Page 81 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 81
The Gold Bug, WesterIl Mary1aDd College, W~, Mel., May 1, 1941 PAGE FIVE Terror Netmen Take Fourth Straight Win Fore Yesterday's Results . .. ' Golfers Seek Washington 82i Western By Downing Delaware Hens In 6-3 Match Maryland 43; Towson 5' Wins In Two Bo Baugher,Harry Yingling, Eagles Edged Out TWicf By\ Bill Baylies Take Singles Green And Gold Squad-- Jousts Here In Mason-Dixon Setto Baugher Hold Six Victories With a record of but one win in five Western Maryland's tennis team find the New Yorkers won after 3 engagements, the Western Maryland won its fourth st~-aight Mason~Dixon stiff fight by the score of 5 to 4. Hop- golf team has high hopes of bettering Conference tilt as it defeated Dela- kins was met in the first conference its season's average in meeting ware 6 to 3 on the local courts on tilt, and the Jays won 5 to 4. Western Haverford and West Chester in two Tuesday. The season record of the State Teachers College of Michigan, home matches this -week. The divot Green team stands at four wins which has beaten Notre Dame in .ten- diggers journey to Lewisburg to face against four defeats, but two of the nis for ten straight seasons, defeated Bucknell and return to entertain defeats were at the hands of non- the Terrors by the score of 8 to 1. Loyola College the following day on conference foes. Loyola then swamped the Green team Terror turf. Bo Baugher continued his winning 7 to 2. American University was met Coach Makosky's lads have shown ways as he conquered the number one on a home and home basis and both definite signs of improving, and in netman from Delaware. Harry Ying- tilts were won by the Green 'j'errors their last engagement held a strong ling won at the number two slot and by the score of 5 to 4. University of Baltimore team to a 5 Bill Baylies at number six. Captain Belt ....Baylies Split Even to 4 win. It was Dick Hausler's day, Ted Bowen, Sig Jensen, and Gene as the Terror freshman, playing one Belt lost their singles matches to the Baugher is now leading the team of the finest games of his young Blue Hens, but Jensen carried the with six wins and only two defeats. career, forced Otto Greiner to play a four fight to the last as he lost in the third "Eoz" Baugher Both Belt and Baylies have had three his best in order to beat the little and four record, Yingling set. Sig Jensen did not help us any. The wins and five defeats, as has Bowen, Green and Gold golfer by one stroke. Terrors Win Doubles team is 'better organized now and and Jensen has two victories against Before. the Baltimore match, the For the second time in the short five setbacks. In the doubles, Belt Tenori bowed before Maryland 8% Gall ... season the Terrors made a clean ~~!h~a~ !~;y a~::g t::: ':oeJ~e:~ and Baylies have a six and two rec- to Ih in a delayed game which went sweep of the doubles matches, as Dickinson College handed the Green ..Dd Loyola and Delaware, and the others ord, Baugher and Bowen have five but 12 holes and a,. few days before Gold go\{ers .. 6 to 3 defeat on the local Baugher and Bowen, Yingling and bowed before Franklin and Marshall links yest"rdar 11' only Fred HollowlIY and should not be too hard to beat." wine and three defeats, and Jensen Tommie La"in ".. ored triumphs. .Hollow~y Jensen, and Belt and Baylies tri- and Yingling have compiled a four 7 to 2. They toppled Gettysburg, won from hi. rIval 6 Blld 5, whIle Lavin umphed. Manhattan College was the first ",ored R Z and 1 win. Tho third Terror opponent for the Terrors this season, and four record. however, to win the first match of the point came as H"nOW8Y nnd Dick Hausler Coach Frank Hurt stated, "We got year, 7 to 2 on the winner's course. won best baH ill their foursome. off to a slow start, and the injury to On the May 10, the college holds its fourth annual Invitation Tournament Track Tearn Meets Cardinals, and both Greiner, Baltimore's ace, Western Maryland Downed In and Tommy Grodavent, will be entered St. Mount Mary's representative, Two Tilts By American Eagles Mounts In Triangular Affair in the 36 hole grind. This tourna- become prominent and is ment has Western Maryland failed once again to chalk up a game in the win col- Catholic University and Mount St. Mary's will furnish the opposition for regarded in state golfin&" circles as umn as they dropped two tests to a much improved American University nine, the Green 'I'errcrs in their last triangular meet of the season when they meet the preliminary to the State Intercol- 15 to 4 and 10 to 6, after losing the first league game to Washington College on the elnderpath of Hoffa Field on Wednesday, May 14. The Cardinals legiate matches held the following week in Baltimore. 