Page 84 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westmimter. Md., May 22, 1941 'Robbie' Rates BY Joe William Robinson Has Had ~ News And Vlews Workman In view of- the number of uncertainties con- Varied Four Years On Hill From Kicking Po.t _J To Seventh Green cerning the application of the Selective Service and Training Act to college students, the follow- first time he had ever played in a soc- Ryan's Raging- , ing statements and interpretations of the Ameri- cer game! He has been on the WMC The ill-fated trip taken by the baseball team this past can Council on Education are presented. varsity ever since. week did result in some good laughs even if it didn't pro- In order to provide for college students who are In May of this same year "Bill duce a win. While stopping over in an Elizabeth, New called to army service after the beginning of a Robinson and his "Chicken Friars" Jersey, hotel, Mr. Havens asked the desk clerk to call the semester, local draft boards have been authorized created quite a furor by appearing in ball players at 7:30 A. M. so they could be on their way to grant deferments to college students until the the dining hall with their shirts on bright and early. In the grey of the dawn, Jack Ryan end of the semester, provided the semester is backwards! In that Week's Gold Bug was awakened by the jingling of his telephone bell. When "well enough along" to warrant such deferment. the boys were twice referred to: in he picked up the receiver, a feminine voice said pleasantly, Students desiring such deferment are requested one column they were lightly called "Good morning, it's 7:30". The sleep-loving Ryan replied to contact the administration of the college who the "Demon Deacons", while in in a voice not very feminine and certainly not pleasant, must certify its desirability of deferment. another column they were classed as "So what!", promptly turning over Students may procure from their local draft "people who were willing to do any- and sleeping through a sixty cent boards a fairly accurate estimate of the date of thing for a laugh." At least the event breakfast. their Induction. If this date is not far distant didn't pass unnoticedll The Green Bug- from the beginning of a semester, they are ad- It was in his junior year that Rob- Will the inhabitants of Ward Hall vised to request an, earlier order number so that hie began work on the Gold Bug. Un- kindly orient r'aarlie Deblanns to the the college year need not be broken up. til that time, in fact, his only journal- fact that tl"" newspaper is called the lstic efforts had been when he and Gold Bug and not the Gre.en Bug? Shortage Of Technicians A recent survey by the American Council on another colleague (both at the ripe Furthermore, that the editor's name Education has revealed a shortage of profession- age of 14) published The Joker, a is Reher-t and not Reter? ally trained men in the fields of chemistry and en- "monthly magazine of jokes and pua- Rush Parties- 'gineering, and Brigadier General Hershey, depu- William Robinson zles." Robbie's Gold Bug column, The sororities' rush parties eer- ty director of selective service, has notified local "Frat Sports" was styled in the man- Workman tainly produced some beauties. The draft boards that individual deferments of re- Arriving on September 22, 1919, ner of the New York Time8 sports _ ,Delts picked a rainy day, of all newable- six months periods may be granted to and named after two grandfathers, . write-ups, which he faithfully read things, for a swimming party; while the Phi Alph's Hobo- college students preparing to enter these fields. William Cyrus Robinson was born in every day. hitched. The Sigma's Shirley Belle Reese.will remember Although they have not yet been investigated, Catonsville and has lived there ever Bill took advanced military in his tlie time when she didn't have the opportunity to stop and it is believed that there will also be a shortage in since. There he went through gram- junior year and became extremely in- shoot the bull. the fields of physics, medicine, dentistry, geology, meteorology, biology, and bacteriology. ~~~ ~~~~~~:a~~h1~~~: ::oa: ::r:!~ ;~:~~:~~~; g~m T~;: ;;s~ ~w~o~~~::~ Barber Pole- Students preparing. to enter any of the above of Robbie's time during those four for in all that time he had never been Have you seen the barber shop advertisement that Jim professions who receive their questionnaires are high school years; he was a member more than a private in the rear ranks. Thomas is wearing as a shirt this season? Rather chic, is asked to fill out a "Statement of Information" of several basketball and track teams. "In fact", stated Robbie, "I was real- it, not? which CJLnbe obtained from the college adminis- tration, and to attach this statement to their ~:~~~ :;~:e~~l~mina~;:;~;~s h~hi:~ ly ~:~~!