Page 83 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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Bishop' Address Graduating Class Play May 30 1ke Crowd Sc.hedule Class Of '41 To Alumni Reunions Present Annual Weeks of rehearsing by the Col- qoJJ Bur; For Week-End lege Players under the direction of One hundred and forty-three senior Miss Esther Smith will be climaxed men and women will be graduated with the presentation of the senior Vol. 18 No. 21 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE May 22,1941 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts production, "You Can't Take It With on Monday, June 2, at 10 A. M. in You", next Friday evening, May 30 Alumni Hall in the course of the sev- in Alumni Hall at 8:00 P. M. enty-first annual commencement exer- A dress rehearsal performance of Annual Pan- Hellenic Dance Will Feature cises on the Hill, climax of a. week- end of alumni and student the play, which marks the last for The address to the graduating activities. class day, May 29, at the same hour, per- Dean Hudson And His Florida Clubmen will be Leonard of by the Bishop Adne eight graduating seniors in the de- delivered on Thurs- partment, will be presented Wright Methodist mitting all underclassmen who must Starting-' the movement for larger Church of Washington, D. C. leave before Friday evening an op- bands for Western Maryland College varied types of audiences throughout Opening event of the affairs sched- portunity to see the play. dances, the Pan-Hellenic Council will the East. uled for the commencement week-end The comedy by Moss Hart and have Dean Hudson and his orches,tra Sidney Paine, entertainment critic, program will be the presentation by George Kaufman is unfailing in good furnish the music for the annual Pan- stated in the Billboard, amusement _ Miss Esther Smith's Dramatic Art humor and has an underlying optim- Hellenic dance to be held in Gill Gym- weekly, "Outfit possesses top notch students of the Moss Hart and George istic philosophy throughout the play. nasium this Saturday evening from quality--okay for ballroom, hotel, Kaufman production, "You Can't There is not a single ounce of ra- 8:30 to 12:00. and radio-showmanship is pre-ami- Take It With You", on Friday eve- tional thinking or acting in the whole Voted "the number one college band nent with Hudson dishing out enter- ning, May 30, at 8 P. 1\:[. in Alumni Sycamore family, the subjects of the of the nation" in 1938, Hudson's or- t.ainment as well as absolute dance- Hall. play. Yet from Grandfather Martin able music." Hudson features sweet Alumni activities will begin at as well as swing music and has a dis- Vonderhof, who gave up business chestra will keep up the tempo of fes- _tinctiva style of his own. 9.:30 A. :M. on Saturday, May 31, tivity as the Greek letter clubs of the years ago bec''''~'' he wanted to relax, Hill join to celebrate in the last of with registration in McDaniel Hall to his daugh~s. Penelope Syca- the "Big Three" dances. Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, Lounge, Alumni headquarters. Build- more, who writes plays because eight At present, Hudson holds the ba- Prof. and Mrs. Edwin C. Mirise, Dr. ings and grounds of the college will years ago somebody left a typewriter ton-spot for "T'oastchee Time" over and IIIrs. Allan Speir, Louise Asbury be open for the inspection of the re- at her house by mistake-they all \VMAL and WBAL, having been fea- and escort, and Henry Holljes and turning old grads. seem far more sane in their setting tured on the NBC, CBS, Mutual, and Kathleen Coo will be in the receiving At 1 P. M. the Board of Governors than those who go hard about their line. of the Alumni Association will hold daily tasks and tight their neighbors Yankee networks numerous times. Thomas Lewis, general chairman of their annual meeting, followed by a for the right to work longer. Song stylists Sonny Stockton and . the dance, has announced that the garden party in Robinson Gardens at Arnold Fleagle plays the part of Ruthie Vale will be featured with the dance is semi-formal, and it is not 3 P. M., host and hostess for which Grandfather and is the foundation of t.hir-teen-piece orchestra, which is Dean Hudson customary to give corsages. The will be Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hollo- this ridiculous family. The cast as- composed of musicians who arc noted dance is by subscription only, and way. sociated with him is listed in order for their distinctive arrangements of none other than Eddie Duchin, the tickets seIling at $2.50 can be ob- Dr. George S. Wills will be honored cf appearance: popular dance music. Stockton was by man who owns those "Magic fingers tained from Jean Lamoreau or Franw at a special banquet in the dining hall Dean to Hudson recommended Martin Vanderhof, Arnold Fleagle; of Radio" and has been accepted by Tarbutton. at 6:30 P. M. The portrait of the Alice, Mary Lou Asbury; Tony Kir- head of the English Department will by, Irvin Katz; Boris Kolcnlhov, Mar- Home EconomicsStudents be unveiled and presented to the col- vin Sears; Penelope Sycamore, Mary Junior Girls To Fete Seniors In lege after members of the Class of Kathryn Hudson; Essie, Madeline Will Give Fashion Show 1941 have been inducted into the Al- Holljcs; I Schultheis';' Rheba, Gladys Crowson; umni Association. Pard Sycamore, Lawrence