7 to:? possess a strong team and will be favored to win the meet handily with the Playing the initial game on Hoffa field Jast Saturday, the American majority of points coming in the dashes and distance races. They are Eagles started off with a bang as they slapped out three softies and scored strengthened by the veteran Joe Corbett who runs the mile and two mile three runs in the first frame, but the Terrors took advantage of the faulty races. Little is known of the Mountie club since this is their first season on June Lippy Heads ball handling of the visiting infield in the same stanza and pushed across the cinders. team put up a tough fight before they bowed out of the picture. Women two runs, putting them right back in the ball game. Up at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, last Saturday, the Western Maryland Officials In the last of the third, the home r--------- mile relay team tied up the game at 3 and 3 as Ed Lewis ran the first quarter mile; ,----------- Bill Phillips, third sacker, singled and pushed across another tally, but the Howie Hall legged the second; Bill . ed the Terrors earlier in the season For Next Season scored later as Manny Kaplan slapped lead was short lived as the Eagles Taylor, the third; and Bill Robinson, by identical scores, 81 to 27. It was June Lippy was elected president out a clean triple into deep center tied up the game in the eighth capi- who had been in the infirmary two the same story in both meets, the fact field. talizing on an infield error. days previously, ran the anchor poet- that the Green team was weak in the of the Women's Athletic Association Phillips Replaces Johnson Having scored in the ninth, the vis- tion. dashes and allowed the opposition to at its regular meeting last week. Mike Phillips, who had earlier re- itors went intO the last of the ninth Coach Explains build up big leads before swinging Ruth MacVean was chosen vice-presi- placed Bob Johnson on the moundlor with a win in sight, but their hopes Dr. Walter Nathan, coach of the into action. dent and the secretary and treasurer the Terrors, settled down and held were dimmed as the Eagles turned on Terror trackmen, stated, "Injuries to Hall Gains Place posts were awarded to Marie Steele the Washington nine scoreless until the heat, gathering five bingles and Arlie Mansberger, who was our best Robinson captured the 220 yard and Mary Louise Sehrt, respectively. the sixth when the Eagles broke the scoring as many runs. dash man; torn leg muscles to 'Char- race in the Dickinson clash to score At the same time, managers were ice, scoring one run to forge into the Hancock proved outstanding for lie Irwin and Don Wildey; and Rob- the Terrors only win in a dash race, appointed for the coming year in the lead. the Maryland nine with two timely inson's sickness hampered the team while Hall was placed second in the following sports: hockey, Emily Lin- From then on, it was a one sided ball doubles in four trips to the plate. very much. Also, the dashmen have meet with Gettysburg. In the two ton; hiking, Helen Heminghaus; bas- game as the visitors clouted the ball For the winners, it was Hertz and not come up to expectations, and the mile race with Dickinson, Captain ketball, Ruth Ann Whitmore; soft- Edmonds, the former gathering two field men have only one first place in Lindsay Chase built up an early lead Saturday's Line-Up •.• bingles and the latter scoring- three two meets." - to win, but was challenged by Taylor Senior girls who have taken the (Cont. on page 6, col. 4) WEST. MARYLAND PENN STATE times. Dickinson and Gettysburg defeat- sports coaching course and under- Honem~n, ct d , classmen who are present members Ryan,2b of the coaching class are making Hancock, If *~~f:~.Prf Among The Greeks practical application 0 f the i r W. Phillip., ab knowledge in the various county Jonea.1b high school meets now being held Bricker, e Bachelors Capture On March 22, the girls helped Evana, ". Preachers Take in Carroll and adjacent counties. for a total of nine runs and nine hits coach some of the many events in while the home club was only able to Club Track Meet Third Straight the Girls' Winter Sports Carnival, gather five blows and push across which was held in Baltimore's one tally. Lefty Garland, American Gathering five firsts and five second positions, the Bach- Bud Blair's eighth inning single gave the Preachers a Fifth Regiment Armory. The re- University's minute leithander, was elors swept the fraternity track meet for the second 5 to 4 verdict over the Gamma Bets Tuesday afternoon, mainder of their schedule is as outstanding. He allowed only three straight year l compiling 62 points to the second place after the two teams had gone through the regulation sev- follows: safeties and walked but one man in Preachers 44 and the Black and Whites 15, on Hoffa Field, en inning stretch tied up at 4 to 4. Carroll County Colored Students a relief role. It was a loosely played last week. May 