Page 41 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE THREE The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 15, 1942 Loyola Knocks Terrors From First Place Penn State Is First Foe Of To Remain Unbeaten In Conference Play Boxing Team D.lawar. TaB. M.t N.xt-- Johns Hopkins ,In The cartoon on this page was Penn State will be Western Mary- in the Loyola paper a few weeks ago. land's opening boxing opponent when B.ltimor. By Big Scar. It almost backfired. Western Mary- the Terrors travel to State College western Maryland dropped one land played good ball and lost, but in this Saturday. The Green and Gold of the toughest games in re- a game way. On February 14, Loyola will be as well fortified as in recent cent years last night, as Loyola's visits Gill Gym.• Enough said. years. Greyhounds were pressed hard It will be a lonesome weekend • Reynolds Determined to win in an overtime contest at around Terror town this coming Sat- Lt. Buck Reynolds looks forward to Evergreen Gym in Baltlmore.. 39 urday, as fat- as athletics are concern- the coming boxing season with a to 38. The victory toppled the ed, for both the boxing and basket- strong determination to put boys in Terrors from a first place tie and ball squads will be on foreign soil. the ring who are in the best possible enabled Loyola to take undiaput- The pugilists will have the tougher shape and who can handle themselves ed possession of that place. assignment in meeting- a favored Penn Not without a fight though did the State team, while the cager-s meet well. Terror Captain Harry Baker comes Westminster team go down, and they Delaware's Blue Hens. Rock Rawl- into his third year of varsity college deserve high praise in a well played ins, Randy Larrymore, Joe Elliott, boxing in fine shape and with plenty ball game. Especially brilliant was Jim Elliott, Bill Walls and Bill Pretty- of useful experience, competing in the Captain Irv Biasi, whose numerous man are the boys from Delaware who 175 pound class. field goals and foul shots kept the are a little more eager than most of .Alexander Promising 'ten-ors in the game until the last. the other fans in wanting a Terror John Alexander, promising young Biasi tie? Bernie Thobe, Greyhound victory on the court Saturday night. fighter in bantam weight, has showed center, who had totaled 78 points in splendid boxing skill and in practice seven games into a double knot, performance shows he is ready to granting the high scoring machine nold's boys are in meet any man in his class. but one field goal. for an interest- The 127 lb. class is well represent- Frank Suffern, veteran center, went ing evening. ed by Frank Ziegler who, though out of the game on fouls with seven With Sig Jensen lacking some experience has good po- minutes remaining in the regulation' and Carlo Orten- tentialities, while the 135 lb. class en- play and thus was deprived also of z.i up from the ters Earl Schubert with his second play in the five-minute overtime. Lee freshman squad, year and a grim determination to beat Lodge suffered an eye injury and was the outlook for last year's record. the third regular to be removed, Ne- the coming sea- e Hall Looks Good mo Robinson having fouled out ear- son is much Red-headed Howard Hall slugging lier. Suffern's withdrawal was miss- brighter. Carlo in 145 lb. class looks forward to mak- ed sadly, for Frank had piled in two will compete in ing himself well remembered in his But It Was Close straight field goals and his play on the 165 pound di- first year of varsity college boxing, the backboards all night was com- vision, and Jen- while Charlie Godwin also makes his mendable. sen in the heavyweight class. Cap- debut in the ring against Penn State Bachel(~.rsAnd Preachers Victors Western Mar-yland led at halftime tain Harry Baker will represent the in 155 lb. class. 20 to 13 and Loyola went ahead fOI Ortenzi, the 165 pound sophomore 'terrors in the 175 pound division. with a future, enters this year in good As Fraternity Basketball Opens the first time at 30 to 28 wiih five This trio gives the locals a favorable minutes remaining, Royce Gibson's outlook in the heavy classes. physical condition and splendid box- The fraternity basketball league to withstand a late Bachelor rally . timely field goal, Art O'Keetfe's char- ing skill. ity toss, and Biasi's contributions put • Change In Schedule All W. M. C. boxing fans remember was opened on Tuesday for the 1942 With approximately five minutes left the visitors back in the game and the A change in schedule will speed up the Sophomore Sig Jensen who slug- session. After the smoke and debt-is to play, Joe Kittner, who sparked the gong sounded with the ball game t.icd the activity of the court team, for the ged to win last year in all three fresh- had been cleared away following the Bachelor att-ack throughout, tied up at 35 to 35, Frainey Bock, Loyola Gettysburg Bullets