Page 45 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 45
The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 29, 1942 PAGE THREIl Th. Morning Alter Among Mount Victory On Tuesday Bruce F~rguson Will Bring • The • Lowers Once-Held Prestige Aberdeen Cagers Here 'Greeks' Terrors Lack Teemwerk In All Delta Pi Alpha emerged victorious Phases 01 Play --- Score 46-39 By John Robinson in both ends of a double-header bas- Rip Engle's Green Terrors will face Mount St. Mary's on Tuesday, 46 to 39, SPORTS EDITOR ketball attraction on Tuesday, the A a strong Aberdeen Proving G!'ounds Engle probably will stand pat on his team edging out a good Bachelor five Lt. Bruce Ferguson will bring his 16-14, while the B team hung up a team tonight at Gill Gym at 8:15. starting line-up which had won five Aberdeen five here tonight in an ex- Wrestlers Face creditable 22-11 triumph. Both wins The Army team is coached by out of six conference games prior to the Mount struggle. hibition basketball game to start at enabled the Preachers to go on unde- Bruce Ferguson, former Western Frank Suffern and Nemo Robinson 8:15 P. M. Fergie, who coached the of Gallaudets feated end broke the first place tie Mar-yland mentor, and is reputed to will be at the forwards; Ed Mogow- Terrors last season, has an array between the same two clubs. In the be one of the atrongest Army teams ski, center; and Lee Lodge and Capt. talent on his soldier five which has other games, the Black and Whit-es in the country. The majority of the Irv Biasi at the guard posts. beaten several independent teams and Saturday hung up twin victories at the expense playcrs played in college and have an .... _, ~v~~so~e;-p:~n! --___j of the Gamma Bets. In the major excellent knowledge of the game. and was close all the way, with Western St. Mary's The game with Mount On February 7, Washington edge a slight holding and the Temple Univer- The Green Ter-ror wrestling team loop, the Pi Alpha Alpha boys won, Jefferson invades Gill Gym for the Maryland leading 22 to 20; but this at Gamma forfeited the Bets half-time, sity freshmen. will open the season this Saturday second contest for lack of players. first time. The Presidents, always a .... In accordance afternoon ill Gill Gym when Gallau- With these results, the standings power in basketball, should furnish lead was wiped out by a sharp shoot- team refused ing to go that Blue with festivities, det's grapplers are met at 3:30 P. M. show the Preachers in first place, the the best opposition of the year. It down in defeat. Colonel p erc v This is the first match for the Ter- Bachelors in second, the Black and will be a good game to have under the As in the Gettysbul'g game, the Sadler, Professor rors, while Gallaudet has lost a close Whites in third, and the 'Gamma Bets belt before the 'I'arr-cr-Loyola game Terrors had no luck with the baskets, of Military decision to Loyola. The Mutes should last, .as the first round is brought to on the 14th of the same month, many shots rolling around the rim Science and 'I'ac- provide an excellent opening match an end. Though the Green 'Terrors lost to tics here at the for the Terrors since it is proven that of the basket and then out. with led the scorers Robinson college, has plan- they are the same caliber wrestlers. .J Frat Sports points, four of them coming from the 12 Robinson ned that the lera. foul line, and was closely followed by whole band be e Changes May Be Made FIRST ROUND STASDINOS Lodge, who contributed 10 points. out in uniform to play at the begin- Coach Harris has been working his l'IIogowski, who had been the high ning of the game and also at inter- men long and hard since the Christ- scorer fer the Terrors in most of the mission. Let's try and give the sol- mas holidays in order to get them in games this season, was held to six diers a real welcome-make them good shape for the tough schedule points. feel as if they're wanted for many are which they face. After Gallaudet the Last Saturday at Washington Col- tangle a long way from home. Terrors toughest with Gettysburg, one lege, the Terrors swamped the Shore- of the teams in the east, Over the week-end the cagera and then Loyola, and Johns Hopkins be- men 47 to 32, in a free scoring con- the boxers will get a much needed test. The Green team jumped to a rest, but the sports card will keep fore the Mason Dixon Tournament. Jim Thomas, versatile captain of 11 to 0 lead and never were headed. may be made before the Changes rolling as the wrestling team takes match Saturday night, but the prob- Delta Pi Alpha, easily led the way The Terrors owned a 26 to 13 lead on Gallaudet. Come out and learn able starting lineup for thc Terrors for the Preachers as he dropped in' at half-time, through the efforts of the art of wrestling-then go to the wiII be: 120 pound class, Joe Meyers, four field goals and one char-ity toss l\logowski, Suffern, and