Page 43 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Library i1estern iI!ll'yland College 'flestminster, Md. Shakespeare DINING HALL RATIONED Readings PAGE 4 Friday • Ernest W. Thomas To Vol. 19 No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE January 29, 1942 Present Interpretations From "Richard II" Bachelor Dance To Feature Curtis Quartet Tarbutton SGA Prexy ... a dramatic presentation of Shakes- W. Thomas will give Mr. Ernest was unani- Frank A. Tarbutton of elected mously Rich- King president Lou Startt's Orchestra To Play Here Men's Student Government of the peare's "Tragedy M. Friday, Janu- ard II" at 8:00'P. Asso- February 13 ciation at a special meeting called ary 30, in Alumni Hall. There will Mid. Winter Dance Date Postponed To January 31 Monday, January 26, in Alumni be no admission charge. Mr. Thomas, of Great Notch, New Hall. high the best among When inter-Semester Holiday Is Abolished String Ensemble nent in student who has been promi- Jersey, ranks of his kind, although he Tarbutton, government offices performers Featuring the music of Lou Startt and his ten-piece orchestra, Widely Praised on the Hill for his four years here, is not a professional. He has always the "Shoremen", the annual mid-winter dance of Alpha Gamma By Critics succeeds Isaac B. Rebert, whose liked the Shakespearean plays, and Tau fraternity will be held on Saturday night, January 31, from 8 re.sig~ation wf-s announced at the he became interested in giving dra- to I1:45_P.l\f. Students of Western Maryland Col- meeting. ' matic readings of his favorite selec- After the success of last year's engagement of Lou Startt and lege will have an opportunity to heal' Tarbutton was formerly vice- tions from them. Quite naturally, his band for the Bachelors' mid-winter dance. plans for their re- some of the foremost exponents of president of the organization. .As these readings led to work with the turn engagement were announced recently by Wilbur Kidd, chair- chamber music of the present day such he presided over the meeting. plays in their entirety. man of the orchestra committee. Besides playing at Western when the Curtis Quartet plays at Very seldom has Mr. Thomas miss- Maryland last YeRr, the Shoremen Alumni Hall on February 13 at 8:15 ed seeing the productions of Shake- P. M. have also playe.,d at such places as The quartet, which performs on one Honor Graduates spearean drama when leading com- Washington College, E{r .ern Country panies have sponsored them. His Club, Cambridge Yacht Club, Ches- of the finest collections of rare old readings, as a result, show the color in existence, Cremona instruments tertown Country Club, Centreville and which critics have acclaimed as Of ROTC, Are of the interpretations of various ar.. Armory, and the Easton Armory and perfectly blended, consists of two lists of the field. Particularly is the are well noted for their smooth ar- Stradivarius violins ; a viola made by Announced Maurice Evans influence present in rangements of stock numbers and old Nicolo Amati, one of only two of its his work, but his presentation is nev- favorites. kind in the world; and a Domenico Col. Baker, Major Shockley, ertheless original and striking. This will be the second time that Mr. Evans .Myers Chairman Montagano cello. Captains Beane, Bricker, has appeared at Alumni Hall. General chairman of tne affair is In October, a Philadelphia violin- Myers, Vincent Chosen Mr. Thomas was first "discovered" J Paul Myers, assisted by Richard maker, 'William l'I1oenning, Jr., com- as a possibility for a winter attrac- pleted exact duplicates of these old Shuck, chairman of the decorating violins for use by the Quartet as Six honor g-raduates of the ad- tion on the Hill last aummer when committee; Wilbur Kidd, head of the vanced R. O. T. C. course recently Dr. Holloway, attending one of the orchestra committee; Francis Cook, "spares" at rehearsal to prevent have been selected by the Military Bard's exponent's lectures observed in charge of programs; Joseph El- overtaxing the originals. Department to compete for regular that he captured the interest of the liot, in charge of imitations; and Organized in Philadelphia in 1929, army commissions sometime in Feb- audience by the careful, exacting pre- Stanley Ritchie, chairman of the when the four artists were graduated ruary. The cadets chosen were: Lt. sentation of his readings. Dr. Hollo- publicity committee. from the famed Om-tis Institute of Col. HalTY W. Bakel', Major Robert way's comment was that Mr. Thomas Sponsors for the dance will be Pro- Music, the ensemble, now the official Shockley, Captains A. Joynes Beane, seemed to be quite as good as a pro- fessor Frank B. Hurt, Dean Bertha quartet of the Institute, has recently Robert Brickel', William .G. Vincent, fessional, and certainly better than Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ha- rounded off ten years of touring, in- and Paul Myers. any amateur he had ever seen. vens, Professor and Mrs. Alfred de cluding visits to more than two hun- The examination, which will be or- Long, Lt. George Caple, and Mr. and dred American cities and to the fore- al, will be given here at school by a Daylight Saving •.. Mrs. Charles Engle. .