will be met on man fights by TKO. He battles in day's activity, it was observed that the ballgame with a field goal and a forward, later won the game on a Monday, January 19 instead of the the heavy-weight class with hopes of the Bachelors and the Preachers had foul toss. bucket beneath the basket and the 29th of the same month. On that emerged with twin victories. .Game Sewed Up Terrors tried desperately to score in date, Lieutenant Bruce Ferguson's ar- keeping a good record. • Senior Loop Scores A few minutes later, Paul Myers the few remaining seconds of the five- my boys, composed of former college In the senior loop, the Bachelors and Charlie 'I'souprake dropped two minute overtime. athletes, will be met on the Terror Fencing Team ... and the Black and Whites tangled in field goals through the cords and sew- Western Maryland travels to New- court. They have beaten Towson a hard fought, grueling battle, in ed up the ballgame. Carlo Or-tonal ark, Delaware, to meet the University State 'reachers easily, and also sev- On January 14, Western Mary- which the Bachelors carried off the and Joe Kittner, with 7 points apiece of Delaware Hens, victors over Wash- eral strong Ipdependent teams m-ound land's veteran fencing team met honors to the tune of 19 to 17. Their were high scorers and individual stars ington College 37 to 30 in their only Baltimore. It will be a familiar sight Loyola, the match starting at 7:15 brothers in the B league were not to for their respective teams. Conference start this season, this to see Fergie pounding on the floor. P. I'II. This was the first match of be outdone, and rallied the Black and Playing a steady brand of ball Saturday night. Coach Engle's prob- e't'errers A Threat the season for the Terrors, but White B leaguers, 39 to 5. The throughout, and enjoying a comforta- A able starting five will be Mogowski at ble lead at all times, the Preacher Saturday night's game with Johns they will meet Loyola again, and Preachers were back in the saddle center, Robinson and Suffern for- Hopkins showed that the Terrors then face Baltimore Y and York Y again, and came back with the second leaguers the experienced Bets, little who trouble wards, and Lodge and Biasi at guards. never Gamma from must be again taken seriously as a before encountering Gettysburg twin killing. In the A league, the Capably backing these boys are equal- candidate for the Mason-Dixon crown. College. purple and gold took the Gamma Bets seemed to be able to get going , The ly as able ball players-c-Art. O'Keeffe, Usually a late starter, the Terrors Members of last year's team to town with a score of 26 to 8. Vic- decision was never in doubt after the Arlie Mansber get-, Royce Gibson, and seem to have taken on new life and who will once again perform this tory did not come so easily in the halftime, at which point the Preachers Manny Kaplan. drove hard from the very beginning year are Emil Grenda, Tom junior circuit, however, and the were enjoying a 1t point lead. Joe • Hoopsters Click Workman and Bob Siemon teamed up of the ball game. O'Leary, and John Hancock. Preachers were hard-pressed to eke to score 21 points between them, and Clicking with the timing and pre- Ed Mogowski's ten fieldgoals help- out a 17 to 16 win. were outstanding for their team. cision of a well-oiled piece of ma- ed no end, and Irv Biasi's 15 points e gachelors Win chinery, western Maryland's basket- along with fancy interceptions of Coming from behind in the last few Tommy Lavin and Nick Burgess, who ball team outshot Johns Hopkins 54 to Hopkins' passes also played a major Freshmen Five minutes of play, the Bachelors hung was high scorer for his team, played 40 last Saturday night at Homewood. role. Frank Suffern had Hopkins' up their first court win of the season. well for the Gamma Bets. It was a free scoring, well-played Phil Knits pretty made but one field Tops Hopkins In a rough and tumble setto, which .R League game with the Terrors showing their worried, and the Blue Jay guard saw the lead change hands several In the B league, the proceedings best brand of teamwork thus far this goal. Work on the backboards wa!? times, the outcome was in doubt until were somewhat different, although the season. noticeably better, and as a team the Quint 39-21 within a few seconds of the final ultimate winners were identical. The .Mogowski Leads Terrors clicked well. They will play whistle. Bachelors succeeded in running up an Sophomore Ed Mogowski, 'reo-or Catholic University at Gill Gym on Last Saturday night in Baltimore, Soon after the beginning of the overwhelming score on the hapless center, led the way fOJ" the victors January 21. Western Maryland defeated Johns second half, the Black and Whites Black and White quint. The winners when he rang up 20 points-all of Hopkins Fr-esh 39 to 21. The Baby forged to the front, but were unable (Cant. on page 4, col. 3) .Wrestling