Lodge, who dance, is the suggestion1of Mr. Ha r- who wrestled last year. 127-Viron to lead the scoring for both sides. The were able to connect with their shots in the game. ria. Diffenbach or Walt Cerr; 135 pound defending champions led at half timc, em-ly Washington came up with a rush ~Iounls Again class, Ray Hyson, who has gained ex- but quickly saw that lead floating in the second half, and closed the gap perience during the last two years by Following the TerTor-Aberdeen away as Alpha Gamma Tau decided to 32 to 27 with the Terrors still game tonight will be an engagement wrestling at the University of Mary- to play more aggressively. Five ahead, only to have the Green club at Mt. St. Mary's on February 3; land. ' straight points by Bill Walls followed rnlly in the last ten minutes as n;_w T'souprake's after Charlie quickly and on the seventh of the same month .R~rAt145 opening field goal soot the Bache- blood entered the game. Washington and Jefferson blows into Guy Reeser. will handle the 145 lor hopes souring but Sig Jensen, Oddities-Suffern has shot the few- town. From all indieations, the Pres- pound class, and Punchy Bill Pen- est fouls of any of the regulars. . . idents should provide one of the best nington, who was undefeated last Bob Seimon, and Jim Thomas stead- Robinson has made good on more foul down drawing cards of the year; for they year, again will. tangle in the 155 ily whittled the margin It was at this as shots than any other player, while time became precious. are right up there when it comes to pound division. Bill Lewis, a new- point that the defense play of Joe Mogowski, though high scorer for the ranking cage teams. comer, will wrestle in the 165 pound Kittner, Bachelor guard, and Joe club has missed more fouls than any- Last season they won 15 games class. Bob Sorensen, who wrestled Workman, Preacher mainstay, stood one else. while dropping only 3, and among in the 165 pound class last year will out as both boys intercepted and bat- Albert Reece their vietims were Penn State, Car- be out of action this season due to a tled down numerous passes. With Washington and Jefferson Mason-Dixon Standings negie Tech (by 51 to 39 score); Dick- shoulder injury. but a few seconds remaining, the Charlie DeManns and Allen Cohen, inson by 45 to 32, Villanova and West who won all their bouts last season, Preachers again took the lead as Virginia by 10 points. They tallied will handle the 175 and heavyweight Thomas hit from the outside. Work- 866 points for the season and average man was fouled, but the Preachers !i 42 points per game, while limiting the divisions respectively. took the ball out in an attempt to opposition to '710 points or 38 points freeze but lost control. Sevcrn l off- per contest. They have four letter- of Freshman Quint balance shots by the Bachelors failed men back from last year, three amid scrambles for the rebounds as them being very clever shots. the most thrilling game of the early Tops Frederick fratcrnity season came to a halt. Blg Boys Taking an early lead, the Black and Maryland Boxers Down Terrors Returning are Albert Reece from Westcrn Maryland's frosh basket- .Black And Whites Win Ohio, a big boy of 6 feet 3 inches in eors now own a record of 5 victories, height and weighing 195 pounds, and only one defeat after- beating a Whites hit the win column aftcr two Wallace Kettlewell, Jack Wilson, and strong Frederick Athletic Club this very closc losses, downing the Gamma At College Park---Jensen Wins 6 foot 7 inch Pierce Hartman. Reece week by the score of 38 to 21. Bets after a IS to 7 first half. Carlo Gun- tallied 121 points last season and Gettysburg freshman team is the Ortenzi and Tommy Terry sparked the 'Western Maryland's boxing team, pound champ, Herb Gunther. oppo- Pi Alpha Alpha boys from the very ther was the first of Jensen's Hartman 111. only club that has been able to defeat composed largely or.newcomers to the nents to go the limit, the others hav- This year, however, the Presidents the Baby Terrors and that was in a start. Southpaw Ortenzi hit the loop collegiate ring, bowed last week to ing all been felled in the second numerous goals ftoor' are having their troubles and have decisive manner, Gettysburg getting for Terry contributed from many the goals lhe more experienced University of round. as dropped 6 out of the 9 games played. the lead early in the game and never to the winner's total. Bill Bur- Maryland team 6to2 margin, Carlo Oi-tenai and Bill Baylies both They play Dickinson the Friday being threatened. gess and Ken Yolk did very well This is the fourth loss which the lost decisions. Ortenzt's bout, the night before the Terror fray. The Terror yearlings bounced back, offensively for the Gamma Bets as Terrors have suffered in the ser-ies slugfest of the night, was very close, in 1937, Frat Close however, later in the week and de- did Tommy