Page 46 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 29, 1942 Nine Juniors Dining Hall Rationecl . . . Don E. Griffin Is -e~- To Try For Supplies for the dining hall have been cut almost in half. Elected Prexy By -Social- according to Miss Sara Tweed, dietitian. Miss Tweed asks Sunday School -No.kJ.- Honors that the following economies be observed and students be a little more thoughtful in the consumption of food: 1. Bread-Do not throw bread or rolls (left on the Don E. Griffin was elected to head Flashing diamonds on the third fin- table) OJ;) the floor. - Have Met Requirement 01 2. Butter-Use what you need, but do not leave extra the Sunday School for the second ger, left hand, are Miriam Shroyer, Wal- to Charles engagement whose at a meeting of consecutive semester, 'B' Average For First supply on your own plate. the group held last week. Dorothy lace has been announced by her par- Five Semesters Here 3. Sugar-As a downtown restaurant once said, "Stir dent: James Higman, boys' vice-pres- ents Marty Hodgson, engaged to vice-presi- Sowter was chosen girls' Donald like the devil; we don't mind the noise." Our supply Private Honeman, '41, Nine juniors with an average of B will be greatly limited. ident: Edward Thomas, treasurer. !lOW stationed at Camp Br-ight or better have applied for the privi- 4. Teabags, lemons, etc.-Ask waiters for them when Lew Aumack, Hannah McKee, and Rudy Caltt-idci-, wearing Bob Bank- lege of doing independent research in you want them-tea is also very scarce. There is only Paul Henry were appointed council ru-d's diamond . Ruth Ann Whit- their chosen subjects in an attempt to about a six-months' supply in this country. members. The program committee more engaged to Joe Kittner. graduate with honors. These stu- 5. Use cream only for coffee, please. will include Donald Griffin, Paul Lieutenant Robert Walters and dents and their subjects are: Caro- 6. Dishes and silverware are at a premium. Help us Henry, and Peggy Reeves. - Mrs. W:Jlters (Kakie Coe, our May line Gable and Mary Miller in Eng- take care of the equipment we have. An installation service for the of- Queen last year) stopped at the school lish ; Virginia Waters and Verna Please be careful in the handling of the glass pitchers' ficers will be held on Sunday morn- on their way to Fort Benning, Ga., Cooper in biology : Hannah McKee in and platters especially, as it is very difficult to secure ing, February 2, at which Professor where they will reside. Lieut. and Physics; Ruth Baugher in mathemat- new ones now. I Milson Raver will be t.he speaker, Mrs. Walters were married January ics: lIIilton Huber in sociology; Al, 7. Due to increased cost of laundry, help us to keep table Plans for the future include an ad- 10 in Leydea ChUl·CIt at Brookline, bert Jones in philosophy: and Robert cloths clean longer. dress by Dr. Bertholf on February 8, Mass., with the bride's father officiat- Siemon in economics. Students are asked not to spill water, ketchup, coffee a special service on February 15 for Ing. These candidates have applied for or any other substance which might stain the table- the observance of the W orId Fellow- work which will possibly culminate in cloths. _ ship Day of Prayer, and special Mr. and Mrs. Henry :Reekord are graduation with either CU1n l(1.udc or Your cooperation is needed and will be greatly appre- morning services during Easter now living- at Towson, Mr. Reckord snmma cum laude. Eligibility for ciated. week, with an early communion serv- being engaged at the Restless Iron honors is dependent upon the scholas- ice on Easter Sunday morning. and Steel Plant ... Mrs. Reckard was tic record made by a student during formerly KHty Jockel '40, the his fit-st five semesters in college. The e~lfku-P"'i":l. couple was married by Dr. Holloway honor work proper is begun at the in a ceremony that took place in Bak- middle of the junior year and contin- er Chapel on January 3. ues for the remainder of the college ~---e~e""""",, , The United States Marines have ac- year. To be graduated CU1n laude re- quh'ed two of our students; Bob John- quires at least a B in all honor work reach, he falls back on the use of mere factual dents the very smooth looking model for Vitalis ads, son and Wayne Bills, both '44, are be- done; to be graduated summa own material for his testing. which are seen in numerous magazines. ing sent to the marine training center w-ude requires all A grades in three The desirability to be objective and unpreju- • Top Song Hits For Year in San Diego, California . semesters of honors study. diced is