Terrors got the jump on the Blue them field goals, while Captain "Irv" Mr. Harris is extending an eager Biasi got 15 markers. Frank Suffern, invitation for wrestling candidates. Jays, and nev~: were headed, Carl --- • Senior Stars • --- Nemo Robinson, Art O'Keeffe and Lee Mendell led the scorers by tossing in This season, as has been mentioned 18 points, most of which were scored Lodge all played beautiful floor before, the grapplers meet Galluadet, by shots under the baskets. Reds games, as well as doing their share of Gettysburg, Loyola, and Johns Hop· ~ that year, leading sco)'er on the court. the scoring.' kins in addition to the Mason-Dixon O'Hara and Jesse Johnson also scored Also played on eolorful frosh base- Jumping into a six to nothing lead share their for the Green of points Tournament. Men are needed in the ball team. at t.he outset, Western Maryland lighter weights, so if you want to learn Team. games .End On Team found an early lead fading when Bill After winning three straight the art of wrestling, come on out. The in impressive fashion, 'Vestern Mary- An end on the gridiron for the past Robinson, Blue Jay guard, pushed the first match is not until January 31; two seasons, Gibby was handicapped Baltimoreans ahead 13 to 12. It was there is plenty of time for condition- land's hosh cagers will have an open by a bad leg this year." Played a ma- near the end of the half, when 'Lo(hre week before year's jor role in last the strong they tackle Mason-Dixon ing. Brial'ley Military Academy quint in Tournament and also sparked the Ter- looped one in from the outside, and the By TelTors were well on their way. '. Washington Whips lJe(>s a preliminary game in Gill Gym on rors in many eonfere)lCe ball games. half-time, the visitors led 27-19. Washington College t:aused a lot of J auuary 21, at 7 P. M. Gibby-hails from New York-has Again playing commendable all the talk a few days ago when they handed • Whip Boxers made quite an impression in his three hardwood--one of the two seniors on .Impossible Shots University of BaJtimore a 40 to 39 The Terror yearlings started the years here. Originally enrolled at the Tenor squad. Even some impossible pivot shots set back. Then when everybody was season by defeating Lieut. Reynold's Boston University. but transferred to by Hopkins' Robinson could not stop eonsidering the Sho'men as better Boxers 38 to 16 after the teams bat- Western Maryland in time for his • Preacher Prexy Rip Engle's charges the second ses- than usual, reports came in of a 37 tled on even terms during the first sophomore year. Answers to Hoot, President of Delta Pi Alpha for sion. They seemed to hit the hoop at to 30 loss to Delaware. It may be half. Westminster Theological Sem- Gibby, OJ"Stick. Comkal, quiet, and the fil'st semester, Gibby is active in will. Shooting with oath hands and social gatherings. that the Sho'men are a hot and cold inary, loser to Towson Teachers by popular. Has a happy go lucky manner . from all angles, the Terrors gave ~he outfit, or that Delaware is classy~ only two points, then fell before the • Athletie Background Gibby shies away from the women Blue Jays a snappy lesson on some anyway we'll know the answer soon._ freshmen by the score of 27 to 14, Has had athletic background. Play- -"but not too far away." fancy point-making with teamwork .Resnick and Miller Good ed four years of football, four years and coordination. • Frat Hoopsters of basketball, and three years of base- When' asked about his greatest This year's frat league in basket- Hymie Miller and Alec Resnick, ball in high school. Prepped for a thrill, said it was last October when .Futile Rally bail looms as interesting as ever. Al- though very short and stocky, are year before entering college, where the Terrors almost took Maryland Hopkins made a belated and futile ways a good fraternity sport, the able to hold their own against the tall- he competed in both football and bas- over the ropes. rally when Engle put his second team Bachelors, Black and Whites, and er boys by displaying a polished floor ketball. Was gridiron captain in his Will probably make military a ca- on the floor. The first stringers were Preachers seem to have outstanding game. senior year at high school. reer, since 'he will be commissioned immediately rushed into play, and the quints in the A league. It looks as Coach Bob Bricker has been substi- .Transfer Student as a second lieutenant in June, Mason-Dixon Conference soon had tho the Bachelors rate a vote over the tuting frequently, and by -this method Came here in time for sophomore Has had "for 3 years a swell time one less undefeated game. It wa.~ defending Preachers in the B league, is developing a very capable group of year-played football and basketball all the Hill." Will be sorry to leave. Hopkins' first loss in four games. however.
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