~le;~ar found Robbie as Cap- Week's Brodie- questionnaires with their request for deferment. although they amused him, were not tain of Company B, sports editor of The week's Brodie came when Bill Dumler, while tak- always well received by the more ser- the Gold Bug, secretary of the ing physical exam for the advanced Military Course, was No Change In Law ious and less youthful members of the Preachers, member of the Interfra- asked to read the top line on the eye chart without his The American Council on Education states the school. ternity Council, and a member of the glasses. Said Dumler, "which line?" "The top one on following concerning changes in the age limits of It was in June. 1936, that Robbie soccer and track varsities. the chart", replied the Doc. "Gosh, Doc", said Bill, "I Selective Service Act: . graduated from Catonsville "Tech", Although he is an avid cross-word can't even see the wall." Individual members of the Senate and House and during the following year he took puzzle fan, Robbie's real hobby is Military Affairs Committee who were consulted a post graduate course at PoI'y for athletics. Ever since he was little; Horse Show- expressed opposition to any comprehensive "academic reasons." After finishing this has been the case. when asked The sight of the week was Groom J. A. Pirie riding in modification of the Selective Service and Train- his course there, Robbie nearly en- if he was ever a Boy Scout, Robbie the procession to the Riding Club on Saturday. He cer- ing Act at this time, including changes in the tered V.P.I. or West Point, but his answered, "No, but I was a Ralston tainly was in good company, though, with Kitty Voss, age range. eyes kept him out of both places; Straight Shooter and a member of the Mary Jane Jeffries, and Mary Lee Hayman there to keep R. O. T. C. students who are now enrolled in hence the fall of 1937 found him in Orphan Annie Ovaltine Club." him on the straight and narrow. (Lee won first prize.) the junior or senior military courses are exempt the midst of Freshman Week at In June, Bill will go into the army Women's Hats-- , from registration by blanket exemption. WMC. During the time Robbie was, as a second lieutenant, or "Shave- The men ofl "B" Company are taking a Gallup Poll to There is no provision for those students (pres- by, his oWn admission, "scared to tail", as such is known in the army. determine whether that thing Jane Fraley wore at the ent sophomores) who have applied for junior death"; and to make the situation a He will stay in, of course, for the du- presentation of awards was a hat or a gondola. military and whose draft number is called before little worse, he "didn't know one per- ration of the present crisis. After August,- at which time final appointments for the son." An example of his "greenness" that, if he likes the army he will try Orchids- advanced course will be made. Such students, at that time is that he bought a chap- for a permanent commission. If he To Jim Snodgrass and Vernon Seibert for their lofty however, are urged to seek deferment until that el seat. \ doesn't like it, Robbie would like to marks on the latest Physical Education tests. Still water time. The P. M. S. and T. has prepared a letter Sophomore year marked Robbie's go into journalism, which is really runs deep. certifying the desirability of deferment for these debut in soccer; and, believe it or not, his heart's desire, or work with real Just Rumor- students. his first varsity game was also the estate. Has it that Duke Windsor will be a bit more careful where and when he swims since he became momentarily 'Sick' Students Crowd Infirmaries embarrassed on the recent Geology field trip. On Commencement Morning, June 2, eight stu- As Daily Fees Are Abolished dents of the college will be graduated cum laude Collegiate Chatter or summa cum laude. The certificate which they Down goes the rent for the infir- tile minds began to work, and it has will receive, and their brief moment of recogni- mary, and up goes the number of been repor-ted .that one boy tried put- Here Ana There With • tion are by no means 'proportional to their "sick" people on the campus. It seems ting tooth. paste under his tongue af- achievement. that several years ago Western which he ran up and down the steps These students represent the academic cream Maryland had a strong, healthy, and in Ward Hall to get a temperature. Virginia Sweeney •• of Western Maryland College. Success in their hardy bunch enrolled here, but with honors work signifies their abilities in and mas- the advent of free "hospitalization", appendicitis, -'e~- tery of the general college curriculum with the causes of colds, grippe, measles, • THE DIAMONDBACK of the V.oIM. has "turned special proficiency in one field. streptococcus throats, Sherlock Holmes." The 1'easan? They are helping the It represents their willingness to give up the headaches, sprains, hayfever, and post-office tQ try to locate the aeeders of two postcards less important elements of "college life" in order bedmo-nia (spring fever), have in- -Social- that bore. no add?