also of great importance to the professor The Muhlenberg Weekly did a little research into Two examinations are necessary in the use of factual material for testing. the Lucky Strike Hit Parade files and discovered A marriage of interest to many for each candidate. An oral exami- e Gredes Are Not Xalid . that according to those statistics "Marie Elena" was western Maryland students was that nation is given at the end of the first Thus we see that semester grades, deriv~ so 1941's most popular song. Intermezzo and 1 Hear of Lieutenant and Mrs. Harold Nix- semester of the senior year, and a largely from tests, aided by papers (which do a Rhapsody followed in second and third places. on ... Mrs. Nixon was Jean Louise written one is administered at the measure an end product-a skill or ability), dis- .I\Jaybe They Pay By Check Cairnes '40 before her marriage I end of the senior year. Each student cussion (measurement of which is necessarily Also up Muhlenber-g way, Harry James has been the ceremony occur-red at Madonna, has a committee of three professors, subjective), and parallel reading (very import- engaged to play at the Junior Prom. The dance is Maryland, December 11. includingvthe head of the department ant but little used as a measure because of the open only to students and alumni who are charged of the special subject and two other impossibility of ascertaining true use of outside $1.65 and $3.30, respectively. The Junior class Miss Sara Katherine Tr;wick, for- members of the facuf ty. reading for non-credit) are not at all valid in a moreover, is admitted free. Mulilenberg is a little mel' Assistant Dean of Women and At present, several seniors are al- determination of true learning measured in terms smaller than WMC, yet for all their big dances they English instructor at Western Mary- land College marr-ied Dr. Herbert Ver- ready on the home stretch. Lucie of attainment of educational ends. They are have top ranking orchestras. Just how do they million, December 26 at Woffard Col- Leigh Barnes is doing her special mere measures of the performance of those re- manage it? lege. work in creative writing with Dr. quired duties necessary to fulfil the arbitrary • Keep It Clean, Please George Wills as hei- advisor. Janus criteria of the teachers, which mayor may not Yentsch has been focusing- her atten- be truly measuring the students' successful at- "Lust Heads Maryland Movie Theatre page Group for PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS the headed front of last Dime Campaign" tion on local anesthetics, a problem in tainment of the ends of true learning. week's Prince Geol·uw:n! Be calm-c-Luat is merely chemistry. Louise Young is working We present this discussion not to serve as a the name of the man who is chairman of the cam- FOUR CHAIR SERVICE on math and physics and has been reason for abolition of marks (although there paign: On first glance, however, the headline does No Waiting studying the lens on telescopes. Vir- are many arguments in favor of working toward look a bit out of the ordinary. HEAGY BROTHERS' ginia Sweeney is..-'doiU? her honors such a procedure, 'which we have not gone into BARBER SHOP work in French literature, and, under here), nor as a criticism of the existing system Next to Post Office the guidance of Dr. Kathryn Hilde. of marking (although we feel that this system validity of marks and a defense of the many con- bran, will concentrate this coming se- merits open criticism). We have merely at- scientious students who have rejected the criteria mester on the French novel. tempted to state for the benefit of any who may of marks, and are pursuing their studies with SMITH & REIFSNIDER Aside from the honors work and profit (parents, please note), our analysis of the their eye on the true end of learning. Incorporated aspirations of the candidates for spe- LUMBER-COAL cial scholastic recognition, upon grad- Semester Exams ... WESTMINSTER, MD. uation these candidates are members H. E. REESE of the Argonaut Society on the hill. (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) ina tions at the end of the semester. TAILOR examination week should be set aside. However, I do think that the last Cleaning Elections ... I believe that this week would greatly week could be set aside for tests, to Pressing For Correct enhance the likelihood of the student's be given according to some definite Repairing (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) gain-an over-all understanding of plan, and thus avoid the end of semes- DeWAYNE BILLS _ Representatjva Campus and of