Brown; Traditional Farewell Ceremonies In McDaniel Longu. Albert Stevens Crockett, '91, will Mr. De Pinna, Henry Ed, extend the greetings of his class to Joseph Whiteford; Donald, James The Home Economics Club will pre- the new alumni members. Mr. Crock- Snodgrass; Henderson, James Robb; Senior farewell ceremonies will be- senior girls, attired in white, will be sent its annual fashion show on Mon- ett, who has pioneered in the field of Gray Wellington, Ruth Reed; Mr. gin Tuesday afternoon, May 27, at arranged alphabetically in a circle. day, May 26, in McDaniel Lounge at jou rnali sm and has written several Kirby, John Doutv: Urs. Kirby, Doris four o'clock in Robinson Gardens with Anna Robey will hold the cup, con- 4 o'clock. The. thorne of this year's books, has been tentatively scheduled _ Hess; Three Men, George Marshall, the traditional cup ceremony sponsor- taining grape juice, while each senior review will center around past styles to welcome the class of '41 during the Herbert Weaver, Charles Mitchell; ed by the junior class. An original drinks; and Jane Fraley will present and their influence on modern trends course of the banquet. Olga, Ruth Beard. play written by Edna Triesler and each one with a rose. in dress. Saturday's activities will close with directed by Dorothy Atttix will open Following the cup ceremony in the As has been the custom, seniors, the alumni student dance in Blanche SGA Elections .... the program. the play, imitations of list of events scheduled, the lantern sophomores, and freshmen will model Ward Gymnasium at 9 P. M. Following chain will be held Tuesday night at seniors will be presented by junior garments which they have completed Dr. Fred G. Holloway will deliver Isaac B. Rehert was elected eight o'clock. The freshmen girls, this year in their clothing classes. In the baccalaureate address to the grad- president of the Men's student girls. The juniors will mimic certain each carrying a lantern, will eecorj; contrast, other members of the club uating class at 10:30 A. M. on Sun- Government at the election held manncrisms characteristic of the sen- the senior girls down the hill to Hoffa will feature various fashions popular day, June 1, in Alumni Hall during Tuesday, May 20 in Smith Hall. ions. Each imitation will be accom- Field. As they wind down the hill, in the last century .. (Cont .: on page 4, col. 3) Betty Elhvein was chosen to panied by the reading of an original the freshmen will sing their class head the Women's Student Gov- verse. The senior girls will then try song, music written by Donald ernment at an election held last to guess who is the subject. Dorothy Marsh and words by Janet Harrison. ROTC Completes Year Of Drill week. Mulvey and Gladys Crowson are in When the seniors are seated in the Both officers will assume their charge of this part of the program. stadium, the freshmen girls will sing With Presentation Of Awards duties for the year 1941-42 next The more serious section of the their farewell song, words written by fall. program will follow in the form of the traditional cup ceremony. The Cordelia Pricc. The class of '44 will Completion of the drill work of the gin congratulated the unit on the further entertain the seniors by Western Maryland College R. O. T. C. ehowing- it had made during the year. forming the various class numerals. unit for the year was climaxed Jest Addie Ruth Williams was introduced Tarbutton, Gibson, Brengle, Baker escort the semora back up the hill and Wednesday, May to outstanding awards tc the band as their sponsor by Cap- Singing the. Alma Mater, th~y will 14, when groups were presented tain William Banks. Company "A", of Blanche Ward Hall. ,;and Hahn, had as Elec.ted New Fraternity Presidents to the steps entire student body will talion individual members of the bat- commanded by Robert Linebaugh. Cap- Free on Here the by Dean L. Forrest its Doris sponsor gather and each class will sing its Hoffa Field. tain William Robinson's Company Election of officers for the first semester of the 1941-42 session farewell and class songs. The cere- High-light of the annual R. O. T. C. "B" was sponsored by Jane Fraley. was held last week by all the fraternities on the Hill. mony will end with the singing of the Field Day ceremonies and presenta- Captain Henry Triesler presented Frank Tarbutton, of Sudlersville, Alma Mater. tion of awards was the introduction Maryland, was chosen to be the suc- shall; Beta, "Bingo" Binns; Vice- Margaret Ann Smith is in charge of sponsors to the companies by their Mias Caroline Rudisill to Company cessor to the twice elected Alpha of Beta, Charles Warner; Chaplain, of this traditional ceremony sponsor- captains and to the battalion by the "C". Company "D", commanded by the Bachelors, Thomas Lewis, Paul Joseph Whiteford; Sergeant-at-arms, ed by the freshman class. .Anna Ro- cadet lieutenant-colonel. Captain William Wiley, was sponsor- Myers, as Vice-Alpha, will assist Mr. Vernon Weisand; and thc popularly bey and Jane Fraley, junior class of- Sponsor for the battalion command- ed by Harriet Dygert. Tar-button. elected Beta-Pi, John Williams. fleers, are in charge of the cup cere- ed by Cadet Lieut.-Colonel Victor Im- Victor J. Impeciato, Lieut.-Colonel of Other officers chosen include: Gam- mony. peciato was Betty Magin. Miss Ma- the battalion, W~
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