(Cont. on page 4, col. 2) traveling- board of officers. Similar The dance will be semi-formal and Wilbur "Cap" Kidd tests will be given throughout the Daylight saving time goes into admission will be $1.10, including tax. .. selects orchestra nation at other colleges and universi- elTect throughout the nation on Prof. Spangler To ties; and out of the- sum total compet- Monday, February 9, at 2. A. 1\1. administration The Alumni'Activities Calendar For 1942 ... Give Recital Of ing, a certain number will be picked. remind all students that wishes to The selections made will be based on to reset their a regular for army fitness general clocks in Western order Are Scheclu/ecl No Spring Vacation Moclern Music commission. their commissions, and Maryland CoJlege will not inter- of men These so chosen fere with the smooth running will receive Undergrads leave May 15 thenceforth be regarded the same as national defense. Announcement of the Annual Al- The average college student, when graduates of West Point with equal Absence from classes is not ex- umni banquets to be held in Balti- Baccalaureate Service May 17 asked his opinion of music, will re- opportunities for advancement and cusable on the grounds of ignor- more, New York, and Philadelphia Commencement May 18 ply that he is allergic to what is us- Lor a lifetime career in our regular ance of the provision. was made recently by Colonel T. K. ually referred to as "good music". If Harrison, executive secretary of the The dales for opening and clos- you mention "jazz" 01' "swing", he Alumni Association. ing of summer school and for the will immediately agree that you have opening of the winter season for these are Troubles Beset WMC Femmes Approximately three hundred peo- something there, and that ple are expected at the Baltimore 42.43 have not yet been deter- ?'cal music so far as he is concerned. who is very much In Preparation For Dances banquet to be held at the Hotel Emer- mined. ' Mr. Oliver Spangler of the music son on February (i at 6:30 P. M. Mr. Summer school will close before faculty of WYC, F. Murray Benson, member of the Labor Day, however, according to interested in bringing good music Ito She might fook lovely when you class of 1917, will be the toastmaster, .Dean Schofield. all students of the college, has decid- call, but you can bet your life that she can borrow. This too often causes For one thing, she difficulties. great and Judge Samuel K. Dennis will ed to prove to skeptics that "good" has been rushing around like mad in must recall who wore it last time and speak, with the remainder of the pro- music is not "boring" music. On next the dorm trying to achieve the right how she looked and-was she a suc- gram consisting of the singing of "This year's banquets will have the Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, he will effect. Ah yes, as far as the femmes cess? Then she mustn't forget the is- patriotic and school songs. dual purpose of reuniting former stu- set out to prove his point when he are concerned, there is more to a sue of stee-c-erter all a "16" girl The New YoN_{banquet is sched- dents and faculty members, and of presents a piano recital of "modern" dance than an orchestra and dim won't fit in a "12" dress----even if the uled for February 27, and the Phila- announcing the celebration of a Dia- music by composers of different na- Iighte=-of course they do help. gown is "just the thing she needs." delphia reunion will be on February mond Jubilee on May 10 which will tionalities. Usually the young lady, if she And one thing that really canses 28, both of which will be attended by be Western Maryland's seventy-fifth Mr. Spangler, a graduate of the doesn't have a "habit", starts her toruble is the trouble (boys wouldn't President and Mrs. Holloway, and birthday," commented Colonel Harri- Peabody Conservatory of Music in preparation about two weeks ahead believe it), trying to borrow shoes. Af- Colonel Harrison. Baltimore, has been