Page 44 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 44
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 29, 1942 Much IUo. ,tlkud This Week's. ------------. What's In A Mark? Personality • Noihuu; • Parents, Please Note • --,---------- • On the Campus By Paul Alelyunas Editor's Note: The following disClmswn is meant to be You remember last week the Squire was in the Garden. neithc,t a defense for failures, nor a ?'ation dization of the He had just met Myrtle Schwartz! 'of Between Stockton the towns editor's own position (which, il~J'egard to g'rades, he does (pop. 306) and Sudley (pop. 153) on And who is this Myrtle Schwartz? not y6t know), nor a hypocrit'ical. o..nalysis by one who is The Queen of the Garden, "biting the hand of the sys/em which /wops him on the the latest Esse road map is listed the The rose of Frizellburg 1 dean's list:" Rat.ker it 1'S an attetnpt to analyze objective- town of Sudlersville (pop. 267). That is Myrtle Schwartz! But don't misundei-stand-c-Sudlei-s- ly, in the light of edncational theO'l""'!/an.d actual eeperi- rille (pop. 267) is not just another one The Squire turned. There before his eyes was the most ence, the validity of the marks which elmse so 1n1tChcon- of Maryland's innumerable gas eta- beauty he ever saw, two hundred pounds of it. But that cern: to stwle-nts and faculty at this timo of t,he year. tion - general store - army camp was just a lot of beauty to the Squire. Myrtle smiled. With the closing of the semester and anticipa- towns, for Sudler-sville's 267 souls The Squire smiled. Their eyes met. tion (or dread) of receiving semester grades, we Oh, sweet, sweetrpasslon, thought it might be worthwhile to probe and see have two claims to fame. One is Jim- Ah, lad of the rosy cheeks!! my Foxx, now in Boston with the Red what it is that these seek to measure, and how Sox playing baseball; and the other And there was a sudden gasp in the heart of the Squire. valid they are. is Prank Tarbutton, now in westmtn- This was love. He gulped. "Hi ya, babe 1" And he All the activities in any learning process are ster with Western Maryland College; swooped Myrtle under his arm. They did the town. "I'm directed toward one primary goal-what modern occupation: student. going to show you a big time, baby," said the Squire. \ educators call "growth," or "adaptation," or in- During his high school career, Tar- First to April's for a bowl of spaghetti and "Sam, You sight. Closely related to and part of this insight button officiated as class president for Made the Pants Too Long." To Griffin's for a hot dog are certain skills, abilities, interests, attitudes, three years, played basketball four and a pickle, (the pickle for nothing, yct) and "Brush Me, and appreciations. These are the objectives of years (for two of which Sudlersville Mama, With a Solid Four." Mall, this was living! And college courses. All the activities in the CUl'riCU- held the Queen Anne County Cham- soon people began to whisper. In Margaret and Earl's a lum are directed at achieving these objectives. pionship), and soccer three years (for slim sophomore woman leaned over to a sad-eyed charac- e Inatrumental Activities Used one of which they were again cham- ter and said, "Boy, is this a colossal romance!" The sad- To achieve these goals, various instrumental pions, same county). Upon gradua- Frank Aldred Tarbutton eyed character looked over the two lovers carefully and activities are used by students: daily preparation, tion, he received the Alumni medal' said, "Gigantic!" studying for tests, preparing papers, and parallel reserved for the "best all-round senior sheepskin. In his own words, he "just And when they danced, Margaret and Earl's danced reading (for credit or non-credit). boy" and the class medal awarded fOl' came". with them. When they did the congo, the Borden's cow All these activities are inetrumeniai in attain- scholarship, loyalty, and achievement. Following a habit begun in high on the sign did the congo. And Earl, fearful lest his time- ing the educational goal (i.e. insight, "growth") ; In the fall of 1938, Tarbutton came school, Tarbutton -has consistently honoured edifice should come crumbling down on his head, yet modern psychologists (and many laymen, in- to W.l\I.C. for the same general rea- joined various clubs and organizations suggested mayhap the lady and gentleman would rather cluding the average college graduates) tell us son why practically every other Wes- and h\ld influential offices. As a ju- dance somewhere else-like Beard's for instance. that performance of these activities is not a tern Marylandite is here-namely, for nior, he was elected vice-president of So it was to Beard's and there the rhumba done in a guarantee of attainment of the goal. _ no specific reason at all, other than the class and a member of both the quivering modern fashion. (Cf. Arthur Murray, p. 198). the goal of an eight-dollar strip of Interfraternity council and the Men's And so ended a brilliant and joyful night . • True Function Of Grades Student Government. As a senior, he Grades, if they were a true measure of achieve- is now president of the Bache- But Myrtle and the Squire were like two ships that ment, would tell how far a student had ap- lor fraternity, and of the Men's pass in the night. For the next day the Squire went home proached toward accomplishment of these ends. Student Government. T h r 0 u g h- on his Spring vacation. And Myrtle went her way in life. Yet, there are few, if any, tests available which out all four years, athletics in the Never have they seen each other again! Only one mo- are objective, valid, and reliable, and which are form of basketball, soccer, and fra- merrto of that bejewelled evening remains. Between suitable to the needs of college courses. The true I do not sleep on windy nights ternity tennis has been his hobby. pages 95 and !l6 of an old unused copy of Street and test (if a college education is to be practical) is 1 only lie awake and listen At present, Tarbutton looks ahead Smith's LOVE STORIES in the Squire's library you may the change in conduct or in thought of the student To the wind. to service in the army, after which he find, dear reader, even today a yellowing piece of paper as he attacks his own life's problems after study- will teach either physical education on which is written the following: ing and after college. It is cold or biology. Intimate Musi ngs on the Delicate Subject of Love: Yet employers, the administration, parents, the wind blows from And there it is-a thumbnail sketch She is simple and coy, and students themselves, want some measure, off an unknown river of Frank Aldred Tarbutton, campus That's Myrtle: some means of determining the relative standing bits of paper run down the empty personality and promising product of She calls me her sweet boy, of the students in the class or as a student in gen- street -what was the name of that town? Does Myrtle: eral. They desire not a subjective opinion of and leaves are emoting in the gutter Oh, yes-c.Sudlersville (pop. 267) ." She loves me, this I know, teachers but an objective measure. And I could love her so, The college professor, finding kimself at a loss The stars are beautiful If only that, to measure the attainment of the true ends of his when nights are cold She wasn't so fat, course, resorts to more practicable methods and there are only barren trees So damned fat!! seeks to determine how well the student has done bat-ring me from the sky Poor Myrtle. the jobs which are instrumental in achievement The song of the night is the tree's o the sweet sadness of an old memory-the never to be of the desired insight. Consequently, he gives song Oh, World, I saw forgotten memory of one night of love l !l tests on facts, on subject matter, on textbook when the wind A star material presented in divers ways to measure blows from off an unknown river last night how well the student has been performing the re- nnd I must lie in bod And reaching up quired tasks, yet seldom ascertaining whether he to sleep away the weariness of day. I touched eolieyide eommutZ has mastered the real "stuff" of the course. its beauty. Why must I sleep • False Substitutes I tried to pull . . . ;..,Ct-u.. .lleaJ., Some teachers adopt a technique of shielding when Nature is running rampant you up to their test questions beneath vague and ambiguous over the earth? see it too .Sho' Intelligentsia phraseology to compel students to reason at great A survey was made at Washington College, and it length to determine what their question is really I will not sleep at night But you weighed was found that the J. Q. of their average student is asking, thinking that through such reasoning the I
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