Chi physics. the senior class in Smith Hall on His duties as an instructor in the Friday, February 12, immediately Dean's List .. To Hold Dance physics department include classes in after lunch. The subject of admin- electricity and Seniors household physics, laboratory for the istration of the problem of caps and Ed magnetism, and gowns will be discussed. Paul Alelyunas Esther Henvis February 28 general physics group. A new course Thomas, class treasurer, has set Andrew Bohle Jean Lamoreau in radio has been instituted, which the date for final payment for Lawrence Lee Brown 'Emily Linton The annual dance of the Gamma may be of interest to- those men plan- these as February 24. Alfred Jerome Diener Lauretta McCusker Beta Chi fraternity will be held on ning to enter the arn~ed forces. Ruth MacVean Saturday, February 28, from 8 to, 12 Clara Arther Anna Robey P. M. in Blanche Ward Gym. Edna Bandorf Esther Roop Col. Sadler Moved To New Post; Lucie Leigh Barnes Virginia Sweeney • Williams Chairman Miriam Bond Kathryn Tipton Johnny Williams, general chai r man Jane Fraley Dorothy Turner and also music chairman, has an- Rep"aced By Col. Walton Ethel Hale Louise Young nounced that Tommy Rogers and his fifteen-piece orchestra will furnish Colonel Percy J~. Sadler, Professor Guard to that of Colonel of Infantry Juniors music for the affair. This band, one of Military Science and Tactics at in active service. Milton Huber Janith Horsey of Baltimore's most popular, accord- Western Maryland College since While stationed 011 the Mexican Albert Jones Hannah McKee ing to Williams, has played at Loy- June, 1939, has been transferred- border with the Alabama Guard in Alvin H. Levin Hazel Met:!: ola, St.' John's, and Georgetown. A destination unknown. Lt. Col. Charles 1916, he was advanced to the rank of William Prettyman • Mary Miller girl singer is featured with the or- M. Walton who has for the past year Mess Sergeant. In 1917, he attended Robert Siemon Frances Ogden chestra's smooth,' sweet, or swing been in command of the reception the first of the ..f)fficers Training Alice Rohrer music. training center, Camp Croft, South Camps to be established by the army Ruth Baugher .Committee Appointed Carolina, has been ordered by the at Ft. McPherson, Georgia, and was Verna Cooper Carolyn Schmidt The Gamma Bets have appointed war Department to assume the du- commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, O. R- Caroline Gable Dorothy Sowter the foUowing committees for the ties of P. M. S. and T. here at West- C., that same year. A year later, as Sophomores dance: Moore, chair-_ ern Maryland. 1st Lieutenant, he was ordered to ac- duty the fol- overseas. Two years Colonel \Valton, a man of long and Decorations-Bob Andrew Graham Elizabeth Brinton man; Bill Hail, Bill Connelly. varied military experience, has been lowing he was elevated to the rank of James Griffin Dorotby Clarke Program-Norman Foy, chairman; in the army since 1905. He is ex- Captain. William Harrington Agnes Dyson Ralph Dudley. pected to arrive on the Hill sometime Since then the Colonel has attended Wilmer Kerber Lucille Gischel PubJicity-A. Ridgely F r i e del, this week. Infantry school, and served in both Fred Kullmar Frances Hall chairman; "Buzz" Langrall, Mel- Colonel SadJer's appointment to ac- Hawaii and Panama. Before assum- William Richardson Virginia Kinnaman bourne "Bingo" Binns, Charles De- tive service marks another step in ing his duties as P. M. S. & T. here William Sires Ann Meeth Manns. the career of a inan who in twenty- John Yost Mary Gladys Rehmeyer The dance will be semi-formal, ad five years has risen from the rank of on the HilJ, he served in that capacity Mary Turnley at Lehigh University. mission $1.10 per couple. private in the Alabama National
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