a member of the ,of the gala event. This first step ter all, shoes must match and blend faculty of the Music deparbnent of consists of what is crudely but cor- in with the gown and some times a WMC for three and a half years. rectly called "trapping." Now every friend is reluctant to lend these-es- Fraternities l Sororities Announce The program for next Tuesday was girl has her own technique (not that pecially if he's light on the girl's feet planned by Mr. Spangler "to appeal it works) for catching a man. and not on his own. One type suddenly develops a mad New Officers Of Organizations to all students", and all the selections interest in athletics (and a specific Regardless of how many prelimi- are by modern composers, excepting the first group, which is made up of athlete); and starts following up the naries are taken care of before the By Caroline Gable three operas by Brahams, and which "sport, With a fox-eye she watches dance, there is always plenty of rush- ing and excitement on the evening. Fraternity and sorority elections Pi Alpha Alpha retains aU of its serves as a contrast- to the impres- him play and then creates an oppor- First of all, the showers are crowded for the second semester placed the officers. Assisting Brengle are Jack sionistic writings of the modern com- tunity for flattery. (This is a weak -(with regular Saturday nighters as following students as presidents: Quynn as Vice-Alpha, Bill Vincent as posers. The second group on the 1)1'0- spot in the stronger sex.) well as "luckies".) This problem of Preachers, John Doenges; Sigmas, Betn, Lee Kindley as Vice-Beta, Don gram will include three pfeludes by Another miss may become a Doro- congestion causes a waste of time and June Lippy: Phi Alphs, Gloria Saler- Griffin as Gamma, and Zach Ebaugh the modern English composer Delius. thy Dix to a forlorn lover, This un- makes rushing all the more neces- T;oj Delts, Mabel Greenwood; Bache- as Delta. These are descriptive pieces written derstanding sympathy has been sary. lors, Frank Tarbutton; J.G.C., Ruth Gloria Salerno, the new president in the style of Debussy. known to get results. Paralleling this If she does manage to get all the Macvean: Black a~d Whites, David of Phi Alpha Mu, is from Winthrop, Film Studie8 by the Italian, Castel- is the reverse idea of picking out a (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) Brengle. Massachusetts. Mary Ann Hassen- nuovo-Tedesco, which will be third, "Dutch Uncle". These uncles have Doenges, the new head of Delta Pi plug fills the office of vice-president, is a European composer's impression been known to take the poor kid to Alpha, is from Glyndon, Md. He will and Edna Bandorf continues as sec- of (part I) Mickey Mouse, and (part the dance just to show the deserting 2) Charlie Chaplin. be assisted by Lee Lodge as Vice- retary. The treasurer is Marie Craw- A European composer's reaction brute. Delta, Bud Smith as Alpha, Clarence ford, the Alumni secretary is Virginia If all means to the end fail, she Detroit University, Varsity News' McWilliams as Beta, Jack Rawlins as Phillips, the sergeant-at-arms is Ann to American rhythm is t1).e sub- didn't want to go anywaY-i.t's a lot definition of "The Perfect Date" as fourth entitled Gamma, and Fred Kullmar as Epsi- Covington, the is Helen ject of the Atm]!.mqu.e, number, Tansman. of trouble to get dressed up and a envisioned by the college lad might by Sonatine waste of time when one needs sleep. lon. Heminghaus, and the sunshine com- This is divided into three movements: After the dates are secured the stlike a responsive cord in the Tarbutton continues as head of Al- mittee is Frances Ogden and Mar- Fox trot, Spiritual u,nd, and rest of the time is spent in hashing breasts of local lads- pha Gamma Tau. Other officers are: garet Ann Smith. The club is repre- Cha.rleston. over the affair-who's going-what to She doesn't eat much. Vice-Alpha, Paul MyerSj Gamma, sented on inter-sorority council by To climax his program: Mr. Spang- wear-and of course a discnssion of She's good-looking. Wilbur Kiddj Tau, Pete Townsend; Mary Ann Hassenplug and Edna ler will play, in answer to many re- the escorts of the evening--(lr the She doesn't eat much. Chaplain, Ed Thomas; and Sergeant- Bandorf. prospects (who ofttimes fail). She's a good dancer. at-arms, Fred Bohn. The only new Assisting June Lippy at the head quests, his version of "Rhapsody in Then, too, she has to see what she She doesn't eat much. Blue" by the late George Gershwin. officer is Kidd. (Cont.· on page 4, col. 1)
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