Page 42 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmiruter, Md., January 15, 1942 Faculty Members Attend I. R. C. Elections ... William Pennington was reo Meetings Over Holidays elected president Club at a meet. The Dangers To the latter to unskilled students in ele- of the Intema- tiona I Relations ing held by the organization on mentary work. Nor should the univer- Faculty members of Western Maryland College were busy Monday, January 12. _ A Free Press sity undertake to cover the entire during the week before returning to classes from the Christmas Phoebe Robinson, viee-preai- realm of human knowledge through "The public press has been subject- holidays in attending conferences in various educational fields. dent, and Nelson Wolfsheimer, ed to caustic criticism as well as ful- a multiplicity of courses. From the Dr. Kathryn Hildebran attended the fifty-eighth annual con- secretary-treasurer, we r e r e- some flattery, yet the most alarming administrative point of view the for- ference of the Modern Language Association of America at In- elected to their present posts. perversion of the press is not made mal courses which are offered will be dianapolis. Interesting personalities, including refugee scholars, A program committee includ- by the press wittingly, but comes the stronger the more carefully thcir were present. The association adopted a resolution pledging sup- ing Ruth Baugher and Adele with the control of the press by gov- number is restricted; from the stu- port to the government during the national emergency. Masten was appointed by Pen- ernment, The fact that so many per- dent's point of view the quality of his e Bdueatton Conferences nington. sons sense the present necessity of work will be improved the more it re- Dr. Holloway, Dean Isanog'le, Pro- reemphasizing the importance of the sults from his own efforts."~p./"esi- fessor Ravel', and Dean Schofield met freedom of the press is in itself dcnt S6Y'111AYU.)·of Yale stresses the de- with other educators' in Baltimore ExaminationsAre alarming. Certain harsh judgments sil"U.bility of self-education. during the week of December 26-30 passed upon the public press by per- to discuss the part of education in sons high in the present Government I helping the country to win the war. It Announced For at Washington warrant our being Percy L. Sadler, was urged that curicuia changes be doubly on guard in this era of war made to speed up college courses. Civil Service phychosis, mass hysteria and conta- L. PMS&T, Gets • Bertholf At Conference gious totalitarianism."~Daniel university. Booton p)'c8ident, Mal'g~, The American Association for the If faculty and administration Colonel's Rank Advancement of Science Conference members who receive notices of The Function 01 was attended during the Christmas civil service openings, will report Lt.-Col. Percy L. Sadler, Professor holidays by Dean Lloyd Bertholf. them to the Gold Bug, we will be The Faculty of Military Science and Tactics, has Not only was the Dean a representa., glad to bring them to the atten- "The [unction of the faculty is not been advanced to the i-arik of colonel tive of the college, but also of the tion of our readers. to poke knowledge down the gullet of according to a bulletin issued recently American Society of Zoologists, and The United States Civil Service the student and to examine him on by the Third Corps Area Headquar- of the Beta Beta Beta Fraternity Commission has recently announced the undigested mass. It is for the ters in Baltimore. chapter. At this conference, Dean two examinations of interest to col- faculty to show the student how to Before coming to Western Mary- Bertholf was ejected regional vice- lege studcnts who would like positions evaluate the knowledge he must ac- land College, Col. Sadler- served in president of the North-East region. Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf in the government service. Applica- quire 'for himself and to stimulate Hawaii, in Panama, and in the Re- tions must be recorded with the Com- serve Officers Training Corps at Le- mission in Washington not later than him to develop his critical and ap- high University, Bethlehem, Pennsyl- February 3, 1942. preciative capacity. The educated vania. He was appointed Professor Senior Recitals ... Mr. Donald S. Wright The "Junior Professional Assist- man is the one who has learned how of Military Science and Tactics at ant" examination ($2,000 a year) may to educate himself. Nothing has sur- Speech recitals will be present. To Replace Mr. Raver prised OU1' visitors from overseas Western Maryland in June, 1939. ed by six senior dramatics stu- be taken in many optional subjects. more than our traditional American Originally from Mobile, Alabama, A four-year college course leading to dents on the stage of Alumni As Physics Instrudor' a bachelor's degree is required. Se- system of formal classes in which the Col. Sadler enlisted in the National Hall on _Friday night, January niors and graduate students may take student's work is carefully doled out Guard and was stabioned on the Mex- 16, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Donald S. Wright has been ap- the cxaminations and wait until their three times a week, and an appreci- ican Border in 1916 at Nogales, Ari- A.s one of the requirements for pointed to succeed Mr. Milson C. Ra- able portion of the teacher's time and zona. In 1917, he attended the fil'St senior Dramatic Art students, vel' as' instructor in the physics de- required college cour-se is over to en- effort is given to the mere checking of the Officers 'I'rai ning Camps to be ter on duty. Gladys Crowson, Betty Cormany, partment at Western Maryland Col- There ar-e roue optional subjects in up of t.h~ student's work and the re- established by the Army, at Fort Mc.. Jean Trump, Paul Alelyunas, lege. the second, or Student Aid ($1,400) cital facts which the student might Pherson, Georgia. He was further John Douty, and Dorothy Attix Professor Wrig ht, a graduate of examination: engineering, political have learned fOI' himself. I am not trained for overseas duty at Waco, will present cuttings from plays. Pennsylvania State g_ollcge, formerly science, public administration, and suggesting the abolition of the formal Texas, where the Seventh Division Recitals will also be given by taught physics and chemistry at State statistics. Three years of college lecture or the formal recitation. But was formed, and then went overseas other students later in the spring, College High School in Pennsylvania. study must have been completed by the former should generally be re- for completion of training and active duty in 1918. according to Miss Esther Smith, The new physics instructor will as- applicants. stricted to really great lectures and dramatics professor. sume his position at the beginning of Western Maryland College students Col. Sadler is optimistic about the in defense of the the second semester. will now be able to enlist in the Na- place of education "The colleges and country, stating: training at a val reser-ve for future Those who take Gold Bug ... universities are destined to play an midshipman's school. due to I
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