·e88cs. The. rMssage on Q?U! of the cards to devote their time to more serious academic creased twofold. wa.s a -most: urglmt request for m.oneYi so, '1U) doubt, by this pursuits. It proves their ability to plan their In 1938, thirty-six boys averaged time the impecuniowl 8e-nder has had to declare complete. own work and to carry out their plan without the one and a fourth days under medical -/'Iobu- amd unadulte.rated bamkrltptcy. constant aid of a professor. attention when it was costing them By these students must Western Maryland Col- $1.50 a day. From $1.50 per diem, • SOMETHING UNIQUE in the way of contests will be lege seek to justify its existence; for it exists the price of admission was sliced to The sororities take the spot-light held at U.ofM. not far in the future. It is an Interfra- primarily to impart academic knowledge; and Oca day for a week. With such fire- this week with their various activi- ternity Sing in which all the Greek letter organizations these students are receiving the highest possible sale prices, in 1939, seventy-seven ties: Sigma Sigma Tau plans a fare- are urged to participate, Each group taking part will award in this field. boys averaged two and six-sevenths well banquet for May 28 at the City sing Star Dust and an optional number. The judging will The citations cum laude and summa cum laude days of uninterrupted rest (sleep). Restaurant. . the Sigmas will serve be on "basis of the harmony, arrangement of selection, are not just other commencement awards; they The weaker sex started trudging up tea and refreshments to guests of the and clarity." represent the recognition by Western Maryland those flights of stairs in McDaniel to club in the club-room, June 1 ... the From, an erudite • College of success in true scholarship. the infirmary more frequently than J. G. C.'s have had picnics at May- warning: the. FORDHAM RAM your we give you cogitati.0n8, esoteric "In promulgating before as pointed out by the facts belline Bertholf's home and at Cas- ()'T presented by Miss Mamie G. Isanogle. cade .. the club recently elected the a,.ticulating your superficial 8entimentalities and amicable, of philosophiool, beware Ob8t>rVatwns, o-r psychological THE GOLD BUG In 1938, only one hundred ninety-sev. following officers: Ruth MacVean, platitudinous prmde1·osity. Let your coneisene..'J8, a compa.ct convC?'sation8 and president; I\Iaybelline Bertholf, vice- en girls spent a total pf two hundred communiootians po88eS8 a clarified president; and twenty-five days in the infirmary; secretary; Vickie Hurley, ~~~~r:trid~(~;~~~~"Ji~~it:~~~i)T~~:~~jr~:~t~,~~~)~~~ cogency. E8Che.W all congimrwratUntS and of ttatulent coale.8cent com-preh.e.nsiblenes8, a CUIUIU!tency, conca- ... Delta Emily Linton, treasurer but prices were reduced this year,. and tenated Mabel Sigma girls three hundred and twenty-nine elected has Kappa set a new record by staying under Greenwood president; Betty Ellwein, garrulity, jejune, and asini1W affe.ctations. Let Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Miss Isanogle's care for 495 days. vice-president; Ginny Elzey, secre- your e.xtemporaneous de8canting8 and unpremeditated ex- Editor-in-chief . Isaac B. Rehert '42 "Utopia" received a blow, however, tnry; and Jane Fraley, treasurer. patiation8 ha:ve. inte.lligibility and verw:;i.ous vivacity, with- pro- Se.dulous~y out' rodummttade. all polysyllabic avoid Managing Editor Alvin H. Levin '43 when the officials decided a fever or the Delts plan a banquet at the Kara- fundity, pom:pous prolixity, 8etaee.ous va.euity, ventrilo- News Editol' John Rawlins '43 some definite symptom was necessary Bel Inn on May 21 and on the same quial ve.rbas-ifly, and pestife.rous profanity, obscurant or Assistant News Editor. Mary Miller '43 for application. Immediately the fer- J:-ight,installation of officers will take Feature Editor . . Eleanor Healy '43 place. apparent." Sports Editor John Robinson '43 -Recent visitors on the campus were In cast' Ylm're wcmde.ring--do-n't use. big words! Assistant Sports Editor Joe Workman '43 Nelda Kalar, head nurse of the Dolores Carlstrand Bradley, ex-'42, • Colgate university has been presented the 1,000 volume Proof Editor... .. William Taylor '42 boys' infirmary, requests that any- and husband Otts Bradley, '40 .. geological library of the late Dr. Albert Perry Brigham, shaving one who has Jeft razors, Staff Photographer Carl Webb '44 cream, tooth brushes, towels, wash Bill Shockley, '40, Sellman Garrison, fonner president of the Association of American Geo- Business l\Ianager. . Werner Orrison '43 cloths, bedroom slippers, pajamas, '40, Tom Arthur, ex-'41, Ronnie graphers. (ACP) > Advertising i\Ianager . ..Betty Connany '42 or odd socks in the infirmary Wentling. and Palmer (Hezzy) Tate, Advertising Solicitor Helen Garey '42 please come and claim them before both ex-'42. • A new course, "Courtship and Marriage," offered at Circulation l\-fanagers: Friday, May 30. . Peach Garrison was recently pledg- Bucknell 1miversity is the most popular on the campus. Thornton Wood '42; Frank Tarbutton '42 ed by Sigma Sigma -Tau. (ACP)
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