the Sigmas is Adele Masten the course. Also adequate time to as- ter confusion of papers and projects 94 East Main Street vice-president. Marg-aret. Rudy IS similate the materials by full prepa- in addition to the tests. secretary, Margaret Reynolds, treas- ration would be furnished by this Robert Beg-lin: I think the system College Fashions urer, Miriam Shroyer, alumni eecre- innovation. of tests which we are using now is tary. The sunshine messenger is A. J. Beane: At the present time much better than the final exam type. Will You Be Come to. Cordelia Price, and tho sergeant-at- Western Maryland has a system by It eliminates two weeks of school and arms is Rebecca Larmore. Inter- which the professor may give unan- a great deal of final cramming. I Our Valentine? Hochschild, Kohn & CO. sorority council representatives arc nounced tests at any time, but is sup- don't think a final exam is always a Georgie Milby and Virginia Bell; posed to refrain frum final examina- good sign of the work done in the Sweethearts, Mothers, Dads To fill the vacancy caused by the tions. Let us, fOI· a change, stick to semester. resignation of Betty Ellwein, former- one of these systems, either unan- Bud Blair; I think we should have and aU the little ones too. ly elected as second semester prosi- nounced tests or final exams, prefer- daily tests. dent, Delta Sigma Kappa re-elected ably the former, but not a mixture of P. G. Coffman Co. CARROLL THEATRE Mabel Greenwood president. Other the two. SUBSCRIBE TO TUE GOLD BUG 29 Thuz-sday, January officers arc Marie Steele, vice-presi- Peggy Reeves: While I do not ap- Next to Times Office "INTERNATIONAL LADY" dent; Virginia Elzey, secretary; and prove of the present system, J would John Everhart Ilona Massey George Br-ent Jane Fraley, treasurer. Mary Fran- not favo,· final, comprehensive exam· ces Hawkins is sel'geant-at-arms and THE COLLEGE BARBER Friday, Saturduy and Monday Jan. 30 and 31~Feb. 2 Carol Stoffregen is alumni secretary. I "BIRTH OF THE BLUES" J,G.C., until spring election is Curtis String ... AND BOBBER TO THE LADIES Bing Cl·osby Mary Martin headed by Ruth i'lIac Vean. The vice· 1Il0st music capitals of Europe. AT THE FORKS AN OPENING DATE! president is Mablyn Bertholf, the sec- With the exception of Jascha Bl'od- Tuesday ~~ednesday retary is Vickie Hurley, ano the ~ky, the first violinist, all (If the mem- Friday, Jan. 30. "THE February 3 and 4 MALTESE FALCON" treasurer is Emily Linton. Eloise bers of the Curtis String Quartet are Mary Astor Humphrey Bogart Wright was recently appointed to fill American born, and each is a distiu- SNOW! SLEET! Thursday, Friday and SatUl'day the new post of alumni secretary. February 5, 6, and 7 guished virtuoso in his own right. Charles Jappe; the second violinist, SLIPPERY STREETS' 62 W. Main St.. Westminster ··HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY" Dance Troubles ... made a debut at five and a half with Walter Pidgeon (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) the Woman·s Symphony Orchestra in Philadelphia. Max Aronoff, the vio- essentials there is always the last list, and Orlando Cole, the cellist, are DRESSES - SPORTSWEAR STA TE THEATRE minute problem of accessories---"Do both instructors at the Wilmingwn you have any earrings" 1, May I bor- Music School. The position of the Fresh from New York's early \Y.L~nD\1a§clRF_~(fE~8 row your pancake nlake-up?", and Curtis Quartet as the pre-eminent spring showings. Thursday and Friday "How about a pair of old sto~kings?" chamber ensemble of our day is be- "s,tlw(;rh29s~Ltf~R" are familiar calls at quarter of eight lieved-attributable to the fact that Popularly priced. ~and sometimes at quarter aftN·. the four artists have lived and work- J~~ Saturday, January 31 But of this confusion she manages ed together for more than a decade, BLUERIDGE BUSES Sweaters. slacks, ~nd skirts in "RIDERS OF THE to emerge all in one piece~and with each having renounced solo engage- TIMBERLINE" a smile. If she's real cute, she might ments and individual pursuits to de- S41oJa!lsCo T!Jru/ styles and colors so bright Monday and Tuesday exclaim, "Oh did I keep you waiting 1". velop the ensemble ideal. ) and warm that, sure enough, February 2 and 3 And if she did, or if sh~ does, be Admission will be fifty cents, and spring is just around the "INTERNATIONAL LADY" sympathetic~You see it's not so easy students may secure tickets at the BI.UE~DGE Wednesday, February 4 to go to a dance after all. office of Dean Bertha Adkins. "HONOLULU Lp"
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