Lavin, Red and White with the Terrapins begun in a 4 to and the decision was received unfav- match rcsulting last year's Fraternity basketball appears to feated a surprisingly strong Briarley guard. George Barnick fed several 4 tie. orably by the fans. Baylies lost by be just as close as ever. At the end Military Academy 29 to 25. Briarley nice passes, as did Roger Saltzgaver Jack Alexander and Sig Jensen a wider margin to the polished Hotsy of the first round, the Preachers hold led at half-time 15 to 12, but the and Abe Gruel. The win definitely brought home the two Tenor victor- Alperstein, a 3 and 0 record with the Bachelors Green team was not to be denied of marked the Black and Whites as a ies. Alexandel', whose coolness and The other foul' fights were TKO's victory and outs cored the Soldiers in dropping back to second place as a the last half, Carl Mendell led the threat for second rouTld honors. ring sellse belied his lack of experi- in Maryland's favor, 127 pound Frank result of a two point loss to the lead- On the junior circuit, Delta Pi Al- encc, outpointed his strQ.ngel' oppo- Zcigler, and Earl Schubert at 135 get- ers. They had only beaten the Black scorers, tossing in 22 points during pha handed the Bachelors thcir ini- nent for a cleal'-cut victory in the ting the towel in the second round. and Whites by a 19 to 17 count, and the night. tial set back also, in winning theil' 120 pound class. This is the second "Woody Preston, weakened in mak- On Tuesday, the Preachers also edged out a 28 to Frederiek Athletic the frosh club defeated third straight win 22-11. They ring appearance for Alexander, who ing weight, was overpowered at the Club in a decisive 24 over the third place club. Any- manner as Mendell again was high took an early first-half lead and play- lost a close decision at Penn State a end of the first round. Captain Har- thing can happen in this second point man with 17 points. The Baby ed cleverly throughout the last period weel:: earlier. ry Baker, a 175 pounder fighting in round. Terrors commanded the game from in taking undisputed posse~sion of Big Sig Jensen was stretching his the heavyweight slot, was dropped It is the ambition of the physical start to finish after getting an early first placc. series of victorics to five as he defeat- early in the second round by the hard education department to try and get lead, • Kullmar Paces Preachcrs fcated the Southern Confel'ellce 175 hitting Len Rodman . more activiw in fraternity sports. Rcd O'Hara, Jesse Johnson, and Fred Kullnmr paced the "little Lieut. Lawrence Reynold's mitt- Hand-ball and badminton have been Mendell gave the Baby Terrors height Preachers" with his consistent scor- lllen will take to the ring the third __ suggested in various club meeting~. over the opposition, and Mcndell ing and Frazier Scott tied up the Frat Statistics time (thcy were thrust back by a 4% The whole idea is to speed up the scored most of his points under the Bachelor's main threat, Mike Phillips, Preachers (8) to 3lh defeat by Penn State in their physical fitness program 'in parallel bucket. throughout the second-half Bud Smith , F. opener as Baker, Ortenzi, and Jensen, Godwin gained Charlie with the present day conditions. The passing of Hymie Miller has opened the Preacher scoring with a , won, and against Lock Haven in Gill a draw), And from the Sports Roundups all been excellent, and Alec Resnick's long shot and the Purple and Gold 0 Gym on February 6. the way from New York comes the floor game is also good. was "in command from then on. Fred 0 0 Reynold's line-up will be altered following article. We quote: Figur- Bohn and Phillips played good ball 0 0 slightly with Howard Hall and God- ing It Out-After you've piled up Freshman Scoring for the Blue and White defensively, . , win probably back in the line-up while enough comparative scores to prove while the latter was top scorer -; Jensen and Baker will switch posi- that Abb Normal could beat Minne- G '" 22 tions . I sota's football team, 99-0, try this .. " , , ~~ee::~~IO~~~J~'m~71~~:~}~1~g;;E Bachelors 8 G. , , The Terrors, whom the veteran 13 T one: On January 14, Loyola of Bal- , , !:::.'.:::'!':'i~" !,T::,: F. '" . . coach Leo Houck of Penn State class- timore beat Western Maryland in an , " ber's timely field goal helped the win- 0 0 ed, "t.he greatest team to come out of 0 overtime basketball game, 39-38. , , ner's cause. Jack Stewart's offensive 0 · , , 0 Western Maryland since 1933", will 0 Within the next week each one beat , ability proved a threat to the Bache- · 0 0 be seeking revenge for the 4%to 3~ Catholic U by the same score, 50 to , , lors all day whilc Junior Beane, Jack -; · -; defeat Loch Haven gave them last Buttner and Warren Cook played very 33, and the half-time score in each " year. " game was 26-20. well for the Blue and White.
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