9-Westminster ball game, with a total of eight er- Starting off in the 50 yard dash, Henry Triesler and First Round Finale Carroll County White Students rors for the winners and five for the Tom Elias, Bachelor sprinters bested Don Honeman to By the win, the Preachers captured the first round May 17-Taneytown losers. gain the Blue and Whites first points. Then Bobby Brick- crown and the Gamma Bets remain tied with the Black Frederick County White Students Lee Lodge TwirlB er added a few more as he won the 60 yard sprint with and Whites for second place honors. May 19-Frederick The second game, played in Wash- Preacher Van Hudson, and Abby Gruel, Black and White In the last half of the second inning the Gamma Bets Baltimore City White Students ington on Monday, was more closely closely behind. took an early lead as Bill Robinson became a bit wild and May 30-Baltimore contested, and behind the twj:.;ling of Bob Siemon, Delta Pi Alpha's representative, edged out passed four batsmen, which, mixed in with three bingles, sophomore Lee Lodge the Terrors Archie Thomas of the Bachelors in the 80 yard dash as gave the Red and White club three tallies. were right in the ball game until the Bob's running mate Ed McGlauglilin placed third in the Gamma Bets Take Lead ball, Anne Myers; volley ball, Emily Billingslea; Oede: Phyllis tennis, last frame. fastest heat of the afternoon. archery, Dot Lumer; golf, Harriet They scored the initial run of the Reds Hall and Otts O'Keefe gathered one and two spots There was no more scoring until the Preacher fourth, Dygert; and badminton, Muriel Hard- fray in the first inning as Don Hone- for the Bachelors in the 100, with Warren Earl of the when two miscues and a walk by Norm Foy placed the man banged out a single and tallied Preachers a good third. defending champions within one run of a tie. The Gam- ing. as Lodge doubled to deep center field. In the last running event for individuals, Bill Alexander' ma Bets came back in their half of the same stanza, how- With the closing of the volleyball The game was tied up in the third as of the Black and White, bested John Hancock of the ever, and scored when Phil Bechtel singled in Bill Pretty- campaigns, the department of physi- the Eagles pushed across one run, Preachers, last year's winner, and Joe Kittne'r, Bachelor man, who had walked to start the inning, to make the score cal education announced the following capitalizing on an infield error and a entry in the 880 yard run. stand 4 to 2. as the honorary squad; Sehrt, Mac- sharp single by first baseman Gar- In the field events, Kittner, Fred Nemo Robinson was on, on an error, Vean, and Wentz, first row; Steele, land. Bohn, and George Barrick, of the First Round Softball stole second, and scored on Bill Rob- :Morris, and Linton, second row; In the fifth, the Eagles gathered Black and Whites finished in that or- Preachers, 4; Bachelors, 3 Inson's drive as the sixth opened; and Whitmore and Kalar, third row. three tallies to forge into the lead as der in the shot put, while Irv Biasi of Black and Whites, 16; Gamma the elder Robinson tallied on Blair's Garland, Bill Simpson, Hugo Schulze, the Preachers bested Bachelor's Al Bets, 8 fly to left field. This set the stage Batting Average •... and Bill Fellows each hit safely off Nowak and Charlie Irvin in the dis- Preachers, 14; Black and Whites, for the Preacher ninth, as Bill Robin- Player AB R H so W RBl of Lodge. The Terrors came back cus. Hall won the broad jump for the 9 son drew a base on interference, Honeman 26 310 11 2 0 strong in the sixth, led by John Han- Bachelors, and Warren Earl topped all Gamma Bets, 12; Bachelors, 5 worked his way around to third, and, M. Phillips 22 8 0 4 a 8 1 0 0 0 0 5 Lod.e:e cock who slapped out a double to comers in the high jump to give the Preachers, 5; Gamma Bets, 4 with two away, Blair came through KsplaIl 18 3 6 4 3 2 a start the ball rolling and taking ad- Preachers their last tally. with his game-winning blqw. The Hanoock ....•••••• 17 9 2 1 S 5 "" 1 1 1 1 Ryan vantage of the breaks, managed to In the relays, Delta Pi Alpha won W. L. TP. Gamma. Bets were led by Slim Parks W. Bricker Phillips ...• 21 20 4 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 •.....• push across three runs before the in- one and was second in another while Preachers 3 6 with two hits and backed by Niel ~::b~Ct~n'. .. 1~ g ~ f g g ning was completed. the winning Bachelors duplicated this Gamma Bets. Eckenrode's clever defensive play at Sturm . •.... . .. 13 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 1 1 Black and Whites Bill. Eagles Rally feat. Two thirds gave the Black and Bachelors ." Evan •.....•.... 13 1 0 4 3 0 Again in the seventh. the Terrors Whites their last points for the day. short stop. Jone. . ..• HI 0 0 3 0 ()
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86